Ginger's comments on Candy's blog
"I know have a post in my honor at one of the anti candy sites. Wasn't that sweet. I feel so special. Anyways, keep on keeping on. Never loose faith in Christ. Remember they are not persecuting you, they are persecuting Christ."
We are persecuting Candy. Candy is not Christ, this is why we call her a false prophet. Anyway, you may want to learn the difference between now and know. I know knowing is difficult for you. I mean the discussion that you have with us are about as useful as talking to a tin can. You are special, but not really in the good way. You are especially amusing, and fun to fluster, but special as in something
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Coming from someone that when I copied and pasted the Wal mart comment, I had to correct your own misspellings. It is Ok, I will not hold that against you. You can pick on me all you want, it just shows how young and immature you people are. I wonder if you pick on your children like you pick on others. You are certainly not showing your children a positive influence.
Speaking of sunshine...Did I read that the Brauers are going to get away for sun?
Funny how I said Ginger has no self esteem and she happens to blog about it today.
Candy has and evil rock video up. Clearly Satan is working overtime.
lol Someone posted on Candy's blog asking for a recipe but when you go to the blog it is a post about how you should not bash other peoples religions.
Ginger, ginger, ginger...back again. I love it, and thank you so much for coming and enduring more and more degradation in front of other people. First of all I 99% of the time will copy and paste my comments on a word document and check the spelling; I am a little ocd about that kind of thing. I will admit there are sometimes, when I am at work, and I barely have enough time to blog, I will dish out some misspellings. But You do not know that now means now and to know that would be important. So anyway, you were saying?? Could it be that maybe some of the words I used like "now" and "know" confused you? I mean really that isn't a misspelling, that is a total misuse of the word. To hit the k button accidentally before you hit now...I ain't buying it. So anyway, what was your point...Oh, that's right that I want to pick on you...sure, why not. First, of all there was a time in which I wondered if you were actually a child. I mean really some the words, descriptions, and half-hearted jokes and sarcasm are those of a thirteen year old. Secondly, in regards to being a good role model for my child? Am I blogging to my child?? No, so what does that mean? It means when some one comes to a blog and begins immediately starts off with an attack, and that person is treated with respect, and then they cry foul, is that what you are referring to? I mean every single time you have commented it has been something rude and juvenile. Don't get me wrong I enjoy it immensely. It is sort of like watching a dog chase its tail. Ginger why is it that this site has three times as many comments as Candy. Satan.. sure...Catholics...why not. You pick your hatred, and you vile ways. I love to retort, and in some weird way you may think you have some sort of impact on anyone here, right. We love your presence, it is like having a wounded impala around a pack of lions. Here little kitty, kitty, kitty.
Is this the blog post you are writing about? If so, I think it is a great blog and nothing worthy of being made fun of - though I don't know if that was your intention or not.
Nicole writes:
I have been reading quite a few blogs lately and have been quite disturbed by the way some people bash other religions. Now I will say that there are many religions that I vehemently do not agree with and that I do not think are saved. However I can not reach these people by bashing them and telling them how awful they are. Where is our Christ like compassion? Rather than writing blogs telling people how awful their religion is, why not show how much your life has changed and what you know to be the true gospel. Through that people will come to know Christ. Something that I am always trying to teach my son is that we can catch more flies with honey than vinegar. If you go to someone with love rather than to squelch what they believe it will show and in many cases will cause them to see Christ through you. How is it that my son can grasp this but many women in their thirties seem to think that righteous indignation is the right way?
Great blog, Nicole, if you are reading this :) Very nicely said!
This is how Candy and her followers work. They spew vile, nasty things and then call themselves Christian and tell everyone else they are the vile ones.
candyiscrazy - that was hilarious!
That is the blog I was talking about. Not trying to make fun of it just thought it was funny that she asked for a recipe and then had that in her blog almost as if she wanted Candy to read it.
I suspect that is exactly what her plan was - nice idea, if it works. I doubt it will make an impression at all but it is a great blog.
Wow, Candy is a Bible expert on Who knew?
And her credentials on the sidebar include graduated model school and Bible diplomas.
Maybe this is a really dumb question, but how exactly is graduating from modeling school a credential for being a Bible expert?
candyisascrazyasitgets, have you considered switching to a different web browser? Firefox has a built in spell check for text boxes, so you would have to copy any comments you make into Word to check the spelling, although you'd still have to do that to check any other stuff.
"I used to model, and I get compliments all of the time, being called "very beautiful."
Oh boy...
That was her home a year ago so unless she's moved in the last year, that's where she still lives.
I don't know much about blogs, to be honest. I found the google blogs to be easy and simple to start up. Plus, for some reason, I think it is easier with me being on the same blogging forum as Candy. That may make absolutely no sense, considering my ignorance when it comes to the internet.
it was probably a group of blind people that told her all that.
"I used to model, and I get compliments all of the time, being called "very beautiful."
I remember her posting that somewhere - where was it? Crazy.
I also saw her post about her IQ being around 180. Something ridiculous like that. I guess it was 160 before she read the KJV and it "shot up".
I wonder what Bible school and what modeling school. Notice she doesn't give any real names.
Any one can graduate from modeling school. all you have to do is pay them the money and take the classes. It is not required to be attractive to go. An aunt sent my cousin to boost her self confidence and she is no raving beauty.
Yes, but Jacko, people tell Candy ALL THE TIME how beautiful she is!
You know what really scares me...that Ginger home schools her children. I think there needs to be more strict laws regarding who is and is not qualified to home school their kids. There should at least be some kind of aptitude test. I'm honestly not trying to be mean, I'm sure she's a very nice lady, but she shouldn't be teaching children. I followed the link in her comment to her blog, it just makes me sad.
Dora, the Explorer:
That's not her current mobile home.
If you look at the pics of her current home, it does not match up with the windows to the trailer you posted a picture. The kitchen is at the end of the trailer and it has 2 windows side-by-side. The trailer you posted a pic only has 1 window on the one end and no windows on the other end. Perhaps this is the trailer she lived in prior to her current one? I don't know.
did anyone read Candy's newest post? All about the four square church, her current church etc. etc. very boring:)
rudybug, there are plenty of people who send their kids to public school who are not good parents. There are many people who teach in public schools who are not qualified to teach, sure they have a degree, but just read the news. Sexual predators, agenda-pushers, teaching to the lowest common denominator, no shortage of problem teachers. There are also fabulous school teachers who are unappreciated and overworked.
There are homeschooling parents who are truly dedicated to teaching their kids. Each state sets standards and regulations regarding homeschooling. Some states require testing, some don't. In the US education is a state's right issue, we don't kowtow to a central federal school standard. What flies in New York is not what flies in, say, Oklahoma, and that's what our country is all about. There are liberal, conservative, Buddhist, catholic, Baptist, straight, lesbian and atheist homeschoolers who do just fine homeschooling, and would not welcome increased interference from a govt. agency on what or how they can teach THEIR kids.
Homeschooling is not a sign of insanity or poor parenting, I homeschooled mine. As a matter of fact, I know there are several posters here who also homeschool their kids.
I do understand that sometimes how a person raises their child can be very different than how someone else might raise theirs, and that can make a person uncomfortable. I pretty much think the majority of parents, both those who homeschool and those who send their kids to school, are doing what they think is in the best interest of their kids.
Aine, I don't think all homeschoolers are bad, I just think that there are some people whose children would get a better education in a public school.
Homeschool has been a topic in the news as well. Unfortunately there are parents who use it as a means to abuse their children without being detected.
My argument is not that people should be banned from homeschooling, but that they should have to meet certain educational requirements in order to teach their children. is making parents meet certain educational requirements to homeschool better? An education does not prevent a person from abusing a child. Look in the news at how many public school teachers are being accused of improper conduct with their students. You are going to have bad apples in every area of matter what the education level is. My take on homeschooling regulations is LOVE for my children more than quaulifies me to homeschool. I teach them what I want them to learn when I want them to learn it. The govt. gives me no funding for curriculum and various other "homeschool" purchases...I'll be #@&*!^ if they are going to require ME to do anything. Ginger's love for her children, her desire to protect them and her belief that homeschooling is an acceptable form of education more than qualifies her to homeschool in my eyes. And I'm no big fan of Ginger (not because I think she's an idiot, but because I think she is blinded by Candy)...but I am a fanatical homeschool advocate!! I could go on for days about the benefits and advantages of homeschool and about my personal views on this issue...but that's all for now.
Ok, this is in regards to her new post. I thought she had found the perfect church where she lives and how much they loved it?? Now, she is saying they are looking for another to visit? She believes in keeping her kids with her because the Sunday School teachers will probably call CPS. I love how she is trying to get "real" now and letting us know they like to get down with the O'Doul's fake beer to go to the fake party.
Get real by putting that over grown child you call a "sweet hubby" in check and stop him from wasting all the money on crap and buy some real food for the kids and get a REAL Dr. to treat all the spider bites and illness going on in that house, trailer, cabin, tent or whatever the heck they live in. Seriously, they need to be checked in to the Dr. Phil house asap.
Poor Candy,
It must be hard to be so "in dwelling in the Holy Spirit" that no church is good enough for you.
rudybug...I have to take up for Ginger one more time. You were being awfully mean with your comment about her weight, or lack of education. Those things have no bearing on her being a positive influence for her children. So what she's large...I'm large. So what her language could use some polishing. I'm from Texas and believe wouldn't know that I have a 3.8 GPA in Nursing School if you heard me talk. And...yes, I homeschool my children. I think I posted earlier that I was a stay at home mom who homeschools. But I'm actually a stay at home mom when not in Nursing School who homeschools. I believe that as a grown person capable holding a should apologize to Ginger for those two particular comments. That was just not right. Anyway this is a site about Candy...not Ginger. Ginger is just trying to defend Candy.
The Dr. Phil House....LOL. I'd pay to see that. Can you imagine her and Dr. Phil going back and forth? Where can we nominate her?
I find the latest post odd as well. It's like she's suddenly trying to show us her "human" side, trying to prove that she's not all fire and brimstone.
Honestly, I don't know why she bothers going to church at all. She knows the Bible better than anyone else, so what could she possibly learn? And she doesn't want to be involved with the church, b/c she needs to be at home, why bother at all?
She deleted the post of her church and the pictures of her pastor and his wife. I couldn't find it anyway. She went on and on about how much she loved that church and that was only like a month ago. I have to copy and paste every blog of hers because if anyone finds a hole in it, she will delete it like it never existed.
ConcernedCitizen, I can still read the post on bloglines, here's the direct link:
Who knows if it still actually works. I can't try it out myself, b/c I'm at work, on my banned IP.
I don't think Rudybug was bashing homeschooling. I believe she was saying that she felt like there should be some sort of test the parent should be given to see if they are even capable of homeschooling. I could never homeschool my children because I don't have the patience to do so. I think a lot of people that homeschool should not be because they do not do a good job of it and there are some people who are wonderful at it. I think you (busymom) might be reading more into that than necessary. I for one, DO NOT think Candy is qualified to teach a rat anything, and certainly not educating her children.
Candy needs to stick to snake dancing at church and the banjo. Those are her qualifcations.
And, you're right, I was almost exactly a month ago: May 25.
Thanks for the link Amanda, but it is now deleted...surprise, surpirse. She is something else. I still can not believe some people can not see through her bs. Does she perform some memory losing ceremony on these people?
Shocking that she deleted it. *eyeroll*
At any rate, if you'd really like to see it again, subscribe to her on bloglines, then select "view all". It does still show up there.
I deleted my earlier comment because it didn't seem to get the point across. My point is
How does someone who can't spell teach English?
How is someone who's broke going to teach their kids about money?
How can someone unhealthy teach their kids to be healthy?
Children, like adults, learn from example. I can tell you all day long that my shirt is yellow, but if it's really red, who am I fooling?
I believe that all children deserve a solid education, and if they're getting that, great. However, if they are not, how is that helping them? How is that going to help THEIR children?
I agree with you rudybug!
Homeschoolers DO have to meet educational requirements. Most states set forth requirements such as requiring American history (sometimes state history), reading, mathematics, etc. In SC, homeschoolers were required to attend class for a minimum of 180 days.
On another note, has anyone been banned from I would occasionally lurk and comment there, but today I tried to go and was banned. Just wondering if perhaps it has something to do with my comments here on this site.
My uneducated cousin homeschools her kids in VA and there are NO guidelines. She dropped out of high school in the 9th grade and barely passed any classes that she did take. So not all states are implementing any guidelines to homeschool and they should. My cousin reminds me a bit of Candy. Scary thought!
rudybug, I get what you are saying. I like to use myself as a cautionary tale, you know, "Kids, this is what giving up smoking and having a diet of coffee, margaritas and chocolate will lead you to".
milehimama, you've been blacklisted!
I had a public school graduate once ask me how long it takes for a chimpanzee to grow into a gorilla. True story.
I agree with busymom that we can not look at a person who is overweight and say they are unhealthy. I have seen plenty of thin people who ate very unhealthy.
The weight could be due to a thyroid problem, diabetes, pcos, or a number of other health related issues. She might just be on medication that causes weight gain. We don't know and should not make assumptions.
I'm not understanding your financial comments to Ginger. I'll admit that I did not check out her blog as extensively as you.
Are you saying because they don't have any extra money that they are irresponsible? In your opinion how does one show financial responsibility? I'm just trying to figure out where you are coming from with this. It almost sounds like you are saying poor people are irresponsible with their finances (because they're always broke), but yet, that doesn't seem quite it either. Could you clarify please? Thank you.
milehimama, dominionfamily stopped blogging in Jan?
I took care not to make any assumptions. All the comments I made are in regard to either what Ginger has written on her blog or what she has written on message boards. It would take me forever and a day to write all the information out here, but I am sure that if you look you will find it.
Another commenter said that I should not be writing about Ginger because that's not what this blog is about, yet I am being asked to explain more about her. I appreciate your concern, but I really would like to drop the subject if I may.
I think you all may be right. In my desire to defend Ginger...I kind of forgot...she brought some of this nastiness on herself by coming here and commenting. Sorry if I offended anyone. But I can see all of your points quite clearly...see...I'm not blinded by a con!!!
Oh I thought I was banned because I got "You do not have permission" instead of "page not found".
Thank you to the person who left a comment on my blog that my homeschooling my children has been discussed. Yes I am fat. Big deal. Not one of my children are. We eat a lot of produce. Fruit is on the table for every breakfast and breakfast is also usually oatmeal mixed with fruit. We do not eat those sugar laden breakfast cereals. I have a problem with my weight, I also have a problem with my thyroid I just found out. My children and I exercise on a daily basis, albeit I personally just started. We are poor, but it has not been because we lack the know how to budget. We have great health insurance we pay dearly for through my husbands job. Our school day starts at 8am and we finish around 3pm. We have a break and a lunch within that time frame. When my daughter tested last year, she scored within the 95% of her peers. She is very smart. Home schooled children are often much smarter then their peers and the ivy league schools are noticing it now and are going after the home schooled children before they go for the children in a public school setting. I do not take a lot of time to go through my posts before I post them to check for grammar and punctuation. I just do not have a lot of time, between home school, cleaning my home, sewing, bible studies and playing with my children then to worry if my grammar is correct enough for you. Those that defended me, I appreciate it. NYS has one of the strictest homes chool laws in our nation. If you want to take a look, you can go to and you will get a synopsis of the laws in my state.
I am surprised my post on Candy's current post made it through.
Rudybug, don't let them get you down. You said, nothing wrong.
Ginger, you are correct. There are some homeschool kids that fair better than some public school kids. However, there are some that don't. Ginger, is it just me or are you toning your stance about Candy down a bit??
I think some of you are not getting what Rudybug was saying. I didn't take it as bashing, but examples.
The point of my previous posts was not to say "hey, look at her, she's heavy, ha ha ha." I was trying to make a point about children learning from example.
What you eat for breakfast and do for exercise makes no difference to me. I'm sorry that people felt you needed "defending." You're a big girl(and by "big" I just mean grown-up)and I'm sure you can handle yourself.
Again, I'd prefer to drop it, but new comments keep coming up about it.
P.S. For someone who doesn't like this site, you sure do stop by a lot.
My thoughts exactly Rudybug. Maybe she is seeing the real Candy now???
I had no plans on coming back to this site after last night, however, I had a comment on my blog that told me that my homeschooling my children was in question. I agree there are families out there that should not be schooling their children. If we are leading my example, then many public school teachers would not qualify. Like the drunk I had for chemistry, or the smoker I had for health class. Or the teacher that we had for algebra that wanted to be down all the girls shirts who by the way got fired. I also had a lot of wonderful teachers who lead by a great example, like my English teacher or my history teachers. Believe it or not, English and History are my two favorite subjects. You will find teachers in all schools that are just their for the little money they get, and you will find teachers that love to teach and are great teachers. I may not hold a teaching degree, but I love teaching my children about God, about the world we live in. I love teaching my children history and I am not a fan of science. But I teach that too.
There should be minimal requirements for parents that home school their children. You do not want someone that has a fourth grade education educating their kids. I am not a fan of home schooling, but that is just the social aspect that kids get from going to school (although I do see your argument using the same reasoning, schools are dangerous and kids are mean, etc). I don't beleive that public education is perfect or even considered acceptable in most cases, and I am a big supporter of increasing public funds to help our education system. I do think though there are kids out there that are not getting the proper education, because the fear that parents have of society (not saying any of you are those people, but they do exist)
I never said I was a "fan" of Candy in the first place, I defended her right to have her opinions on her site. I defended that you disliked how she treated catholics yet at the same time you are treating her in an even worse manner. What you are doing to her is no better then what she has done to people liked savedsinner. At least Elena's site is done in good taste. Like I told elena in an email, any scripture she can use to defend the rosary and the pope I can use scripture to disclaim both. People can use scripture to back up their points from now till Christ comes back and it will not make a bit of difference. We can agree to disagree. Denominations are a man made thing. It is not the Church in Acts. Denominations will tear apart people. I like Candy's site for a few things mainly about KJV but I have to question today's post. I like Candy for her homemaking things. But in reality, I have other blogs I go to for that sort of thing more then I go to hers. I never would have known about this site,except for the owner of this blog sought me out by leaving the link on my blog. I did not come here to seek you out. I had found Elena's by accident a while back. i like how she has laid out her arguments and like how has not bashed anyone.
Like the drunk I had for chemistry, or the smoker I had for health class. Or the teacher that we had for algebra that wanted to be down all the girls shirts who by the way got fired. I also had a lot of wonderful teachers who lead by a great example, like my English teacher or my history teachers. Believe it or not, English and History are my two favorite subjects.
Well first the pediphile was fired, so the system works, but I just don't get the smoker health teacher. Why, because he smokes, would that disqualify them from teaching health. If you are not in perfect physical condition you can teach health? How does that make sense. The drunk teacher: was he drunk in class or did he drink after school? If he drank after work why does that matter? Sure there are bad teachers out there like anything else. There are also horrible parents that home school. How do you stop that? That is what I am talking about. What education do you have Ginger? Wait never mind, you are a Candy head and thus are prone to exagerate the truth. Don't even bother answering that.
Ginger - you give me HUGE headache when I read your posts. Do you read any of the bloggers posts? I think the blogger is CRYSTAL clear as to why this site exists.
Just because someone puts something on your blog doesn't mean you HAVE to come here. I think people on here are calling Candy out for her BS and that is exactly what it is. I like this site because ANYONE can post something WITHOUT being censored or the blog owner not letting comments come through because they don't agree with him or it might offend someone. I like Elena's site for rebuttals with scripture, but this site lets you call out everything and not just religion.
Ginger, Again we are not the VTC or Elena. We do not fight Candy with Scripture, but with facts. We don't use scripture, but we use what Candy says, we look it up, and when we find lies we publish them. Very very simple, seriously it is, and it is not very difficult to grasp. Go through some of the older posts and I explain this so a toddler can understand. Secondly, you are not a fan of Candy. You said that she is truthful, defended her, and then bragged and patted her on the back when we wrote our blog about you. YOU ARE DELUSIONAL...YOU ARE IN DIRE NEED OF PSYCHIATRIC TREATMENT!!!! Seriously, Ginger, get off the computer it is warping your sense of reality, if one ever existed. How you can say such things without rolling on the floor yourself is amazing. I will always agree that we disagree for sure. You can't even square up with us that you are a Candy fan?? Wow. How many times have you posted on the VTC? Remember, Ginger, we have not asked you to leave, and no one has banned you from this site. We are not asking you to justify why you are here by any means, but you know (or now) that we believe differently, and you still take your half-wit arguments and try to use them against people that have cognitive capabilities. You are out gunned here. Your banter and illogic works on the blessed home, because it is the same thinking and mind set. You really are funny, and I mean in the way where we are laughing at you not with
. I will not apologize for bashing Candy, and if it turns you off...well I never had the intention of turning you on to be honest. Yes I posted on your site for one thing: The pure comedic enjoyment of reading your intelligible comments. And believe me if I had it to do all over again, I would do it twice. Thanks for returning.
Ginger and BusyMomof3 and all the other people on here who are so adamant about our rights to homeschool our children - thank you! I know that our decisions are often questioned and our rights to teach as we feel led to are being challenged constantly. I am not a perfect homeschool teacher. I do not do everything right. I miss stuff and sometimes my kids see the worst in me because they are with me so often. I trust in God's grace to protect them from the things they might be exposed to - we are not perfect parents. I have faith that my children will graduate my home school with the knowledge that learning can be fun and the knowledge of how to learn. I will never teach them everything so it is important to us as parents that they have the tools to figure it out when they need to. Our oldest is highly dyslexic - when he was in the school system (and a very good school at that) we were told by his language teacher (special assistance he received) that Nick will never spell well but "that's what spell check is for". I've got a sister in college right now who has horrendous spelling skills. It happens. We do our best. There is no one on this earth who loves my children more than I do. There is no teacher anywhere who cares more about these kids than I do and therefore I am the most qualified person anywhere to teach them. I teach them and I protect them and I properly socialize them. My children are far from perfect but sending them off to traditional school is out of the question. I commend all of you who have sacrificed of yourself to teach your children at home. While many mom's are enjoying the flexibility and free time during their children's school day we are with our kids. It isn't always fun but it is the highest calling as a mother - to dedicate ourselves to the careful upbringing of our children - and that doesn't end the first day of Kindergarten.
I posed a very kindly worded and reasonable question to Candy two days ago... she didn't publish it or answer me. I know she is reading this blog but I don't know why she is denying it. If someone had a blog dedicated to me (but I'm glad no one does) I'd be reading it often - who could help themselves??? I am shocked that she allowed Ginger's comment and especially the one following written by the woman who is removing her blog from her favorites.
I have been sitting on the sidelines quietly reading since someone sent me the link and I want to say thank you to Busymomof3 and Kiara. I do not agree with some things Candy says in fact today I questioned her on the alcohol thing and what I know yet she did not post my comment or respond. However I think posting someone's address on the internet is wrong as well as calling someone the names that Ginger was called. Yes I know Candy posted Elena's address but two wrongs still do not make a right.
Well first of all I would like to say, that I qualified my statement about home schooling by saying that I can not apply my comments to anyone, considering I don't any of you. I don't think that people should not be able to home school their children; they are your children, and I would never try and dictate how anyone raises their child or children, because I would not like the reverse. My point is that I feel as though there ought to be some guidelines for teaching at home, that is it. I don't think it is wise, but I can only apply that to my family. I do believe there should be some supervision, considering truancy is a punishable offense, and thus states a claim for the state to have an invested interest in regulating education. But that is about it.
Mrs. Butler: I myself was/am highly dyslexic, and that was when dyslexia wasn't cool or well known. I was placed in special education, and was tested for mentally retardation, autism, and just chalked up as a slow learner. It was a stigma that was horrible in the third grade. I don't have many memories of elementary, but I do remember that. Well my story is the reverse of your child's. I was saved by the public school system, and was saved by my special education teacher. She noticed that yes I had a very difficult time reading, but I could comprehend what I read, or what was read to me, and I excelled in math. She knew that I was not mentally retarded, and did some research on her own to find out what might be the issue. Mrs. Hensley was her name, and she paid out of her pocket for a test that would determine if I was dyslexic or not. She even went far enough as to find out about controversial teaching methods for dyslexic, and tried them on me. I don't know if this will help your kid, but the one thing that helped above all others was teaching me to type. I was typing without looking at the keys by the fourth grade, and to this day I type faster than I write. I work in home construction and I have to make several list while walking through homes. I use a recorder and then type out the list, because it is quicker. You may want to try that. Now I am very sorry that your child did not have the opportunity to meet the lonely teacher in a small town, but I know that had my parents taught me at home I would not have gone to college, and would not have had the skills to have a high paying job. You may want to try the typing thing for your child. It is frustrating at first, but it is one of those things for a kid that has results everyday they try it. So saying this I can tell you that is why I have the feelings about home schooling that I do. From my perspective and my situation it would have taken a special parent to have gotten through it. I am not saying you are not that person, or that you are not a good teacher to your child. I would never make such a judgment, because I don't know you. Nor would I ever make a blanket statement like no one should home school either.
Cajunchic: First the banter between Ginger and I has been reciprocal. I stated much earlier that if you treat me with respect I will reciprocate, but if you start off with a hostile and vile tone, well I will reciprocate that as well. I will respect anyone that shows me the same courtesy, and for the first day most people responded to Ginger with respect, but from start to finish Ginger's tone never changed, and thus was retorted to in the same manner. She make wild accusations, and then makes circular arguments. Like, show me where she lies, and when we do, then she gets upset and chastises us for doing what she asked. This is the majority of the source of conflict and tone.
Thanks for sharing your experiences as a child with dyslexia. We took our son out of school in the middle of the 3rd grade because the majority of the kids in special classes (3 of them) with our son were not nearly as bright as he is. He ended up feeling stupid around his peers and we did not want to see him go down that road. His speech and language teacher explained to us that many of the children could get the wrong answers and they wouldn't know any different but when he would get seemingly simple things wrong he felt badly about himself. They did so much testing on him and he is smart but he struggles mightily with some things. I too type quite fast. I will take your suggestion and I'll work on typing with him this summer. Maybe I'll be able to find a typing course online otherwise I'm sure I can find a program in the stores. Thanks much for sharing that. I'm not always the best teacher but what is good is that though he learns things much slower than his peers, he learns in an environment that doesn't intimidate him or make him feel stupid. To us, that is very important. I'm sure I'll screw up plenty along the way but I'm hopeful he'll do well in the long run. We're constantly working on the reading and writing but things have improved so that's a good thing.
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