Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Yes she is back hating the Catholics

Susan:I don't read your blog, and I don't recall the previous comment you keep mentioning. :-?This makes this quite an enigma, then doesn't it? Why would someone claiming to be Christian, defend a cult that has killed MILLIONS of Christians? A cult that still says in their cannon that anyone who believes they are saved by Christ alone are anethama (anathema)?Why would you stand up for a church that in the 1940s had it's priests in Serbia take off their preist (that is priest there MENSA) garb, and TORTURE millions of those people to death, because they were protestant. They were sick! They ripped babies from their mother's wombs while making the fathers watch. They cut nursing women's breasts off. They made keepsake necklaces out of human eyeballs, they peeled people's skin OFF. They collected human heads that they had decapitated. They smiled for photos while they were chopping off heads.They waved the Protestant's head in the air in victory and smiled for more pictures.Look back through history - the REAL history, not the revised history... You'll see that each time the Roman Catholic church started being ecumenical and nice nice to Christians, it was up until the large number of Christians trusted Roman Catholics, and then the slaughter began. If you didn't convert, you were tortured to death. Why torture? Because their cannon teaches that the more pain a person suffers before dying, the less time they'll have to spend in "purgatory." :-( Those priests tortured people to death out of love??? :-(Look back in Ireland and France. The Catholics made nice nice with the protestants, and then they went in for the KILL."
"Susan, I received and read the comment. I didn't publish it, or read the ~whole~ thing, as it was just rediculous (by the way MENSA it is ridiculous, it is hard to call someone a name that you can not spell, use dumb next time or something easier on your brain). :-?I think when it comes to unity, you may want to take a look in the mirror. :-(I love RCs and will not stop telling them the saving Gospel of Christ. Shame on you for trying to make it easier for them to go to hell."

Well first let us start off by saying that the original post was a comment from Susan, and Candy referred to her as a Catholic. Susan is not a Catholic (nothing wrong with being Catholic, but there is something wrong with being so obviously wrong). You can see at the bottom that Candy did not read the whole comment, because it was ridiculous (You know it doesn't tell you how to make your own detergent, live with 6 people in 1000 square foot home, how not to own car insurance, how not to pay taxes, look at my ugly dresses, how to cook horrible food filled with butter, and how to be as rude as possible). I mean she refers to Catholicism as a "cult," which I find hilarious considering the minuscule differences between Catholics and Protestants. I know the Irish and English will have something to say about that, but it is still petty. She then goes on to ask how someone "claiming" to be a Christian could not agree with her. I mean really what would be a cult. A massive church with millions of followers, that has been around for centuries, or some nut job that lives in some back wood, rural, area preaching the gospel to the other 7 nut jobs that listen? I am going with the heaven's gate crew myself. Why would someone calling themselves a Christian allow a prostitute to touch them let alone allow them to wash their feet (oh wait, that was Christ himself..ooops).

Now let's get to the center of Candy's argument. First in the 40's or during WWII Serbia was controlled by the Nazis. Yeah, you know the guys that killed millions of Jews. Well can you imagine that the Nazis killed Jews, Gypsies, and yes, some Protestant (with Catholic Priest's blessing, or they would be skinned alive or yanked from their mother's bosoms as well)? I mean I always thought of Hitler as a people person, but maybe this is my revised history. Yes Hitler killed millions of Jews, but HITLER AND THE CATHOLICS DID NOT KILL MILLIONS OF PROTESTANTS. This is just a bald face lie, but that assumes that Candy is intelligent enough to know about history. In politically correct terms it is called a misstatement, but since I am not politically correct I will call her a LIAR.
The other area that Candy has gone ape shit mad is the part about "if you do not convert, you were tortured to death." First of all Jews did not have that option. It was blood line that the Nazis wanted to get rid of. The Jews weren't so adamant about being Jewish that they would not convert until they could escape. Maybe this is the revised history Candy was referring to.
Candy also claims that for the sake of unity maybe Susan should "look in the mirror." Well first of all we all know Candy does not have a mirror in her home, considering the ridiculous way she looks. Secondly at what point do you walk away from her blog thinking of unity. Maybe if we all wanted Extra Special Super Duper Blow Your Mind Slap Your Mom Make You Crazy Bread, but since most don't look for this I don't see how this is accomplished.
Candy, I know you don't read this blog (because it would take you off your soap box, out of comfort zone, and would be reading something that comes from a person that is not border line retarded, such as you and your readers), but you should be ashamed of the name you are making for Christians, poor white trash, and people from the backwoods.


Amanda #1 said...

Oh, golly, I'm so glad you left me a link to this! I'm not a very good Christian for mocking her, but it is entertaining.

I, for one, would like to know how much of her life is real. To hear her tell it, she never has a bad day, she is never in a bad mood (because she "enJOYs life!"), her children are perfect and always listen to her and her home is never in a state of disarray. And, of course, she never has a cross word to say to her "hubby" or children. If you are too busy to exercise AND bake bread, it's because of poor time-management. If you can't understand the KJV Bible, it's because you're lazy.

What's sad, is that I used to try to hold myself up to her "standards". I've slowly come to the realization that NO ONE'S life can be that perfect. At the very least, she's clearly only posting a very limited view of her life. I suspect strongly that it's not nearly as rosy as she would like us all to believe.

Did you see this comment: "Strength... true beauty and a love of ARE the Proverbs 31 lady!!!"
OMG. Gag me. (With a spoon, even.) What about verse 26? "...and in her tongue is the law of kindness". I think what comes out of her mouth/out of her fingers can hardly be referred to kindness.

UGH!!!! Thanks for the refuge to vent!

Amanda #1 said...

Oh, I should mention--if you read her comments, I'm also under the psuedonym, "Alice." I'm banned from my home comuter, but not from work. If I want to maintain commenting abilities there, I have to be sure to phrase my questions in a worshipping wa. I did just ask her if she ever had a bad day. I look forward to that response, LOL.

concernedcitizen said...

I suspect that Candy bakes the bread, holds weights, shows the homeschool papers (if you want to call it that) and all the other numerous things she says she does, once for pictures sake and pretends this is her day. She is on the computer updating and responding to comments too much to accomplish everything she says she does. I think she does all this to sell her items on her blog for money. She acts like she is perfect because she knows other women will buy into it and want to purchase her items. I think 70% of the things she says on there is a lie. Her kids are NOT getting a proper education and will be telling people they are cooking "brisquits" before too long! ;-)

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

I have several other names that I post under Candy's website. I have been banned twice, but changing email accounts and waiting a couple of days has resolved me from being banned. I have only been successful in being posted once. I can claim victory for a retraction that she did. I had written a comment stating the Protestant population in Serbia and the amount of Protestants that were actually "tortured to death." She did say I was wrong on the numbers of murdered Protestant. My issue with her is that I don't know what is real and what is not with her. Candy states "The truth isn't afraid of lies. Therefore, I don't care about those anti-Candy websites. However, lies are afraid of the truth." This is why I don't get published, because her lies are afraid of the truth. Candy also states that all that break the law will be punished. So why do they not pay their taxes, as her husband gloated in his run for Congress. Her husband is not in the inventors hall of fame. That is an easy one to refute. I always thought home school children were better at spelling. Her kids have no chance. Her grammar is horrible, she misspells words, and her syntax loses any hope that would dignify her ability to teach. This is an avenue to vent. She says she doesn't look at these sites, but she does. This is why she continues to reference them from time to time. My whole point is that she continues to give this unrealistic idea of a perfect home, and there are women out there beating themselves up trying to keep up with a fallacy. Life is imperfect, raising kids is imperfect, and I believe these are the challenges that the Bible tells us will be in front of us. If only good things come to "perfect" Christians, then why did Job have such a tough time? To act like you have everything understood is a mockery of Christ and God. It puts yourself forward as if you are a prophet. This is the same thing that she condemns, idol worshiping. Her readers take her at face value, and so do some of her protesters. This I find laughable.
I would like to thank you for your comments and welcome you back anytime, and encourage you to bring friends. You can say anything, even if I disagree. It will never be moderated or deleted, and I will never ban anyone

Amanda #1 said...

Are you still getting her home page, the actual blog? When I type in OR, I am redirected to

I'm trying to figure out if she's somehow just redirecting my ISP or what. Odd.

concernedcitizen said...

She is redirecting your ISP. She does that when she doesn't like what someone has to say. How Christian of her.

Amanda #1 said...

Damn! Good thing I found the anti-Candy blogs to keep tabs on her, LOL.

I'm on my work computer now; the one from which I emailed her and was leaving comments. I wonder if she blocked my home computer, too. I'll have to try it over lunch.

Now it is even more important that you keep us all abreast of the crazy things she says, LOL.

nightowl said...

Hey, you'd be perfect too if your mom beat your butt everytime you blinked an eye!

That picture with the weight in one hand and feather duster in the other....priceless! That has to be one of the funniest things she's ever posted.

nightowl said...

She is on the computer updating and responding to comments too much to accomplish everything she says she does.

Oh, but have you forgotten? She's MENSA material, and her brain works super duper fast! It only takes her about 8.759 minutes to type a 1,000 word essay and to leave encouraging comments on the blogs of all her minions!

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

All you have to do to fix that redirection is to go and open a new hotmail account. You need to sign out of anything related to google and start up with a new sign in under your new email account. I had the same thing happen. For some reason though it only lasted for about four days.
Sounds to me like she is about to lose it. I am wondering if this cuts into her detergent time.

Amanda #1 said...

Actually, I make my own detergent, too, LOL.

Anonymous said...

I'd just like to leave a small note that blows her theory regarding the Serbians in the second world war. Yes, YUGOSLAVIA, a word that quite literally means 'southern Slavs' was under the control of the National Socialist Party (Nazis). Yugoslavia consisted of many ethnic groups, including but not limited to Albanians, Croatians, Bosnians, Macedonians, and Serbians. Not yet under the 'iron curtain' that descended across Europe, as Churchill famously warned, and before the National Socialists took control of the region, Serbs were free to practice their religion--which was neither Protestant, nor Catholic, but rather the Christian Serbian Orthodox Church, which is similar to the Russian or Greek Orthodox Church. Surely an invited member to MENSA would remember the Balkan War, which she is old enough to remember as it happened in the early to middle 1990s, that the crux of the matter was the animosity between Croatians (traditionally Catholic), the Serbs (traditionally Orthodox), and the Albanians (traditionally Muslim) and the break-up of the communist system, which caused the fracturing of the Yugoslavia into separate countries and the horror and aftermath of the resulting ethnic cleansing, which occured, sadly, to and by all three sides. (This is a nutshell of what happened, of course, books upon books are written and being written regarding this topic, and I will not even breach the topic of Bosnia.)

Anonymous said...

I'd just like to leave a small note that blows her theory regarding the Serbians in the second world war. Yes, YUGOSLAVIA, a word that quite literally means 'southern Slavs' was under the control of the National Socialist Party (Nazis). Yugoslavia consisted of many ethnic groups, including but not limited to Albanians, Croatians, Bosnians, Macedonians, and Serbians. Not yet under the 'iron curtain' that descended across Europe, as Churchill famously warned, and before the National Socialists took control of the region, Serbs were free to practice their religion--which was neither Protestant, nor Catholic, but rather the Christian Serbian Orthodox Church, which is similar to the Russian or Greek Orthodox Church. Surely an invited member to MENSA would remember the Balkan War, which she is old enough to remember as it happened in the early to middle 1990s, that the crux of the matter was the animosity between Croatians (traditionally Catholic), the Serbs (traditionally Orthodox), and the Albanians (traditionally Muslim) and the break-up of the communist system, which caused the fracturing of the Yugoslavia into separate countries and the horror and aftermath of the resulting ethnic cleansing, which occured, sadly, to and by all three sides. (This is a nutshell of what happened, of course, books upon books are written and being written regarding this topic, and I will not even breach the topic of Bosnia.)