Monday, August 18, 2008

This is for Clare so she doesn't have to scroll

All, I do not know how to make myself more clear, but I am not angry or any of the other things you have mentioned. I stated everything I had to say and I will not rehash it. Angie, none of the moderators are po'd at anyone on here. I am not getting on here very often, so I will post a new one when I have the chance.



Rachel said...

Ginger said...
Rachel, it's ok and I see we typed at the same time as well. I misspelled your name as well. Sorry!


No problem. My mother took great pride in saying R.A.C.H.E.L., it's biblical. LOL Just don't call me Ruh-shell. :)

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Much appreciated Bru!

sweepingthehome said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sweepingthehome said...

But you can plainly see by Candy's "update" that even after hearing the correct story she still sticks to her own version, just as she does when she is pointed out that her information on Catholics is wrong. So.. which is worse?

This is EXACTLY what I've been thinking. That woman is unbelievable.

KitKat said...

Thanks Bru! When the comments get too long, I miss stuff. Like how I missed everything about the mods maybe being angry and why. Glad that you guys aren't.

ilovecandysblog said...

Do you people ever stop whining?

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

From the previous thread:
They come in all mean and hostile, but maybe they could also be lonely and confused.

Honestly, this is really concerns me, even more than "fake" salvations.

A teen shows up. Maybe they just had a fight with their mom, or broke up with their boyfriend. They find a Meez room - there's emotional music playing with attractive, peaceful pictures. A woman starts telling them how to fix it, how to feel better, how to get saved!

Teen says sinners prayer. Teen is declared saved.

Teen is still lonely. Boyfriend still dumped, homework still due, parents still fighting, whatever.

Maybe they give "salvation" a second chance. They find the nearest church - but it's Lutheran or Episcopal or Unitarian. They don't "do" saved.

Teen feels like he has been scammed. Those crazy Christians don't know what they're talking about. Things aren't better, it's all a lie.

And a soul is lost and embittered, not gained.

We are God's people, and brothers and sisters in Christ. Christ modeled His church on a family for a reason. He wants us to help each other, not remain strangers. He knows we need other people IRL for encouragement, support, help, teaching. Not reading a website (which can be USEFUL but is not TOTAL).

Just MHO.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

oh yeah forgot to sub to comments.

KitKat said...

great point, milehi!

busymomof3 said...

The thing that bother me about this whole "teen salvation in the Meez room" is this...why is Candy overstepping some boundaries to teach salvation to another person's child?

I don't think that she would appreciate me talking to her children about some issues (another religion, birth control, evolution) and my viewpoint on it without her permission...right?

This is just another example how damaging Candy could be for families. If these teens had been serious about salvation, Candy completely underminded the parent's authority on this issue. It is not her place or another adult's place to speak to children about salvation. It's the parents place.

Another thing...what is it with the Meez salvation room? How do you truly know that you are soul winning without seeing that person face to face? Isn't a little ridiculous being taught the road to salvation by an internet doll?

busymomof3 said...

Forgive me for completely forgetting my grammar rules here guys. A toddler was helping me on the 'puter and pushed the button before I go to proofread!!!

busymomof3 said...

got not go

Amanda #1 said...

I have always thought the the idea of being saved on Meez is weird. Even if they are all real and everyone is sincere, it seems strange. I'm not saying one couldn't be saved on the internet, but in a 15 minute conversation with a complete stranger on Meez? It just seems unlikely and bizarre to me. Call me a cynic.

Amanda #1 said...


ilovecandysblog said...

Which is it people? Are they adults or are they kids? I believe the mother said, they are adults and she had no control. So, obviously, she can witness to adults. You all try to have it both ways.

Stacy said...

Thanks, Bru!

MileHi might have a point. I am working on a post about my experience with a very eager Baptist, but don't have the courage to post it yet.

On another note, highdesert, I would love to hear more about your conversation with WunderHubee about evolution!!

Working up to Zero said...

Candy says they are "teens", she believes they are teens and not adults. It doesn't matter if they are 12 or 52 in reality, the only thing that matters is that Candy perceived them as "teens". If what Candy says is true she should have respected their parent's authority over their religious formation. If she thought they were adults then she is lies on her blog.

Amanda #1 said...

Fine--they're adults, Mama22 had no control over them.

But it's still weird to be "witnessing" in a Meez room.

Amanda #1 said...

And, as Zero points, out, whether they were teens or adults is really irrelevant, considering that it's been pointed out to Candy that they were not true salvations and yet Candy continues to lie about it herself.

busymomof3 said...


Candy SAID they were teens. It wasn't until later that the mother said they were over 18. So Candy did in fact overstep some boundaries with her witnessing.

Candy has proven time and time again that she respects no else but herself. She posts anti-Catholic essays...lack of respect. She witnesses to CHILDREN...lack of respect. She won't post all of her comments that she receives by readers...lack of respect.

Just admit it...Candy is spewing hate and ignorance out like vomit and calling in God's work. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!

David Koresh and Warren Jeffries (? on spelling of last name) knew the bible verse for verse...and could quote scripture just like Candy...but I think we could all agree...these two men WERE NOT doing God's work!!!

Oh!! She knows the Bible inside and she must be a Godly Christian Woman! Whatever.

Amanda #1 said...

You know, the more I think about it, the more it upsets me.

Those kids/adults were wrong. BUT, they misled ONE woman (who, arguably, was asking to be misled, but that's another story). The kids/adults lied to ONE woman. Candy, however, is knowingly lying to and misleading dozens, if not hundreds of women.

Candy: you are not Christ. You are falliable. There is nothing shameful in admitting you made a mistake. There IS shame, however, in knowingly misleading your readers.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

When Candy had her feed available, it listed 85, 17, and 12 subscribers. That is over 100 people who liked her posts enough to SUB, let alone read. It is not helpful that sites such as the Homeschool Blog Awards actively promote and provide links; it seems that every Christian homemaking site I visit ALSO has a link. She has a wide audience.

If she cleaned up her act and stuck to the yogurt making, she could probably make some money with advertising.

busymomof3 said...

Preach it sister Amanda...AMEN!!!

What is scary is that she is obviously (to us anyway) misleading others and they don't have a clue. I think most of these women who follow her around and ask her advice and give her glowing commments to feed her ego are so used to being submissive to their husbands that they have no idea how to think for themselves.

Her minions actually need to think for themselves instead of following Candy around like blind mice!!!

Let me be clear...while being submissive to your husband is not itself a bad thing...having all the decisions in a marriage made by one person is bad. The submissive partner evetually gets to a point where they aren't even capable of making a decision and they have to let someone else make it for them. And in comes Candy to "help" them in their Christian walk.

I'm of the idea that I can be a Christian and a free thinker at the same time.

Amanda #1 said...

Let me be clear...while being submissive to your husband is not itself a bad thing...having all the decisions in a marriage made by one person is bad. The submissive partner evetually gets to a point where they aren't even capable of making a decision and they have to let someone else make it for them. And in comes Candy to "help" them in their Christian walk.

Also touching on that, if you're being truly submissive to your husband, why are you seeking the advice of some random woman on the internet? Shouldn't you be asking your husband? Even aside from biblical submission, there are women asking her questions that are, in my opinion, of far too great importance to be seeking the advice of a stranger (ie, financial, housing, etc...)

And for the sake of conversation, can someone tell me the difference between "teaching" and "preaching"? Of course I understand the fundmental difference between the two words, but in the context of her Meez room, I do not see the distinction.

busymomof3 said...

You are right on the money about that Amanda. If you are being truly ARE NOT asking the advice of anyone except your husband.

I'm not sure what the difference is between preaching/teaching in regards to her MEEZ room. It kind of seems the same to me. Candy is the one holding church services there...not her hubby...Candy is the one teaching salvation to teens...not her hubby...Candy is the one leading family devotions...not her hubby.

It's all Candy with hubby on the sidelines talking about other things like evolution. It seems to me Candy is the preacher of the family. Or am I just way off base here?

Amanda #1 said...

Ah, I just hit ANOA's site. Apparently, she's not of the belief that only hookers wear makeup, because she's wearing some pretty dark lipstick in her new profile pic.

She also says in regards to homeschooling curricula:
I will NOT compromise on the richness of of my children's education, so if I cannot find a curriculum within my budget that meets my standards, I write my own.

Does this frighten anyone else? If Milehi said she was writing curricula for her children, I would not be concerned. ANOA is another story.

But Tia, you should be happy--you'll have extra time to write up your study on that stupid book. Her study is being put on hold while she writes up curricula.

(I have never in my life used the word "curricula" so many times. I do hope I'm using and spelling it correctly!)

Anonymous said...

I don't think that she would appreciate me talking to her children about some issues (another religion, birth control, evolution) and my viewpoint on it without her permission...right?

I gave up. I asked her flat out about this, since the whole "why I keep my kids in church" thread. I asked why she didn't trust other people to teach her kids but she taught strangers kids. She said it was rediculous (SIC), I was not using logic and that it wasn't the same thing because she had the truth and their parents were unsaved. I said what about if a Muslim looked at you and thought "infidel" and figured they would bypass you and just convert your kids. I said that would be beyond disrespectful to you. She said it wasn't the same thing because she had the truth, Islam was a lie (that's not the point, she didn't get it at all.). I was told basically too bad, so bad she would do it again. Oh well, respect her rights as a mother to teach her children only, you aren't good enough. But she will disrespect you as a parent and teach your kids, no matter what you want because she's good enough. Vanity? Hipocrasy?

Rachel said...

Submission - I think this refers to major decision making - finances, jobs, etc. I do not think it needs to be my husbands decision if I cut my hair or wear skirts. Submission can be taken waaay out of context.

If your huband is a god-serving man and is truly head of the household he will make his decisions accordingly after much prayer and thought. At least, that's how it works in my house. We discuss major things like moving after the hurricane destroyed our home or rebuilding and staying put. We looked at many homes and kids cried and we were in tormoil. So, we prayed and my husband had the ultimate decision. If he had chosen to move, I would have stood beside him even though that is not what I wanted - mainly due to the kids. We stayed :)

How I wear my hair, dress or make for dinner is my choice. No way he would want to have married a puppet. He loves my "forwardness". LOLOL

Rachel said...

Our Family Is His said...
I asked why she didn't trust other people to teach her kids but she taught strangers kids. She said it was rediculous (SIC), I was not using logic and that it wasn't the same thing because she had the truth and their parents were unsaved.


How does she know the parents are unsaved??

Because SHE has the truth... holier than thou!

Her way or the highway.

What sayeth you now, Candy-heads?

Amanda #1 said...

Rachel, I agree with you about submission. I do ask my husband's opinion before I chop my hair or when I'm getting dressed, but that's b/c I value his opinion. I mean, sure I like my hair short, but I also like to be attractive for him. If he prefers my hair long, I'll wear it long.

Someone else explained it much better than me (of course). Suppose you and a friend were going out to eat. You wanted Chinese, she wanted pizza. After much discussion, you agreed to have pizza. You just submitted to her. It wasn't a bad thing, you discussed it, and though you submitted, you were both in agreement. Way simplified, but a good illustration, I thought.

Amanda #1 said...

And here's what I don't get about her "truth" argument: EVERY religion says it has the truth. What makes her truth more right than the Islam truth? Or the Catholic truth?

I'm telling you--we're going to get to heaven, and it's going to be like on South Park: "Actually, we were looking for Morman on this one."

ilovecandysblog said...

I sayeth your all idiots and haters. Candy does have the gift and it is obvious. Erik even more so. You are all jealous that you aren't like they are. They are the happiest and most committed couple I have seen.

ilovecandysblog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ilovecandysblog said...

Are you kidding me Amanda??? I would be humiliated to tell people that.

Rachel said...


YES! Very good description. And I ask my huband too how he thinks I should get my hair cut because I want him to enjoy looking at me. I value his opinion. It works both ways too. I suggest a certain cologne or shirt.. and he will go for it. It's called MARRIAGE.

Amanda #1 said...

I sayeth your all idiots and haters. Candy does have the gift and it is obvious. Erik even more so. You are all jealous that you aren't like they are. They are the happiest and most committed couple I have seen.

And I sayeth you're a moron.

Seriously, if I didn't know better, I'd think that the comment came from someone like Sweeping, but with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

But you know, on second thought, you may be right. I am filled with envy. Oh, that I could be as judgmental, sanctimonious, and hate-filled as Candy is. It must be difficult to know you are the only person on Earth burdened with the truth. The only person on Earth who is able to accurately translate the Bible. The only person on Earth with the ability to see into hell (and who is there). I pray every night that I might be made more like Candy.

If only Candy realized how many people she has driven CLOSER to the Catholic Church.

Amanda #1 said...

Are you kidding me Amanda??? I would be humiliated to tell people that.

I'm sorry; to what are you referring?

Rachel said...

ilovecandysblog said...
I sayeth your all idiots and haters. Candy does have the gift and it is obvious. Erik even more so. You are all jealous that you aren't like they are. They are the happiest and most committed couple I have seen.


She has the gift of what? I don't see it. I see a confused, scared woman who is holding on so tight to what she believes based on some cartoon chick tracts that is she even wavers from it one bit her whole life will come crumbling down since it not at all what she has made it to be.

You make your assumption of their bliss on what? From what you have read on a blog?? HAHA

I forgot to mention I was a millionaire on mine. There ya have it.. just because I posted it makes it true. :)

Anonymous said...

Submission: I certainly do not let my hubby make decisions for me. I am my own person.

Anonymous said...

Which MEEZ has the blog about the garden?

Which MEEZ has the "Humble" blog?

I haven't slept for nights because I can't figure this out.

Anonymous said...

I rarely ask hubby his advice on things. I see no reason to. I also don't need his permission to do the things that I want. He does his own thing & I do mine.

kentuckybluegirl said...

Oh my gosh! Leave for a weekend and look what happens. We get a new playmate, there is a revival and some big discussion about submission and Candy and Erik having the 'gift'...


howdy y'all!

Anonymous said...

And I sayeth you're a moron.


Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

If Milehi said she was writing curricula for her children,

Awww, thanks. I do write curricula for my children, but I do NOT write textbooks. What I do is bring together diverse resources and take pieces and parts of other curricula, to make our very own course of study.

My school, the St. Joseph Academy for Wayward Children, is a Traditional Catholic Masontorri ClassicoWaldorf school.


OK, I did totally write first grade science, but I stole the "spine" from Montessori and just used library books.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I wonder how Candy would feel if someone slipped her child a rosary?

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Sub - underneath, below, to put under

Submission to your husband, is to put yourself under his mission.

What is his mission?
To love his wife as Christ loved the Church, even to give his life for her.

A woman submits to her husband, not by making HIM make every single nitty gritty decision, but allowing him to love her the way Christ loved the Church - which sometimes means deferring to his decisions.

Love wants the good of the other - let your husband love you.

Anonymous said...

I can't even fathom the history ANOA will teach her children, not to mention science. I totally get not wanting your kids to learn things outside your moral scope; but I am sure their education will lack a lot more than moral dilemmas. The biggest part of learning is thinking; not memorizing, not being told what to believe or think, not being left in the dark about the views of others. Being able to process information and make decisions based on that information is exercise the brain needs. It is a muscle and muscles atrophy without use.

Did you read ANOA's comment about how her 4 year old is praying for the rapture now? What kind of life is that child living if her biggest wish in life is for Jesus to come take her away?

I submitted to my husband today. After a rough weekend, he told me that I need to chill and take a mental health day. I worked for a bit this morning because my unexpected day off Friday meant I had to push a deadline. I did that. Now I'm home. He is making dinner - he's the grill master, I tell you. And, the rest of the day will be exactly what he said to do. Nothing.

Beyond that? We talk about all major decisions. My hair is my domain, as is his. My clothing is my domain, as are his, with the exception of me needing to interject once in a while and remind him that his black Harley t-shirt is not necessarily appropriate for a pink-themed girl's birthday party or some such thing. We even go grocery shopping together. Why? He eats too!

If Candy and Erik have a perfect marriage and gifts from God and all that, let me tell you, I am perfectly happy to be a heathen with an imperfect life. Who wants perfection if that's what it means? I don't want perfection to begin with, but that makes me strive a little bit less for it, that's for sure.

And finally, on the teen salvation subject. If she "saved" my kid I'd be knocking on her door and handing her children books about world religions. It's the same effed up mentality of handing out chick tracts to trick-or-treaters; you way overstep your bounds when you attempt to teach someone else's child your religious beliefs. When you totally ignore the wishes of that child's parents and devalue their beliefs, you automatically make yourself someone to disdain rather than even give the time of day to.

Someone said that she was glad her husband's bus driver didn't think that way; forgive me for not remembering who, but I read through comments all at once and couldn't keep track of who said what. To that person I say this - what would you do if YOUR child's bus driver were a Buddhist and taught Buddhism on every bus ride? What would you do if your child's bus driver were an atheist and told them their parents were wrong and didn't know anything? You wouldn't be happy, would you? Yet, it was acceptable for your husband's bus driver to teach your husband his religious beliefs...simply because your husband fell for it and because those beliefs are the same as yours.

There are level of hypocrisy in teaching religious or spiritual beliefs to children who are not yours. Regardless of whether the ones who duped Candy were legally teens or not, she thought they were and she undermined their parents authority. Just as your husband's bus driver very well may have undermined the authority of his parents. What's the difference? Just because he was taught what you deem to be the right religion, or the right thing?

Whew. That was more than I intended, or needed, to say. I thinks it's time for me to do what my husband told me to do and not undermined his authority over me.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Oh good heavens, I've been reading KTH too much. Please forgive the comma abuse in my above posts.

I thought I'd take a gander at what Candy has to say about submission:
If a husband mistreats his wife, she should still be his help meet and submit to him. It is not the wife's duty to set her man straight, or to teach him a lesson. The Bible assures us that God will do this for the wife. One of the ways God does this, is by hindering the husband's prayers.

I sincerely hope that Candy is not suggesting that if a husband abuses a wife, God will punish him by not answering his prayers and the wife should do nothing. I don't even know where to BEGIN with that one.

Found "Wifely Submission" on her sidebar, BTW.

kritterc said...

I have the "humble" blog. I am telling you it is boring. I need to take blogging lessons. Just click on my name. kritterc

highdesert said...

clare, I haven't changed my opinion at all about what mom22's kids and friends reportedly did. But OTOH, apparently they didn't cause any actual pain or damage. And despite that one prank they could still be fine kids and mom22 could be a fine person. But my opinion about that kind of prank is unchanged. (And mom22 did say she could out-mean anyone and that payback is rough, so I have not been worrying about her feelings, which I might normally have done.)

angie said...

Bru- thanks for the new thread. :)

"Candys armour plating deflects all, her sherman tank rolls on regardless, flattening all in its path."

Clare- thanks for the laugh this morning. You are so good with words.

But this made me laugh even harder:
"I asked why she didn't trust other people to teach her kids but she taught strangers kids. She said it was rediculous (SIC), I was not using logic and that it wasn't the same thing because she had the truth and their parents were unsaved."

How can a woman that calls herself a Christian say this stuff? It's the most judgemental load of crap I've ever heard.

ilovecandysblog- do you know Candy in Erik in real life? You have said some crazy things today. BTW, when you call someone an idiot, make sure the sentence in which you are saying that has some grammatical integrity.

Anonymous said...

"It's all Candy with hubby on the sidelines talking about other things like evolution. It seems to me Candy is the preacher of the family. Or am I just way off base here?"

**Nope, Candy is the preacher and teacher. The definition of preaching corresponds to what she is doing.

TEACH-transitive verb
1 a: to cause to know something b: to cause to know how c: to accustom to some action or attitude d: to cause to know the disagreeable consequences of some action
2: to guide the studies of
3: to impart the knowledge of
4 a: to instruct by precept, example, or experience b: to make known and accepted
5: to conduct instruction regularly in
intransitive verb
: to provide instruction : act as a teacher

PREACH-intransitive verb
1: to deliver a sermon
2: to urge acceptance or abandonment of an idea or course of action; specifically : to exhort in an officious or tiresome manner
transitive verb
1: to set forth in a sermon 2: to advocate earnestly 3: to deliver (as a sermon) publicly
4: to bring, put, or affect by preaching

ilovecandysblog said...
I sayeth your all idiots and haters. Candy does have the gift and it is obvious. Erik even more so. You are all jealous that you aren't like they are. They are the happiest and most committed couple I have seen.

**ROFLOL-I don't think I've read anything this funny on this blog until this come up.

highdesert said...

synchroswmr, as you can imagine, Meez isn't an easy place to have a discussion about evolution. And I'm not a very good arguer anyway.

It was a little strange that Candy was going through the salvation prayer with someone while at the same time Minutemann was having the conversation about evolution (which he brought up). I was wondering if we were supposed to be standing around quietly being respectful or reverent or something, but apparently not. But it was hard to have all the conversations going at the same time (plus hostile teens popping in and saying "Shut up bitch" etc.)

He made a lot of statements that I basically siad I disagreed with, without any more discussion than that. I did bring up the disabled gene (pseudogene) for the sweet taste receptor in cats because the same mutation is apparently in house cats, tigers and cheetahs.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

That's interesting - too bad there is not a transcript. I've never had a full-on conversation with Erik that didn't sound "canned". So often it sounds like he is just copying and pasting remarks he already prepared ahead of time.

Anonymous said...

Candy would like my parish.. we have our kids in Mass all the time.. we don't have a nursery or Sunday school or anyone to watch our kids...:)

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

She would have loved my church service, too. I had five of my little anklebiters with me in the pew. There was some Scripture read by the pastor, then he read from St. Paul's writings, then the Gospel was preached. Followed by some good old fashioned preaching!

There was also singing involved.

Our sermon was on how you can't serve two masters, and also doubting.

Anonymous said...

I don't think she would have liked the Mass I went to yesterday! (Yes, this heathen attended church on a Sunday morning. But, it was a Catholic church, so it doesn't count as real church, right?)

My sister-in-law and her husband celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary yesterday. They had a party and all that good stuff in the afternoon, but in the morning, at Mass, there was a celebration as well. The Mass was held in the same church they married in 40 years ago.

Heathens. All of us. And, it was topped off monumentally with a Champagne (alcoholic) toast and cake cutting.

I have to tell you, I rather enjoy being a heathen and having Catholic sinners in my family.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I remember reading that Candy is going to teach her children Latin.

OK City area has Latin Tridentine Mass that she might be interested in:

St. Michael Chapel Bethany
4703 N. McMillan Ave.
Bethany, Oklahoma 73008

It would be a great learning experience to practice Latin and learn about world religions.

Anonymous said...

I have to tell you, I rather enjoy being a heathen and having Catholic sinners in my family.

"Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine,
there's dancing, laughter & good red wine;
at least I have always found it so,
Benadicamus Domino!"
Hilaire Belloc.

Nicole said...

Tia-- it was me who said that I am glad my husband's bus capitan did not feel that way. Honestly I would have no problem with a Buddhist, Muslim,Mormon, or any other religion witnessing to my child. My belief is that my child needs to know everything he can about all religions so that he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is making the right decision and so that later in life if he needs to debate his beliefs he is not blindly spouting things about a religion that is not true. I encourage him to learn about other religions. I have a type of relationship with him that if this were to happen he would come to me to ask questions. I know this because it has happened before.

Anonymous said...

Me again, just been looking at her home-school curricula. Now, I don't have children, and I was terrifyingly precocious as a child, so I make no comment on most of it, but, from the reading list for her 8 year old:

Pilgrim’s Progress (children’s version)
David Copperfield (children’s version)
Oliver Twist (children’s version)

1) I thought she didn't do children's versions or condensed versions

2) Why children's versions of these three and not the others on her list? They look like heavy weather for an 8 year old, to me.

Nicole said...

To answer the atheist question also, I would not have a problem with that either. I have a friend who is an atheist and she has made comments like this in front of our son (to us though). I would just hope he is strong enough in his faith to be able to walk away saying that I agree to disagree with you like I do with my friend.

ilovecandysblog said...


I am referring to you asking your husband about cutting your hair? I would never tell someone I do that. How weak are you? I think Candy is awesome, but I do not agree with anyone submitting to another and comparing chinese and pizza is absurd. That is called compromising. The next time you would do chinese.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Dang. Does this mean I need to submit to my husband over the leg-shaving issue? Just because I look like She-Lob?

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

It depends on what the reading list is for, IMO.

For example, we read books like that aloud (bedtime stories).
Wizard of Oz
Moby Dick
Gulliver's Travels (kid version)
Treasure Island
Gentle Ben

we are currently reading "The Orphan Train".

So, if it is listening to the stories, etc. then I wouldn't say it is unusual at all.

But, if an 8 yo boy was required to write an essay contrasting the Tin Man's search for a heart with Melville's quest for the beast... yeah, so not gonna happen.

Amanda #1 said...

I'm not sure why my asking my husband his opinion on my hair is anything to be embarrassed about. Call me crazy (which you have), but I think my husband is pretty hot and I would like for him to think the same of me. If he prefers my hair long, I'm willing to do that. On the other hand, though, he prefers it brown. I prefer it blonde, so blonde it stays....but still relatively long. I don't see why I should be embarrassed by wanting to be attractive for my husband.

As for my analogy, you can like it or lump it. I thought it was a good one, and it would seem that those who truly understand biblical submission agree.

Furthermore, according you, I am merely jealous that my marriage is not as fantabulous as the Brauers'. Candy advocates submitting to a man, even in instances of physical abuse. Compared to that, I would say growing out my hair is pretty minor.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

What is more interesting to me is not the books that are selected, but the fact that THOSE books are selected to go along with SOTW 3 (covers 1600-1850). The selected books are on the recommended reading list for year 4, not year 3 (except for Pilgrim's Progress). But, to each their own, I guess. It does rather make following the Ambleside curriculum rather pointless, though, if your reading list does not match the history/science list.

Erika S. said...

I love Candy's Blog-"I sayeth your all idiots and haters. Candy does have the gift and it is obvious. Erik even more so. You are all jealous that you aren't like they are. They are the happiest and most committed couple I have seen."

I am laughing so hard about that one.
What gift does Candy have the idiot gift? The I am better and smarter than everyone gift? Jesus loves me the most gift? Please explain yourself!

Please, I am so NOT jealous of Candy and her yucky husband.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Excellent answer Amanda.
My husband really likes my hair in a sharp bob. I experiment now and again with different looks, but generally I want to wear my hair in a way that he appreciates. he does the same for me in terms of how he takes care of his appearance. It makes sense to do that for your spouse. I guess it's all about keeping the home fires burning ;)

ILC has got some very strange ideas of what is embarrassing or shameful.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

"I sayeth your all idiots and haters. Candy does have the gift and it is obvious. Erik even more so. You are all jealous that you aren't like they are. They are the happiest and most committed couple I have seen."

Ooh, ILC are you Erik?
I think you might be Erik
( The Even More Gifted One - natch!)

Erika S. said...

Clare- I have thought that CAE, CAD and I love Candy's Blog was all Erik from the beginning. It is all the same crap she spews but it just feels like it is coming from a male voice. I always hear a slow, soft serial killer voice in my head when I read those comments. Very Hannibal Lector.

Working up to Zero said...

Goodness, Erik is a creepy person. Just his wacky ideas about the US constitution, those seriously freaky-control-nut-stalker-ish wedding vows. He and Candy started seeing each other when she was what 17? and he was in his late 20s? He allows his wife to have unassisted child births and waits until her teeth are rotting and painful before he lets her see a dentist because he can't afford health care for his family and is too proud to accept government assistance. When I think of her being married to him I feel sorry for Candy.

busymomof3 said...


What kind of gift exactly does Candy have?

David Koresh, Jim Jones and Adloph Hitler all had gifts also. It didn't turn out to good for them did it?

You say we are all idiots and haters. Really? What do we hate? We hate the idea that there are people out in the world who are being harmed by lies and manipulations. So my apologies. I am a hater.

Am I an idiot? Hardly. I have a 3.8GPA in nursing school. You can't be an idiot and make it as an RN. I also know that there are some extremely intelligent womean posting here. What they are doing is using critical thinking skills and logic to oppose someone who by all appearences is a fake, a con artist, a false prophet, fill in the __________.

Think what you like. Until you can come up with convincing arguments as to why we should change our way of thinking about Candy...then you are a useless poster who is doing nothing but taking up space that could otherwise be used for more productive comments.

While I do enjoy your postings and all the other posting of Candy's Cult Members, I have yet to see anyone who brings something thought provoking to this argument.

But by all means continue on. We will.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you Erika, I get that same creepy feeling as well.

busymomof3 said...

It should read women not apologies again.

busymomof3 said...

From now on...I'm writing my posts on Word and before I submit them. My spelling is horrible.

I am off for the evening. Time to get dinner started. Everyone have a wonderul night.

See ya' tomorrow!!

angie said...

"I don't see why I should be embarrassed by wanting to be attractive for my husband."

Amanda, you absolutely shouldn't be embarrassed. I think most people think this way. I can't imagine any of my friends thinking you are wierd to ask your husband's opinion on your hair. I know my husband likes my hair a little longer, but it isn't real practical with my house full of little kids, but I compromise and don't have it cut real short. When he compliments me on a certain cut, I am sure to have my stylist cut it that way for awhile until I'm ready for something new. I see absolutely nothing wrong with respecting your husband's taste.

ilovecandy'sblog is just being ridiculous and is picking on you for some reason.

angie said...

busymom- very well said!

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

ILC. I hope your wife takes your preferences into consideration when she styles her hair.
By the same token I hope YOU extend the same courtesy to HER.
A random example could be,I don't know, say, NOT going for the comb over look if she doesn't like it perhaps?
Just a random example.
Maybe she likes that look. If so, go for it I say.

Amanda #1 said...

Personally, I've always been fond of the comb-over. Sadly, my hubby has lots of hair, and though he's going grey, he shows no signs of losing it. *sniffle*


Anonymous said...

I am NOT a Candy hater.... I am OFFENDED by that term...... I am offended I tell you... I rather like Candy, I have made that known here too..... Am I an idiot... some days!

ilovecandysblog said...

Who is calling you a Candy hater, Ginger?

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

"Who is calling you a Candy hater, Ginger?"

Pipe down Erik ;)

ilovecandysblog said...


Isn't tea time soon for you? Go stuff a crumpet in your mouth

Not Erik

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Mmmmm crumpets!

Working up to Zero said...

We need a rolling eye clown.

ILC, for someone who came here to take people to task for behaving badly you certainly have an interesting approach.

Bethany L said...

Clare, that link you posted in the last thread was both disturbing and sad. I checked out the child preacher video as well to see what he was like growing up and it's obvious he was trained to perform. No wonder his faith was a counterfeit. How do you develop a real faith when everything is a performance.

Sad, very sad.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm crumpets


Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

*<]| 0D . .

Eyes rolling out of his head clown.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Clare, BTW, did you ever make kombucha? I have become unnaturally interested in the Shroom Bloom Boom tea.

Does it really make you feel better? I am curious!

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

and, btw, the "WTF" action for my Meezle is so entertaining, I'd thought I would share it. Meezles can *kiss* too.

ilovecandysblog said...

Wow Ginger, how original.

Do any of you people have a real life or does your social life consist of Meez. How sad.

Anonymous said...

Dear ILoveCandysBlog,

Living your life for the glory of God alone... frees you from having to prove that you are right.

Amanda #1 said...

Jodi, I think I love you


(That's a crazy-kissing-lesbian-clown.)

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

I'm also at the 'unnaturally interested' stage with regards to kombucha.
However,I don't really go for any drinks other than tea coffee or water. I completely eschew all sodas and squashes or any other flavoured cold drink, don't even like fruit juice
Give me a proper cup of builders tea, no sugar, splash of milk, strong enough to trot a mouse on.
So I don't think there would be sufficient 'beverage demand' in this house. Which has put me off a bit.
I do kefir though. I love it. It has taken care of the daily 'pudding dilemma'. I keep a constant stock of fresh and frozen fruit and it's smoothies a go go in this house.
It also appeals to my frugal inclinations. Also it's great baby food. Also I find the care and feeding of kefir ritual very soothing, like having a family pet.

Milehi, are you tall? just wondering about your name.

PS Jodi, I took a look at the monks of Skete book. It looks good. I have it in my Amazon 'maybe' list.

Amanda #1 said...

I am merely curious about kombucha. My grocery store does have pre-made bottles of it in the organic section, but they're like $4 for 20 oz. I'm not yet curious enough to make that type of investment.

Rachel said...

I brew kombucha and MMM it's good! Fizzy, tart, and detoxes ya.

I did try to make some homemade yogurt. It came out with some parts lumpy and some parts... kinda goopy, like egg white consistency. I'm assuming this is not good?

Rachel said...

Amanda, splurge and taste it! Then you'll know if making it is worth while. I really enjoy it. Kinda like fizzy apple cider. The bottled is much stronger.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Rachel, I don't know if you were making straightforward yoghurt ( about which I know nothing) or Kefir. Certainly with kefir the fermented product separates out and looks as you describe. I believe the 'egg white' element you describe is whey.
Its all good, just shake it up or give it a stir and get it down the hatch.

Rachel said...


Thanks! Yes, I was making yogurt. Actually, the version from Candy's site using a crockpot. I used powdered milk like Hillbilly Housewife, but Candy's method. After letting the crock sit for the 3 hours she recommended, it wasn't really warm anymore, but I covered it with the towel like she suggested and went to bed. I woke to globs and goop LOL I thought maybe the "incubation temperature" wasn't at a constant temperature or a high enough temperature.

Should I strain it some to thicken it up? The globs taste really good.. the slimey part.. well.. it's slimey LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh how original in your post, you do remind me of my good darlin Cae.....

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I hail from Denver, CO which is at an elevation of 5,280 feet - one mile high, above sea level.

It sounds like it wasn't quite warm enough for the yogurt making. I make mine in the oven overnight. I pour the milk mix into a jar, wrap the jar in a towel, and put it in an oven I warmed up (my oven has a warm setting, about 140 degrees, that I use for bread raisin' too.). I turn the oven off, and boil a kettle of water, and put the kettle in the oven with the yogurt.

Just strain it and eat it! Use the slimy part as a sub for buttermilk (I don't keep buttermilk, so I just thin down yogurt and use that all the time instead).

And, I always use fresh store bought "starter". I buy a big ol' jug of plain yogurt, freeze glops of it in ice cube trays, and use 2-3 globs for each batch of yogurt.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

and Oh My Word, bru is gonna burn us at the stake if we continue the fermented dairy products conversation. It's almost as bad as going on and on and on about the Rapture.

What DOES it take to get banned from this blog, anyway? Am I skirting the edge?

This Clown better watch out!

Amanda #1 said...

I'm trying pretty hard to stick strictly to Candy's factual errors and mock her, personally, less. But I can't resist. From her comments, she said:

"For example, my oldest is quite strong willed, so I have to take an authoritative approach, else, he doesn't respect me."

My first thought was, "Do you mean strong willed, or do you mean capable of thinking for himself?"

Erika S. said...

Just thought I'd weigh in on the fermentation talk, sort of like church chat but with much less Dana Carvey.
I too make yogurt but I use a yogurt maker. I bought it through amazon. I really like it and I do not think that it was very expensive, maybe 19.99.
I have never tried kefir or kombucha. I do like lassie which is an Indian drink.
What is kefir snyway?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Erika S. said...

GW- Thanks for the link!I am off to lunch but you all are probally in bed see you all later.

Anonymous said...

Here's Kefir for you:

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

No prob & you're welcome Erika.

Erika S. said...

What one more question! How does one make thier own kefir? All right another question. Is this what Kiefir Sutherland is named for? Just askin'!

Bethany L said...

For all your answers to kefir, may I refer you to Domonic. He is very knowledgable on all things kefir and even has information on kombucha.

Dom\'s Kefir Site

I am personally unfamiliar with kombucha but drink kefir on a daily basis.

I procured my grains from Domonic when we first met. If you're interested, he is also able to send them overseas or possibly link you up to someone in your area.

Bethany L said...

I might just add, reading his site may raise your eyebrows a few times. He is quite a character with an 'interesting' writing style, but he does know his stuff.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Why do people keep describing the drinks as "fizzy apple cider vinegar - delicious?"

Cuz... that's not delicious. Just sayin'.

Bethany L said...

Sorry, that should read Dominic

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

Milehimama - Now, you may just be pissing me off. What exactly is this comment for?

"and Oh My Word, bru is gonna burn us at the stake if we continue the fermented dairy products conversation. It's almost as bad as going on and on and on about the Rapture."


Amanda #1 said...

Bru, I could be wrong, but I think she meant it as a joke. Just that we were getting way off the intended topic of the blog.

Anonymous said...

Bru.. I totally took it as her joking and just saying.. we are getting a little off topic with this.. wow calm.. I really took it as a joke and nothing more.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

Have I ever said, anything about talking off topic or going on and on about a topic? Yes, it was a snide comment with a bit of joke tucked in there.


Mom said...

I tried to post to Candy, but she didn't print it...

Mom said...

I tried to post on Candy's site, but I guess my words weren't worthy. I pointed out that her choice to treat her oldest with authority and her next eldest with smiles, cuddles and hugs might cause a bit of sibling resentment, not to mention resentment of the parent. I guess one must not question Candy's decision--even if it is painfully obvious to experienced parents that she's creating trouble.

Erika S. said...

Bru- I really think milehi was just joking and your reaction shows that maybe we should not joke with you. You seem very over senstitive. What is up with that?

Bethany L said...

Mom, she didn't post your comment because she deleted hers (surprise surprise).

Erika S. said...

Bru- "Did this blog actually go on for like 200 comments on that poor women's dress size. Seriously. We all know she is pathological. Why were we debating something sooo freaking long that really held no freaking merit anyway. So who hasn't shaved a few pounds off on their drivers license? She's a four, no she's a 12. Who the hell cares?"
First off you should have said you people are a bunch of idiots for commenting so long about her dress size because that is how that post came across, and since when is Candy some poor woman please explain yourself for the above mentioned post and maybe people would not be busting your b*lls about it.
That is why the burning at the stake comment was made. You were the first to chastise the commenter's here. If you cannot take heat stay out o' the kitchen!

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly Erika.

Amanda #1 said...

OMG, I can't believe she deleted her own comment. It shouldn't surprise me, but wow. For some reason, I feel like this is a new low for her. I guess I should have quoted the whole thing and not just part of it.

Erika S. said...

Amanda- Please do not be surprised by anything Candy does. I am not ever surprised anymore. She hit her low with me when one time at band camp.... no wrong story..... one time I commented on her blog and she changed the link to my homepage to the Jack Chick site. That was the lowest point for me and she will never surprise me again.... unless she decides to convert to Catholicism then I would be totally surprised!

Amanda #1 said...

Semi-evil thought of the night*...what if all of us Catholics banded together and started praying the rosary for Candy's conversion to Catholicism?

(*the thought itself isn't evil, but my intentions might be *<}]:oD )

Mom said...

Oh my gosh. She DID take away her comment about the different ways she treats her kids. No wonder the oldest is 'strong willed.' Poor kids.

Rachel said...

Milehimama said...
Why do people keep describing the drinks as "fizzy apple cider vinegar - delicious?"

Cuz... that's not delicious. Just sayin'

Well, that's best how to describe it, as it really has a taste of its own. Then again, I like fermented/pickled things.

Now, that slimey stuff in my yogurt. If that was kefir..THAT is gross! People drink that??

Rachel said...

Not the vinegar part. If I put that, sorry! Just fizzy apple cider :) Well, sparkly cause homemade brew is not as carbonated.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

No Erika, I am not sensitive. However, I do get fed up when people choose not to read what is written and get their facts straight and then get on here on post a bunch of stupidity because they are too lazy to read.

So, let me try to lay this out for everyone ONE MORE time. There are THREE commentators on here. Matthew, Bru and Vera. Again, BRU DID NOT post the "Last Damn Nerve" post. I really do not know how much more clearly I can make that. I have also made it VERY clear how much I had enjoyed most everyone on here and how intelligent they all are. I try to get on here to make sure to create new posts so people won't have to go through so many comments. But, this is exactly why I have gotten on here less and less, because people don't bother reading comments and getting their facts straight. If everyone took the time to do it, then all the snotty comments will be directed at the right people and things won't be repeated over and over and NO I am not talking about her dress size because I could care less and it is clear to me that she is lying about that. If you want to make snotty comments to something I have said, PLEASE feel free. I am fully capable of handling it and responding accordingly, but it just gets under my skin at the laziness of not reading and retaining the comments.

Oh, Erika, I can take the heat, when I write the comment. I guess I could say the same to you and others. If you can't take the time to read the comments correctly, then stay off the blog as your analogy goes to me.


busymomof3 said...

Ok guys...calm down. There is too much in-fighting going on. If we continue to argue with each other and we continue to complain about each other...then this blog will implode and fall apart. Remember that we all (or most of us) post on here to refute Candy's inconsistent posts.

And for the off-topic posts...please keep them up. I'm actually interested in home-made yogurt and kombucha but I refuse to take Candy's advice from her blog.

Ok. I'm off for the day. I'm having to drive a 180 mile round trip in heavy rain and thunderstorms...please pray for me!!

See ya tomorrow!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I take the better part of a day off and it looks like a civil war. Guys, I can't stress enough that we cannot turn on each other! If that happens, it will just make everyone here look foolish. We already do a good enough job of that on our own sometimes, don't you think? I could be wrong, but I don't think there has ever been an issue about "on topic" or "off topic" here; it's pretty much whatever you want to say goes. Even is one of the three posters posts something like the last damn nerve post...he/she is simply doing what we're doing...getting it out.

I really like everyone (well, mostly everyone) here and I definitely like that there are so many different beliefs, etc. yet we manage to get along and right there in the midst of the "funny" stuff, there are real conversations. About anything.

The serious blogs need to stay on topic and discuss theology, etc. This one has gone way beyond that and it's been good. Let's not ruin a good thing by arguing with each other or making accusations or whatever.

That would make Candy's day and her minions would flock to her side and they'd have a "we won" meez party where they could save all the lost souls surfing the web.

I like my soul the way it is and and don't want some crazy lady trying to save it. So, we need to save each other and not argue with each other, ya'll!!

Today's camp counselor session is over. Carry on.


Anonymous said...

just in case things don't start to chill out.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Yes, Bru, it was a joke. I joke a lot. I'm sorry for any offense - I thought the hyperbole made it clear that I was in jest.

Mom, I thought the same thing when I read that comment (I ALSO have some strong willed children, not that they get it from their mother or anything). But I thought, well, if her 6 yo gets hugs and smiles and kisses, it's NO WONDER her 8 yo is "strong willed" and resistive.

Then again, my ultimate goal is not flat obedience and respect for my authority. To me, those are part of a bigger picture, an economy of love.

sweepingthehome said...

Yep, Tia's right. We've all gotten along so well on this blog and our conversations have been mostly lighthearted and fun. Let's keep it that way!

I am able to read the comments on Candy's blog again. Was it our Clare who commented under the Teen Revival post "that post brought tears to my eyes." Anyone got a ROFLMAO clown?

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

OK, I think it was the "vinegar" part that was throwing me off. Otherwise, it sounds like apple soda? Remember when they used to sell that?

He's trying to kick his Coke habit and likes iced tea, but likes the fizz too. He was drinking ZippyFizz but I can't find it here in TX.

I'm a Slav married to a German - we're no stranger to pickled products!

In fact, my HUSBAND will burn me at the stake if I throw out the pickle juice before he has a chance to reuse it for eggs.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

Tia - I couldn't agree with you more. My aggrevation is that comments are read and facts are kept straight.

Mile - Please direct your "jokes" to the correct person. I still don't think you have gotten your commentators correct.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

No, Bru, it was directed at you, (and myself, since I"m the one who posted all that rapture stuff)

Again, sorry if I offended. Will you please forgive me?

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

Why was it directed to me? This is what I am not understanding. Please clarify for my feeble brain and then, I might owe you an apology.

Anonymous said...

new blog so u can say whatever if u want.

Anonymous said...

new blog so u can say whatever if u want.

Stacy said...

Tia made some good points.

I don't know about anybody else, but I have trouble keeping everybody sorted out sometimes. It really helped when the moderators started signing their posts and comments so we knew who was who.

I don't know if anybody else feels this way, but it might help if we had a way (maybe a post where we could comment) to keep everybody with their Meez names and what-not clear? Just a thought

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

No problem Sara, but please, come up with your own concept at least. You practically copies Matthews.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

That is a good idea syncho, but i have not idea how to do that, unless everyone listed it and i cut and pasted it into a new blog.

Anonymous said...

It is out of total respect to what Matthew had done and like I said, it will be taken down when Matthew can come back full time.
I'm just giving people a second option if they get sick of the drama.
This was the most fun blog when Matthew would come on and make awesome, funny as hell comments about Candy and her day but now with the pissy mods.. not so cool anymore.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

Well, Sara, I am not posting any rude blogs. I am commenting and defending myself, as so many of you do, when they feel a comment is directed at them. Matthew also would tell someone off, like he did Ginger, in the comment section. So, Sara, please tell me what the difference is?

Stacy said...

Yeah, Bru, I don't know. For you to do all the copy and pasting would be a lot of work for you. If people were interested, what about if you put up a post with a title like "Introductions" and then in the body, some suggestions for things people can write (Meez name, etc...) and then everybody can reply with their info in comments?

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

I will do that. I will post a blog for just meez names. I will do a different post for comments. Good idea.

Amanda #1 said...

I have to agree that I find all the mods, all posting under the same name, to be confusing. And add me to the list who was confused by the last "enough about her dress size" post.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

It could be a list on the sidebar.

Of course, most people change their Meez names all the time, so that they can go to Cyberchurch. So it may not be that helpful.

Here's the list I have:
NYMama - Ginger
Iheartmykids - Kaira
CradleCatholic- Amanda
Muchforgiven -ANOA
londonbus - Clare
holywoman - another one
catholicmom - Sara
Bitterbrush - high desert

Most everyone else uses their blogger handle - myself, cajun, synchroswimmer, kritterc, etc.

Stacy said...

good point, milehi hmmm....

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

Amanda, I agree with you about that post and have told the mod that I really don't care about that stuff. Candy is lying about it and that is obvious. What I am upset with is that when everyone comments about that, they direct it to Bru even though I have told them I did not post it. Vera's name is all over that post. I will do this to change confusion. I will create a blog ID under Bru for the comment section. However, I can not sign in under anything different, but Matthew's to create a new post for commenting. I have to sign in under his...period.


Amanda #1 said...

Thanks milehi. There were a couple on that list I hadn't "connected", yet.

Amanda #1 said...

Bru, I think it would help alot if you commented under your own. Obviously, you have to post under Matthew's name, which I/we understand. Using your own name in the comments, though, will make it a lot easier to keep stuff straight (for me anyway). Thanks!

BRU said...

I now have an ID.

Amanda #1 said...

Yay for Bru!


(I guess that's supposed to be a clapping clown. Weak, I know.)

Erika S. said...

OK I am sorry too about my comment directed at BRU. I have read all the comments but I also was confused by the commentators all commenting under the same name and pretty much got you all jumbled up. So please Bru, accept my apology.

Vera's post does sound pissy and I some how missed the fight over The Rapture. I will go back and reread the posts baout it so that I have my facts straight.

Again Bru, I am sorry.

BRU said...


No problem. I, too, missed the whole Rapture thing or I am blind. I will admit that I haven't been on here near as much.

Maggii said...

Tia-- it was me who said that I am glad my husband's bus capitan did not feel that way. Honestly I would have no problem with a Buddhist, Muslim,Mormon, or any other religion witnessing to my child. My belief is that my child needs to know everything he can about all religions so that he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is making the right decision and so that later in life if he needs to debate his beliefs he is not blindly spouting things about a religion that is not true. I encourage him to learn about other religions. I have a type of relationship with him that if this were to happen he would come to me to ask questions. I know this because it has happened before.

for me I wouldn't have a problem with someone possibly witnessing teh 'good' about their beliefs in a FYI type of situation....but I would have a problem with someon handing my kids an anti-Catholic Chick Tract( which HAS been done to mine at Halloween) or witnessing against us the way Candy does....

Nicole said...

I do not know why but I just do not have a problem with that. It infuriates me that people do it to others but someone has done it to my child and I just used it as a time to reinforce what we believed and to show him how the bible proved that person wrong.