Monday, August 4, 2008

The Brauer Meez parties are the place to be for entertainment....not a religious experience.

New topic people!!! This is a quick post and I have no time to proofread, so be easy! I am the third commentator.

So, I decided to see what a Meez party was all about. After finally getting in last night, due to overcrowding, I see eight people. Count them…..eight. It seems that is the limit she allows. Two of the eight happened to be Erik and Candy. Pick yourself up please from the shock. Candy was dressed in a purple, sleeveless “look at me” dress and I believe she had “look at me” hair too. They were side by side dancing. Candy would constantly use the remote for new music. Some lady was next to Eric and wouldn’t shut up for two seconds. She was going on and on about how she wanted her husband saved and asking Erik a thousand questions. It was borderline “hitting” on his Minutemann’s meez. Then, Erik and Candy start line dancing “rock” style. That had to have been the funniest thing I have ever seen. Their meez were throwing themselves around and gyrating and I know there is nothing in the KJV that condones that behavior. After that, Candy kept shouting different phrases. One was “consume us in your cleansing fire!” Then, someone came in and said, they were saved from being a Mormon and Candy responded how happy she was because Mormons have ties to Wicca. Seriously, Candy….Wicca? That woman is so off her rocker. Amanda showed up (not ours) and Erik and Candy started praising her. They told her how much respect they had for her for telling it like it is. Amanda just soaked it all in and thanked them so much. One meez started crying because the spirit was moving in there. The only religious thing I saw the whole evening was youtube religious videos. I seriously doubt any teenagers showed up either. If you have not been to a praise party, you must see one. It is worth the wasted time.


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Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

wow, that's way better than the Meez parties I've been to.

Did you know that people use her room when the Brauers aren't around?

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...
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candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

Yes, I did. I have been in there several times waiting for a party and a bunch of other people were in there talking and dancing. I am sure Candy saw on this website how boring people thought it was and has stepped up her game.

Amanda #1 said...

Well of course they love ANOA. She's trying her damnedest to be a carbon-copy of Candy.

Stacy said...

One of these days, I will go to a party and stay for more than a few minutes. I need to figure out how not to feel awkward.

On the limit of 8, that is a limit imposed by Meez. I looked around and I think you have to pay to have a room with a limit of more than 8.

another one said...

Did anyone who was there actually witness the 'salvation' of the 'nice Catholic lady?'

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I've never witnessed a "salvation" but I have witnessed Erik bugging people about it.

Salvation by irritation... he's got the Annoy-nting

fargogirl said...

re: the "salvation"-
I was in the room when this went down. I felt quite certain at the time that this person was a "plant". It just seemed really strange. She popped in, and right away made a comment about how she didn't understand what everyone else was talking about when they would say they were being moved by the Holy Spirit, etc. Then she mentioned right after that she was Catholic. Of course, Candy was on her right away like a fly on...well, you get the picture. Blabbering on about how she needed to accept J.C. as her own personal savior, blahblahblah....the woman says, "well, how do I get saved? What do I need to do?" Candy says ,"Oh, all you need to do is say this prayer", tells the woman to repeat it, and that was that. The woman then says "Why am I crying", and there was much "rejoicing" and jumping about.
It just all seemed very strange and stilted. I thought it very suspicious that a Catholic stumbles into the room by chance, and becomes "saved" within 10 minutes.
Oh, also, after all this dancing and other nonsense, she says "so does this mean I'm not Catholic anymore", and Erik says something to the tune of "well you can still go to that church but it will just be an empty experience for you now."

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that Catholic salvation was a manipulation of Candy. Either she knows it and doesn't care because she wants to count that soul among those she has saved, or she is too foolish and ignorant to realize that no one can be "saved" in a chat room by saying a prayer.

OK, ya'll, I started my book study - or at least an introduction. I am so blogger illiterate that it will take a while for me to make it all work, but there is something there now to start with. I plan to get up the first two chapters, or at least the first one, this afternoon. I want to keep up with ANOA.

Be warned, I run off at the mouth. Meaning, I am very long winded. Just so you know.

Here we go

concernedcitizen said...

The whole thing is a joke. You can not get saved in a Meez room. They are on a major power trip.

Me said...

Has anyone else had the unfortunate experience of listening to ANOA's podcast? Cuckoo!!! It cuts off at the end, which I'm sure will be picked up in the next installment, but it sounds a lot like she is comparing the unsaved to dead, rotten animals. What a lovely christian!

sweepingthehome said...

Tia, I am so glad you are doing this. I'm going to read the book too and I'll be reading your new blog!

sweepingthehome said...

Yes, I listened to her self-righteous, arrogant blabber.

Me said...

Tia- I'm looking forward to reading your blog!

another one said...

Oooooh....thanks for the insight.

That Candy. She's such a soulwinner. Which just goes to show you what a theologically bankrupt concept that is.

Did they do anything to help disciple her, or just send her on her merry way?

Amanda #1 said...

Tia, you're a bigger woman than I. I tried to read that "book" just now. I did a lot of skimming and it still made me naseous. I look forward to your commentary.

Anonymous said...

first of I have to apologize to candy. Instead of going to her first on the behalf of my friend I came here and posted my disgust of her. So Candy I am sorry.

2nd, I will update more when I get my bearings back. I was offline for a bit and could not figure things out.

Anonymous said...

i went in for about ten minutes, and left because i was so bored. yeah, the spirit was really moving in there... seriously, it went on for 4 HOURS? i would hate to have a life that was completely surrounded by homemaking/homeschooling/being a submissive wife. don't get me wrong, i think homemaking is a beautiful thing, and my fiance and i plan on homeschooling our children someday, but it's not my main goal or purpose. my fiance said recently that whatever you spend most of your time on is your god. so i think it's funny that in a list of "books that changed my life," candy had the kjv bible, and all the rest were homemaking books. ha.

Amanda #1 said...

I think Candy needs to read this.

fargogirl said...

ANOA's got her podcast back up, in case anyone is interested.

Amanda #1 said...

I tried to listen over lunch, but the sound quality was awful. I had my speakers cranked way up and could only understand every 8th word.

Me said...

I didn't have any trouble hearing the podcast. Call me stupid but I really couldn't grasp what the hell she was talking about. All I could focus on was her very condescending tone, and I think she's dating someone named Jesus?

sweepingthehome said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sweepingthehome said...

All I could focus on was her very condescending tone

That's exactly what I noticed. Self-righteous and arrogant. She also mentioned "all those parody blogs." WTF? How many are there anyway? Is she too stupid to realize that CIC, VTC, and Coffee w/Candy are not parodies?

and I think she's dating someone named Jesus?


sweepingthehome said...

OMG, on the podcast ANOA sounds JUST LIKE the FLDS ladies who were all over the news back in the spring. Same soft, meek, almost childlike voice. Interestingly, Carolyn Jessop, a former FLDS member who managed to escape the cult several years ago, said that Fascinating Womanhood is a very popular book among the FLDS women.

Anonymous said...

I know that it's been mentioned that she's a Candy-Clone, but it still freaks me out to go there and see that picture. It's Candy down to the hair and lifted chin.

Am I the only one who finds that a tad creepy?

Anonymous said...

The Intro & Chapter 1 are up. I was wrong, I won't get to chapter 2 until tomorrow. Sometimes, work actually gets in the way of what I want to do. Funny how that happens, while I'm at work!

Intro & Chapter 1

Anonymous said...

I attempted ANOA's podcast just now and couldn't do it. I could not sit an listen to that for however long it went on. She sounds like she was reading a story on Sesame Street.

I wonder if she talks like that to everyone? If so, it could explain a whole heck of a lot.

Your audience, Ms. ANOA, are adults. Grown women, mostly. Not young children. Give them the respect of speaking to them as such.

It really just gave me the heebie jeebies.

Nicole said...

I also tried to listen to it and gave up after five minutes because her tone annoyed me.

sweepingthehome said...

From one of ANOA's commenters regarding the book study:

I stepped away as Karen 'took over' her marriage. When I ran into her husband several months ago, all he did was praise her for her 'muscles' and how 'with my wife, anything for us is possible.' I felt so bad for him/them. Karen does not believe in divorce, thankfully, but has her hubby 'whipped'.

What the hell is she talking about? Can someone please tell me what is wrong with a husband praising his wife's muscles? Women who work out and stay fit have muscles (not huge like a man's of course) and it looks good. Think of Cameron Diaz, or Jessica Biel. My husband loves the way a woman looks when she is athletic and toned. So I don't get what the problem is. And then he said, "with my wife anything is possible." Sounds like a husband that adores his wife to me! What is she reading into this?

Anonymous said...

I agree with you sweeping, to me the husband loves his wife and is proud of her. Whatever some fool is reading into it is entirely their own issue, not Karen's or her husbands. I had the exact same thought when I read that but I couldn't formulate a comment about it because my mind could not get to the level of judgment it takes to look at something like that as a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

wow, i just looked over ANOA's blog, and y'all are RIGHT ... she is a candy CLONE. everything she writes about is what candy writes about - from her recipes to cloth diapers to the "before you comment on my blog..." holy cow.

i'm listening to her podcast right now, it is...sickening. the tone of her voice is so fake sweet, it's exactly what i tried to get away from a couple years ago. that fake teacher/i-know-more-than-you tone some christians used when they taught. i fell in love with a more genuine conversational tone, and i haven't heard someone teach like this in so long, it's just...yuck.

haha, she says in her podcat, "when you are ruled by religion, you tend to seek out people you can correct." i think that is hilarious...isn't that exactly what candy and ANOA love to do? tell people they are wrong and why? ALL THE FREAKING TIME?

ooh man. they really do make my blood boil. these are exactly the kind of people i tried SO hard to remove myself from when i was going through a tough time, trying to understand god and christianity.

Anonymous said...

okay, why does she say religion leads people to point out sin in other people, and then goes on to say all that's wrong with the people who comment on this site and others, and why we are so "desperate for salvation"? how do the hell do the two connect? and isn't she just proving her own hypocrisy?

Anonymous said...

HAHA...okay... ANOA says "when they find me repulsive, i praise the lord, because it is evidence of his presence in me."

i guess that means that since everyone here is found repulsive by the candyheads, we are just as right as they are! hallelujah.


ok, ok, i'm done. i'm just being mean and angry, at this point.

Anonymous said...

You're right spot on, Revolution, dead right spot on. And, that stuff ticks me off, too.

And, I grew up with people JUST like that and used to be JUST like that myself, but thank God, HE, yes HE, delivered me from that self-righteous, egotistical, hypocritical, Pharisitical, self-absorbed, underhanded, malicious, and downright arrogant nonsense and reminded me of one simple thing -- I'm not any better than anyone else no matter who they are.

I want to say... "Sweetie, guess what, you're a filthy rotten sinner... that's right... and you know what, you'll always be a filthy rotten sinner, and the fact that God LETS you have His grace and mercy has nothing to do with your cloth diapering or your kefir. You're no better than anyone, including a prostitute, and any good that comes out of you or my wretched body is God alone. So, you can step down off your Little House on the High Hill now."

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Hey! A Candy fan who is not a Candy clone!

Sweeping linked to JoAnn, and after ANOA her blog is like a breath of fresh air. Of course, it's only been up for a week or so, we shall see!

sweepingthehome said...

Joann hates Catholics. She posted a nasty anti-Catholic post a few weeks ago on her old blog. She stated that Catholics are not Christians on VTC. But hey, if you don't mind Catholic-bashing, enjoy!

Amanda #1 said...

Natalie, can I hug you? Great comment! If it wouldn't get me banned, I'd leave it as a comment on ANOA and Candy's blogs :)

Me said...

Sweeping, maybe we should lay of of poor Joann. I don't think she can think for herself. She is only following what her bestest besties on the interwebs told her.

Me said...

Ok that should read 'lay off', not 'lay of' kthx

Anonymous said...

Hee hee... thanks Amanda. Just me speaking my peace.

I tell you what, I was one of those people who had initially got into reading Candy's page for the home stuff, and was cool with her UNTIL I saw a pattern forming. It's one thing to have an opinion. It's another to be completely close-minded and avasive and arrogant and rude and insulting to those who don't share yours, ESPECIALLY when it becomes obvious that you really don't have a clue what you're talking about.

I mean, I have a Bachelor's from a Bible college and I HARDLY call myself an EXPERT on the Bible or any certain faith. No, I leave the expert status to the REAL scholars (and, no, Jack Chick is not a scholar). What I did learn was that I need to keep learning, and I don't need to go around spouting out my opinions as doctrine, because that's when people get hurt.

So, I had just about had enough of Candy's arrogance and kept thinking, "Am I the ONLY one who feels this way about her attitude?", UNTIL I found this site, and of course, the hilarious Sweeping The Home, which left me in tears (laughing).

Then, I thought, "Okay, these are my people."

So, yeah, hugs for my people! ;op

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I didn't say I was enjoying it, I was just noting that not every Candy fan is a clone...yet.

Stacy said...

revolution: Jesus said many of the things I was thinking as I listened to ANOA's podcast on my way home last night. wow.

Natalie, right on!

Anonymous said...

Oh and Revolution, I love your site, Doll. I had read through it the other day from Sweeping's site, and just now realized that it was yours!

And, you know I love the title of it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Synch!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Okay, so I was just listening to the podcast that everyone is buzzing about. I agree with the comment that her voice is a bit creepy. In my opinion, she sounded like a female Warren Jeffs, but that's just me.

But, in my opinion, it sounded like a typical "devotion" by another self-righteous person. Yawn.

Stacy said...


This is very off-topic, but I'd really like your advice and recommendation. Our family recently moved from a very "flat" state to one that has what *we* refer to as mountains, though in reality they're more like foothills. My husband has been inspired to take up hiking and brought the children and me along last weekend. I have been wearing only dresses and skirts for about a year now and so I wore a skirt for our hike. Afterwards, my husband said that I should get a "nice pair of jeans" for our hiking trips.

My question is: do you think jeans would be safer for hiking? If not, could you recommend a good "hiking skirt"?

I'd rather wear a skirt because it's cooler. However, I don't want what I'm wearing to get in the way of my husband's fun on our hiking trips.

Another comment about the inability of some of Candy's readers to think for themselves. Does she really need the advice of someone else to make this decision?? I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

aw, thanks natalie! :)

Anonymous said...

Teh - I read that, too, and thought the same thing.

Actually, if I wore a skirt on a hiking trip, knowing my husband, he'd have fun...

But anyway...

Of course, she has to ask the great Poobah!

Hey, Synch, what should I have for supper? I was thinking shrimp, but do you think I should have chicken? And, what should I wear to work tomorrow? I was thinking my white capris with my pink shirt, but I need your advice.

Okay, that's not nice, I know, but I'm having some fun.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

But, on a serious note, back to ANOA's podcast, seriously, she needs to lay off the fruit inspecting.

You want to talk about someone's place, well that's no one's. Only God knows someone's heart. And, going about judging who is and who is not a Christian is beyond self-righteous, it's outright pride.

She took Matthew 7:16 out of context, and IMHO, used it for her own self-centered agenda.

I'm writing this because I know she'll read it, and because it won't get published on her little blog.

ANOA, you quoted Matthew 7:16, but did you pay attention to verse 1 and verse 4? It would do you some good.

Deal with your own heart, and we'll let God continue to lead ours.

Nicole said...

I just left a comment on her blog but silly me forgot to copy it to post it here. It was mainly telling her that she is right that if you are a true Christian people will not like you but if you turn off a lot of people then you need to reexamine yourself to see if maybe your way of doing things has too much "vinegar" in it. I wonder how long until i get banned.

Anonymous said...

Ah, jeans lady? Your husband suggested the jeans. Don't you think you should take his opinion over Candy's? How totally empty are the heads of these Candy fans anyway?

If we're supposed to trust random people on the Internet over our husbands...I'll ask ya'll this. We're going on a bike trip this weekend with friends. 6 Harley's, 11 people. A ride across the state and back. One of our friends is a single guy. My husband suggested that he share our hotel room instead of getting one himself. It will save both him and us some money, so of course they both agreed to the plan.

Is that right? Should I really be sleeping in the same room as two men? Even though it was my husband's idea in the first place. And even though he will be there. Please, all, I am so desperate to have this question answered correctly and you are the only ones I can come to!

(Um, FYI, it's a real scenario, but not a real question. I have zero issues with the room sharing. We do it all the time.)

Chapter 2 is up for my Fascinating Womanhood rants. It's long...and they're only gonna' get longer because the chapters themselves are getting longer. But, it's there. I hope to get chapter 3 up by the end of the week. I definitely want it up before we go out of town because ANOA will be doing chapter 3 with her book study thing on Monday and I want to be on track. We'll see....

Anonymous said...

We should have a banning Meez party. ;op

Anonymous said...

Oops. Forgot the link for those that may just be joining in on the fun(ahem).

chapter 2

Anonymous said...

Well, Tia, of course it isn't right to share a room... I mean, the other guy may LUST, you know?

But, if you MUST, make sure to wear every item of clothing you have, then wrap yourself in a large blanket, cover your face and head and any other piece of skin and try to sleep that way. Oh and wear a blindfold. Don't want to see anything.

Good luck, dear. ;op

I'm just full of sarcasm today... hee hee

(Seriously, have fun on the bike trip, girl. Sounds like it'll be fun.)

Rachel said...

Did anyone catch this???


Jen, I always slice my bread before freezing it - it just seems easier for me to do it that way. Then, I put the sliced bread into freezer ziploc bags. My bread comes out tasting nice and fresh.
Candy's Husband | Homepage | 08.06.08 - 11:15 am | #


Uhm, Candy's Husband??? Me thinks Candy has been posting all long instead of Wunderhubbie!!!

Anonymous said...


She just left a comment to your comment.

Typical response. The "let's tick off everyone we can in the name of the Great Commission".

Yeah, whatever. Matt. 10:16, I say.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Wow, ANOA's going to take on all of the major denominations, including Ecumentalism. Is that where everyone accepts psychics? Does it have to do with being schizophrenic? Is the "mental" part a Freudian slip, and she really meant, Ecumenism?

Amanda #1 said...

I'm finally able to listen to ANOAs podcast.

I think I was better off when I couldn't hear it. Her voice is SOO saccarine sweet; I'm getting a toothache just listening to it. I feel like she thinks she's talking to a bunch of kindergartners.

"Warm greetings in the name of Christ!" Who talks like that?! (Acutally, it reminds me of the first time I typed up a Summons here at work. "Greetings from the State of South Dakota!")

Lordy, Lordy...

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

ANOA's podcast is a lot better if you mentally picture Amy Poehler delivering it.

Or possibly the Church Lady.

Anonymous said...

"Warm greetings in the name of Christ!"

sounds like she should be giving the spock sign.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I feel a need to comment on her bread recipe.

I make yeast bread often enough for our family. 6 cups of flour makes TWO loaves, not 3. Maybe 3 very small loaves. And 4 TABLESPOONS of yeast? That's 5-6 yeast packets. Most recipes that are not bread machine recipes, call for 2-3 teaspoons of yeast per loaf. It's definitely a LOT of yeast for that amount of flour.

Haven't tried the recipe, I'm just sayin'.

another one said...

OK. Now I know the difference between 'praise' and 'worship.'

Worship entails CLOSED eyes and raised hands.

Praise is OPEN eyes and clapping hands.

(That sound you hear is me screaming into the night.)

And please insert a psycho clown smilie here, because that's how I feel.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...


There ya go!

another one said...

Oh, thank you.

I have copied this into my computer so I will always have it at hand!

Anonymous said...

i want to hear more from ginger.

sweepingthehome said...

You guys are cracking me up.

But man, now after reading several of ANOA's entries (what a windbag), I see what you're saying about Joann not really being a Candy Clone. Her blog is not nearly as entertaining as ANOA's!

sweepingthehome said...

ANOA's podcast is a lot better if you mentally picture Amy Poehler delivering it.

ROFLOL!!! Oh she would do a perfect ANOA. I will be using that mental image for next week's podcast.

Anonymous said...

Rev, are you serious?

Anonymous said...

yes, well, she said she'd be update more - i'm guessing she means about the candy situation. i want to hear more of what she has to say about her.

Anonymous said...

So, I was just over at Fruity's site reading her little dilly on blog parodies.

It was amusing to say the least. Full of judgments and accusations, but mostly, as it seems to me, a person who really needs to take the hanger out of her butt... oooh.. I said butt.

I mean, maybe there are parodies to Candy's site, because maybe people think Candy is a fruit loop.

I mean, ya know?

Stacy said...

I have a question: parody blogs. Are there blogs (other than STH) that are a parody of KTH? (if so, I would love to read them!) Or is it that candyheads don't know the definition of parody?

The candyheads refer to "those parody blogs" as if there is more than one, and then they seem to lump this place, VTC and Coffee with Candy all together. But, since a parody mimics or imitates a writer or work with the intent of comedy, a place like this is not a true parody.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. When I first when to STH, I thought it hilarious as I would when they do a parody of someone on MADTV or something like that.

This site and VTC, to me, are sites that just says, "Hey, this chick is a fruit loop and here's why.", although VTC takes a more focused approach on the Catholic issue.

I think it's one of those someone-is-against-us, boo hoo, sort of deals. And, I think it's ABSURD to say someone is not a Christian because they disagree, too.

You can't put something on the web attacking someone's faith, and not expect backlash.

And, then, start making proclamations about how great you are... well, come on now, they're just asking for it there.

Stacy said...

Yes Natalie, I agree. I read fruity's rant about parody blogs and just kept shaking my head. She made an awful lot of assumptions about us.

Anonymous said...

Arrogant assumptions, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

The candyheads refer to "those parody blogs" as if there is more than one, and then they seem to lump this place, VTC and Coffee with Candy all together. But, since a parody mimics or imitates a writer or work with the intent of comedy, a place like this is not a true parody.

The only one that is actually a parody, by the definition of the word, which is to imitate or spoof, is STH. All the rest?

Either theologically based, or humor / mocking based. VTC and those that get into Catholicism are theological representations of the Catholic faith. Candy and her minions do all they can to attack and lie about the Catholic faith and fail to learn anything because they are so convinced they are right and the only ones who are. So, others have created sites that focus on refuting the untruths spread and forced on others by Candy, and her buds too, lately.

THIS site simply mocks her and gives an open forum for taking her to task on whatever anyone feels like. When someone like Candy puts themselves out there as if an expert on everything, they better be prepared for opposing views. If not, this is what happens. Not allowing dissent doesn't make it go away. It feeds it and forces people to find, or make, a way to express it.

So, fruity's obsession with parody's is unfounded. In fact, her obsession with all of it is unfounded. She must have been feeling left out because she dragged herself into the entire scenario all on her own. No one really gave her a second thought, and I guess the attention deprivation got to her.

So many of them are nutjobs. And, I'm glad there is a place to hang out and talk about it. And, I'm actually glad they focus on it so much. Why? Because curiosity will drive their buddies to these sites to see what is going on and someone just might learn a thing or two. Or, at least see that perfection doesn't exist. Particularly among these judgmental, arrogant, women who question everyone's Christianity except their own.

sweepingthehome said...

That's exactly what I was getting at in the comments earlier - where are "all" these parody blogs the Candy Clones keep referring to? Because like synchro, I'd like to read them too. When I started mine I searched for one because I thought surely someone out there had already done it, but I couldn't find anything.

BTW I'm wondering do Candyheads have absolutely no sense of humor? Because they seem like they would be awfully stiff, boring people to hang out with. Candy writes often about how "goofy" and fun she & wunderhubby are, but I think she's trying to convince herself and her readers of that. ANOA constantly starts a completely unfunny sentence with LOL, and ends the same sentence with LOL, and I have yet to understand what she's LOLing about.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

I've been away on my summer holliers and it's taken me a while to catch up here. You guys are all having quite a conversation, it's been interesting listening in.
I'm very curious re, Gingers comment. It's rather obscure but seems to allude to a comment she made expressing 'disgust' re Candy. That would be a turn up for the books. Or am I just out of the loop here?
No one ( apart from Rev jesus) seems to have picked up on it.
Do you all know something that I don't?
Do tell.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Sweeping, remember the olden days when we wrote "ha ha ha" instead of LOL? I always thought that was a compensation or substitute for actually being funny.
too much LOLing is like canned laughter in a crap sitcom.

sweepingthehome said...

Clare, Ginger popped in last week and made a surprising comment.

First she wrote:

Candy is a wolf in sheeps clothing.....

Then she came back with this explanation:

first I have to agree with the following,
"Well, I for one am appalled at the behavior I see here. Candy, we are to be salt and light, and if we are being judgmental even under the umbrella of fruit inspecting we are not being Christ with skin on, which is in fact what we are called to be. Anyone that is unsaved needs to know that God is love and He loves you enough to meet you right where you are, no matter what you wear, where you work or even how you talk. Once you come to Him you will see He does love you enough not to leave you there. For those Christians trying to reach out lets remember that He does meet us first and then through a relationship changes our hearts. We must die daily. It doesn't happen over night, and that is ok."

I so agree with what you just said right here!

Next, I know you have been hanging on your seats all night for me to come on back.....
A good friend of mine was writing with Candy about her binder.... was getting the how to's etc....
Once my friend invited her to her blog to see the binder, Candy stopped all conversation with her. Care to know why? My friend was hurt and while trying to listen to her, it was like the Lord lifted a cloak from my face. So, I do have to apologize to you all here. I am sorry. Not that I am going to participate in the party of bashing Candy as this side does, but for having the cloak over my face.

Carry on......

Another One asked:

Well, I just kind of assumed that it was because she is a Catholic, but I wasn't that it?

And Ginger replied:

If this was bingo, I would owe you some cash..... Oh and my catholic, I mean heathen friend is a a Christian. Now please, I do not agree with the catholic religion............ But, hey, I haven't met a catholic that thinks the baptist have it right either.....

You can read the entire exchange here.

sweepingthehome said...

Sweeping, remember the olden days when we wrote "ha ha ha" instead of LOL? I always thought that was a compensation or substitute for actually being funny.
too much LOLing is like canned laughter in a crap sitcom.

I totally agree!

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I wonder if FruityG realizes that Maria Montessori was a faithful Catholic - in fact, the Montessori program has one of the best catechism programs for littles around.

And, that blinking plus sign mouseover is annoying.

sweepingthehome said...

I wonder if FruityG realizes that Maria Montessori was a faithful Catholic - in fact, the Montessori program has one of the best catechism programs for littles around.

Maybe someone should tell her!

She REALLY is a fruitcake. I have had a little too much fun prodding her in her comments section and she can't decide whether she likes it or not. One day I'll visit there and try to leave a comment and discover I've been banned. Another day I'll find that I've been unbanned. Just like with her religion and her lifestyle and her multiple blogs, she can't make up her mind about anything.

Anonymous said...

Okay, let me get this straight now. Candy stops talking to someone altogether just because she's Catholic.

*shakes head*

Why am I surprised?

Anonymous said...

"BTW I'm wondering do Candyheads have absolutely no sense of humor? Because they seem like they would be awfully stiff, boring people to hang out with. Candy writes often about how "goofy" and fun she & wunderhubby are, but I think she's trying to convince herself and her readers of that. ANOA constantly starts a completely unfunny sentence with LOL, and ends the same sentence with LOL, and I have yet to understand what she's LOLing about."

Exactly, Sweeping.

I wanna go, "Boo" to them because they're so uptight.

Oh, but wait. Laughing is an abomination, but I'm just one of those sinners, anyway.

Who is it that says, what do they know that they're just a "filthy Catholic"? I crack up every time I read that.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Wow, for someone who doesn't read here, Candy sure is defensive about Meez chat room "salvations" today!

People don't automaticall do good works. It's not like blinking.

She's also not making sense. She says saved Christians will automatically do good works, but some people do good works and that means they are NOT saved, because they don't have enough faith.

So, if good works come naturally and automatically, you are saved. If you have to try at it, you are not saved? Unless you perform the "work" of thinking you need works, in which case you aren't saved at all, and are just fooling yourself.

Ay yi yi.

Oh, and Candy noticed her mistake while reading her, and the sliced bread comment is no longer attributed to Candy's Husband.

Anonymous said...

Brace yourself because I'm about to scream.


Good GOSH! How many FRICKEN times are we going to take the "by the fruits ye shall know them" verse OUT OF CONTEXT!!!!

Candy just used it to mean determining if someone is saved or not.

That's NOT what it means!!! Read the FRICKEN CHAPTER!!! I mean, it's so obvious to what it's saying IF YOU READ THE CHAPTER!

The chapter is discussing false prophets... Not Christians in general.

Practically, the whole first part of the chapter is talking about not judging people. Why would the chapter contradict itself? In truth, it doesn't.

Put your Scriptures in context Candy, stop making them into a pretext for your own agenda!


Anonymous said...

Hey, Sweeping, you gotta love "sence" as she writes in her latest post.

ha ha.. or LOL...

sweepingthehome said...

She must have forgotten to use spell check. As soon as Matthew opened this blog and made fun of her horrible spelling, I noticed it greatly improved.

One time recently she spelt choir "quire." My husband didn't believe me, I had to show him. Later she fixed it, but I found that hilarious.

Anonymous said...


Sounds like something English.

Gotta love those MENSA people.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I'm also wondering why she bothered to post a list of everything she was going to blog about, only to blog about entirely different things.

sweepingthehome said...

I guess the Holy Spirit was wrong the first time.

Rachel said...

And she doesn't read here? Yea, right! I'm wondering why her followers don't read more here.. with open eyes and SEE her for what she really is!? Surely they are not that blind? We question being saved in a meez chat and lo and behold she writes about it. HELLO????

Faith and works - she will NEVER get it. If you are Catholic you are doing to to get saved.. if you are a born again, bible believing, long hair having, homeschooling, chore charting, exercising lifting, dressing wearing, kitchen brewing, hubbie luving kinda Christian.. well. it's cause of the Holy Spirit himself.


She says each time she reads the bible the Holy Spirit shows her something new. Well,, read it over and over then cause you STILL don't have it right!

I'm with you Natalie - argh!

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

From today's post:
Christian, when you sin, confess it to God, and God will cleanse you.

Actually, Scripture tells us to confess TO OTHER PEOPLE
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. James 5:16

Catholics do that... not sure if other denominations do.

gary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gary said...

Hmmmm!!! I was banned from commenting on Amanda's site. I pointed out that if she had less grammar and spelling errors, she might be more credible.

She is sensitive to critical review.


Unknown said...

Amanda & Candy are as dumb as a box of rocks. LOL

Maggii said...

ok..the podcast? ANOA tells a story about how she was about to correct a woman with very short hair who she later found out was a Cancer survivor.......she is telling it as if it was an actual expereience of hers......

ummmm....I've heard that same story a few times maybe just maybe it 'aslo' happened to her...but it's a common story told by Christian leaders to show why we shouldn't judge others without knowing the whole story....

Amanda #1 said...

Let's assume the story really happened to her. Even if the woman wasn't a cancer survior, is it really ANOA's place to "correct" the woman? Surely if Candy and ANOA can cherry-pick from the Bible as they see fit, then the rest of us can, too.

another one said...

More evidence that this site has changed Candy's modus operandi.

Remember the Catholic friend of Ginger's? Today she posted a comment about her 'interesting' post on her own blog. Being the stalker I am, I clicked over to read it.

Lo and behold, she is asking forgiveness for jumping to conclusions. Turns out that 'someone' that she had 'assumed the worst of' contacted her to clear the air.

And now it's all just been a big misunderstanding. Ginger's friend is taking all the responsibility.

Of course, we don't know what the issue was. Or who the parties were. But the linkies and timeline connect the three together. It's not a big stretch.

Butter wouldn't melt in that woman's mouth. I'm pretty sickened by it all.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Oh right, the Catholic that Candy stopped talking to. And now they're speaking again, and the Catholic is being the bigger person and apologizing.

Well, hmm. Without knowing many details, it's hard to have a firm opinion.

Maybe Ginger will spill, and I can finally make "sence" of it all.


Heron said...

Oh, f**k me! Candy and ANOA completely slay me with their asinine posts.

Interestingly enough, I could not resist forwarding both Candy and ANOA's links to some religious studies experts I know at a major university that will remain unnamed.

They do not believe the sites are real - they think they are of them is certain I am pulling his leg.

Anonymous said...

My brain hurtz.

See, I volunteer once a week with an organisation (run by Sisters, yet), which works with street prostitutes. I thought I did it because the love of Christ urges me on, and because I make a damn good chocolate cake, but apparently I'm only doing it because I'm afraid I won't get into Heaven if I don't.

Candy - you've never met me. How can you know my motivations for doing anything, given that apparently I'm wrong about my own motivation for doing something?

sweepingthehome said...

Hmmmm!!! I was banned from commenting on Amanda's site. I pointed out that if she had less grammar and spelling errors, she might be more credible.

Hey Gary, the moron might have banned you, but she posted something special just for you!

From ANOA's blog post this morning:

LOL That last post was a doozy! Hubby called just as I started writing it saying he was on his way home. Once he's home I don't get online until he's gone to bed so I typed as fast as my little fingers could go to get done before he got home and worry about fixing the errors tonight. When I type that fast, things end up a mess. Of course that always brings out the sillies, you know the ones who can't come up with anything productive to say so they have to pick on your spelling or some other nonsense LOL. Doesn't take long to hit delete but it did make me think a minute. If you want to discredit what I say because I'm not the greatest at language skills, I guess you better disqualify Moses too. He had trouble with speaking (Exodus 4:10), did that stop God from using him? No, in fact look at the kind of things God says about Moses in the Bible

Deu 34:10 "And there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face,"

If you want to discredit me, you're certainly not using anything worth bothering with!

1Co 1:26-29 "For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence."

You wish to glory in my infirmity? What a foolish thing to waste time on! Eternity is coming, and how well you spell is not going to matter one bit! You need to worry less about the flesh and more about the soul my friend, for fleshly glory will not last long.

LOL, you fool Gary, LOL.

Would someone please tell me what she keeps LOLing about??

sweepingthehome said...

Heron, that's what my husband says. He just cannot believe they are real, he really believes their blogs are spoofs.

Anonymous said...

How does Candy explain me? I do works on a pretty regular basis. Not enough, and I could always do more. But, I volunteer in my community which can be anywhere from voter registration and poll working to disaster clean up to manning the food pantry.

We donate money to charities that serve the community and do research for life ending medical issues (Cancer, AIDS, etc.). I do the Race for the Cure every year with anywhere from 5, to our max so far of 14, female family members.

I help friends out when they need it. I leave the parking space at the grocery store for the older woman I saw driving in behind me. I hold doors open for women with strollers.

Basically, I am a normal, giving human being. And, I have NO motivation from God. None. I do not do it because I am saved and I do not do it because I am trying to be saved.

I do it because it is the right thing to do as a member of the human race, and as a member of my community. The Holy Spirit doesn't guide me and I am not motivated by it. I do not think I am better than any other human being on the planet because of what I do, or don't do. I do not think I have a higher status than someone who doesn't live their life the way I choose to live mine. I do not preach to those who are different. I am not superior, I am not better than anyone, and I sure as hell don't put myself on a pedestal and insist others judge themselves in comparison to me.

I know I am a lousy heathen who is going to hell - and, I'm good with that. I am more concerned with this life than anything that may come afterwards.

So, Mrs. Brauer, what have you got to say about that? Without taking your bible verses out of context. The bible verses mean something to you, they do not mean anything to someone like me who does not believe it is the word of God.

I despise self righteousness almost as much as I despise those who hurt others for personal gain.

I wonder if Candy has ever run herself and her actions through her Jesus test. Probably not, she'd be too scared of the outcome and she might have to examine her beliefs and motives.

But, she is getting the attention she craves, so I guess her motivations are clear to us even if they aren't clear to her.

Anonymous said...

Oh My God! ANOA's rants are mind numbing. She hurts my brain and makes my eyeballs itch.

Aside from her convoluted messages, her claims that she typed it out so fast justify her typos are hilarious. Just as Candy claims to type what, 90 WPM and that's why there are typos? Do either of them know that when you type WPM, that number is based on accuracy as well as how many words come out of your fingers? If you type 90WPM with typos every other word, guess what, you do not type 90WPM.

A huge part of getting your message across is the way in which it is presented. It if is presented with glaring examples of illiteracy, inability to spell - or use the tools that help one spell correctly - and total and complete lack of concern for any of the above, well, then, don't be surprised if your message is tossed out with the water.

If you do not care enough about your audience to at least try to give them an educated, well thought out message, then don't bother at all.

Just like I've been saying about that damn "book". They writing is beyond horrendous it is glaringly obvious that they author and his "publishing company" don't give a flying leap about the women who read it. They obviously think so little of women that they do not deserve properly written communications.

ANOA, take your excuses and shove them. You are one of the typo queens and worst spellers among Candy's minions. You always have been and probably always will be. Either educate yourself or shut up. What is it you, yourself, said? Irrelevant. Irrelevant. Irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

Sweeping, you're a mess girl... LOL... wait, I should have put that at the front, too...

Here's another...LOL.

So, ANOA is Moses now. Got it.

And, the "sillies"? I'm not even going to go there.

Okay look, ya'll, I gotta get some work done today... STOP MAKING ME WANT TO READ HERE!!! ;op LOL (thought I'd give ya a two-fer)

Anonymous said...

Hey ya'll, did you notice that fruity took down her blog, again. That's got to be the 10th time in what, a year?

Hey, note to fruity, if you don't like people responding to your garbage, don't post it in the first place. It's cowardly to post insults and derogatory remarks aimed at people you don't even know and then run away.

Ask me if I am surprised?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Great day! She removed it!?

You know, you can set those things to private and select only a few people to read it. She didn't have to remove it.


sweepingthehome said...

Oh good lord, that woman is whacked!

I knew it was a matter of time before she shut down her blog - AGAIN.

I wonder who she'll come resurrected as?

Anonymous said...

Oh and on the subject of showing the sites to other people, when I'm talking about this subject with Chris, I usually refer to Candy's site as, "that wackjob of a homekeeping site".

He then knows exactly what I'm talking about.

Anonymous said...

"I wonder who she'll come resurrected as?"

It's very Shirley MacLaine, isn't it?

sweepingthehome said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sweepingthehome said...

Natalie - are you familiar with Fruity's background?

About a year ago she was a Catholic Candy-basher. Before that she was into paganism. For now she has joined the Candy Clone Club.

She opens a new blog every few weeks, then closes it and opens a new one. She has gone by the names Rowan Homeschoolers and White Daisy, just to name a few. I feel sorry for her kids. I wonder if they know mom is a nutjob. I have visited one of her teenage daughters' blogs and she seemed surprisingly normal.

Anonymous said...

There must have been something in the air yesterday. All the crazy ladies got so much closer to the edge. And now, since I was busy and got online for all of about 5 minutes to check email yesterday, I am trying to catch up and there really is just too much insanity all at once for my brain to absorb.

And catching up here? You are all cracking me up, intended or not.

You know, my husband has no idea who these crazy blog Christians are. I refer to them in conversation but usually as "that crazy chick with a blog" - that covers a lot of people in one comment. He is, however, being a very good source of information for me as I go through that Fascinating Womanhood "book". I think he may have busted a rib or two as we talked about it and he read about the one thing men need and want the most. And, on a very serious note, he said if reading that thing and doing my piking apart of it gave me any ideas, I'd better stop. Obviously, he is not interested in having a Fascinating Woman as a wife.

Anonymous said...

I have visited one of her teenage daughters' blogs and she seemed surprisingly normal.

I'm sure we read the same teenager's blog, but although she does seem like a normal girl, it is apparent she was poorly educated. She can't spell, punctuate or form a complete sentence. I know we're talking blog land, and blog land for a young girl where textspeak runs rampant, but really, she's not even going that route. She was either taught not to care by her mother, or not taught at all.

The fact that these people, who think spelling and grammar are not important, are teaching their children...what chance do these kids have in the real world?

Anonymous said...

Really. Hmm...

I didn't even know about her site or her until I ran across yours. That's interesting.

Sounds to me like she just goes however the current wind is flowing.

But, paganism and then to Candyism... that's quite a stretch.

Anonymous said...

Tia, Chris is like your husband. He grew up around the Fascinating Womenhood types and said that was the last type of woman that he wanted to marry. He wanted someone to challenge him, and be... get this, his equivalent and best friend.. you know, like someone he can talk to on an equal level, not someone who'd give him a glossed over smile and be a "yes" girl. He can't STAND those types.

The other day, I showed him Sweeping's site as compared to Candy's, and I couldn't hardly read through Sweeping's About Me section without laughing. He cracked up at it, too, especially the 393 times Mandy's read the Bible through.

I think that's my favorite part.

Anonymous said...


Candy's Meez avatar now has the SAME background as Sweeping's!!! That's just fricken hilarious!!!

She wants to be Mandy!


Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Well, Moses was a man, so obviously that proves that God only wants MEN to be excused for poor speaking skillz, right?

About Coory's publisher... I'm having similar issues with one of my editors. She doesn't care so much about spelling (one writer spelled "constipation" with two A's...) so long as SEO was there. I really think that's why we see kombucha and HMBU posts - Candy gets the most google hits for those, I think.
I rant and rave on my blog - feel free to rip off my graphic, BTW.
Bad Grammar Makes Me [Sic]

Yeah, I'm totally pimping my blog here. Just call me Shannon the Kombucha Lady, I guess.

But, paganism and then to Candyism Well, that explains the wolf.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

and because I'm on my sanctimonious high horse, and have a nifty graphic for grammatical errors, I must point out:

It's "fewer", not less, spelling errors.

I really must question if you've been saved, now. If you have the Holy Spirit, you'll automatically spell more better. Cuz spelling is a work.

Amanda #1 said...

My boss has been keeping me too busy to keep up with all this crap. Praise God (my heathen, Catholic God, of course), he's gone for the next week. Plenty of time to blog-stalk.

I think what annoys me so much about ANOA's high voice is that is sounds so sweet and serene....but then stuff that is truly vile and stupid spews out of her fingers. How can that kind of hatred towards anyone who dares to disagree with her possibly be juxtaposed with that "serene" voice?

I do wish Ginger would come back and explain this "misunderstanding".

Anyone want to bet that Candy emailed her and threatened to sic the FBI on her if she didn't recant?

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, because the FBI is just chomping at the bit to go after some little blog, because they have nothing better to do. (tee hee)

One of my pet peeves is someone who uses a calm, passive voice to try to "prove" that they're not a hateful, spiteful person or that they're more in control. You know, as in, if I'm not expressive that means I'm better and more put together.

Expressiveness doesn't mean that you have a temper or are prone to anything ugly, it just means that you're expressive.

When I was a kid, I was a ball of energy and people like that made me feel self-conscious for it. As if I was wrong somehow.

Thank God, somewhere along the way, He reminded me that He made me that way and to not only stop being self-conscious about it, but stop trying to be someone else.

And, I'm still an outgoing, expressive heathen.

angie said...

Getting banned from Amanda's blog was probably to #1 thing I did last week to diminish my entertainment options. She really sounds like she spends every waking moment thinking about her blog and getting her wacky message out. To hear that she outright says God is using her makes me laugh. It is one thing to have real-life (not internet) people and situations placed in your path and wonder if God might be using you for good, but to flap your little typing fingers about it all over blogland is just ridiculous, and her ego has obviously gotten the best of her.

Re. Ginger, I'm sure Candy got to her because she got to her Catholic friend after seeing she got outed. Karen even removed the blog post where she addressed Candy's mistreatment of her. What a forgiving person, but I wonder how long it's going to be before she feels like she's been bitten again. She's sweet, so I don't wish that upon her, but since she's openly Catholic, I don't think it'll be long unless she's developed a really thick skin. Thank God I have been able to let her nonsense roll off me because I used to get my panties in a bunch when she'd write her sanctimonious bs, but now I just shake my head.

Well, my morning coffee cup is empty, so computer time is over. Time to go be a mom. :) Have a great weekend everyone... I'm off to the beach with my girlfriends to recharge my battery.

Amanda #1 said...

Hey, Angie--if you email me (aoster AT mail DOT com) I'd be happy to copy and paste ANOA's posts to you. No one should be denied the enjoyment of her stupidity.

Of course, you'll be deprived of her podcasts, but I think that may be a blessing.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

ANOA (does anyone else pronounce this Annoy-A? Just me?) has a new one up at the top of her posts.

It's why she's going to tell other Christians they need to remove the Vail.

She says...There is only one Church that is God's church, and every single member of that church is going to Heaven, likewise every single person who is NOT a member of that Church is going to Hell according to the Bible.

But she neglects to note that we are told over and over and over again that the Church will contain good and bad, wolves and sheep, tares and wheat. The Church is NOT made up of people who are definitely going to Heaven!

She promises to I will ONLY use the Word of God and the groups own official material

which should be interesting. I hope she realizes that ex-nuns, ex-priests, and fallen away Catholics are not official material!

Anonymous said...

I'm pulling a Candy and ANOA. I have chapter 3 of Fascinating Womanhood up. But, I have not edited it! Not because I type too fast but because we're getting ready to leave and I don't have time, but I really wanted to get it up before the weekend since ANOA will be onto this chapter on Monday.

When we get back, or maybe if I get everything done before we leave and have time, I'll do my editing.

I'm such a hypocrite!

I'm also finding it a lot harder to do this whole thing than I thought. I can't help but be sarcastic, but I really do want to be serious about it. I honestly think this is a dangerous piece of work, but I find it hard to cover all the reasons why. Maybe when I get into each secret by itself I'll be able to do a better job. Right now, I have so many thoughts going through my head about it all that I can't keep them straight, or separated from other thoughts.

What I'd really like to know is how people can do thoughtful, well researched blog posts daily. It takes so much time it boggles my mind.

Chapter 3

highdesert said...

Candy seems to think that an authentic salvation experience must look and feel like hers. She assumes her emotions were the direct result of the Holy Spirit, and I think that may mean that she thinks that other people must have had the same emotion experience if they were genuinely saved. But she brought to the experience her own personality and age and background and pre-salvation lifestyle. She was in a church with a particular style and language tradition. All these things contributed to her emotional reaction. I think she is generalizing too much from her own experience.

Her own kids are being raised in a constant sea of religion. I wonder how she envisions their becoming saved. I think it could be psychologically tricky, especially if she presents hell on one side and her own particular emotional experience on the other side - which they may not actually experience. I hope she can choose not to pressure them, and just let them develop their own thoughts until they are independent adults.
(I think maybe she is planning a post on this; she mentioned a post about the age of reason.)

sweepingthehome said...

Woot! I've checked Tia's blog a couple times to see if it had been updated it yet.

I can't even post on STH as often as I would like because, believe it or not, it does take some "research" (of Candy's past blog posts). I can't imagine taking on a book review like Tia is doing - but Tia PLEASE don't stop because I am really enjoying it! And the sarcasm is a nice touch - would it even be possible to review that book without a little saracasm? Unless your ANOA, of course.

And milehi - after reading your post, it will be "annoya" in my head from now on. LOL <---can't post about ANOA w/o an LOL or two added on.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

At least she doesn't have animated emoticons.

*<]|80[ The unibrow mad clown, when Bert joined the circus.

Amanda #1 said...

I posted this in tia's comments, but I thought it was worth posting here, too.

That "Fasinating Womanhood" (is that the name?) reminds me of one I just got from GoodWill, "The Total Woman". I guess it was some big deal back in the 70s (I'm only 25, so I don't remember it the first time around.) Her secrets are basically the same as this (however, she does not hide the religous connections).

I did read the book and enjoy it, and I think it made some good points, but if a woman were to whole-heartedly embrace the "secrets", she'd becoming nothing more than a cooking, cleaning, porn-star doormat. My husband would probably like very much for me to become a cooking and cleaning porn-star, but I think he could do without the doormat part.

I think that's what scary about "Fascinating Womanhood", the "Total Woman", and others like it. If you're intelligent and capable of thinking for yourself, you can gleen the good from it and discard the crap. But there's far too many women out there who can't think for themselves (and why should they--this "book" tells them not to). Those women take crap like this to heart, the whole kit and kaboodle. Those are the women I worry about.

Anonymous said...

I have absolutely ZERO tolerance for books like Fascinating Womenhood. I don't have to read all of it, just excerpts, to get the jist of it, because I have read other's like it.

Let me tell you why it hocks me off. You ready?

Because I was raised to believe that way. Not so much at home as much (because, thank God, my mom is a spitfire in her own right), but at the churches I grew up in and at school. Candy and ANOA's little "lessons" aren't news to me. I heard that junk my whole life and actually was a lot like them in my early '20's, which means I WASTED years being narrow-minded.

I've seen the flipside of this "womenhood" and let me tell you, it's an ugly one, a real ugly one.

It's just like The Stepford Wives. What looks perfect, is actually very, VERY ugly.

And, if there's ANYTHING that angers me, and it DOES anger me, is books like that. I could spend three pages of my blog yacking about that mindset, because it's wrong in every "sence" of the word.

Anonymous said...

And, they like that word "arouse", don't they?

Amanda #1 said...

Well, I like the word "arouse", too, but I suspect for different reasons, LOL. (Not intended to be and Annoy-a LOL, but a sincere one.)

Anonymous said...

Well, yeah, I do, too... ha ha... but seems like they like to keep the reader on that mindset, the filthy buzzards. ;op

Anonymous said...

Some REALLY good questions raised for Candy's saved post. I wonder if she'll address any of them...


sweepingthehome said...

I wonder why she allows so many comments through that she never bothers to answer. I think it's extrememly rude. I mean, she's got all these poor helpless women worshiping at her feet, trying to be more like Her everyday, and she doesn't even try to have a personal relationship with them?

Anonymous said...

Well, good for Candy. She knows what it means to be saved and she knows who has and has not been saved and she knows the only way to be saved and she knows everyone else is wrong.

It must be a damn hard job, holding onto all the knowledge for the rest of the world.

Not a job I would want, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

My husband would probably like very much for me to become a cooking and cleaning porn-star, but I think he could do without the doormat part.

You always know how to crack me up. I skipped over this part in my comments. I don't know how I could have missed it. Too brain dead, I guess.

I think your husband and mind would get along well; they seem to have the same interests. (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). Sorry, I'm hopeless at net/textspeak and acronyms and emoticons, I have to spell it all out.

sweepingthehome said...

Sorry, I'm hopeless at net/textspeak and acronyms and emoticons

Here's a little tip

LOL just use LOL whenevar you think your being funny in the hoppes that your readers will laugh along LOL

LOL or write before you vishusly insult 95% of the hellbound unsaved heathans who are reading your blog, it may litten the mood or distract them from noticeing your gramatecal errors LOL

sweepingthehome said...

Joann's comment to Candy on her "saved" post:

Candy~ what a wonderful post. You put explained everything very good. I always have the ideas I want to share but can never find the words when I want to write things down. You have a gift for that.

Have a very blessed evening

Aww, how sweet.

But, she "put explained everything very good"? Well OK, at least I have to give you some credit for admitting that you're not so great with words.

I have a little advice for you, Joann. There are these buildings out there in the real world, called "bookstores," that contain actual books written by actual published authors. Maybe after spending just a few minutes in one of these places, reading the works of some REAL writers, you would learn that no, Candy is not quite gifted in the word department either.


sweepingthehome said...

And our mystery of the day:

Who, who, is Mrs. C, and what did she say?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Where is everybody? Come on, am I the only one stuck at home on my laptop tonight? I don't know about you, but I'm feelin' a meez party comin' on....

sweepingthehome said...

Well, in the hopes that someone might read here tonight, can I please have the link that shows the exchange between Ginger, the Catholic friend, and Candy? Because I totally missed that.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Let's go, STH. Meez for you and meez.

I thought that was Candy's Husband posting accidentally again, and Mrs. C was Mrs. Candy.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Whoo hoo! Cyber Church!

Who called it here, a couple of weeks ago? Someone's prediction came true!

Although, how do we know these preachers are men, let alone godly? For all we know, they could be 30-something housewives.

Amanda #1 said...

Cyberchurch? Preachin'? I'm goin' in. Will I see ya'll there?

Amanda #1 said...

I also second sweeping's request for the Ginger/Candy/Catholic exchange. I missed that, too.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

If they start typing in tongues, I don't know if I can handle it!

sweepingthehome said...

WELL CRAP. Her freaking meez room is full. It would have been fun to go in and see her reaction. Would she have asked me if I'm saved?

Let's see, there are at least her and wunderhubby, and since there is a limit of 8, they have at least 6 visitors. ANOA no doubt is there, but who else? Fruity? Joann? Anyone who needs to be saved?

Nicole said...

Ok Candy is really starting to walk a line that bothers me even more than her rudeness and uncompassionate heart. At this rate I keep waiting for her to invite everyone to come live on her peaceful commune and then pass around the kool-aid

Amanda #1 said...

I keep trying to get in, but damn it, it's full. I'm sure ANOA is there worshiping her as usual.

I shall persist in trying.

Nicole said...

BTW where is fruity's new blog? the previous one is closed.

Amanda #1 said...

I'm in ;)

Amanda #1 said...

We're watching a Kirk Cameron speech, btw. NO one is talking.

Anonymous said...

Just jumped on line.

I'm in, too.

Stacy said...

Please continue to update!! I am not up to trying to get in tonight -- I already feel sick to my stomach

Stacy said...

Unless of course, we could meet in STH's meez room...
I would be up for that

Amanda #1 said...

prayz God, annoya's there, too *eyeroll*

Anonymous said...

Crap... full.

Nicole said...


If Mrs. C is who I think she is she is awesome. there is a link to her on my blog under Homeschool and Etc. I can totally see her saying something to ANOA.

Nicole said...

Ok synchro How do I make my darn Meez talk?

Amanda #1 said...

we just discussed whether or not good works are automatic if you're saved.
Of course, she claims they are b/c God works through you.

LOL, for real. "Hubby" just told me that atheists do good deeds b/c we all have a need for god, but atheists ignore that need and are trying to make up for it.

Amanda #1 said...

"A person who does not believe in God does not understand good and evil; they are jsut winging." (WunderHubee)

Anonymous said...

Still can't get in... working on it.

Stacy said...

Cajun, under the "room" picture, you will see a thin gray box with a speaker icon on the left hand side. You can click in there and type

Nicole said...

You should tell wunderhubbee that maybe just maybe these atheist are doing good deeds because they are genuinely good people whether they believe in God or not. If that were the basis alone for being a good person then we would not have so many self righteous people in our churches. I would love to know his response to that.

Nicole said...

Alot easier than I thought. Now I feel like an idiot because I just spent about ten minutes in the Meez help section trying to figure it out. Can you tell hubby went out with his friends and the kids are asleep?

another one said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nicole said...

Crap crap crap. I still can not get it to talk.

Stacy said...

Do you see the gray box?

Anonymous said...

I'm in...

sweepingthehome said...


sweepingthehome said...

OK, so let me get this straight in my head.

There are 8 people allowed in a meez room.

1. Candy
2. Wunderhubby
4. Amanda
5. Natalie
6. Synchro
7. Cajun
8. Unknown?

This is too funny. Can you save the conversations?

Amanda #1 said...

Ah, Candy has left, cyberchuch is done. But she's going to post notes!

Stacy said...

sweeping, Cajun and I are in your Meez room

Stacy said...

With gary (aka sara)

Amanda #1 said...

sweeping, you have a room!?

Nicole said...

sheezmeezplz was either Candy or one of her little friends. I am sure of it.

gary said...

sweeping the home's snake became loose and choked a non-beliver. I had to give CPR and an ambulance arrived.

gary said...

This all happened in Mandy's Meeze room.


sweepingthehome said...

Yes, I have a room. I went in there tonight and found 5 other Meez characters chatting....LOL! (LOL - for real!!!)

Anyway, just click on my meez character on blogger, and when the screen comes up, click on my "room." It can be used by a chat room by other meez, even when I'm not there.

I couldn't figure out how to play music or videos tonight, unfortunately. Maybe someone can help me with that. But we had a good time gossiping. =)

Anonymous said...

Sheez was a cronie... Definitely.

What are the chances that she'd know about Candy's site and then asking things like, "What is saved?" and "Saved from what?"

Like I said, whatever.

sweepingthehome said...

I agree Natalie. Wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't Candy herself.

Anonymous said...

Oh, it probably was. Asking what Candy does to Catholics, blah blah blah...

Anonymous said...

Oh and Sara... didn't mean to dance in your face... ha ha.

sweepingthehome said...

Yikes, excuse my horrible grammar above, I blame it on the 4 glasses of wine and the fact that it's nearly midnight here....and nope, I'm not reposting. Goodnight!

Anonymous said...

Thought if I couldn't sit on ya, I'd dance for ya, but it looked like some crazy lap dance.

Anonymous said...

Night night... I'll be up for a while.

Amanda #1 said...

So if you all were in sweepings room, then who was in Candy's room. Overthere, I know you're one of us. Come out, come out.... :)

I did identify milehi.

I may have been wearing a snake. Maybe.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Hey, I was there snake lady! For a while.

I have a very Catholic name in there, but only another Catholic would recognize it, methinks. Cuz we have all those secrets, dontcha know.

They ignore questions in the Meez room just like on the blog/comments.

I took a screen shot if anyone wants it? How do I post it?

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Yeah, I tried to talk in code so y'all would finger me.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

You were real subtle CradleCatholic. S-u-t-t-e-l!


(for real)

Amanda #1 said...

Yeah, I alternated between being sincere and mocking. I couldn't quite make up my mind which I wanted to be.

Of course, since I'm a tranny, I guess that's typical *<}]:0)

At first I thought sweeping was there, but I now thing it was tia.

Amanda #1 said...

oh, milehi, you don't think the snake was too much, do you? LOL

I do wish annoya had stayed longer. She would have enjoyed the tranny talk.

Amanda #1 said...

I really do plan on emailing you about NFP. I'm too tired tonight to think straight and put together a coherent email, but if I'll do it later this weekend (as long as you don't mind....I figure us heathens have to stick together)

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I do not practice NFP and know nothing about the nitty gritty.

But the theology, I'm all over that! I have more books on it than any lay person should have!

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