Thursday, August 21, 2008

An annoucement will be coming soon regarding the events of yesterday

I am working out the details now and will get back with you all in the next couple of days. I am starting this new thread for new comments, so no one has to scroll. Don't ask me, because I will not be posting on here until then.


Anonymous said...

What I find sad is that C's kids don't seem to have friends. I have never read anything about them playing with the kids in their neighborhood or even family like cousins. I know that they are estranged from their families but still you would think C would let her kids have playmates.

If she doesn't want them to play at someone elses home then have them come over & play. She could check on them periodically & all would be well. At least this way her kids would have someone other than their siblings & mother. I am all for fostering close relationships between siblings but kids need other kids to play with & relate to. It seems like a lonely life for her kids.

Amanda #1 said...

Yes, but if her children played with others they might be exposed to *gasp* the outside world. The horrors!

I understand that you don't want to needlessly expose your children to filth, but at some point, they're going to have to learn to interact with the real world and the people in it. Sheltering them from all bad things in the name of morality isn't any healthier than sitting them in front of that "forward" version of Jane Eyre.

Anonymous said...

Is the book, THE LOTTERY, (Shirley Jackson) on Candy's reading list for her children?

kentuckybluegirl said...

These children have no time to be children. What 4 year old and 1 year old needs to sit at a table and do an activity for 15-20 minutes several times a day? Am I misunderstanding that?

Poor babies...

anymommy said...


I just read Elena's newest post at VTC. She posted Candy's response to an e-mail asking why she edited the Charlotte Mason link.

You have to read it yourself.

I would have to create new adjectives to describe how frustrated Candy makes me. I can only imagine how Elena feels!

Anonymous said...

I wanted to add that to me it looks as though C has a lonely life herself. Neither her or E are on speaking terms really with their families. They has ostracized themselves from them. C appears to have no "real" friends-you don't need to have many just 1 or 2 that you can be yourself with. She revolves her whole life around E. It seems that everything E wants E gets & who cares about the rest of them. That is very selfish on his part. I think this is why she has the menus that she has, why she shelters the kids, why they don't go to dr.s or dentists, why they keep moving & why C is the way she is-a hardcore holier than thou woman.

She comes across as arrogant & prejudiced. Nothing ever goes wrong in her life-her day to day activities, her children are almost saintly except for the oldest because he is a strong willed child don't forget, her home is in perfect running order all because of her HMB & her homeschooling always runs oh so smooth. How about getting honest with herself (& her readers) about her frustrations & ups & downs of real life? What really goes on behind the facade she has painted for herself. No one & I mean no one has the picture perfect life she portrays to her readers. She is infallible just like the rest of us.

There is no doubt in my mind that she blogs falsities on her blog. Her ~Daily To Do List~ is a fake. No way can anyone get all that done. No way! If she does it's because her kids are doing most of it & it is wrong of her to take credit for it. When do her kids get to be kids? Yes, kids need chores to learn responsibilities but age appropriate & they should not be doing their mothers work! It seems like they are saddled with a lot of responsibility at a young age. That is sad. It has always looked like C & the kids work from sun up to Midnight. KWIM?

I'm done now..carry on.

Amanda #1 said...

Catholicmom, you are now required to come to South Dakota and clean off my computer screen. I spat pop all over it after your suggestion of "The Lottery".

Kentucky, I think the same thing. I understand having table activities, like, maybe once a day, to get your child in the habit of sitting still, but it seems like ALL her kids do is sit still.

Anymommy, I, too, felt awful for Elena. I can't imagine how frustrated she must feel. Unlike us, she goes out of her way to be polite, and Candy just spits in her face.

Anonymous said...

Amanda, it is called soda not POP. You are so midwestern!

I remember reading and watching THE LOTTERY in 9th grade English. Until this day, it still haunts me.

Amanda #1 said...

GW, that's been my gripe all along. After discussing it on here, I do have to admit, it's not that I think NO ONE can do all that she claims to in a day, I just don't believe that SHE DOES all she claims to in a day. She's blogging and moderating comments way too much to do all she claims.

I asked her once (very politely) if she ever had a bad day, and I got some ranting post about how she never get's mad or sad, b/c that's "stupid" and she has the JOY of the LORD in her heart.

Amanda #1 said...

You'll never convert me to soda *<}]:o)

We read The Lottery freshman year, too. And then we watched the movie. It was definitely something I think it could have done without.

Anonymous said...

I am still in therapy because of that book.

Why do you think I moved from the "small village?"

Anonymous said...

Amanda, I agree with you. You can not keep your kids in a cocoon their whole childhood. They can't walk around with blinders on in the world like their mother. Exposing your kids to the outside world is a reality. It can't be avoided. One simply needs to use discretion. For instance, C could get to know the kids that her kids play with. She could get to know the mothers. She could make it point to show her kids that there are other people in the world besides them. C simply doesn't want to put forth the effort. Poor kids.

Anonymous said...

Amanda, yes you are right I stand corrected. One may possibly be able to do all the things on C's to do list but I think ones head would spinning. I know I would be dead tired on the verge of collapsing!

I think C wants her readers & anyone else who will listen to her that she is a super mommy! That in itself is very dangerous grounds that she is walking on. She will experience burn out. I know.

Anonymous said...

I also find it hard to read that her kids especially the little ones sit perfectly still & content several times a day.

Anonymous said...

That should be "hard to believe" not read.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm in the Midwest and we only drink soda! If, however, you go a couple hundred miles North, it is all pop all the time.

Of course, I am from the part of the Midwest that drinks from bubblers instead of water fountains, so we don't exactly conform.

Anonymous said...

I'm on a roll today...

ilovecandysblog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kentuckybluegirl said...

Amanda and Sara! You're both wrong! It's a COKE! No matter what the brand is - it's a COKE!

It's a Kentucky thing (or thang)

Amanda #1 said...

The Coke thing isn't just Kentucky. I worked with a girl from California who referred to it all as Coke. I will NEVER understand how that works!

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Yeah. My 1 yr old would NOT sit at the table or in his high chair and do table activities while I did reading, bible study, math, science, history...

and he SHOULDN'T. 1 yo need to be free to move, learn gross motor skills, and explore their world, and should do that far more than "sitting". They should be busy busy busy!

Then again, maybe if I applied the Pearl's Baby Torture Method he would stay still.

Anonymous said...

GW said...
Amanda, I agree with you. You can not keep your kids in a cocoon their whole childhood. They can't walk around with blinders on in the world like their mother. Exposing your kids to the outside world is a reality. It can't be avoided. One simply needs to use discretion. For instance, C could get to know the kids that her kids play with. She could get to know the mothers. She could make it point to show her kids that there are other people in the world besides them. C simply doesn't want to put forth the effort. Poor kids.

August 21, 2008 11:39

Right GW. Her children will never learn to be unselfish when it comes to others outside the Candy Compound. I fear for these kids when it comes time to start opposite sex relationships and marriage.

Nicole said...

Here in south Louisiana all soda is Coke. It does not matter what the brand or type it is called Coke.

Nicole said...

Am I the only one who does not understand the need to be around your children 24 hours a day 7 days a week? IMO if there is no time alone for the couple outside of the house then the marriage will suffer. I love my kids but for my own sanity I have to have time away every now and then to spend time with my husband alone.

Anonymous said...

Since I am on MEEZ, I don't even know if I still have a husband or child.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Most times the kids & I are together. Although, I do enjoy it when hunting season comes around & hubby is gone. I can't wait for him to go do his thing. At times I enjoy hanging out with my sister alone without the kids but most times they are with me. Then they hang with their cousin. Infact, tonight we (the kids & I) are going to a festival with my sister & her kid.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Milehi. My SIL gets upset with me cause I don't "force" my 11 mo. old to stay in one little area and be still. I would lose my sanity if I did because he wants to check everything out. I like to put up gates and make sure everything that is unsafe is out of his reach, then let him play. He has been walking since 10 mos. and seems to have very good motor skills compared to other babies I know around his age because of this. I think this encourages learning independantly when they get older. Or a MENSA candidate in the making.

Nicole said...

Yeah but you know what I do not pay for a babysitter. I get along with most of my family so they watch my children for me for a couple of hours when we need it and you know what they are mostly *gasp* CATHOLIC.

Nicole said...

ok that post was directed to Curtis but his post disappeared.

anymommy said...

"and he SHOULDN'T. 1 yo need to be free to move, learn gross motor skills, and explore their world, and should do that far more than "sitting". They should be busy busy busy!"

I wholeheartily agree! "School" for under sixes at our little school consists of art (scribbling), music ("Wheels on the Bus," anyone?), dance ("Hokey Pokey"), and nature study (mud pies and grasshoppers). Home economics also figure in ("Who wants to help make lunch?").

Of course, all these things require giving the child ATTENTION, whereas plopping them in a chair with a puzzle for an hour or whatever would free me to sit at the computer and ask people to compliment me while I send nasty e-mails.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's not good for littles to be stuck in a highchair or play pen most of the day. I always had a baby gate across the livingroom & kitchen doors so that my girls could be free to run around safely with someone in the room with them. I hardly used a play pen for my older 2 & my littlest one never used one. They all were free to explore!

KitKat said...

Wow! Gone for a day and I missed everything. Yesterday was my kiddos first day of school and we were a bit busy.

Anyway, I read Elena's post over at VTC. I wish that I could say that I am shocked but I'm not. That is typical Candy. Candy has always made it very clear that she does not want to converse. She only preaches and simply wants her faithful readers to listen and applaud. No thinking allowed. If you find her information incorrect or offensive, it is your fault and not hers. She is moved by the Holy Spirit (or as STH says "Holey Spirut") and those who disagree are led by Satan. And don't try to confuse her with the facts because she has read everything and anything other than her sources are incorrect or corrupt. Are we really shocked by anything that she says or does anymore?

That being said, I am waiting on the edge of my seat for the upcoming post about yesterday's events. I'm not up on everything that happened so now I am feeling very anxious to hear the announcement.

sweepingthehome said...


sweepingthehome said...

It might help if I check the little email box when subbing....

Amanda #1 said...

Cajun, I am appalled that you would jeoprodize your children's eternal salavation by entrusting them with those heathen Catholics!

Anonymous said...

Since Candy claims that she does not read VTC, please copy/paste Elena's entry to her comments. (Is it Personal)

Elena has such grace to her writing. Bravo Bravo!

Did I mention that I do not have access to Candy's site...

It is raining too hard to go to
Starbucks to read "Candyland" so I must wait until Friday.

Amanda #1 said...

I'd love to do that Catholicmom, but I don't want to lose my access!

(You could *cough* create a new hotmail address and email it to her, though.)

Anonymous said...

Amanda, you are so selfish...but I do understand. Just rub it in my face that I don't have access to her blog.

Amanda #1 said...

Well, for what it's worth, just give it time. I was banned for a while, too, but she evidentally forgave me, b/c I now have access.

Maybe you should pray a rosary for her ;)?

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

hey Sara, meet me at Mandy's

angie said...

I just read the post over at VTC about Candy's email to Elena, and although I'm not surprised, I am sickened by how one person can be so, well, stupid. We all have access to what was said, and where does Candy get off saying the crap she says? She must have been really pissed when she wrote that too because it's riddled with stupid spelling errors. I picture her, fingers flying, eyes glowing red, and smoke billowing from the top of her head. And over what? An email from Elena asking her to publish her comments in their entirety or not at all?

Question: Is hacking into someone's website illegal?

One more question, and it's for Ginger. Why are you so defensive today? Your comment about Candy's reading list and that bible study comment make me think you are a tad edgy. Your feelings on all of this stuff seem to sway with the wind sometimes. What's up?

busymomof3 said...


Ginger does indeed seem somewhat cranky didn't she?

One minute finding fault with Candy is ok. The next it's not. Why?

I was having a lively debate with her earlier and she quit.


Kim said...

I'm late as usual. Smack dab in Iowa, I drink soda. My mother and sister drink pop. My mom insists that soda is not something you drink--it is something with which you bake.

busymomof3 said...

Well here in the great state of's sodie water!!!

busymomof3 said...

Dr. Pepper is the greatest "sodie water" ever invented.

Most popular in the state.

I have been to many resteraunts where the wait staff say "What would you like to drink, Dr. Pepper?"

busymomof3 said...

Now that I have tortured you all with my horrible spelling...I'm off!!

It's family time!!

Catch up bright and early in the morning!!

Anonymous said...

"Question: Is hacking into someone's website illegal?

One more question, and it's for Ginger. Why are you so defensive today? Your comment about Candy's reading list and that bible study comment make me think you are a tad edgy. Your feelings on all of this stuff seem to sway with the wind sometimes. What's up?"
I apologize, I was not trying to be edgy. I was just trying to figure out what the big deal is about the reading list for her children and how that concerns this blog and it's posters. We read a lot of the old books here too, even if they are above my children heads. It gives room for them to think, get some proper grammar in since my grammar stinks. I also do not see how a person can get that much done in a day but I know my grandmother did. She could spin circles around Candy on what she says she does in a day. I am sure I could if I did not spend time on this contraption they call a computer LOL. Which is also where you see fault at with her. It is between her and God what happens in her home. We all have to face him saved or not. KWIM? What bugs me is that she changes comments and their websites. That BUGS me.
Is it illegal to hack a website? YES it is a FEDERAL crime!

I was not home when you wanted to banter. Sorry! We still can if you want!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Around me it is Pop but I call it Soda. But then I am a Navy Brat and I picked up things as we moved.

angie said...

Ginger- I hear you. If you notice, I don't usually comment on that kind of stuff regarding Candy's blog, but I read and understand a lot of what people are saying. There are some very smart people here that obviously like conversing with each other, and if Candy is going to keep her blog topics around hs'ing, then that's what's going to be discussed.

Re: to-do lists, I can complete huge to-do lists too (especially when I don't turn on my computer LOL), but when I'm doing that, I feel great that I'm getting so much done, but then I have to battle with the perfectionist in me. I feel like I'm competing, and if I falter, there's something wrong with me. Also, after a few days of trying to grind too much out, I can really start being a b***h. I'm human, and I just get tired. Also, when it appears that I have such great control of everything (but secretly am dog-tired), my husband gets, well, kind of lazy. On one hand, I love to serve my family, but on the other, I think we should all work as a team so that one person doesn't feel like they are trying to hold up a mountain. (I've got five kids, so there's a lot of work to spread around, BUT I do keep my older kids' chore load to less than an hour total so they can have time to play. The little ones just "help" me with little jobs.)

Unknown said...

UPDATE: Unexpected occurance happened, where I need to wait for someone. While doing so, I updated my to do list in the side bar. :-)

Who gives a rat's ass that she updated her TO DO list. WTF

Anonymous said...

Angie I totally understand, I just had an opinion:) So I shared it. I knew it would not be a popular so I had my basket waiting for those tomato's. I need them to can my salsa!

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Curtis - at least she's not updating that she got back from the grocery store. What a treat June was!

Unknown said...

Ginger, you are getting on my last nerve. But you are OK.

Unknown said...

Did you read Amanda from muchforgiven. A doctor was all over her (polite) about how harmful giving out medical advice. At least she posted it unlike Candy. Though, she did not admit wrong-doing like Candy. Amanda's LOL's totally drive me freakin crazy. Even the doctor was sarcastic about that but I don't think Amanda got it. I think Amanda is a little slow.

Anonymous said...

Well uh thanks Curtis.

Anonymous said...

I think Candy's "I already had the background saved so it only took 5 minutes" and "I unexpectedly had time to update the sidebar" are addressing the posts here about how much time she spends online while supposedly doing so much. Now she feels she must justify every visible change.

Unknown said...

Who in the hell does she have to wait for?

Walmart does not have WiFi?

Where are her 4 children while she is waiting?

Unknown said...


Maggii said...

I also do not see how a person can get that much done in a day but I know my grandmother did. She could spin circles around Candy on what she says she does in a day.

thing is...I have a feeling your gramdmother didn't spend time on a computer blogging and checking comments and such......

V. said...

To Curtis:

Are you 'roadscholarcurt' on Meez that always comes in Candy's Meez room?

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

maggii, have you been talking to my husband again?

*<](80o ooops. Busted.

Unknown said...

WTF, my feelings are hurt, Maggii.

Maggii said...

ok ...I am totally lost!!!

Maggii said...

Did i do something???

anymommy said...

Okay, my blog is ready. I hope you all will contribute. A few notes about it.

It's not a place to joke about or insult Candy. I figure that's what this site and Meez is for. I want to use my new blog as a way to coax Candy's readers away from her in a non-insulting way. These women are probably very delicate in their trust of her and I don't want to run them off with sarcasm.

That being said, I hope some of you will consider writing some articles that would walk her readers through some of her lies.

Think of it like VTC, only focusing on the lying and meaness instead of fully on the Catholic hating (although we should mention that as often as needed to show the pattern of lies and hate).

So here it is:

Please stop by and bring your friends (even the vile Catholic ones)!

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Well done anymommy. I took a look at your blog. I'll certainly visit again.
Couldn't find an email for you there, so I just wanted to alert you to a spelling error in your reference to the name of this wwebsite (prophet)in your opening blurb.
Just assuming you missed it, and the pedant in me just couldn't let it lie!
Oh and I think the name of the blog (Come Out Of Her) is inspired.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Anymommy. I took the liberty of posting a comment on VTC letting them know about your new blog.

Cajun. A bit late chiming in regarding Pilgrims Progress. Maybe I'm a bit slow too. I couldn't get on with it at all. I persevered for a while because it was on our 'reading list' but it nearly bored me and my son to tears.

Unknown said...

Something I found in my spouses files from May.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
busymomof3 said...

anymommy...good job on your blog!! I will visit it again for sure.


Sorry about sounding a little testy myself yesterday. Forgive me. I enjoy debating issues with people and after re-reading some of my posts, I may have come across as too forceful. I understand that we are all busy with other things. Patience is a virtue I must practice more!!!

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Curtis. Why did you delete that excerpt from Candys blog? It leaves your other comment just hanging there.
just wondering.

kentuckybluegirl said...

Ginger is getting on YOUR last nerve? Ahem.

At least Ginger has more of a personality and more of vocabulary than 'WTF'.

I'm just sayin'.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

KentuckyBlue, I may be wrong, but I interpreted Curtis as making a joke reference to Veras 'on my last damn nerve' post. I didn't think he was having a pop at Ginger.
Could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

They can't all truly be this childlike and innocent and unknowing.

Oh, that's how you do it, 4 day's a week. I have been trying to figure out where to fit my grocery shopping into my busy homeschool week. I was going to do school in am, shop afternoon, it makes me much more relaxed to hear that it is possible to do only 4 days a week and have a successful home school. I love when you post about home school and all schedules in general. If you can share about how many hours you put into school each day I would find that useful. Sometimes I feel like I am racing through my day to get school, cleaning, free time with kids, etc. done - and then I just want to collapse when it is all over at the end of the day


Is this a real person, truly attempting to homeschool her children, but unable to figure out the time management thing? If this woman is honestly asking these questions of Candy, I don't think she has any business homeschooling her children. Being prepared, doing research, etc. are all things that should be done before attempting to become responsible for educating your children.

This creeps me out.

kentuckybluegirl said...

Ahhh sorry to all, then. I must stop trying to read while working.

kentuckybluegirl said...

It should creep you out, Tia. Just think of the these kids entering the world educated by this woman.

Unknown said...

This sounds like the weekend from HELL. This from one of Candy's blog friends who spent the night with the Brauers.

C'mon Candy's kids are just like ours.

I just wanted to say, that reading words on paper in no way communicates what a person is really like. I have found this out by meeting Candy. She may appear very strict and matter of fact on the screen or even tough. She is not. She is always laughing, smiling, and very playful. Her children are like any other kids- love to play and get excited- but they are well behaved and polite. One of the cutest things was when it was bedtime, her oldest boy was reading the Bible to my middle daughter (both strong willed children- they got along well together). I just thought it was so neat that his choice of a 'bedtime story' was reading the Bible. And she sat and listened :)

Anyways, we got there early Saturday afternoon and headed off to a little waterpark thing- a free one where there are sprayers and water guns and fountains that just spray water. It was so windy though that even if you weren't in the park part, you still got soaked because the wind carried the water so far. We all got some nice sunburns, LOL. Then we met some friends of theirs and went to a restaurant- yeah, 17 people and only 6 of them adults!

Then we watched a wonderful movie and chatted till after 1 am Sunday morning :) I tasted Candy's amazing bread for breakfast and it was good! I've never had 100% whole bread that tasted really good. And then we had to say goodbye. It stinks that some of my nicest friends are online and I can't ever 'see' them. Oh well...

The Greek Chorus said...

Curtis, I would love to spend the weekend with friends, go to a waterpark, and then eat at a restaurant.

Not sure why you think that's terrible (in a general sense, leaving out the participating parties.)

Don't you like Supahfiberlicious bread?

Amanda #1 said...

The whole "strong-willed" things annoys me to no end. Why don't you just say, "capable of thinking for himself".

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

strong willed = haven't killed his spirit yet.

It's Candycode.

Amanda #1 said...

We should totally make a CandyCode Dictionary here:

Catholics=Evil, heathen, hell-bound morons, incapable of thinking for themselves. May possibly be illiterate, since they do not read the Bible.

Marriage=A union which renders a woman incapable of thinking for herself. See also: Submission.

Submission=The process of becoming your husband's beck-and-call girl.

Blogging=A method of recreating your life. While some people may see it as writing about your life as it actually is, it is, in fact, a way of writing about your life as you'd like it to be.

Amanda #1 said...

Oh, a couple more:

Children=Personal slaves.

Playtime (for children)=Huh?

busymomof3 said...

OMGoodness Greek Chorus...

You left some things out in your Candy-Lingo post!!


And the list goes on and on and on...

busymomof3 said...

Ya'll forgot another one!!

Wunderhubby=wanna be inventor who doesn't pay his taxes but tried his hand in the political arena so us taxpaying citizens could pay HIM to make decisions for us!!

Amanda #1 said...

Erik (or Candy)


Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

And let's not forget

Supercalifragelistic Ecstasy Bread

So I was showing my husband the kombucha recipe last night. Her recipes really ARE basic.

1. Boil 12 cups of filtered water
(Picture of Pot on stove)

2. Get your container ready
(Picture of two empty glass jars)

3. Put one cup of organic sugar in jars...
(Picture of glass jars, with sugar in them)

Later she shows a jar full of dissolved sugar and water... it's YELLOW!

I don't know WHAT kind of sugar she uses, but when I make simple syrup, it's clear. It doesn't look like a urine sample.

Now Candy's gonna wonder why she's getting so many hits on her Kombucha recipe, while y'all rush over there to have a look-see.

Oh wait, she'll read this comment and not wonder anymore.

She does seem to mix up "100% natural" and "organic".

Amanda #1 said...

Well....there are bananas behind it. Maybe that's tinting it? Or is it b/c it's organic sugar?


Working up to Zero said...

Could it be that her water is seriously heavy?

sweepingthehome said...

Ewww you are right! That looks disgusting.

I used to live in a city that had really icky water, it smelled and looked sorta like that. NOBODY drank the water. We spent so much money buying bottled water while we lived there. I don't know what people who lived on a tight budget did about it. Gross.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

She specifies using filtered water.

I don't even want to KNOW what kind of filter she uses if it comes out yellow!

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Moving over to the new site, if anyone wants to continue the discussion of pee water.