Candy 6/27/08
"That church was NKJV, but at least it wasn't NIV, or worse….
Then we moved to the state we're in now. We had a hard time finding a church. We ended up in one that was Campbelite (church of Christ). We didn't know it until we heard a few "off" sermons, and did some research. The church we're in now is almost Landmarkist (Baptist) in some areas, but isn't officially Landmarkist, thankfully.However, I've never felt totally welcome there, and I think it's probably because I'm not allowed to become a member or partake of Communion there, because I refuse to get re-baptized in a "Baptist church." I was already baptized! :-? Apparently, in the eyes of my church, my baptism "doesn't count," since they want me to do it again. :-( I don't want to water down my first baptism, by using baptism as a "club membership" tool.
I love my current church, but I think it's too legalistic. (Legalism as defined by Webster’s “1: an advocate or adherent of moral legalism2: one that views things from a legal standpoint; especially : one that places primary emphasis on legal principles or on the formal structure of governmental institutions”) There's not much smiling there (however, pastor smiles, which is great) and after some members sing a solo or duet special, we are not allowed to clap, so as to not cause a pride problem in the person who sang. Thus, after the special song is over, the church is just sadly silent, with maybe a few men saying "Amen." When I clapped in the Foursquare church, I wasn't praising the person doing the singing, I was praising God for His greatness, and for giving that person the gift to bless us with song."
So what Candy is saying here is that she doesn’t like her church to be a mixture of Church of Christ and Baptist. The best part of her argument is about the church being legalistic. Here is the hypocrisy of this statement. To be too legalistic means to divert from the spirit and interpret the Bible too literally, and to move from what feels right to doctrine. So let’s recap: Candy only likes the KJV, and thank God it is not one of those other devilish Bibles (what in the world does that mean, is there really an evil Bible?). Secondly, Wikipedia describes legalism as “in Christian theology, is a pejorative term referring to an improper fixation on law or codes of conduct, or legal ideas, usually implying an allegation of misguided rigor, pride, superficiality, the neglect of mercy, and ignorance of the grace of God or emphasizing the letter of law over the spirit. Legalism is alleged against any view that law, not faith in God's grace, is the pre-eminent principle of redemption. Its opposite error is antinomianism, which is alleged against a view that moral laws are not binding.”So when Candy gets on her soap box and spits out scriptures condemning Catholics this is what she is being, too legalistic. I mean wow to post this and then turn around and do the exact same thing you are complaining about to Catholics is amazingly hypocritical. She states that her baptism wasn’t good enough for her current church. Just like Catholic religion and other religions that she doesn’t agree with aren’t good enough for her nor you. Wow, I can only say, in her defense, that her ignorance and lack of education causes here to speak in this manner.
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Oh, she could become Catholic, we wouldn't require her to be rebaptised, we recognize that baptism as valid. Not holding my breath, though.
Actually Aine, we might require her to be re-baptized if she was not baptized in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. There are some places that baptize only in the Name of Jesus and Catholics point out (based on Scripture) that such a baptism is not valid. I'm more amused by her insisting that child baptism is not valid, even though the Bible says over and over that whole households were baptized. Elena's blog already covered that nicely, though.
Her lack of education permeates everything she writes. She never finished public high school, and CLAIMS she homeschooled HERSELF for the last year and then, (and this is the real kicker), she HOMESCHOOLED HERSELF THROUGH COLLEGE!!!
stephanie, you are right, like those folks in Australia who were baptised in the name of the Creator,the Redeemer/Liberator and the Sanctifier .
Catholics are not the only church that believe in baptism for babies. I wonder when she will pounce on those churches.
She probably held modeling school at her house too.
I've been shampooing carpets for last little bit...that's when I do my best thinking...and I've finally figured it out!! Candy wrote awhile back on how much she just LOVED her church. Now, she's decided she doesn't like it so much. Last week she made a MEEZ...interesting. Candy and her wonderful hubby are going to start their own MEEZ service on Sunday mornings and all that are not happy with their own church are welcome. However, they WILL be required to tithe and give offerings and all that good stuff that is encouraged of us "reality" church goers. No joking guys!! Stranger things have happended!! And she call the Catholic Church a cult?
If you need to do some more thinking, come on over and do my carpets too!
(Please forgive me for using an emoticon!) might be on to something!
I would LOVE to!! That is my favorite thing to do when I need some "thinking" time. During Nursing School...I download the lectures on my mp3 and shampoo carpets while learning the lecture material. Crazy I know. The rest of my house may not be clean...but by George my carpets are!!!
A Meez church....fabulous!
Let us all fake pray now.
Wow busymom! You just might be on to something there. She did say how the meez prayz parteez made her realize how much she missed whatever it is that she is missing that is not in her new church that she loved just last month. I can't wait to see how it all plays out!
Someone needs to start an anti-Candy meez party in hopes of getting her party goers in there and tell them NOT to give them money. It will just go to a plane tracker and ink cartridges and other stupid ebay crap they don't need.
Excellent post!!!
I knew, I just knew someone would suggest Vision Forum to her.
I've done some thinking and reading on all of this over the past few days. I have also done a bit of independent research based on the allegations made on this site. I've found (and copied and saved) the posts about MENSA and modeling and the type of home they live in and I am also taking into consideration the person I believe she really is. I believe that Candy had no obligation to tell anyone (or to publish questions or answer them) about the style of home she lived in. Many people don't share that information and I have asked many questions over the past year and she has never answered one, but she usually posts them. In regards to the fact that she lives in a trailer, I have found her admission of that so I don't see her as lying about it. Many, many bloggers would never post info about where they live, pictures of their homes and so on. If she claimed to live in TX that wouldn't bother me. We all need to first be concerned with protecting the safety of our family. I'm assuming that the owner of this blog doesn't give that same info out about himself for similar reasons.
As for the MENSA, I've copied and saved her posts about how she did an online quiz and that based on her scores she "qualifies" for MENSA - yet I could find nothing where she says they "invited her to join". In this situation I think Candy thinks just a bit too highly of herself. Confidence is one thing but she just seems to have a boastful personality (much like another commenter on here) and no one is impressed by boastful people. It is a negative and un-Christian character trait.
As for the modeling school. Well, there is no way to prove or disprove that. Further, anyone who wants to graduate from such a school can and it is not expensive. I wouldn't call her a liar for making that claim. Local grocery stores around here hire local families to "model" all the time. Models are not required to be beautiful. Again, I have no reason to assume Candy has lied about this but has perhaps been boastful and bragging in describing her past accomplishments.
As for the ITU thing, I could find nothing anywhere about that so I choose to not get hung up on it.
I can't recall anything else she was accused of lying about. I've done the research to come up with the conclusions I have reached.
I believe Candy has shown herself to be critical of others and not at all in the spirit of Christian love. She has come across, to me at least, as a woman who thinks too much of herself and that is not at all humble or attractive to me. I believe that Candy does much of what she claims to do in a day because I have highly organized, type A friends, who accomplish ten times what I do on any given day. Their focus is so intense and at times they have admitted to the fact that they are practically in bondage to their schedules. It is not always a good thing and there needs to be a healthy balance. I have no reason to assume that she does not fulfill her daily chores as planned so I won't assume she is lying about it.
Candy has contradicted herself in many cases. Just this week I noticed her comment to a reader that if her hubby says he is saved than he is. That is certainly contrary to the spirit in which she talks to Catholic readers who declare their salvation. Further, she has had many praises for their new church and just today she speaks negatively of it. I think she is a bit wishy-washy, women often are. I change how I feel about things from day to day - depending on my moods and circumstance. It doesn't, in my book, make her a liar but it makes her inconsistent. Her inability and unwillingness to admit her flaws and her imperfections reflects poorly on her character. As does the way that she speaks to people who earnestly seek her counsel.
I agree with her on some of her points about the Catholic church. I believe they complicate the crap out of salvation and have a whole lot of stuff way wrong about the intent of scripture but that doesn't mean I think I need to "fix" their mindsets. I trust that God has a plan for each of us and we don't know what He is doing in other churches. He knows our hearts. Like Ginger said, denominations are not of God. I don't care where you go to church. I attend an imperfect church. I am a flawed Christian. I can appreciate debate in a mature and non-hostile setting. Candy obviously does not but on her blog she doesn't have to entertain it, it is HER blog. I enjoy reading some of what she posts. I find some of what she posts to be more of a display of "look at me and the great things I do". I can take and leave what I want. I do not see her as a liar but I do see her as a woman who seems to be a bit too full of herself sometimes. I understand why some of you don't like her. She has clearly hurt many people and I do understand your need to vent about it with others who feel the same pain as you do. However, there are people on this blog who are nasty and deliberately say hurtful things to other visitors. For whatever reason the world is full of people who seem to get some sort of sick joy out of being mean. There is nothing about that behavior that makes you look admirable. I've met a few really great people from my time visiting and posting here. Through those encounters I've come across some great blogs that I will continue to follow. In addition I have come across some of you are as unpleasant as it gets. I can only imagine how unhappy you must be in real life, and if not unhappy, how unpleasant it would be to know you. There are posters here who have yet to say a decent and/or kind thing. There are posters here who seem to look for reasons to post negative remarks. You are certainly no better than Candy. She may be a master exaggerator and though I can't see any reason to call her a liar, she may be a liar. However, I have seen good and bad in her. That is more than I can say for some of you. I'll continue to stop by this blog because it interests me in a way. And, I've enjoyed the perspective that some of you have brought. I guess I'm just posting to say that I've not been convinced (through my own research) that she is a liar. I do see her in a different light in some regards but I have not been convinced that she's lying deliberately about anything. Still, she has offended people and shown no remorse or concern for the fact that many of her loyal readers have been hurt by her. There is nothing respectable about that. Even in the name of doing the work of the Lord, we are not called to be unkind. Some of you, if you claim to be Christian's, would do well to think on that.
That was well said!
uAre you guys sleeping. Mr. provided this information on about 3 posts ago and I think was overlooked.
Mr. said...
I am compelled to clear some things up. First they are not poor because he spends money on crap for his "inventions", although that doesn't help matters. They are poor because HE WON"T WORK AT A REAL JOB that pays a decent wage. He is hooked up with the same group that he was with 15 years ago in New Jersey where he received no money, but he and Candy did get room and board and she had to make the meals. They keep stringing him along with a $500 a week stipend and promises of tripling that weekly amount when the group gets financial investors. Of course if the group has investors, Erik will NEVER see any $$$ from them. It will all go in the head guy's pocket because Erik is too ignorant to realize it. He has no contract or any documents giving him financial protection in case he ever does come up with a viable invention. He is smart enough to invent something, this group realizes it, and they are playing him for a sucker. He could easily get a regular job with his skills doing computer repair, car repair, or even working on private jet engines...all things he did in his 20's, but he says this is his "calling". Is he selfish...YES, self-absorbed...YES, narrow-minded...YES!!! And the kicker is he blames all this on GOD. Candy is just as guilty. She revels in the role of subservient wife. It allows her to play the victim under the guise of a good christian wife. She used to stand up to Erik more and push him to get better jobs, but I think she realizes that is useless, so she's going with the "I have to stretch hubby's hard-earned dollar" routine to cover the fact that HE IS JUST LAZY AND SELFISH. Also, to Concernedcitizen...his ebay listing saying his location is Colo. just means he hasn't changed that information. TRUST ME...I know he's been in Oklahoma for 4 years now.
June 27, 2008 1:16 PM
Mr. said...
In response to CIACAIG,
I have known the Brauer family for many years, and in their defense I must state that NONE of the rest of them are like Erik...or Candy either. They are true christians, and some are even (gasp) Catholics. Some family members do unburden themselves to people very close to them who really know the whole story and can lend a sympathetic ear. They find his irresponsible behavior as a father apalling and his unwillingness to earn a living to provide for his children shameful. If he was not capable of providing for them it would be different, BUT HE IS...AND HE WON'T!. He says his inventions are for the greater good of mankind and it would be unchristian of him not to follow his "calling." His kids already don't get enough to eat and they're not even teenagers yet! When they go out to eat, every scrap of food is consumed...even stuff like parsley or fruit wedges meant to decorate the plate. Candy's statements about the "feasts" she cooks are a gross exaggeration. Candy has also boasted how she doesn't allow snacks either. With 3 out of 4 children being boys, this situation will only intensify as they get older. Those kids need all the prayers they can get. I could go on and on and on with other examples of neglectful parenting, but I wouldn't know where to start!!!
June 27, 2008 4:18 PM
Mr. said...
Erik, Candy, James, John, Joe and little Rachel live in a single-wide trailor that they are renting...supposedly in a christian trailor park. It is located in Bethany, Oklahoma and I am fairly certain it's on Douglas Circle. I do not know why she just won't say this is what she lives in when other people ask. But her prideful propensity to exaggerate her life and how great things are for her may have something to do with it.
June 26, 2008 8:51 AM
Mr. said...
Candy and Erik did own outright the house in Akron, Colo. but they are now renting the single-wide trailor. They had a 2500 sq.ft. brick home that USED to be a Head Start program or something like that. They moved because the city council wanted them to put up a 6 ft. fence to hide all the old cars Erik was working on, and said they'd be fined if it wasn't done. Erik got mad about the city "telling him what to do", and he and the MENSA candidate decided it would be better to move into an RV for several months and go to Oklahoma rather than put up a $1000 fence and stay in a PAID OFF HOME that had pleny of room for their family. Now the kids get to be crammed into a spider infested dump...but hey, they sure showed those city council people in Akron!!
June 26, 2008 3:48 PM
Mr. said...
Her lack of education permeates everything she writes. She never finished public high school, and CLAIMS she homeschooled HERSELF for the last year and then, (and this is the real kicker), she HOMESCHOOLED HERSELF THROUGH COLLEGE!!!
June 27, 2008 1:26 PM
Candy says "7) Reading the KJV has been shown to improve the IQs for many people. My IQ literally shot up 20 points after the first time I read the KJV, and I was then invited to join Mensa."
and she says it here
Working up,
Thanks for that quote and you are welcome to assume she is a lying but I can't make that assumption because there is no way for me to prove she wasn't invited. I'm not trying to convince anyone one way or the other. I'm not a Candy fanatic. I appreciate some aspects of her blog and there are some aspects of her personality I don't appreciate. I'm just the kind of woman who is able to take the good and leave the bad.
She also lies when she calls my church the Great Whore, but I am now finding out more and more that people who you think are sisters in Christ think you are a cult following non-Christian if you are a Catholic. I've seen more tolerance and goodwill from atheists and wiccans than some of the Christian women on the net.
The false stories that circulate around Protestant circles about Catholicism is pretty much on par with the Jews sacrifice babies on Passover crap.
Being a Catholic, Mormom or JW does not mean you have to be a doormat for every bitchy religious bigot out there. Some people just don't like Catholics getting uppity, they have been used to just practicing a sort of benign bigotry for the most part, and outright bigotry the rest of the time.
I would never ever enjoy a blog if they professed a hatred for whites,blacks, gays, evangelicals,etc. But I guess I'm different, I can't ignore the BS while enjoying the housekeeping tips.
Candy has just posted that my comment about Erik being with the same company he was with years ago in New Jersey is not correct. I admit that I could be mistaken and it may not be the EXACT same company. But someguy from back then, I think his name is Dennis, was responsible for getting Erik out to Oklahoma. About a year ago the whole operation was shut down, supposedly due to lack of funds. Recently, it restarted, and MAYBE DIFFERENT PEOPLE are involved now. Anyway, I am not, as Candy states, "a sick individual out there, claiming to know me, but putting out baloney."
Sorry Candy, but I will always write the most accurate accounts I can...a concept I know continues to be foreign to you.
7) Reading the KJV has been shown to improve the IQs for many people. My IQ literally shot up 20 points after the first time I read the KJV, and I was then invited to join Mensa."
When I read that back in May, I did not assume that right after she read the KJV bible that MENSA was knocking on her door. I did figure that she took the test after reading the KJV. I also figured she knew what her IQ was prior to taking the MENSA test, thus knowing she improved by 20.
Just because it wasn't worded accurately in that statement doesn't mean she wasn't offered membership.
I agree with Kaira. We really have no way of knowing.
I understand that the descriptions of your church are offensive to you. I'm not debating that with anyone. Just because I don't agree with the teachings of the Catholic Church (that I grew up in, was schooled in and went to Catechism at)does not mean I think you are a non-Christian cult follower. I'm hoping you weren't making a jab at me in that comment. I'm also assuming, correctly I hope, that you aren't referring to me as a bitchy religious bigot - because I am not "religious" at all. I actually can't stand that term as my faith has little to do with religion. I've not enjoyed any blogs, to my knowledge, that have professed hatred for whites, blacks, gays, evangelicals, etc... but I have enjoyed blogs of women who dislike the practices of some denominations and probably the lifestyle of gays. Again, I shouldn't assume you were shooting this comment off to me as it wasn't addressed to me but as it so closely followed my last comment I just wanted to make sure. Well, that and because you made the shot about enjoying housekeeping tips in spite of the BS. I've enjoyed some reasonable points made by you in your other comments while skipping over the parts I felt weren't as impressive.
No, she has stated that her IQ was 119, and shot up to 160. Google cached on
"Taxpayerslavery, my IQ was 119, then after reading the bible a few times, it shot up to the recent testing of 160. This is something that has been recorded to happen in many other people."
Well, which one is it, a gain of 20 or 40 points? Someone smart enough to attract the attention of Mensa should be able to keep track of those pesky little IQ points. Wait, I just realized, each time she reads the Bible her IQ goes up even more, so it's a cumulative IQ gain. Right...
Heck, we should just plop our kids down in front of the KJV bible and do away with schooling altogether. Does this mean if my kid is LD all I would have to do is have her read the KJV bible? I hope no mom who visited her site took this seriously, can you imagine the guilt?
MMM, I was not referring to you as a bitchy religious bigot. But yes, I do think it is interesting that you can make a disconnect from bigotry exhibited on Candy's blog from her tips. I guess you are a person who can do that, I observed that I cannot.
You have to apply to mense you aren't just "invited" to join. It is braggadocios at best and false at worse: pride or dishonesty.
Either way you look at it Candy is deceptive. If anyones wants to excuse her deceptions as not being lies because they think she makes good bread that is their call of course.
As I have said before. There is nothing wrong with being poor, there is nothing wrong with living in a trailer or having a loser as a husband. There is something very admirable about being at peace with your finances, proud of your humble home, and loving your husband in spite of his faults.
The problems with Candy that I see is that she is so bloody deceptive. Not just with the facts of her personal life but with her comments, what she says to people behind the scenes, how she misrepresents what others say about her and the way she redacts her blog to cover herself and she generally makes herself look like more than she is. Also the way she attacks people of the catholic faith and won't even allow them to respond is pretty pathetic.
There is a very ugly nasty streak there. There is here too, but at least this place isn't pretending to be something to build people up.
I also think homeschooling is a great option for families and the government has no more place telling me how to educate my child than they do telling me if I can have one in the first place, this isn't China.
Let me clear up the whole MENSA thing. You are NOT invited. Nobody is. Ever. If you feel you qualify, you contact MENSA, set up a time/place to take THE test for MENSA and if you pass... you are in. Not INVITED. Never do they contact you and invite you. NEVER. So.. for her to say she was INVITED is a lie. Plain and simple. There is a "quiz" on the MENSA site that you can take just for fun. But that test is not THE test you take to be admitted into MENSA. And.. once more.. you are NEVER invited. EVER.
So.. is that a lie, or not?
Psychologists (PhD) administer IQ tests. Rarely do adults have IQ tests unless indicated because of a brain injury or other medical reasons. The self administered tests are not valid
I think this is your best post yet :) I agree, she has been less than decent to many of her readers. I don't know much about her husband and none of us know what goes on behind the scenes there - she might just be making the best of things. If so, I admire that. I would hope that if my husband was to no longer be able to provide for us as he does now that I could show peace and joy in the midst of our trials. There is something to be said for a wife that builds her husband up - even if he doesn't deserve it (yet I am not making any assumptions about her husband). Still, I find it hard to admire the way she has treated some of her other readers and I am not impressed with her prideful ways. I do think she has been deceptive, especially recently, as this whole blog war has erupted and I do think there is a bit of damage control going on. She would do a service to her readers to just address everything once and for all and get it out in the open and then move on, and to make amends where they need to be made. There is no excuse for a Christian woman to be unkind to another in the name of Jesus.
I am baffled with the Erik and job thingy that Mr. posted. Candy has stated that per scripture, never doubt your husband because he is the head of the family. The evidence is apparent of her past postings and collaboration with "Mr"---it does come together. Remember Candy's post to SIL, Anne? Eric and Candy do not talk to her relatives except for Erik's father. "Mr" knew the children's names. The whole scenario does make sense. After reading the genueine profit stuff--it mentions this company and Dennis. I am sad for the children. Of course Candy is going to deny "Mr" posts. That is human nature. I have made a pact--if Candy would cease posting anti-Catholic blogs, I will stop posting on this site.
All you need to homeschool is the KJV. According to jesusislord site, if women would just clean the house and homeschool using only the KJV, then
By God's grace and almighty power, babies can read while they are still in diapers. Two year olds can praise God and his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Three year olds can read the Authorized Version of the scriptures. Four year olds can learn cursive writing. Five year olds can expound the word of God.
Well, that blows Teach Your Child to Read out of the water any day.
The Scriptures are not a magical talisman one can simply read through and gain intelligence. It's not an IQ point vending machine.
In fact, the more I read, the more I realize I *don't* know.
milehimama, my head hurts. It's either the fact that I was not organized and lost my glasses, again, or the stuff you quoted. Maybe both.I'm such a slacker.
And this is a gem:
"The Scriptures are not a magical talisman one can simply read through and gain intelligence. It's not an IQ point vending machine."
Interesting article on Candy's favorite site, Jesus is lord...
I'm just sayin'
mr., who are you? You sound like you know Candy personally, I am very jealous.
As abominable as the content is on that entire JIL site is, no matter what one thinks about evolution, this gem should concern everyone.
Ohhhhh my....I took one look at that article and saw it's by Debi Pearl. Do a google search on Mike and Debi Pearl. To Train Up a Child. Weird stuff.
The article I was referring to (by Debi Pearl) is the Jezebel one.
Doc at Doc's Sunrise Rants took on the Pearls a few years ago.
She has also has a link to another article about them.
Candy has posted various articles by the Pearl's on her site,she might be familiar with this particular Jezebel article written by Debi Pearl.
another one, that was...enlightening...
It's like a whole other reality, like another dimension even.
it is strange, indeed. Too bad the associated links on JIL are dead.
Just read the Geocentricity thing... What the????
We still say the sun goes up and down. Scientists say the sun goes up or down. Doesn't mean we literally mean the earth stands still.
but the Authorized Version tells us so! descriptive language be da*ned!
I copied the below from
I guess it would depend on one's definition of "invited". According to the info below if you pass their actual test then you are offered membership. Som people would consider that an invitation.
If you're not sure whether you're Mensa material, simply complete the
application below, and return it with your check or money order for $12.
Mensa will send you a pretest you can take in the privacy of your home.
When you've finished it, send it back to Mensa. It will be scored, and
you will be notified of the results. If your score indicates an IQ at or
above the 95th percentile, you'll be invited to take the qualifying
supervised test#, which costs $25. (Although the pre-test is not
required for admission, many people take it anyway simply for the
If you prefer, you may apply directly to take the supervised test at one
of many locations convenient to you. If your score on that test is at or
above the 98th percentile, you'll be offered membership in Mensa.
# Note: Mensa's tests are not valid for people under the age of 14; they
can qualify for membership via prior evidence, described earlier.
Barb, You do not get invited to Mensa by an online test. That is where the lie is. You have to go through a series of testing at Mensa, and not just over the internet. After those tests are complete and examined an induction into Mensa comes. This is why I say she lied about it. Yes you can take a test on line, and yes it may qualify you for further testing, but you will not be invited into Mensa by their online test. Barb: you proved our whole point. That just goes to show you that the test for Mensa is not online, and not done at home. Thank you.
Now to you that say Candy has not lied. Here is the litmus test: Was Erik Brauer inducted into the inventors hall of fame?
Anyone can tell by reading her posts that she's not MENSA material. Simple.
Quote: My hubby played electric bass guitar and sang, and I taught Sunday School for a while, for ages 10-12.
Did I miss something? I thought she was against sending kids into Sunday School.
If you are not smart enough to check your spelling, you are not a mensa candidate.
Erik Brauer WAS NEVER INDUCTED in the Inventors Hall of Fame, nor ever contacted by them. I doubt they even know who he is because he's never had a patented invention. He did invent some type of transmission improvement process, but I really believe that he didn't get a patent for it. After all that would require he give information like his SSN and then they might trace the fact that he does not pay taxes and a whole can of worms would open up. He never does anything that requires him to give a SSN because he doesn't want the government tracking him. He gets paid "under the table". Also, his kids were born at home so they wouldn't have to get SSN's. I don't know how they are supposed to get along later in get a driver's license or employment without a SSN...but Erik only cares about his selfish warped viewpoints and keeping "off the government radar", so too bad for the kids I guess. Anyway, the whole Inventors Hall of Fame claim is a COMPLETE FABRICATION. In fact I laughed so hard the first time I read that statement that I was literally crying.
Well I was chris, and the one that she advised not to be an attorney. I beleive Candy about a month ago said that Erik was getting his first paten. I did comment that if that was his first paten then how could he get into the hall of fame; she responded by saying he was part of an invention that was inducted, but the problem with that is they credit everyone involved in the invention process on that site. You can search the site by using a name of an inventor. Guess what? No Erik.
I know a bunch of conspiracy theorist, and believers, and they are all supporters of "getting off the grid." It is rather delusional, and to bring your kids up in that type of paranoid atmosphere can not be good.
the three types of mom: you cant find ITU certification because it is not given out to individuals and has only been awarded to a couple of corporation. She is referring to IT certification, but if she was IT certified she would know the difference, and thus a lie.
When I was a brand new mom, someone gave me two of the Pearl's books.
My son later turned out to have special needs. Their method caused such great harm to my family.
I was just pointing out that perhaps Candy would do well to browse some of the OTHER articles on Jesusislord...
Oh, come on now, you know who I am :) Just call me Kaira.
Thanks for the explanation about the ITU thing. I didn't ever read anything about this on her site and I hadn't been able to find anything online so I just didn't think much on it.
She certainly isn't doing anything to help herself out, I'll give you that. She's clearly reading these blogs because her blog has changed so much this week.
I wonder if she has read mine. :)
milehimama, you need a neon sign with a flashing arrow pointing to the URL of the article,and blinking "read the Jezebel article, read the jezebel artice."
The more I read of the comments here, and reading between the lines on Candy’s blog, the angrier I’m getting. Those poor children, living in poverty whilst their feckless father wastes their food and clothing money on pointless rubbish - if you're earning a decent salary, you can buy as much rubbish as you like, but if you're earning $500 a week, other things come first, like food and dental care for your family.
And, indeed, poor Candy - having to stretch a dollar until it screams for mercy whilst her feckless husband wastes the household money on pointless rubbish, and all the time she is referring to her darling hubby the genius who’s on the point of striking it rich with a wonderful invention.
I mean, if you are so short of cash that you are even slightly, vaguely thinking about the remotest possibility of filling your own teeth? Jesus wept.
You're right, Rosamundi. I feel the same way. I feel bad for Candy. Perhaps she's putting on this "joy joy joy" face because she doesn't know what else to do. At this point, she's given up on her hubby to provide properly for the family (and it sounds like he is perfectly capable of doing so), and as a Christian, she thinks she has to be submissive and accepting of that behavior. And joyful! Sometimes these bible literalists just take it too far - "the bible says do all things without complaining" and blah blah blah. At the same time she is far too convinced she must stay home with the kiddos 24/7 and not let them out of her sight, so she won't get a paying job herself. What a sad situation. The kids suffer the most.
Just as practical information- my last baby (my fourth) was born at home. People don't have babies at home simply to avoid getting their child on a government database- I did it because I was sick of being treated like an idiot in the hospital, I have no risk pregnancies, and I thought the experience would be wonderful, which it was. My midwife took care of applying for my son's birth certificate and ss #.
But- while I can find no fault in Candy for having a home birth (in fact, I applaud her) I do find it irresponsible and foolish, even negelctful, to have an unassiated home birth.
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