Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Yes we are getting acknowledged

Candy 6/24/08:
The summer bug has bitten me (and I'm not referring to my BR bite, which has healed, praise God) so hubby and I have been sharing some songs with each other that we used to listen to, and I came across my old fave.I dedicate the below song to Elena and the other anti-Candy-ites: The Lord has called me to do a very special job, to spread the Gospel of Christ, and I WON'T BACK DOWN... :-D""
First of all Tom Petty? Wow, great taste in music, and such a timely song.
The "BR" bite: Almost every single web page talks about the healing time for brown recluse bites taking around 3 weeks. Hmmm...I guess her therapy works, or maybe CANDY IS A LIAR.
We are much more confrontational than Elena, and less needing of acceptance from Candy. I thought she didn't read any of these anti Candy sites.
By the way if you go to visit candyland, we are referenced on their website now. It is right under the three videos tagged I think she has bigger problems than us. I love it.
You have us wrong Candy. We don't want you to back down. It is sort of like lobbying the circus to get rid of the freak show. Are you really going to watch some clowns jump out of a small car?


Anonymous said...
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concernedcitizen said...

Ginger, just looking at your blog after seeing this comment. Funny thing is, I find your blog vile and nasty. Love how you use Candy's blogging words. You must be one of her sheep. One day you will see the real truth and we forgive you in advance. You know...how REAL Christians are. Forgiving people and not the kind that condemn other people to hell.

Anonymous said...

too funny, I love it!!

ljhliesl said...

To whoever knows this info -- I would pay liquid gold for CB's town name or trailer address. I love to hate the insanity she represents (and I'm glad someone else thinks she has crazy-looking eyes) and more data would make the hating funner. Use an acrostic or a lot of spaces to somewhat disguise it if you must, but do please divulge it.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

Thank you for sharing ginger. Notice how you were not edited or deleted. You want to know why (probably not)? Because we are adults that can take criticism and take other people's ideas and views and make our OWN judgment. I knew you were not going to post my site on yours. But I won. Don't you realize that? Do you think I would actually believe you would publish the link to this page? All I wanted you to do was to come to this site personally. Congratulations to me. Shut down? What does that mean? Don’t you think the Catholics want your site and Candy’s site shut down for being vile and hateful? Probably not considering you and Candy do not take other people’s feelings or concerns into your thought pattern. Your readers? Who are those? The same as Candy, but less. Yes you leach, you ride the coat tails of a crazy woman, and you think for some reason that gives you some credibility. No it does not. It makes you a follower and not a leader. A lost, blind sheep in the flock that is herded by someone just as blind. Keep up with the fake Candy. I know it does not help your constitution to hear the truth. It is much easier to blissful in ignorance, I know. Hate, like her hatred for Catholics? Haltered like her haltered for liberals? I don't see hate here, maybe disdain. You may see some laughter at her expense, but nothing as harsh as hate. How can I hate someone that makes me roll on the floor laughing on a daily basis. I want Candy to continue. Without Candy where would this blog go....maybe your site?
Have a blessed day, and you might want to think about getting the blocking software that Candy has.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

email me erewhom and I can give you this information

concernedcitizen said...
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concernedcitizen said...

I truly do not think that "Ginger" is someone who can be reasoned with. I mean, she created a meez to go and fake dance with other fake people. She has apron swaps for goodness sakes.

sweepingthehome said...

Fellow Candy fans unite! I hope she doesn't back down, her blog is too much fun to read.

Anonymous said...

oh, please keep up the craziness Candy.. it is so much fun!!

concernedcitizen said...
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concernedcitizen said...

I meant that she can not be reasoned with. People who believe all of Candy's crap, will not find this site funny and Ginger is one of them. Oh, and will someone please tell Candy that Erik's meez should not be wearing strappy man sandals with socks and a patriotic tie. ONLY people who pay taxes can wear patriotic items and NO MAN should wear strappy sandals with socks.

Matthew said...

There is no reasoning with Ginger, but that is so irrelevant. The most relevant thing is to interact with these nut jobs under no supervision of editing or deleting comments. The thought of trading scriptures with taunts and insulting questions sounds like a dream come true. I would love to know why they refuse to visit the hair dresser.

Unknown said...

We love this blog!!! I didn't know there were other people out there who could see through her BS so clearly. Yes, she is a liar, and yes, she is delusional, and yes, she is the biggest freak show on the internet. *APPLAUSE, APPLAUSE, APPLAUSE*

Anonymous said...

Oh please, I do not hate catholics. I have a few for friends. I like them, just because I might not follow their religion does not make me a hater of them. If ya take a look at my side bar you will see a catholic or 2 on there. But thanks for wanting me to take a look at your sad site. Oh and I am so not entering you into my apron swap sorry.

concernedcitizen said...

Damn, Ginger, I had one all picked out. I hope I can pick up the pieces of this life altering comment you left. Will any of the rest of you PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE swap aprons with me?!!!!!!!!!!!

joni said...

Ginger, You have to read


It is the bomb.

concernedcitizen said...

If anyone knows "Anne" the sister-in-law, please direct her to this website.

Anonymous said...

Ya know I was thinking, you and your anti candy friends are really just jealous of Candy. Maybe you are of me as well. I have no clue as to why though. I am just an ordinary person.

concernedcitizen said...

Well, Ginger, you have figured it out. I am sooooooo jealous of Candy and now you. I have been wanting to do an apron swap for years. I have been desperately looking for a venue to tell people where to buy the cheapest lysol of the week and other wonderful things the Dollar Store has on sale. I have longed to find friends that drink kombucha tea and make Amish bread, but I am Catholic and you people won't accept me and tell me I am going to hell. I have no choice but to befriend the people on this site. Whew, now I can sleep since I got that off my chest.

joni said...

Why would we be jealous?

I shop at Bloomies and Candy shops at Walmart.

I went to Mass Sunday evening and Candy didn't. I am not Catholic but we at my son's camp and it was so enriching and beautiful. We will hopefully starting RCIA classes in the fall.

I have a housekeeper and Candy is the housekeeper.

I am married to a Chief Tech Officer and Candy husband...hell, we have no idea. Sheesh, they traveled in a RV trying to find a church.

They are stocking up on food just in case times get tough. I am thinking times are tough already.

We have health, dental, vision, life and Candy wants to buy a dental grill.

I am going to heaven and Candy is also.

I make bread.

I live in a country club community and Candy lives in a trailer.

We have a swimming pool and the access to the club and Candy has to find free water spouts.

I have at least 10 bathing suits and Candy was excited to buy a new one.

My children play x-box and kill people. (OK, that is not a a positive but they are camp for the next two weeks with the great outdoors)

I am a SAHM and Candy is too.

I wasn't invited to join MENSA and neither was Candy.

I read the bible and Candy does too.

I don't lie about my life and Candy does.

Both my husband and I have graduate degrees.

Ginger, I am not jealous of
Candy. Actually, I feel sorry for her.

Yes, I am a snob.

joni said...

I mean dental drill

Anonymous said...

Joni, that was priceless!!

joni said...

It is late and my grammar is below par.

This blog is so relaxing.

Ginger, I can't wait to visit your blog. The anticipation is just killing me.

joni said...


They lived in a RV

life insurance

Have you tried the Bud Lite Lime beer? It is incredible.

Crap, I see a spider on the wall.

concernedcitizen said...

Joni - make sure you visit Ginger's "the shopping sisters". If that won't make you green with envy, then nothing will. Her other site is boring. Oops, there I go again acting all jealous.

On another note, I am trying to find this other site I found that linked off of Candy's. It will definitely be a topic of conversation on here. It is a lady that sat in her floor for a week with her children standing on the carpet. She gave them orders and they had to say, "yes ma'am" and go retrieve the items like a dog. They did that all day and she called it "behavior boot camp".

concernedcitizen said...

Here is the link, just in case any of you were looking for some help on your parenting skills.


Anonymous said...

that is wrong and just awful to treat your children like this.. I wouldn't even want my kids to speak like that to me "yes, mam" like I'm no longer their loving parent, I'm such freaky teacher from your worst nightmare.. I feel so bad for those kids.

Kaira said...


Do you think those things make you better than anyone? Does flaunting yourself as a snob make you feel good. Do you get some sort of ego-boost out of getting people to laugh at your mean spiritedness? I understand that this blog is a place where people who disagree with Candy's blog can vent and be "entertained" by other like-minded bloggers but the mocking of Ginger is schoolyard bullying at best. Christian women just don't act like that - Catholic or otherwise. As a Christian woman I strive to follow the model of Christ. The spirit of this blog, even if for purposes of entertainment, is so contrary to that of a Christ follower. It is one thing for a non-believer to blog in this manner, but to do it and claim to be a Christian makes it a very ugly place to be.

Joni, your boastful comments are utterly tasteless. You clearly have no class... it's like putting a pig in a dress. You still look like a pig.


Anonymous said...

meant to say "I'm some freaky teacher from your worst nightmare" dang spell check!

Anonymous said...

mom, mommy, momma, I hope you write the same to Candy, she has stated nasty, hurtful things and allowed the commenter's that are "for Candy" to post mean, hurtful, posts.

joni said...

Dear blog administrators,

Please delete the part that I admit that I am a snob. It is offending a reader.

Thank you!


luckie50 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
luckie50 said...

Dear Administrator's,

I love Joni's comments and would be offended if any of her posts are deleted. Leave Mrs. Butler if your eyes can't handle the truth!

Anonymous said...

Amen Kaira!

joni said...

Do you think the beer recomendation offended Ginger and Kaira?

I will be a guest on your blogs in the morning. I will use the "cannot trace ISP sites" computer"

Kaira, you do have a lovely name.

KJ said...

I am so glad I found this blog. I thought I was the only one that thought Candy was too good to be true and a bit of a fruitcake. Makes me feel relatively normal! Quick question though, how do you know Candy lives in a trailer? She never puts pictures of the outside of her house on her blog, only the inside. Maybe that answers my question! Anyhow glad to be here!

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

You can Google it on google city view or earth, the vents are in the floor for ac, and the layout is one of a trailer (paneling, long hallways, style of door, and kitchen layout...I work in construction, but you can also see it from the air as well on the internet).
Ginger: Jealousy is the case for you nor Candy. What in the world do I have to be jealous for? We don't get invited to your fake parties? How can you say you don't hate Catholics, when you participate in Catholic bashing? I guess it would be like watching a lynching in the 40's and saying I am not a racist. Too bad about the apron swap, I had a nice one picked out for you. It was beautiful, I sewed it myself (meaning I bought it at Wal-Mart).
Now to mommy, mommie, mom (or Tony toni tone or whatever the name is) First of all welcome, and once again notice how you are not edited? Notice how you were free to state your opinions and open yourself up to ridicule without anyone looking over you and moderating your comments. A little liberating isn't it? Since you talk to Candy, could you ask her to use the spell check button, since she is a MENSA candidate. I get a chuckle out of the weird freakish nature of Candy and her followers (assuming you are one you are included) site and follies. Why do you need to be prepared for CPS showing up? Why can't you just go to the doctor when you get bitten by a poisonous spider? Is there any reason that you can't just buy some cheap detergent at Wal-Mart? I don’t see myself as better than anyone, but I do see myself as normal, and Candy as crazy. I don’t know you, but I have seen your name pop up on the comments about Catholics, and I have visited your site. Mocking of Ginger? Do you mean like being called stupid, going to hell, wrong, shut your mouth, foul, vile, disturbing, don’t be a lawyer your not that smart, and the other comments left by Candy and her followers to others, is this the type of school yard bullying you are referring too. At least I allow you to state your full opinion, instead of cutting and pasting your comments out of context. Striving for the model of Christ, huh? Do you mean like the part of “judge not yet ye shall be judged,” acceptance, love, and compassion for other people? That is the part of Christ that you have missed, my friend. You have missed a lot about the Bible. Your religion and Bible teaches people to be fearful of God, to know he is vengeful, to follow lock in step or face the consequences. The God I know is about love acceptance, helping people (no matter who they are, what religion they are, or what social class they are in). No you have missed the boat on this one. I am not the one on the soap box pointing the finger and condemning, that is at you all’s site. We mock that yes. We laugh at it, yes. We enjoy talking about it, yes. But to say we are hateful, to say we are un Christian, and to say the same thing that you right now are doing, condemning us, is just wrong and flat out loony. How do you know what is contrary to Christ? Met him, in person? Have you read the original texts of Christ? Ugly place, you mean like telling a Catholic that their belief structure is wrong, and they are going to hell. That is ugly, mommy. And the cliché you are looking for is lipstick on a pig. It is not cliché if you can’t recite it correctly. It only becomes a hybrid cliché and that is sort of plagiarizing the masses. God Bless, and you are welcome back anytime. Notice that we don’t state “If you don’t like it leave.” Because we are adults that can handle (a)internet banter, and (b) opposing opinions. That is what being an adult is about. So you may stay, come back, or drive off to the insulated world of Candy and the other crazies. I have one question for you. Doesn’t it bother you that Candy lies about a lot of what she state? Doesn’t that do something to the sincerity of her post?

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

P.s. I maybe in love with Joni. Wonderful comments, really to all. Thank you

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

I just wanted to say that I was quite shocked at the fact that there are actually people out there ussing God's time to spend it all on gossiping and putting down others.

I have never visited such sites that are personally attacking you and my thoughtts were confirmed that everything out of there mouths are personal attacks and a sinful, pre-school age delight in seeking to taunt and make fun. I hope they stop that and pray they ask the Lord for forgivness. It really makes my stomach turn because this life is so short. Even if one doesn't agree about what another has said does one then go and start a blog all about a person they dislike and gather all the info of your blog from them visiting your site- really, how very,very sad and unexceptable to treat another like this.

Personally attacking someone and everything they write about is clearly unloving and I pray for this person, those people because it's not funny and God wants them to do better things with there time.

Whoever you are writing such things When you decide to write about candy again please think if jesus were there would he approve of your writing.

This was left by momms4blessing or something like that on Candy's blog. I am wondering how can you confirm something without visiting the site? These people just stand up and shout their ignorance, and yes I was thinking of Jesus when I wrote this. I sure do not see the same venom or fire when Candy goes off on Catholics.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

Lastly, I would like to address the "ego boost" comment left by mommy. Ego Boost? Have you noticed that this site has nothing to do with me personally. I don't have a site that holds me up on a pedestal and says "look at how great I am." I think you have me confused with you and Candy. You both have blogs that the sole purpose of their existence is to say "Look at what a great Christian I am, what a great mother I am, what a great wife I am, and what a great home maker I am." Your sites are all about the importance of you. Your sites are look at me, be like me. Your sites are there to help people be like you. So I guess I am confused when it comes to your commments. Don't worry, I have the same reaction to the guy that asks for change at the exit ramp by my house wearing a tin foil cap and proclaiming that the end is near. Yes you and Candy are wonderful in every way you have convinced me to be just like you. Are you kidding me? Did your homeschooling education never teach you about irony?

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

Okay, I just went and visited Mommy momma etc's blog, and I may have to retract some of the comments I stated. She really does have a nice blog, very little to do with religion and it is really based upon her family. Your family is beautiful, seriously, and it looks like you all are very happy. Not a bad blog, and it actually is pretty up lifting to see a family going on so many trips together. So in the air of fairness I must say the ego booster part would apply to Candy, but would have very little to do with Kaira's site. So I apologize about that Kaira, but I still meant everyword about Candy and the first comment about it all. So once again you are welcome to come back anytime, and good luck to you and your family.

KJ said...

I love Google Earth, what is Candys address? Why is she ashamed to admit she lives in a trailer anyway? I don't get it!

KJ said...

Just browsing through Candys blog (quiet at work!) and I have found a link as to how to prevent cancer and even treat it. Never fear, all you have to do is ingest lots of B17 and papaya powder and you will be cancer free. Where does she get off telling people rubbish like this?

Anonymous said...

I looked at Kaira's blog as well and it is very nice and I don't see any of the stuff that I see at Candy's, I wish Candy could take a clue from Kaira!! I don't have a problem with Candy and her homemaking stuff or even writing about God and the Bible, its when it all gets focused on Catholics and then she won't let a Catholic reply, why is that? If she is so convinced she has the right answers, wouldn't she want a discussion? She say's she wants to save Catholics.. wouldn't you then allow them to ask questions and debate them? That is because she really doesn't want them to pose her any questions that might pull the rug out from under her feet and I ask her readers.. why doesn't that bother you? Why do you fall in line with that thinking? It makes me think of Hitler.. the Germans were so brainwashed they didn't even question how he came to just "know" that all Jews were bad, etc.
Does VTC or this site bash some one's religion preference? No way, VTC only replies as though they were replying if Candy would let them on her site.. and that scares the crap out of her, why is that?? And why do people continue to believe her? If your so sure your right about Catholics you wouldn't be afraid to debate them because you would win each time and "save" so many of them.. it is because Candy and her followers are too scared to actually debate a Catholic and that is a fact and that only proves that the Catholics are right, they are not afraid to talk about their faith and prove their beliefs... until Candy and friends are willing to open the lines of communication, they will be just like any dictator and won't be taken seriously. Candy could end all of this by being willing to have open dialogue.. so why does she not do it?? SHE KNOWS SHE IS WRONG... duh!!!

nightowl said...

Not only is Candy dead wrong, but as this blog is named, "Candy is a LIAR." That's THE biggest part of it. Candy has posted inaccuracies, misunderstanding, and outright LIES on her website. She doesn't represent what the Catholic church teaches, she makes up lies (or gets them from Jack Chick) and then posts them. Whenever a knowledgeable Catholic corrects her, she refuses to post their comments; however, sometimes she will copy and paste a bit here and there from their comment in a whole new post, and write some inane "answer" to the poor, lost, hellbound Catholic, purposely misrepresenting what the church teaches AGAIN.

And if anyone was watching what was going on with "savedsinner" on Candy's website and what Candy posted about her, how she completely misrepresented what this lady said, and then read savedsinner's actual comment that she left (she was smart enough to save it and post it on her own website), you will see another fine example of Candy the Liar.

So, I'm wondering Ginger and MommyMama, does your Christian religion you follow approve of lying? Did you just toss that commandment out, or maybe you don't think the old testament applies to you anymore? Or maybe you thought they were actually the Ten Suggestions? I'm just wondering how you can keep supporting Candy and calling her a nice Christian lady when it is obvious that she is a liar. Not someone who made a mistake and took correction like a mature adult, but someone who purposely and continuously spreads LIES about other people. That's acceptable to you?

busymomof3 said...

I am a Christian homeschooling mother of three and there is NO way that I can do everything in one day that Candy does. I'm lucky if I get a chance to have a 5 minute shower yet alone two a day. That is unrealistic...especially if you have toddler running around and your oldest is 7. My duty as a Christian is to spread the Wonderful Word of God...not to spend a fair about of time Catholic bashing. That's intolerance and hate hidden behind the word "Christian". And Christians wonder why other's call us hypocrits. I am what I am...an unperfect sinner living her life for her God every day. Period. I don't keep a perfect house, my family in perfectly "un-perfect", and sometimes, I forget to pay bills. I am always behind on my laundry and I don't cook meals from scratch...But I am still a "Christian" and all non-Christians are welcome in my life without having to fear that I will inform them of how "perfect" I am and that they will go to Hell. I will tell you about what my God can do for you...then let you make up your own mind. You don't need me to lead you around like a mindless puppy and I refuse to be lead around by someone else...I don't care how wonderful their bread recipe is...I have a mind and I intend to use it!!!

Working up to Zero said...


I agree with you.

Candy's homemaking is a little weird and I don't get stuff like the spoiled tea with the mushroom thing, but I know some people do and like that sort of thing. The Meez stuff just seems very Jr High-ish.

Her being proud of her home -especially since it is a mobile home, her husband - especially since he is struggling financially and a bit 'out there' mentally, or her exercising, dresses, homeschooling.. any of that. It is admirable to be able to look at what you have and say "This is wonderful I am blessed" instead of looking at what others have and being depressed or envious.

But there are a few things that bug me about Candy.

She lies. She lies about what people say in comments to her. She lies about her home, her husband, her past and when she is caught in a lie she redacts her blog to "clean it up".

She is constantly deleting and editing her blog to remove damning/funny as all get out posts.

She boldfaced spreads misinformation about the catholic church and the catholic women who defend their faith against her misconceptions. It is slander and false witness against other Christians. You can't have it both ways, you can't say that ALL you need is faith in Christ and then turn around a say that a church that teaches faith in Christ is damning its members. Anyone who knows anything about Catholics knows they believe that Christ died for their sins (que Rich Mullin's Credo). If you worship the Bible instead of its author you might think Catholics have problems, but if you worship the Risen Lord then you won't. Candy seems to worship her KJV.

Candy is duplicitous, she is all sweet on her posts, but she has a nasty side that comes out in private messages. She posted a woman's address and a picture of her home (I think she bungled that and got the wrong place, but the intent was there). She tells her readers how rude and hateful others are to her when it is actually she who is rude and hateful. Savedsinner was a perfect example.

Candy didn't understand Savedsinner's message and was hateful to her. Once it came out Candy posted edited versions on her blog and got on her high-horse and was very deceptive with her readers and then in the end deleted the whole thing from her blog and called it "cleaning up". Yes, yet again - clean up anything that makes her look less than perfect.

Matthew said...

Thank you very much busy mom. Now get back to those kids and bread...just kidding. I agree with you 100% and I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. We are all imperfect, and we are all sinners. I believe that is why Jesus was sent to this earth. This is the hypocricy that drives me crazy about her blog. She acts as if she has no sin, and that she has all the answers. I usually find no matter what the topic is that when someone acts like they know everything about something they are usually the most ignorant when it comes to that particual subject. Once again thank you so much for your sanity.

Anonymous said...

You say candy is lying and so does the other site, but I have yet to see any concrete evidence that she is. You show me the exact proof that she is lying and I might start to believe you. I am talking about concrete proof. Not your word because let's face it, anyone with a hate site on another person lost a ton of incredibility with me about telling the truth. As far as I have seen, she has not lied.
This site just spews of vile things. If she has lied, and I am not saying she has, does that give you an excuse to have a hate site? Not at all, two wrongs do not make it right.
If you had read the bible at all, I assume you have not, you know there is only one way to heaven. It is not about being a Baptist or a Catholic, or any other religion. Denominations are a man made thing, not what Church in Acts was about.
God is not a "feel good accept all kind of God". Like I said, you would have to actually read the Word to know that.

luckie50 said...

Well Ginger, just off the top of my head, her post about her husband being inducted into the "Inventor's Hall of Fame". Go to the site and look up Erik Brauer. You won't find him. Why? She is a liar!

Matthew said...

Okay here is an easy one Ginger. Candy said that her husband was inducted into the inventors hall of fame. His name is Erik Brauer. Google "inventors hall of fame." Search the site. You will see that even the co-inventors of inventions are listed. Everyone that has been inducted is pretty much dead or 70. Just search it, and you will see no Erik Brauer, no Brauer engine, and no mention of anything that was recently invented. The inventors hall of fame is for inventors that invented a product that has revolutionized our daily lives. Things like the steam engine, styrofoam, and plastic wrap. No mention what so ever of her husband. Now if you need the evidence in which she stated this, let me know. I have it saved. You could also research MENSA and their acceptance process. The testing portion is not on line, although there is an online test you can take for giggles and grins. You will see that MENSA requires you to come down and take the test that they administer to you personally. They do not contact you on the phone. Those two are as concrete as you can get. I have others, but these are the easiest (and to be honest I have no idea why she needed to make these claims) ones to view and refute flat out concrete her false claims.

Matthew said...

I am working on my third read of the Bible right now. I am well aware of the Bible, Koran, and the LDS. So I ask you Ginger, will you come back and let us know if we are lying about these issues? We don't lie. You might say we are hateful and vile, but liars we are not. I think you will find we will retract statements if we find them untrue or are told they are untrue. That is a lot more than I can say for Candy. I commented to her about the hall of fame, and she brushed it off that her husband was not inducted in 2008, well that is just the opening page of the future inductees, but all you have to do is click on past winners. I don't beleive anything I have said about religion or defense of Catholics conflicts with what you said at the bottom. What vile things have we spewed, what hateful things have we spewed. We are not condemning anyone to hell. We are not stating that their personal religion is wrong. yes we do make fun of the ultra amazing kick you in the face bread, but that goes without saying. We all get comedic enjoyment from her site. This is why we congregate. You on the other hand are trying to do everything you can to keep up with a false image. The reason you have no idea she lies, is that you take her word at face value. You believe everything she says. All you have to do is be a skeptic for once in your life, aside from your skepticism about this site. I think we have all been relatively polite to you, your address has not been posted on this site, we have not harrassed you on your site, we have not edited your comments, we have not asked you to leave if you don't like it, and you talk about acceptance. I think we have opened the door to this place and have asked you to return and accepted you as you are, but not without challenge.

luckie50 said...

Ginger - you have to be willing to look at Candy's site with open eyes and not admiration. Do you really believe she does all the things she says she does in a day and is still able to update her comments frequently and respond with the full schedule she claims to have? I feel sorry for Candy that she is so unhappy that she has felt the need to make her life something it isn't.

busymomof3 said...


God is an "accept all feel good kind of God." He accepts all that accepts his Son as Savior and he makes me feel wonderful. My walk with Him has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I now have the tools (bible and prayer) and the force (God himself) to help me with the things that I could not do myself. I feel great and I give God the credit. But, that's not the point here. This site is here because someone has decided to fight Candy's fire with fire. While I don't approve of everything that is posted...some things are accurate. Candy HAS proven herself to be inconsistent with her actual life and what she is posting. Is it lies? Not sure. But, her own vile and hate filled postings about the Catholic Church has turned alot of people away from her. While I will try to post my comments without some of the harsher language...I can't post on Candy's site because if I disagree with her...I may not get published. Someone actually has to stand up to the hateful and vile things that she is saying and this site is just one of them. If she would have just kept her postings on topic with the name of her blog...we wouldn't be having the discussion now...would we? Again...I am a Christian with my own mind that can make my own decisions...it is not up to me to judge anyone...that is left to someone far greater than I. I'm no fool and I'm no sheep. I do my own thing...I'm believe in free speech and I believe in God...this site acccepts EVERYONE'S comments...and that's why I'm here.

Working up to Zero said...


You are supporting a woman who posted the address and photo of what she thought was another woman's home online because she disagreed with her in a little "blog war". That is taking it beyond debate and making it real-life.

The owners of this blog don't claim to be great Christians the way Candy does. She claims to be on a higher standard but doesn't keep it.

concernedcitizen said...

I agree with busymom. The God I know is a kind and loving God who is accepting of all that believes his son is savior. Candy's claims that God has called on her to spread the gospel is false. I don't believe that God would call on anyone to tell them they are going to hell and the other ugly things she says. When you see someone that is spiritual, and has God in their heart...you are drawn to that spirit. I know that I turn away from people who slam other peoples faith and finger pointers. God will decide and ONLY him. God calls on people to spread his LOVING words and learn about the bible. She doesn't make me want to learn anything she believes in, because I just see her slamming other peoples faith.

nightowl said...

Just look at her "how I dress" pictures, and then her daily workout schedule. Ermmm, I don't think so.

luckie50 said...

I remember this discussion on one of the posts. Here is a post that Candy put up that admits to having a mobile home. Did I miss something? I thought there was 6 of them, but this states 7.

At 12:01 PM , prayzgod said...
I've been wanting to mention that it's nice to meet another large family in a mobile home.

There are 7 of us living in a 2 bedroom single wide mobile home. You can see a picture tour of my humble home here:


Do you have any photo tours of your trailer? I'd love to see it. I think I remember one, but it's been a while. I think I remember the new bedroom with all the bunk beds. :-)

Here is the website in case some think it was made up.


KitKat said...

Benjamin, that comment may have been when her mom was still living with them.

luckie50 said...

It was in January of this year, so maybe so. I didn't find her site until April. I just remembered someone asking in the comments if she had ever admitted living in a trailer, so I thought I would share.

Anonymous said...

I started reading candy's site and started thinking there was something wrong with me. I didn't have everything moving perfect in my home. I'm just a mom with 2 kids. Mine are not perfect like hers. We argue and I have to get loud at times. I was new to blogs and I figured I was a true failure.

I spent a lot of my husbands hard earned money making a binder and trying to follow it like she told me. Again I failed. I didn't use it like she did. I also noticed that I spent a heck of a lot of time putting it together and not getting anything done around the house.

I broke down and told my husband about it and he got to reading her blog. He would laugh out loud and I couldn't figure out what he found funny. He told me I was crazy to try and follow her lies. He pointed out that there wasn't enough time in one day to be so perfect. He gave me tons of other advice that I'll keep to myself.

(Yes when I first started blogging I had low self esteem and I was a Candy follower)

I took my husbands advice and gave up trying to be perfect. No one is perfect. Not even her. Not only that. But, I have a hard time reading the hate that comes out of her. God says hate the sin not the sinner. She has looked passed that and just hates everyone that isn't like her.

You all should love the fact that you don't have to advertise on her site. She does it for you. No one sees these "bad comments" but she makes mention of them. No one would even know about them if she would shut up about them all. I don't think she is getting as many as she would like everyone to think.

I have decided she is an attention whore. She isn't going to get any more of my attention.

Thanks for the eye opening site.
I'll be back here.

nightowl said...

Yeah, it would have been, it was dated January 2008. Her mom moved out shortly after that. Now there are only 6 living in the 2-bedroom mobile home.

Regarding earlier comments here about them using a bedroom for their office - they don't. Their "office" is a section of the living room. If you look at the photo you can see the window to the kitchen overlooking the living room/office.

KitKat said...

I'm suprised you found that one. I never remember reading on her blog that it was a trailer, but I could easily tell just from the pics. Not that it is bad to rent or own a trailer. My great aunt had a lovely one in Florida and my DH's grandparents had a fabulous one in Texas. But they always called it what is was....

concernedcitizen said...

Welcome Country Angel, where the people are real and no one is perfect and we love ALL of God's children.

luckie50 said...

This is the problem with Candy because she never calls it like it is. That "this site isn't for the wishy washy" crap she portrays is insane. She is all over the map and if you call her on it, well, it just gets deleted. I just happened to come across that post on a different site and thought I would share.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

Well the point that Benjamin was making, I think, is that the internet holds all your written thoughts permanently. She admitted to living in a mobile home, but then directs to her site where she states that her "house" is blah blah blah. That is just it. You can't even square up with your readers.
Countryangle: Thank you for your comments, we all really appreciate them. This is one of the reasons I started this. I know there are several women that look at Candy's site and put themselves down, because they are not living up to the internet Candy. That is rude and sad. Guess what all kids are a challenge. All parents have bad days, and yes 99% of parents end up yelling at their kids. It is not the time of the past anymore. There are many more external pressures applied to us all. These pressures didn't exist for our parents or grand parents. We have to deal not only with children and the rise of child violence, but also the harsh realities of children learning and growing up faster than we did. I am very happy your husband was understanding and made you realize that Candy is a joke, and she sets this false standard that she herself does not meet. She makes her readers feel bad about not going 100 mph every second of everyday. It is sad and it is rude, and I think it is un Christian to do that, personally. How odd that we have not heard back from Ginger. Hopefully the information she is looking up did not turn her world upside down.
By the way Countryangle, with your permission, I would like to use your story for my weekend post. Just let me know, if you feel uncomfortable about it just say so. I won't do anything until you give me the thumbs up or down.
Kitkat: welcome, thanks for commenting. I am with you, as a matter of fact I am ex trailer trash. Nothing that I am ashamed of. We are going to build a home on our property in about three years, and yes we will be living in a single wide until it is done out on the property, but guess what? I won't lie about it.

Anonymous said...

You are welcomed to use what I wrote.

Thumbs Up!

Anonymous said...

I feel as if I'm getting credit for my blog being acceptable to you when it is only partially true. I, being an honest person, feel as if I must clarify a point made below. I'm sure this will only serve to motivate someone here to ridicule me but that's okay. I actually have 2 blogs. The one I posted from last night, just happening to be linked to my main email address, is our family blog. I love that blog, it was my original blog and it was created for the simple purpose of keeping my very large family in touch with our daily lives. In browsing it you will see that yes, we do have fun family times and yes, I think my kids are adorable and yes, I'm not even close to being a great housekeeper. But I strive to be.
I created a second blog at one point as a place for me to "journal" about my day to day ramblings. I always had a paper journal but since I can't keep track of anything in my house I'd always lose it - that's how my personal blog was born. One day I realized I'd been blogging on much more controversial topics and I didn't want those things linked to my kiddos. I moved my blog and closed the old one down. My personal blog topics vary, depending on what is on my mind. I'm very interested in health and wellness and organization (which is a constant work in progress for me) and homeschooling and social issues. I go through spurts of writing on many different things. I link to many blogs on my site, some that I like more than others. I regularly read Candy's blog and I enjoy many of her posts. I believe in much of what she says however, I don't always think she has the best approach. I'm sure you would consider me one of her "sheep" or "followers" but I'd disagree. I am very much my own person, what Candy does and doesn't do in her day to day life is of little consequence to me. I don't really care if she does everything she says she does each day. I tend to think she's pretty honest about that but I choose to believe the best in people and must be convinced of otherwise before I assume the worst in people. However, there are times when people present themselves in such a negative light that I can't help but have a poor opinion of them. As for Candy and Elena... I think they are probably both good and decent women, they both appear to be Christian's - irregardless of denomination. If they are or are not Kingdom bound is between them and their Maker. I respect both of them and think they have both acted poorly in some circumstances. I agree that Candy was very wrong in posting that ISP blog. She should not have done that and it reflects poorly on her. However, we all make mistakes and occasionally act out of anger. It would have been respectable for her to publicly apologize for that. As for MENSA, the Hall of Fame thing, or the type of home she lives in - I don't care much about that. I don't visit her blog for any of those reasons. I have never noticed her saying that she didn't live in a trailer, so I don't see how she is "lying" about that. I don't think that should matter at all either. A home is a home and I'd hope not to be judged on mine by other people... you can see a pic of my house on my blog if you really want to :) In fact, I'll post a few lest anyone wonder if I too live in a trailer and think less of me because I've not blogged on the home my husband has provided for me while I stay home taking care of the kids, homeschooling and apparently being some sort of freak for our lifestyle choices. My personal blog is probably highly offensive to some of you for some reason - not sure why but I suspect it will be the topic of entertainment, at least for today. I blog is a way to get my head clear. My mind races and it is very relaxing for me to get some of my thoughts out. I too have removed posts before, but not for the benefit of others. Sometimes, I blog on things because my mind feels like it is so busy and it helps to write. Later on I feel as if those blogs serve no purpose - maybe they are repeats of things you'd find on other blogs and/or maybe my thoughts have changed over time. Is that a bad thing, removing your own posts for one reason or the other? I suspect that you believe the reason Candy removes old blogs is suspicious but I don't know, maybe she just thinks better of things sometimes. Anyhow, I just wanted to share my "other blog" so as to have some full disclosure here. I feel badly that Ginger is taking all the heat because she reads Candy's blog and somehow I was partially vindicated because my blog wasn't as offensive. I am just muddling my way through this life like the next person - no perfection to be found on either of my blogs. I like Candy's blog - I understand why many people feel they do about her and I think sometimes she's made poor choices but I still enjoy her blog. I think she has good information on it for the most part. I think her approach isn't always the best but I don't hate her for it. I don't have any inclination to mock her either. I find myself enjoying a great many blogs that I don't agree with 100% and that is okay. The fact that I read and benefit to some degree from Candy's blog does not make me one of her sheep.

with regards,
Kaira Butler

Anonymous said...

thank you Mrs. Butler, at least your honest and that is something I myself appreciate. I too used to enjoy Candy's blog and getting help with home keeping, recipes, parenting tips, all those things that I really enjoyed getting help with, but when Candy started to post more and more on the Catholic church and not just once in a great while and then post on other churches as well, that started to bug me and I was bummed out that I could not longer in good conscience enjoy her blog for the good things, as I'm a Catholic and the things she is saying are false weather you like it or she likes it and I would Never post about someones faith other than my own on my blog, if I really wanted to know about a church that wasn't Catholic.. I would go to that church and set up a meeting with the pastor and bring along a sheet of my questions, I seriously would do this, that is where you get your answers, I would never assume to know who is and who is not Heaven bound and I would NEVER make the statement that I know that Catholics are a cult and won't be in Heaven.. I would never ever say that about anyone.. who am I to know what is in some one's heart and am I God himself to make such crazy statements? So, Candy turned me off big time and I am in disbelief that any Christians can read her blog and be just fine with her making such outlandish statements. If Candy retracted those statements and said, "ya know what folks, these were my own personal opinions but I haven't ever gone to the source and I don't know what is in these people's hearts, so who am I to say who is going to Heaven.. if she would apologise for making herself judge and juror; I would forgive her in a heart beat and I would read her blog again. I am very hurt at what she has said, if your faith were always attacked and you new it was wrong and that those were outright lies being said.. and it wouldn't bother you at all? Then you are very lucky, my Faith is my Everything, so to me it is very personal, but that's just me.

Anonymous said...

She admitted to living in a mobile home, but then directs to her site where she states that her "house" is blah blah blah. That is just it. You can't even square up with your readers.

Wow, you guys were busy while I was posting... I just wanted to address the comment above and then I've got to get offline for a bit. I think this is a low blow. I have a friend, a single woman, who bought a trailer. She often referred to it is "home" or "she had to get back to her house". She was open about the fact that it was a trailer and I don't recall ever thinking anything was unusual when she'd refer to that. I even stated on more than one occasion that I was "heading over to Eshter's house". It seems that she's been criticized for "lying" about the style of home she lived in and then when Benjamin quotes her post referencing the style of home she lives in the issue is turned around some, to now be that she's not squaring up by calling her house a house because it somehow doesn't qualify as a house because it is a trailer home. I think on this issue, you might be being a bit nit-picky. You might be right on the modeling, MENSA or the ITU stuff, not sure but again, I don't really care. However, you have yet to post her quoted claims about those things and your proof that they are all lies. That info might actually hold some substance with people. I know though that you could, if you really tried, find some dishonesty in my life. I strive to be honest but I'm sure if someone was motivated to show my inconsistencies it wouldn't be too hard. IDK, just my perspective. I'm out of here for now.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with her living in a trailer or whatever.. I lived in one for ten years, five years ago we bought our first house, big deal, I think what we are saying is that when she was asked if she lived in a trailer by a poster she said, no I don't. The point is, she lied, and if she will lie about something as silly as what she lives in so easily.. she will lie even easier about the bigger things, that is the point, about being caught in a lie and not being honest, not about the trailer itself.

Anonymous said...


Where do you show that she lied about that though? Benjamin shows her quote where she admits living in a trailer home. I guess this is just getting silly because I don't think this should even be an issue. Gotta run. I do appreciate your responses though because the spirit of them is quite respectable :) Have a blessed day!


luckie50 said...

Mrs. Butler, we put proof up. She blogged about Mensa and her husband being inducted in the Hall of Fame for Inventor's. Did you not read that???? You were directed to go to the IHOF website, we're you not? Do we need to drive to your HOUSE and pull it up online for you? You are not going to believe Candy is a liar, because you don't want to see the truth. Why lie about things like that? I think that is the point of all this.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

Mrs. Butler: First of all what a weird thing to have an actual discussion about all this, huh? I don't blame Candy for deleting her posts as much as I blame her for deleting or editing others, but I do think she has a tendency to delete posts that are subject to criticism as far as the truth goes. So we can respectfully disagree. I don't think Ginger is really taking a beating here. Look at the beatings that people take on Candy's comments and I think this is more like a whipping with a robe belt. I would say velvet glove abuse at the worst, but not really a beating.
I will go to your blog and I will see what you are talking about. If you know that it is offensive, then why continue the same offensive behavior. Don't you think it is a little difficult to chastise someone for being offensive, when you can see the same in yourself?
You do have a beautiful family, and I think it would be more productive to talk about how you make all that work, personally. I don't blog about my family, and I don't really open my personal side on the internet, but that is a personal choice. I say write what ever you want to write, but it does come with consequences. If someone goes to your site and finds something offensive, then they have the right to comment on it. Just as you have the right to write it. That only seems fair. I think dropping the f bomb or being offensive to the point of personal attacks warrants not getting published, but to just delete someone that disagrees is a little dictatorial for my tastes.
My point about MENSA, Hall of fame, and the home is that Candy is not a straight shooter with her readers. Who knows if she really got bit by a brown recluse, so what happens when someone takes her advice and self treats the bite? What happens to the mother that spends eight hours trying to make super awesome bread and it is not a real recipe. What happens when they feel as though their children are terrible, and thus this makes them a terrible, un Christian mother? These are the issues I have with Candy. I will take someone's lead If they start out the conversation with "I will not allow my readers to be subjected to this type of hate. This is a vile and nasty blog. It does deserve to be shut down." they will be conversed with the same tone. That is just how I deal with people. If you want to have a discussion, such as the way you presented yourself, in a mild adult tone then you will be received the same by me. Just the fact that you are able to see through the tactics and the approach that Candy takes, makes you hard to describe as a sheep. See we are not so bad here, and yes I understand the title of the site makes people automatically gives them a negative perception of us, but at the same time once people comment they will see we are cordial and will be reciprocal.
I definitely appreciate the time you took to comment, and like I said before you are welcome back anytime.

nightowl said...

A little inconsistency in your life, your beliefs over the years - no big deal, and yes, most normal people are probably guilty of that.

Lying, purposely, over and over about things such as being "invited" to be in MENSA, that your husband has been inducted into the hall of fame, about what a specific denomination teaches, etc. Those are not inconsistencies...they're outright, purposeful lies. HUGE difference.

KitKat said...

Mrs. Butler, I am so sorry if I gave the impression that I think it is bad if she lived in a mobile home. I don't think that at all. It's just that Candy has refused to answer or denied it when people have asked. I wish that I could go back through her archives and pull up some examples, but I don't have time right now. I do believe that she still does not have her archives listed on her blog. She took the links down shortly after I used her archives to prove her age a year ago or so. I'm not sure if I directly had anything to do with that or if she took them down just because.

Benjamin, I hope that I didn't come across as being catty. I just wanted to answer your original question.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

Mrs. Butler: I think one of the issues is that you missed some of the conversation that went on. When someone posted you have a very nice trailer. She deleted it. When asked a different way even she deleted it. These were not followed by disrespectful comments, but she chose not to share that information with others. Yes there are times that I will take a swing below the belt, but I can't think that would be too out of the realm of possibility on a site called "candy is a liar and a false prophet." We are more than happy to discuss it further, but those were my feelings. You have to remember I don't have a problem with trailers or living in a trailer. My family lived in a trailer, and not one of those fancy ones either. We lived in a "if you can't pay the rent, disconnect the propane, and move out in fifteen minutes travel trailer." I don't judge her for that, but I do judge her for not disclosing it. I judge her for setting her self as someone she is not: MENSA, hall of fame, etc. those are the issues I have. If she is willing to brush off the truth about such mundane things that are irrelevant to her subjects, then what else is she willing to embellish about. That is my point. So what you are asking of me is to publish not only what she said, but then paste a link to it. Well, I think I have done that. Are you not under the belief that she stated that her husband was in the inventors hall of fame. Do you need me to give you the quote about that? If you believe she said it, then all you have to do is go to the inventors hall of fame website. It is a little difficult for me to refute that her husband is not there on this blog. How could I do that? I would have to publish every year's inductees from 1976 to present. That seems a little illogical for me. I can give you the tools, lead you to the water, but I can't make you drink. I ask the readers to do the fact checking themselves. How can I prove to you that MENSA does not hand out MENSA credentials over the internet? I can tell you logically why they don't. You could have a genius do your quiz on their home computer for you, simply, but if you go to the MENSA site they will tell you exactly how to qualify for membership. I don't think it is all up to me to completely disprove her points. That is an impossible burden. When she was quoted saying to me on her comment "Chris don't become a lawyer" "he was not inducted in 2008" I replied back, "when was he inducted then." I received no response back. I asked to see a picture of her spider bite. I never got a response. I asked her how was she ITU certified considering this is a certification like ISO that is handed out only to corporations. I received no response. That is the issue with your request. I can research it, tell you how to research it, and allow you to find the truth, but for me to publish how I researched it would be crazy. Tell me this wouldn't it be easier for Candy just to publish a link showing her husband induction into the hall of fame? Wouldn’t it be easier for Candy to show her acceptance into MENSA? Wouldn't it be easier to show her ITU certification credentials? She won't because she can't, and all I can do is show you why she can't.

Anonymous said...

Kaira you said it so much better then I ever could have. Your post mirror my own thoughts. I did look up the Mensa stuff and the inventors hall of fame. So those sites do not mention their names but so what. Does not mean her husband has not been inducted nor does it mean she has not been contacted. The inventors only goes back to 2000 I believe. Then again, I only briefly looked at it. Like Kaira said, who really cares if this has happened or not. I certainly do not! I love her site for homemaking things. I also have a schedule that allows me to do everything I want done in a day. If you have a hard time doing it then I suggest you reevaluate your own schedule.
As to why I did not post back on here, well as a mom of 4, I have priorities, one of them is keeping up with my home. The computer is not a high priority of mine neither is reading hatred or misguided comments.
You say she is judging people and it is wrong yet you are sitting in your chairs judging Candy. So basically you are saying its ok we can have this hate site cause Candy thinks we are a cult and she has judged? Again I say 2 wrongs do not make it equal. You can either be a better person or continue on spewing forth vial hatred on another person. Yes I like Candy. She and I are a lot a like. We are also 2 very different people. It does not bother me in the least that you think my blog is vile. I speak nothing but the truth on my blog as I research things.
While I have never lived in a trailer, I do live in an actual house but it is home to me. You have to make where you live a home or it is just a building. So, if she said no she lives in a home then she is telling the truth.
You still have not shown concrete proof she has lied about anything and neither has Elena (thanks for emailing me by the way). You guys spend an awful amount of time posting about candy, have you spent the same amount of time in your Bible?

Anonymous said...


Wow, that's a long name to type out. Okay, so clearly my afternoon is being sucked away from me while I am on this computer - that's not a good thing and hopefully I'll get off this soon and get on with things that really matter to me. I guess I did not know about any of that (MENSA, ITU, Hall of Fame, modeling) and I never read those posts of hers. I think more or less that is what I was getting at - never having seen any of those things myself. The HOF thing is easy to research but I guess I'd have to care more. Maybe she lied? It is possible? I'm not meeting her for lunch anytime soon to ask so she'll have to fight this battle for herself, if she chooses to. I'm out of it. I was just asking out of curiosity. Again, I just don't care enough. I do appreciate the spirit with which you all have responded to me in the past half an hour. I'd like to comment on one thing - I do NOT think my blogs are offensive. You made the following remark:

If you know that it is offensive, then why continue the same offensive behavior. Don't you think it is a little difficult to chastise someone for being offensive, when you can see the same in yourself?

No, I don't think my blog is offensive, I was stating that from reading the comments prior to my post, I assumed you'd all find my blog highly offensive for some reason - mostly because you would see me as some sort of Candy "follower". I'd hope no one is offended by my blog and my apologies in advance if you are :)

I think the dialogue here is interesting. I think I've made myself as clear as I can. I understand some of where some of you are coming from. I enjoy reading Candy's blog but I'm a thinking person and can take and leave whatever I want. Because she won't allow for discussion I do understand why individuals feel the need to provide a forum for discussion and I don't fault anyone for that. I've found some good discussion and interesting points in the midst of some ugly comments. To each his own. I'm sure I'll be back to see what is being said here and at Keeping the Home.

Oh, one more thing to CIACAIG... I'd blog more about how to make it all work, but I've not quite figured all that out yet? Thanks for noting that I have a beautiful family - I'm rather fond of them myself :) Though, we have not so lovely days too ;)

nightowl said...

Ginger - you asked who cares? Well, let me put it this way, in the language of fundamentalists who believe the bible must be taken literally in every single book and chapter (oops except John 6, but ignore that for now), starting in Genesis.

(If all of the Bible isn't literally true, then how do you know which parts are literally true? How can you believe in the Resurrection?)

If all of Candy's blog isn't true, then how do you know which parts are true? Why even look up to her as an inspiration or help? Why try to emulate a make-believe, counterfeit life?

nightowl said...

Oh, and just for clarification - not that Mr. CIACAIG can't speak for himself, but he has stated pretty clearly that he is NOT CATHOLIC. So no, not everybody here is Catholic and mad at Candy because she says "Oh we're a cult." Yes, some of us are Catholic, but some aren't. All of us are just fed up with her lies and false preaching.

Anonymous said...

yes, i have a few dozen grammatical errors throughout my blog... just don't go starting a Kairacanttypeandshouldntbehomeschooling blog, please?

i did reply below your comment but thought you might not go back to find it :)

nightowl said...

Ginger said: You guys spend an awful amount of time posting about candy, have you spent the same amount of time in your Bible?

What a ridiculous statement. We all find things to do in our free time. SOME of us are at sitting at a computer at work, and have a chance to check the website every once in a while during that time. The same could be said about you. Why do you spend so much time blogging, reading Candy's site, or even reading this vile, disgusting hate site? Why do you even spend time sewing or baking amazing bread? Couldn't you be reading the bible instead?

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I'm kinda glad I found this site.

Candy's called me a liar in comments on other people's sites before... I'm not one of her "banned commenters" but I guess if she comes across my name she feels the need to libel me by virtue of my comments on VTC.

Can anyone tell me how to technorati her site so I can visit her "friends" who link? I'm a Net dummy sometimes.

busymomof3 said...

This is a small portion of one of Candy's posts about being a saved Christian

"When I got saved, I cleaned up my language, and stopped watching the filthy shows on TV that I used to love. One day I turned on the radio, which was at my old creature's favorite station. It wasn't hard-core heavy metal, just 70's and 80's soft rock, but my stomach wrenched at the lyrics and the way the beat made me feel."

But on her You Tube Video she posted yesterday, who was on it? Tom Petty...now, that is the kind of inconsistency that troubles me. Tom Petty is a secular music artist.

I don't want to take advice about housekeeping from a person that I'm not sure about.

While I admit that some of her postings are interesting...I need guidance about issues from someone genuine.

After this and along with her obvious dislike of the Catholic Church...I am having issues with her site.

While this site is somewhat objectionable...what you see is what you get. With Candy...I'm not just sure anymore.

Anonymous said...

"Why try to emulate a make-believe, counterfeit life?"
One would actually have to prove she has made up anything. But since Mensa has nothing to do with my own life, nor worrying about who is in an earthly hall of fame (I am in God's!) really has no baring on my life. (most likely did not spell that right) I believe her when she is talking about cleaning solutions or binder managment. I use the same solutions as she does. I did not find them on her site though till after I had already done the same thing. It was neat to find someone who does the same thing. I am KJV only and since I have done a ton of research long before I ever found her site, it was a breath of fresh air when I read it on hers, it just showed me that my own research was truthful.
Like I have said, you have not shown any concrete proof. Show some, show any proof at all and maybe just maybe we might believe you. You are set out to prove her a lier then it is on your shoulders and yours alone to prove it.

nightowl said...

Well Ginger I can't tell if you're being stubborn or if it's going over your head.

The MENSA lie and other lies DO count (and are good proof of Candy being a Liar), because she looses credibility as being a truth-teller.

Pretty simple.

Anonymous said...

what is the stuff about her not paying taxes? I never did know about that but did wonder how that could even be possible without getting into some major big time trouble.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

We don't pay taxes. We FILE them, but the government actually pays us.
Love those tax credits. I guess I could go around telling people I don't pay taxes either.

Of course I pay sales tax. How could you possible get around that?

busymomof3 said...

This is getting extremely interesting. Can someone please tell me where I can find the info about what she said about her husband, MENSA, or taxes. I kind of looked but couldn't find anything.

Working up to Zero said...

Ginger, you are showing willful ignorance here. Candy deletes anything she lies about when she gets caught in the lie. Period. She lied about her discussion with "savedsinner" and then when "savedsinner" posted the actual discussion Candy deleted all references to the entire thing from her blog.

But I suppose that has nothing to do with "your life" either so you will excuse Candy's slander, claim she is such a wonderful example and go on drinking the kool-aid.

Working up to Zero said...

Candy claims to be invited to mensa

busymomof3 said...

workinguptozero is right. I read that post on Candy's sight and then it led me to Elena's sight and so on and so on. I read what "savedsinner" really wrote and then lo and behold...Candy had removed the post she wrote. Now you have to admit...that is suspicious. If "savedsinner" had not saved what she wrote to Candy...I would not be having these issues now. I would have cheerfully went on believing everything I read at Candy's sight and not suspecting a thing. That is what super charismatic people do...they suck you in and it's hard seeing the forest for the trees!!!

Anonymous said...

"But I suppose that has nothing to do with "your life" either so you will excuse Candy's slander, claim she is such a wonderful example and go on drinking the kool-aid."
No thanks kool-aid does not thrill me, now sun tea, Ill take a glass of that! Listen, thinking I am ignorant of things is a false statement. Just because you have a hang up on Mensa does not mean I need to have one as well. I read what I want to read and skip over things that just do not thrill me. I have a lot of RC's for friends and like I said, I believe they will be in Heaven with me one day. I also said denominations are a man made thing. They are not biblical. I just go to a church that lines up with my personal beliefs, just like if you go to a church you go because they line up with what you personally believe. Why does knowing if she was contacted about being part of Mensa relates to making laundry detergent? I just do not see how they relate? By the way, I do not make my own LD anymore. It turned out white yellow. Cleaning with vinegar works wonders though, especially if you add in the essential oils.

Maggii said...

Ginger and Mrs. Butler.....she lies about the Catholic Church. I KNOW this because I AM Catholic...of course that is not good eenough for those who like to believe the lies about the Catholic Church. Can't imagine why an ACTUAL Catholic wouldn't know what's true or not true about the Catholic Church ...but no matter how many Catholics tell her and others that what they are posting is NOT TRUE....they still insist it is and that somehow WE don't know what we're talking about..go figure...

Anonymous said...

"Why does knowing if she was contacted about being part of Mensa relates to making laundry detergent? I just do not see how they relate? By the way, I do not make my own LD anymore. It turned out white yellow. Cleaning with vinegar works wonders though, especially if you add in the essential oils." I mean to say How does knowing.......
It turns our not out....

Maggii said...

Well Ginger I can't tell if you're being stubborn or if it's going over your head.

The MENSA lie and other lies DO count (and are good proof of Candy being a Liar), because she looses credibility as being a truth-teller.

Pretty simple.



I mean it may not matter whatsoever whether she has or hasn't been invited to MENSA( although I seriously doubt someone who spells Choir---quire would have been) but IF she HAS lied about that?.... you have to wonder what else she might be lying about or will lie about in the future?....

Unknown said...

Because I'm posting this everywhere:

Candy, I am sure you won’t post this, but that’s all right. I’m going to post this to at least three other blogs, including my own, so it’ll get out. I’m not going to post anything here anymore because even though I normally like reading what you have to say, your refusal to admit that you are lying about Catholicism is too much. You said Catholicism was a cult and when I posted why it is not, you did not publish my comment. You insisted that Catholics do not read the Bible. I posted that I do and that I even use a KJV at times. You didn’t post this because it contradicts you. In other words, you decide what is true and what isn’t. That’s lying, unbefitting someone who claims to be a Christian. By the way, I have a doctorate in Catholic theology, more theological training than most priests get. I can prove it to anyone who is curious. It doesn’t benefit me much beyond personal satisfaction; there’s not much call for Doctors of Sacred Theology in modern-day North America. Still, I’m the wrong one to tell that she knows nothing about what Catholicism “really teaches” so don’t even try. Again, I know you won’t post this comment, but I hope at least you read it.

Anonymous said...

I was raised as an Episcopalian and they are very much close to Catholics. Only major differences are they do not ask for prayers through Mary on their behalf nor do they go to a cubicle with a priest for confession. Oh and they also do not do hail mary's either. I do know a lot of the catholic church because of my own studies and lined them up with my own bible.

Working up to Zero said...

Sun tea I can see, but not that stuff that the mushroom grew in ;).

You (ginger) came here (presumably) to defend Candy against the accusations against her. If she lies about something like being invited to Mensa that makes her a liar no matter how great her bread is or well run her house is.

The fact that she lies about little stupid things that don't matter makes it all the more suspect when she tells lies about the catholic church or presents an impossible to met "example" of homemaker or the conversation with savedsinner. Those are things that DO matter.

Unknown said...

Ginger, there are Episcopalian churches that do have lady chapels and devotions to the Virgin Mary. They're "high church" Episcopalians. The customs and beliefs now associated with Catholicism developed in the years before the Bible was finalized. KJV only fundamentalists seem to have the notion that there was no history between the Ascension and the production of the KJV. Google a document (it's not even long) called the Didache. It's a church community manual from the first century. It's all there; infant baptism, the eucharist, how to celebrate mass (although it wasn't called that yet). The Mother of Jesus isn't mentioned, but she was more than likely still alive at the time it was written. Candy would never read it because it would show her to be wrong, and she can't possibly do that.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...


I think this is her husband's website but I am not sure.

Anonymous said...

I came here because the owner of this site came to my blog, searched me out. Left a comment on my blog, with the address to this blog. The owner wanted to show me some falsehood about Candy. Sorry, I can not see how being invited to join Mensa is any of your business even if she posted about it. Her husband in or not in the hall of fame for inventors really is also not any of your (or mine for that matter) business again even if she did post about it. I just can not see why it matters if she lied about it or not has anything to do with if "ALL" laundry soap is better then Homemade soap or if vinegar is better then "Mr.Clean" to clean with. When you find a lie about that let me know. Till then, I can only take what you have written as " a grain of salt" It really does not make a difference to me.
I am done on here for this afternoon, my daughter's dog is chewing his way through my cord to the computer so I have to stop and find some electrical tape.... That and I have dinner to make and sewing that needs to be done....

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Google is my friend. That IS Mr. Candy's website.

Here's a pic from when he ran for office in CO:

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

Ginger says "You say candy is lying and so does the other site, but I have yet to see any concrete evidence that she is. You show me the exact proof that she is lying and I might start to believe you. I am talking about concrete proof. Not your word because let's face it, anyone with a hate site on another person lost a ton of incredibility with me about telling the truth. As far as I have seen, she has not lied." Well I show you she lied, and where she lied. I am assuming you did not go to research it, but then you say "Like Kaira said, who really cares if this has happened or not. I certainly do not." So I am confused. I answered your question, and then you answered my answer by saying that you did not care. I can not help you Ginger. You do not want to know the truth. If you do not care if Candy lies or not, then do not get upset about us calling her a liar. Your argument is circular, and those are never resolved. You say you would like proof of something that you don't even care if it happens. Impossible. My point is Ginger that if she embellishes about her life accomplishments, what makes you think that she doesn't lie about everything she gets done? The only way to prove that would be to stalk her, and I am not willing to travel Oklahoma under any circumstances. I just don't know how to satisfy, but I am sure you will make that impossible. So what you are actually saying is that you go to Candy's site to validate your own beliefs. Sounds like insecurity to me. Lastly, Ginger why does it matter in regard to laundry detergent? Well it is obvious your laundry detergent turned yellow, and did not work. Need I say more. You prove my point for me.
Mrs. Butler: your comment about your site being offensive, I believe I answered that on your posts, that I did not see anything offensive in nature about it. My comment was based on yours. You said that some may see it as offensive. That was my point and thus the need to tell you on your blog that I did not see it that way. Well I would encourage people to visit both of her sites, neither of which did I find offensive, and it was some what refreshing to see a "Candy follower" come off so normal, with such a happy normal family. I have absolutely no issue with Mrs. Butler she seems very nice, intelligent, and I think she sees we are not all a bunch of on a whim jaw droppers, but do have a point of view, and a forum to use.
Taxes, Taxes, Taxes: Google Erik Brauer. He ran on the constitutional party platform for congress. In his statement about who he was he said he does not pay taxes, because he does not believe in them.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

Ginger: It becomes my buisness when she uses it to refute an argument like she did on her site

sweepingthehome said...

I just want to thank you for the opportunity to get some attention for my website! I have been reading Candy's blog for almost 2 years and have written several blogs about it, but never knew how to find an audience. Thank you. Please anyone reading this come visit me and tell me what you think! My household tips will outdo Candy's any day.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

Ginger, if you consider your dog one of your kids and it is not behaving does that make you a bad Christian like Candy's post about children?

Michelle said...

Very interesting read. Very long read. As someone who was saved out of the Catholic church, I have to say, she's quite accurate in her writing about it.

Maggii said...

and as someone who was raised Catholic and still resides in the
Catholic Church I would say she is not.

Kaira said...

Oh for goodness sake, I just can't stop myself! This is so addicting. I'm satisfied with my questions having been answered but yet I'm still reading these comments.

nightowl said...

To Michelle.

I have yet to meet a well-catechized, knowledgeable ex-Catholic.

I doubt seriously that Michelle knows much of anything about the church. Unfortunately, it is a fault of the people in the church (yes, we admit, people are not perfect). Sad indeed. But hopefully we as Catholic parents will wake up and see to it that our children know their faith.

Michelle, try actually studying the Catholic faith, go to Catholic websites where you can hear it from the horse's mouth, so to speak. Going to protestants (which by the way, you ARE protestant if you're a non-Cathlolic Christian, because you are PROTESTING the Catholic faith) will only give you their limited understanding. That would be like me going to a cradle Catholic who has never studied any other faith and asking what Baptists believe.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

This website is helpful for Bible believing Christians to understand the Scriptural roots of Catholic teachings:

Carolyn said...

I love this blog! I've been a loyal follower of Candy's Freak Show for at least a year. It never gets old reading about her spider filled home, fermenting food, wonderful children (excepting oldest son who she not so subtly dislikes because in her view he's a willful pathological liar), and her Sweet, Sweet, Hubby. Did anyone else notice during a recent photo tour of her palatial palace, the master bedroom set-up? Candy and Sweet, Sweet, Hubby's bed is positioned under a bunkbed where oldest DS sleeps. I guess after their CPS experience they take turns guarding the kid so he won't run away again and tell lies? to CPS. This must really put a damper on their incredible sex life. Maybe they can sneak out to the van for some holey time!

Kaira said...

Okay, so here's something interesting that I just KNOW you all will be all over. Now, I am not choosing sides for or against Candy here. I do however think some interesting points have been made. So, I just visited her site and on her most recent blog there is a comment that she responded to that is quite interesting.

A woman wrote to her confuses over her husbands salvation and Candy gave what I believe is a great response. HOWEVER, this response makes some of her other responses... hmmm, what's the word... well, it contradicts them. Here is the first part of her response:

Julie, he said he's saved, so that's that. The rest is between he and God. Different Christians are in different walks in their life.
I have a feeling that what may help your husband's spiritual walk is via your changing the way you intereract with him.

I agree with what she said and I think it is appropriate. I just wonder why she would say that if she is so adamant about the salvation of people in other faiths. It does contradict her other statements, how when someone will assure her they are saved and she will assure them that they are most certainly not. Curious, I'll give you that.


Anonymous said...

Michelle, almost all ex Catholics have a beef with the church, that is nothing new. How about such men as Marcus Grodi, Scott Hahn.. they came to the Catholic church and they don't make nasty comments about their former religions. I'm Catholic, I left the church for five years and was totally unhappy, I came back nine years ago and have never been happier, but I don't have a problem with people who want to go to a different church... as long as they worship God they are still my brother/sister in Christ, I'm not into "converting" people to my faith, I've got enough to do just working on my own salvation.. but I don't cut down others faiths and I ask that others who say they are true "Christians" would do the same. I have never heard a Catholic Priest stand at the pulpit and cut down another faith.. but I have been guests in friends church's and heard their pastors cut down the Catholic church as well as any other church that wasn't their church.. that sends a huge warning message to me that something is wrong in a church when all you hear about is how wrong everyone else is and how right you are, but that's just me and Michelle, I may not agree with you, but I respect your opinion.

Anonymous said...

As someone who was saved out of the Catholic church, I have to say, she's quite accurate in her writing about it.

As someone who converted into the Catholic church, I have to say she's wronger than a wrong thing which is mistaken.

Working up to Zero said...

Don't worry Kaira it will be deleted soon ;).

I think this is a great example of how Candy's rabid anti-Catholic bigotry clouds her thinking processes.

whatever said...

I found this blog the other day and haven't been able to tear myself away from it. I know, that makes me pathetic. I just can't help myself. ;)

I have been following Candy's blog since she was with "Life with Christ". It was well before they took off on their RV tour.

I have also found many inconsistencies in her posts over the past several years. I actually stopped reading her blog for several months after she asked her readers for money. I thought to myself, how low can she go? Does anyone else remember that?

Nothing wrong with living in a trailer. I personally would like to sell my house, buy a piece of land and put a trailer on it so we could be out of debt. And I'm not ashamed to admit it! I have no idea why living in a trailer has to be a secret.

I have seen her post things and then delete them and them deny she ever posted them. I can't recall what they were about and of course never saved any of it but I do remember. I knew then that her character was shotty.

Have a great day everyone.

Anonymous said...

Kaira, I really respect you, at least you are willing to look at both sides of a coin. I really loved Candy's blog, I did, I loved how she made me want to work my tail off and clean my house (I need that inspiration) and I miss that, I do, I hope to find a good blog with just such tips that will stay off the "church" bashing stuff. It is your choice to read Candy's blog and I certainly don't condemn you for it, and if you just remember to read it with an open mind to all sides, then that is really great. And if anyone knows of some good blogs that are about keeping the home without bashing faiths... direct me to them, I find them helpful to get me motivated!!

Tracy said...

Kaira, Candy posted once (of course its gone now) that she was inspired by the Holy Spirit, I don't remember what the Holy Spirit inspired her to do but I told her that I have felt the Holy Spirit inspire me at different times in my life as well, especially when I have had to make difficult decisions that I have fasted and prayed over and felt that the Holy Spirit did indeed answer me and Candy said that was not even possible because I'm Catholic and I don't know the first thing about being inspired by the Holy Spirit. She also told me it was not possible that I was saved after I stated that I have been saved, I'm being saved and I'm working out my salvation with fear and trembling.. she just laughed. It was like a slap in the face.. she doesn't know me personally or anything I've been through in my life and she certainly doesn't know where my heart is or where I am in my faith walk with the Lord. That was enough for me to see "something" is not right with this... she is telling her posters who will and won't be saved or in Heaven etc. that is very dangerous... that is up to God and him alone. I just sit back and watch and won't comment to her ever again, Candy is her own worst enemy and although she hurt me with her words, I'm still praying for her, its hard, but its all I can do.
Many Blessings:)

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Here are a few blogs that are inspirational and motivational for me:





If you don't like those, try perusing the links on their blogs. I've found a few too many good ones there, my bloglines are out of control!

angie said...

Ginger- real quick question, and I'm not trying to attack you. How can you say that you have RC friends and that you'll be in Heaven with them someday but then encourage Candy in the comment box? She has told me that I am going to hell because I'm Catholic even though I've told her over and over that I believe Jesus died for my sins. She said to me, "You believe in Jesus. Well, I believe there was an Abraham Lincoln. That doesn't mean anything." ????? If you are a real friend, you would NOT be encouraging Candy's hateful behavior. Instead of hanging out at Candy's site, you might want to invite one of those RC friends of yours over for a nice glass of sun tea. ;)

Tracy said...

Stephanie, that was a very nice and heartfelt post, many blessings to you!

Kaira said...

Hi Tracy,
I think she tends to hurt many people with her responses. There is no doubt that there are people who just want to get into it all with her in the worst way, many people here I'd suspect, but there are many people who earnestly seek her answers to personal questions. I think Saved Sinner was a great example of a woman who really was wanting to hear what she had to say. Candy publicly made her look foolish. I did not agree with that, especially after reading the comment she sent to her. It is for those reasons that I do understand the desire for people to have a forum, such as this, to discuss these issues. I'm not a fan of the sarcasm and insulting tones that pop up from time to time on here but I just overlook those (to the best of my ability) as I would in other situations. I agree that Candy could make this better for herself by sharing her views without hurting people with her abrasiveness. I know a person can be firm and take a stand without compromising what their values are. I have been surprised by the responses she gives to people on many occasions. I imagine it is hurtful. Though I do enjoy reading her blog, I hope you know that we are not all like that. If you say you are saved, I believe you and if not before then we shall be neighbors in the Kingdom of God :)

Maggii said...

It does contradict her other statements, how when someone will assure her they are saved and she will assure them that they are most certainly not. Curious, I'll give you that.


and this is one of the things that has irked me about her...who IS she to say wether one is or isn't saved...who IS she to tell another professed Christian that NO they are not....I would NEVER presume to tell anyone who claimed to be a Christian that they weren't...that is not MY call to make and it's not HERS either...

Tracy said...

Kaira; I would highly recommend http://mdcalexatestblog.blogspot.com/ as well as this blog, and yes, I know that good Christians like you do exist, my own sister left the Catholic church because her husband is Presbyterian and she is one of the finest people and Christians I know.. thank you so much for your kind words.

KitKat said...

Kaira, I see you're still here just like me! I just can't tear myself away.

Anyway, to everyone else, I have been reading Candy's blog since her Life With Christ blog as well. I can certainly vouch for the fact that she routinely doesn't allow comments that disagree or she cuts and pastes comments to make people look foolish. She has done it to me. If you look in her archives, you can find a post titled 'KitKat' and that was to me. She also deletes posts when she is caught in a lie or when she gets a bit too nasty. I would love to offer some serious evidence, but she deletes most of it.

I found her blog through a friend of mine. My friend was raised Methodist but has become a certified KJV only, dresses only, IFB church attending but claims no denomination "CandyHead". She won't speak to me anymore because I am "stuck in Babylon" and am "un-Godly". (Although she will occasionally send me Chick Tracts and such.) My friend is heavily influenced by all things "Candy", so I do have an issue with those who claim that "keeping the home" is just a blog and doesn't do any harm. It harmed a 15 year friendship. She was the Maid of Honor at my wedding, and my best friend since I was 14 years old. I think that says a great deal. I miss my friend very much, and I am no longer good enough for her in her eyes. All because of what she started reading on some stupid blog.

Anyway, I have been off and on the computer way too much today so I must go. Hope that everyone has a great night!

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

Tact is not one of Candy's strong points. I still find it so hard to believe that Protestants have issues with Catholics (aside I guess from Ireland, but you know they had some bombing and oppression and such). How can someone condemn someone for loving the same God? I just don't understand, and it seems so petty (and not like Tom). I think that once Protestants realize (by looking it up in their history books) that they are rooted in Catholicism how in the world could they condemn the rock of their beliefs. Sure I have some issues with Catholics, but I also have issues with Protestants. I think, as I have said in the past, religion is so personal. It is a relationship and a belief that people hold so dear. Calling someone's religion a cult is like calling his or her child ugly (them is fighting words). I feel the same when Christians look at Mormons or at Muslims and condemn them. Sure we are all banking on going to Heaven by what we believe and practice, but no one knows the truth. You just believe in your religion so that is truth to you. I mean who knows, we may have all gotten it wrong. We may all be looking up to the Haitians practicing Voodoo and go dang...I guess we missed it. I doubt it, but you never know. I think that God truly wants us to accept each other, love each other, and to help each other through this process of life. That is the basis of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and being Muslim. There are zealots of all fashions, and at this point I have decided to fight one. Whether you see that as me fighting with hate and vile speech so be it, but I feel it is the right thing to do. There are too many people out there getting entrenched in the belief that you should hate your neighbor, instead of loving them. I am a father of a wonderful son. My number one goal is to teach my son to be a loving human being. I have made tons, and I mean literally tons, of huge mistakes in my life. I am in no way perfect, and if you don't believe me ask my wife (if you have a couple of hours sometime). But I think that the one thing when I go to the grave is that I was a good person. Why is it so hard for Candy to say "listen guys I have plenty of issues in my life, we are not rich, we don't live in an expensive house, me not working drains our funds but makes for a better family, and this is how I deal with it." That for me would make her an inspiration, but instead it is all about be like me, this is the standard, and if you don't you will not enjoy heaven. I see an omniscient finger wagging right now at her.

KitKat said...

eh- I just did the math and noticed that it would be about 20 year now that we would have been friends. So I should have said it was an "over 15 year friendship", in case anyone wants to get technical. Time flies.

Tracy said...

oh kitkat, I'm so sorry, that is awful:(

Anonymous said...


I don't think Candy even has archives up any longer. I didn't realize that until today but because of that I can't find any old posts. I think her new system is to archive by topic and once a post is archived you can not read the comments that were left either.

Another question - am I the only person who can't see the links people post on here? On my screen they are chopped off at the end and I can't follow them.


KitKat said...

Thanks Tracy. Thanks why I have such a hard time "just letting go" of all things Candy and why I love VTC blog so much. I don't mention it too much and I don't give out my friends posting name on Candy's lbog. But she is a very frequent poster on there. With VTC blog and this one, I finally feel like I am not the only one who just shakes my head at what goes on over at keeping the home.

luckie50 said...

Candy has been deleting her old sites blogs, her current site and comments she leaves other places because she is getting caught in lies.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

Yeah I am not getting links to the posts, but I just copy and paste them to go to them.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

Yeah I am not getting links to the posts, but I just copy and paste them to go to them.
Oh Ginger,look what I found on your site: "WANTED TO ADD IN....

Lock up your kids and hold them safe or they will be impure. Or lock up your kids and they will get tired of you, run away, and you will have to deal with CPS. I just don't know what to do.

KitKat said...

Last I read on her blog, she took down her archives because she has "changed" over the years and didn't want folks judging her by her past (or something like that. I think that I heavily paraphrased her here). But I have read on other blogs that there is a way to get to her archives. I'm just not sure how. Maybe someone else here knows....

Anonymous said...

try typing in her full name in google, I know I came across a ton of stuff she has wrote as well as a whole page of old halo scan posts from her blog.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

prayzgod is always a good google search. If I have to read "I'll be the first to admit it, I am a cheap skate" I may jump off a cliff. How did that internet marketing gem turn out. I am guessing not so good.

nightowl said...

[tKaira....I just got on here after a little break....I haven't taken the time to read all the posts in between yet, but I do respect the fact that you seem very open to learning the truth and the facts. I have to thank you for that. My post will probably get lost in the numbers here (which is incredible today!!!) but I am still hoping you will see it. I am always so appreciative when people open their minds. Doesn't mean they are agreeing. Just means they are listening. Thank you.

nightowl said...

Hey I'll admit it, I'm a cheapskate! Who isn't? Do any of us actually pay more for something we know we can get cheaper? I am all for season tickets, come on now....

Anonymous said...

I did read your post. I do try to keep an open mind. I think there are interesting points made in some areas on here. I'm not "anti-Candy" nor am I a "Candy follower" so I appreciate the good, clean discussion. I haven't been able to stop reading all of this stuff today. I'm committing to not even visiting tomorrow lest I get sucked back in!


candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

Well if you had ever googled her name it comes up about 200 times. That was my point about the cheap skate thing. Everytime I do research on her I have to go through all her e-marketing. that is all that I was saying. Each link starts off the same "Hey I'll be the first to admit it I am a cheap skate." She marketed that site in a million areas.

Working up to Zero said...

If you google something like myblessedhome + "electrical engineer" you can then click on the "cached" link under the description on google and the cached version will come up.

concernedcitizen said...

Where has Ginger gone? She was entertaining me??

concernedcitizen said...

Here is a little crazy post from Candy. I guess she use to enjoy a different lifestyle four years ago.

Re: A little assistance will go a long way!

Posted By: Candy Brauer
Date: Friday, 9 January 2004, at 8:19 p.m.

In Response To: Re: A little assistance will go a long way! (james greer)

BTW, you're my age. :-) My husband's a bit older, he's 41. It looks like a collegue that we used to know has just gotten a contract with a big company who is interested in a certain invention. Erik may get subcontracted at $20 dollars per hour working here at the house in his shop. That's pretty good money out where we live, and since our house is already paid off, and we are officially out of debt, $20 dollars per hour can go a long way. :-)

You're single? Then may I suggest you get in contact with Mike Hall of Better World Technology. I don't know if they're still doing it, but when I was out there, they were putting up Erik, myself and about a dozen other R&D people in a nice house with maids, sauna, hot tub, etc. You'd report at the shop every day, Mon-Fri, and work VERY long hours.

However, there's a LOT of paranoia out there. When Erik and I first entered town, we were followed, the house was bugged and it and the shop were repeatedly broken in to.

concernedcitizen said...

Here is the link to the site I got this off of.


Anonymous said...

weird stuff!!

Working up to Zero said...

Her dog chewed through her computer cable so she had to go buy electrical tape.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Wayback Machine's got some:

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

It is addicting! On July 14, 2006, she had this to say:
Brown Recluse Update

We've looked into bug bombs and foggers, several exterminators, do-it yourself options, etc. Meanwhile, we've been keeping up with the "shake rule," and have eradicated about 3 nests. We have been hunting every night (BR's are nocturnal) and killing the ones we find. I have recently sprayed potential hiding places and room perimeters with spider killer spray, have plugged in a few sonic pest-away units, and am about to install some spider sticky traps... Meanwhile, we haven't seen any BRs in this house in about 3 days! Yeah! God is so good! :-D

I guess they DID know what was biting them, after all.

But her original brown recluse post "disappeared" when she "decluttered".