Thursday, August 14, 2008

A new thread


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Simone said...

Hey, if you can't make it into the whore laden party at the ho dome, LOL, come visit my room.

Simone said...

Well, my party is over and the ho dome is full. :-) Oh well, maybe I'll get to squeeze in there with you guys later.

Amanda #1 said...

I did think it through, and I'd like to say that if I'm wrong, and Kaira is not the mole, I will appologize, both on here, publicly, and privately to her.

Maggii said...

I dont think she is....and really i mean what is there to be a mole about? it's a public site..anyone can come and read for themselves...and come on we KNOW they are....

Anonymous said...

I agree with maggii, what need is there for a mole? Everything on this site is out in the open, right here for everyone and anyone to see. Candy's name is all over the place. It's not like there is any secret about the inspiration for the creation of this blog, or those of us who comment here.

Then again, I've just spent 3 hours shoot 12 & 20 gage shotguns and have the bruises on my face to prove it, so my brain is obviously quite rattled at the moment so I could be completely off in my remarks. And thinking.

Anonymous said...

That should say "shooting" 12 & 20....

Told you my brain was rattled.

April B. said...

I put it on the last post but I should have put it here...sorry. :-)

I am the same April B that has commented on Candy's blog. The last comment I left was in total disagreement with that post on keeping the children with you during church.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Regarding Candy and her post on Mansfield Park...ask me if I'm surprised that #1-Mansfield Park is her favorite Jane Austen book (it is not exactly considered the best; in fact, it's quite the opposite in literary circles and causes a lot of controversy) and #2 that she goes off on such a tirade about a Hollywood movie as if it has offended her very soul.

Sometimes, people just make way too much out of things.

The Fanny wars are still going on, apparently, and Candy is leading the charge.

Ttree said...

Hi all - I've been reading here for a little while but this is my firs time commenting.

Just wanted to say how much I love this site. I enjoy all the sarcasm, wit, thought provoking discussions here.

I read something at KTH that puzzled me ... did Billy Graham die? I thought I read a comment there that said something like "Billy Graham while he was on this earth was a great ..." Just wondered if I'd been under a rock and didn't hear about it.

Wanted to give a shout out to all the ho's, divas, trannys, filthee catholiks, heathens, baptists, lutherans, agnostics, non-christians, jewelry and makeup wearing whores, did I leave anyone out?) from here there and everywhere.

Seriously you all make me laugh and think ... don't stop!!!!

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Me said...

Well it seems I owe Ginger an apology, for implicating her as CAW. I apologize, Ginger, and I'm also sorry you are getting the full attention of someone who is so hateful.

I read Candy's post regarding Mansfield Park and all I can focus on is her remark about the 'immoral black dress'. Is is immoral because it's black? Or for another reason she left out? Why then did she only describe it as black and immoral?

Simone said...

Being in Candy's room tonight was really hard. She and Erik were trying to save Catholicmom. They told her that her grandmother was burning in hell and that she would be, too. Needless to say, I felt REALLY uncomfortable in there.

Simone said...

Catholicmom (sorry, I can't remember what your name on here is)

I've thought about it and I really owe you an apology. Candy and Erik were double teaming you and I just sort of stood by. I should have defended you more.

Although I think Erik and Candy probably had good intentions, the way everything came out was really....crappy. I don't agree with how they spoke to you, and I should have said so while we were in there.

I am a Christian and the whole conversation really bothered me. I believe that a person's relationship with God is between them and God, period. Nobody else can possibly know what is going on there. Assuming that you are going to hell because of the denomination you belong to is just wrong.

Way to go for sticking up for yourself!

Now that I've got that out of my system.

Nice ho outfit! :-)

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Pondering all night about hypocrisy in the name of Jesus.

Some Christians can't understand why Catholics get bent out of shape about Candys lies, they say 'leave her alone, it's just her point of view, go read another blog, you've made your point now shush.'
I can't understand how it is that they can shrug their shoulders when catholics are vilified but non-christians defend us. For shame!
I wonder how they would feel if their beloved pastor was the subject of lies and distortions.
They don't see it that way. Our pain is NOT their pain.
To be lied about and to address the lie makes us 'nasty and vile'.

VTC has been trying,with gentleness and intellectual rigour, to show Candy the error of her understanding. Their site only came about as a result of being blocked from commenting on her twisted stories and having to sit idly by. It's a little like being bound and gagged while your mother is sitting in the stocks.

If Candy was a person of goodwill she would have been terribly concerned about misrepresenting people so unjustly. Se would have at least been bothered that she was causing pain. Instead she blocked them and mocked them.
I am totally convinced that her behaviour in this area completely undermines all her other blathering about God. I don't believe she is a person of goodwill, and I suspect that alot of this has to do with cynically distancing her husband from a group of in laws that she dislikes.
I think it's perfectly just that Candy, having refused to listen to more gentle correction is now being chastened by people who don't have the same restraints. That's not to say they don't have scruples, because I have noticed that they do. They have lowered the bar however, and I think that is entirely in line with justice.
Just my HO.
There some notable and noble exceptions here ( cajun, kentucky, revolution et al) and thank you.
But it is sinking in that most don't care or find it funny or are outraged at our being 'uppity' about it.
It's sinking in.
As to the 'heathens' I really enjoy your warm heartedness and good humour.Thank you. It pains me that Christians are such a crap advert for Christ. I'm sorry. Don't blame him. As I said, religion is the devils playground.

It's a relief to have this site, honestly. To have somewhere to counter the lies and blow off a little steam is very helpful.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Oh and as a post script to the hypocrisy in the name of Christ.
Here's a little juxtaposition from CawCaw:

ON her Candy Is Courageous site:

As far as what dress size a person wears, does this really matter? In the Kingdom of God, there are no dress sizes. Fortunately, God does not look at our outer appearances, but rather our hearts.

To Ginger:

I've been checking out your blog through the Google archives. In particular, I noticed your photo. You remind me of Jaba the Hut from Star Wars, only less attractive.

Lord have mercy.

Amanda #1 said...

Good comment, Clare.

Was CatholicMom taking it in stride, or did she let them get to her? I how going into that room, you can have plans to be peaceful and just observe, but that's easier said than done when someone tells you your Grandma is burning in hell. (Someday, I do hope that Candy shows us her magic glasses that allow her to see who is in in hell and who is not.)

Amanda #1 said...


I know


I how

busymomof3 said...

I made this comment in the previous post...reposting sorry!!

Good Morning Guys!

It looks like I missed alot (again) while I was away.

"BusyMom is not the scoundral"

Have I overlooked something? Did someone suggest that I was the scoundrel and I didn't see it. I noticed some deleted comments...let me guess...our good friend CAW!CAW!/CIC/whatever?

Can someone bring up to speed?

If I wasn't addicted to The Olympics...I would be aware of what happend here last night. Shame on me...Shame on me!!

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Not entirely sure busymom. I was a bit confused by that comment too.
Bru (one of the bloggers sitting in for Matthew) has been dropping clues/hints that a seemingly innocent commenter is somehow 'stirring the pot'. I think it may have come just after one of your comments so Bru was trying to clarify that you were not being referred to in that.

busymomof3 said...


Maybe when someone else gets on they can catch us up.

I saw where Bru left a little hint.

Bru's Clues. My Handy Dandy Notebook. I crack myself up sometimes!!

Maybe I'll do some Super Sluething. I have already finished the housework so I have little time on my hands.

busymomof3 said...

We are looking for Bru's Clues, wonder where they are?

kentuckybluegirl said...

No one accused you as far as I saw busymom. That comment just popped up.

I really don't understand why we are being given 'clues' to guess the identity. Everyone is crossing the 'semi' Candy-ites off the list, which leaves: the regular posters on this board. This will eventually serve for us to start 'eating our own'. Where is the purpose in that? Is that the purpose? If so, why? I am new here as a poster - fairly new as a reader - I am completely missing the logic in this. Can someone explain? I would really like an answer.

changing4him said...

The Catholic Church gives honor and adoration to Mary that the Scriptures do not; she is readily referred to as "holy," the "Mother of God," and has been dubbed the "Co-Redemptrix," thereby making her an object of idolatrous worship (e.g., the rosary has ten prayers to Mary for each two directed to God). In 1923, Pope Pius XI sanctioned Pope Benedict XV's (1914-1922) pronouncement that Mary suffered with Christ, and that with Him, she redeemed the human race. And Pope Pius XII officially designated Mary the "Queen of Heaven" and "Queen of the World." Catholics claim not only that Mary was perfectly sinless from conception, even as Jesus was (doctrine of Immaculate Conception, proclaimed by Pope Pius IX in 1854), but that the reason she never sinned at any time during her life was because she was unable to sin (cf. Lk. 1:46,47; Rom. 3:10,23; 5:12; Heb. 4:15; 1 Jn. 1:8,10). Catholics also believe that Mary was a perpetual virgin (cf. Ps. 69:8; Matt. 1:24,25; 13:54-56; Mk. 6:3; Jn. 7:5), and that she was assumed, body and soul, into heaven (doctrine of Assumption of Mary, declared ex cathedra by Pope Pius XII in November of 1950 -- that Mary was raised from the dead on the third day after her death, and anyone who refuses to believe this has committed a mortal sin). The consequence of all this veneration of Mary, in effect, establishes her authority above Christ's -- Rome says, "He came to us through Mary and we must go to Him through her." All this is so obviously idolatrous, one wonders why Catholics take offense when their religious affections are called cultic.

The Mass.
Unknown in the early church, the mass did not become an official doctrine until pronounced by the Lateran Council of 1215 under the direction of Pope Innocent III, and reaffirmed by the Council of Trent. The Church of Rome holds that the mass is a continuation of the sacrifice that Christ made on Calvary -- in effect a re-crucifixion of Christ over and over again in an unbloody manner (cf. Heb. 9:22; 1 Jn. 1:7). They believe that by this means Christ offers Himself again and again as a sacrifice for sin (cf. Heb. 7:27; 9:12,25,26; 10:10,12,14,18), and that this sacrifice is just as efficacious to take away sin as was the true sacrifice on Calvary. Catholics thus teach the doctrine of transubstantiation (meaning a change of substance) -- that the bread and wine (at communion) actually become (by the power of the priest!) the body and blood of Christ, which is then worshiped as God Himself! Indeed, the sacrifice of the mass is the central point of Catholic worship, as evidenced by the fact that those abstaining from attending mass are considered to have committed a mortal sin.

kentuckybluegirl said...

EXCELLENT post Clare.

I wish I could have 'been there' for CatholicMom. I would be a good 'counter' to Candy and Erik.

Did I happen to mention that I am a minister's wife???

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Kentucky. I agree. I don't get that bit.
FWIW, I also extend the benfit of the doubt to anyone who emails Candy about this site.
I'm glad she reads here. I want her too.
This is not a private blog. If someones alerting Candy to posts then , well great. I don't see that as inherently suspicious in anyway.
Maybe I'm off track here and that's not what Bru meant.
I think it might be better to just come clean about the cloak and dagger stuff or just not allude to it at all.

busymomof3 said...

When someone "stirs the pot" it has us all looking at each other with suspicion and your are right...we will eventually turn on each other.

That is the sole purpose of this mystery person. To keep us from our original goal of exposing Candy.

They (as in Candy and her minions) couldn't shut us up by ignoring us, couldn't shut us up by giving us boring posts about recipes and their week in a dress, etc. So, that leaves only one other option.

Send in someone to make trouble and hope that we eventually implode.

I find all of this interesting. We need to keep our eyes on the goal (exposing Candy) and just use Bru's Clues as a nice distraction when things get a little slow around here.

gary said...

I will stay off computer at work
I will stay off computer at work
I will stay off computer at work
I will stay off computer at work
I will stay off computer at work
I will stay off computer at work
I will stay off computer at work
I will stay off computer at work
I will stay off computer at work
I will stay off computer at work
I will stay off computer at work

kentuckybluegirl said...

ccccoooommmmeeeee tttttooooo tttthhhhheeee cccooooommmmppppuuuutttteeerrrrrr......

busymomof3 said...

Busted...that was quite an interesting read there. CAW!CAW!/CID/someone new/whatever.

Kentucky...minister's wife? No, you didn't mention that. Pretty cool sister!! are a goofball. Don't let us get you fired for being on the computer at work

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

My son ( reading over my shoulder):
" I don't get it. How can Candy be a liar and a false prophet? It just makes you hyper and rots your teeth."

Just had to share!

Oh, and thanks Kentucky!

kentuckybluegirl said...

From Candy's movie review:

"it into pure and absolute forwardness."

Is that why she doesn't wear pants? Men look at her with forwardness? Or is it forwardness in their hearts?

Who speaks like this? Forwardness? Maybe I am just cranky today. I need my roots done - which I am doing at lunch today. (yes yes I am a ho).

kritterc said...

BUSTED - From where did you copy and paste your info, Fish Hats "R" Us?

changing4him said...

Origin Of The Fish Symbol:
This symbol is used because Christians are told that it is because we are called to be "fishers of men." Also, another popular explanation is offered: It represents our Messiah, because of Augustine's attempt to justify the adoption of another element of pagan worship in the Church's syncretism, "Christianizing" pagan practices, emblems and even pagan deities. Paganism was mixed with the Messianic Belief. Rev. Hislop states that our Messiah "began to be popularly called ICHTHYS (or ICHTHUS), that is 'the Fish', manifestly to identify Him with Dagon." Dagon was the Fish-deity.

gary said...

Actually, I was OK with the conversation last night. I expected the final outcome of disagreement. My belief system is strong and I love my Catholic faith. I know that my chance at heaven is the same as Candy's. I would never "bash" another faith or even question because it really does not concern my walk with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

OK, back to my sarcasm....that was really deep, Sara. I must go and cure the sick.



gary said...

I have 10 new pictures of Michael Phelps in my office. My boss just asked me if I am obsessive. Hmmmmmm.


I hope my computer screen is not reflecting on my office window.

kentuckybluegirl said...


Could you please give me your source for the information you listed? Book, magazine, pastor? I would appreciate it. Thank you in advance.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

but that's easier said than done when someone tells you your Grandma is burning in hell.

Yes, but Catholics have hope. We hope in God, and hope in our salvation.

Today is a Catholic holyday - celebrating the Mother of God, no less. I surely expected a rant from Candy, but I'm guessing she doesn't actually know today is one of the major feast days of the Church. Even though she knows all about Catholicism and has an army of ex-Catholics backing her up, whom she "loves".

I am honestly going to try to do better and stick to facts (facts of falsities) and stay away from wild speculation/gossip. Gossip IS a sin, but preparing a defense is not.

Now, about those Brus Clues and Handy Candy notebook... I said in the Meez room I thought it was a trick on us. Someone is trying to stir us up, in order to get quotes adn "evidence" that we are vial, etc. I think they picked on Ginger, because Ginger's been picked on here before.

When we all jumped to Ginger's defense, they "upped" the ante with that crazy rant about pus, etc. Frankly, whoever it is can kiss my grits, cuz I don't care.

I'm going to try to focus on shedding light on Candy and her clones who malign the Word of God and His bride, the Church.

Kombucha jokes shall continue, tho.

*<]80o /\ Penitent Clown praying

gary said...

BTW, Candy did mention that she does not like sarcasm.


kentuckybluegirl said...

Ahhh the Right Rev Hislop I know

The Two Babylons!

kentuckybluegirl said...

Sara, precious.... we must discuss this Phelps obsession

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Busted, you should read the books Candy uses for homeschool history. They have a nice, second grade level explanation (by a Protestant) of ICHTHUS.

You know how it came about, right? It's an acronym.
Ieusus (Jesus)
CHristos (Christ)
THeo (Son of God)
Soter (Savior)

It's a pun, in a way. The acronym in Greek, ICHTHUS, is similar and sounds the same as the Greek word for Fish (Ichthys).

In addition to the pun, the Fish is a Christian symbol because the Apostles are "fishers of men", not to mention the appearance of fish throughout the Scriptures when miracles occured. (Jonah, Moses, Peter, Tobit, the crowd of 5000, etc.)

busymomof3 said...

Busted, you are trying to hard to offend here. This is not a religious won't work.

But I guess it wouldn't hurt to throw a little religion your way.

1 Corinthians 10:31-32

"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God:"

Think about his Busted...tell me what it means?

This scripture is the Word Of God. Isn't that what some people base their arguments on? I guess Candy and her minions (you included) overlooked this nice little verse.

gary said...

Michael Phelps torso is longer than his legs. OK, really--I must stop files. Geesh, a vendor just came in with breakfast. I am out of here.


Heron said...

busymomof3 said...


Phelps is a machine!!! I just love my American athletes.

Maggii said...

They told her that her grandmother was burning in hell and that she would be, too. Needless to say, I felt REALLY uncomfortable in there.


omg....are you serous??? mani would ahve liked to be there to see it for myself. on what grounds did they say she was in Hell...just being Catholic???

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Too funny about the sarcasm. For a laugh, go to Biblegateway and check out the bible topic, ... sarcasm. Also see Irony.

My favorite passage that makes me laugh out loud, (but is not sarcastic, I can just totally see these guys hounding Moses for justice while he has a headache)

11 If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, 12 you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity.

Deut. 25:11-12

sweepingthehome said...


You people. I got on here this morning to read through quickly because I HAVE THINGS TO GET DONE, and I didn't plan on commenting because I HAVE THINGS TO GET DONE. Anywho, when I finished reading the comments, I refreshed the screen to see if there were any new comments. Of course there were, so I read them. Refreshed the screen again, and there were more new ones. This has happened over and over for the past half hour. This is so bad for me. I am deeply concerned I have become addicted to CIANJ. to refresh the screen again...

kentuckybluegirl said...

Heron, I saw this report and thought immediately of the Brauers.

changing4him said...

5 On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple area and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, 16and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts. 17And as he taught them, he said, "Is it not written:
" 'My house will be called
a house of prayer for all nations'[c]? But you have made it 'a den of robbers.'"

18The chief priests and the teachers of the law heard this and began looking for a way to kill him, for they feared him, because the whole crowd was amazed at his teaching. mark 11:15-18

kentuckybluegirl said...

Good morning, Mandy!!!

Note to self: No more grabbing men's private parts while they are fighting my husband.

gary said...

Now, I am back at my desk, eating breakfast, and keep refreshing the screen every 2 seconds. I have to stop.

Reason for resignation from employment?

Need to stay home and read CIALAFP 24/7.


changing4him said...

Mark 12:14
And when they were come, they say unto him, Master, we know that thou art true, and carest for no man: for thou regardest not the person of men, but teachest the way of God in truth: Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

The Miramax version is:
Rated PG-13 for brief violent images, sexual content and drug use.

What did she think she was getting? The tagline of the movie was "Jane Austen's Wicked Comedy"

Discernment is better practiced at the video store counter, than 10 minutes into a movie you already paid for.

Wasn't the reason Mansfield is considered a "lesser work" because Jane wrote it as a teen? In a series of short stories?
I'm not a lit major tho, just the granddaughter of an English teacher.

busymomof3 said...

"In addition to the pun, the Fish is a Christian symbol because the Apostles are "fishers of men", not to mention the appearance of fish throughout the Scriptures when miracles occured. (Jonah, Moses, Peter, Tobit, the crowd of 5000, etc.)"

My pastor...a Baptist...explained the fish in that way. He never brought up the Pagan part of the fish. My preacher has been a preacher for 35 years. I would take his word over it any day over someone we don't know or someone who claims to be an "expert" on The Bible (who just so happens to be anti-Catholic).

One more question. If a Catholic and a Protestant both say that they believe Jesus died for their sins and they are forgiven...then aren't they BOTH going to Heaven?

Isn't the whole argument that anti-Catholic use are that the Catholic practice idoltry so they can't be going to Heaven. If that's the case...I'm in trouble...because one of my "idols" are Dolly Pardon!!!

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Too bad Blogger doesn't have an "ignore user" button.


Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Dear all. The troll is manifestly displaying such absolute forwardness!
Can I prevail upon you to avoid feeding the troll?
Said troll has no intention of answering your questions just posting more 'stunning revelations'
Soul winning trolls are a dispiriting spectacle.
Said troll is v likely to be CAW in a new identity.
I said Caw would be back.

Now, back to giving children lunch.
mustnothitrefreshmustnothitrefresh mustnothitrefreshmustnot...

Anonymous said...

Being in Candy's room tonight was really hard. She and Erik were trying to save Catholicmom. They told her that her grandmother was burning in hell and that she would be, too. Needless to say, I felt REALLY uncomfortable in there.

What arrogant f*ckers. Sorry, I don't really want to get the reputation of having a dirty mouth but as I read that I can think of no other word to describe them or their behavior. So many people want to consider them harmless and just convicted and sort of "innocent" in the way they "don't realize" how their behavior affects others. I disagree and think they know exactly how their behavior affects others. I consider them to be repulsive examples of human beings run amok. And, trust me, I won't be the least bit surprised if even this heathen passes through the pearly gates before they do. No God wants his people to behave so repulsively in His name.

Everyone is crossing the 'semi' Candy-ites off the list, which leaves: the regular posters on this board. This will eventually serve for us to start 'eating our own'.

That is usually the goal of such people. They too cowardly to actually engage in conversation or to do anything by any normal means. So, they do all they can to create discord and animosity among the very people they cannot penetrate themselves. Mutiny tends to serve everyone else's purpose for them, therefore leaving them out of it but still giving them what they want.

I, for one, refuse to even consider "turning" on any regular posters here. But, to show that this whole scenario has affected me to some degree, I'm also not interested in engaging first time posters who come out of nowhere. Whether they post in support or condemnation.

I think the whole "I got an email" thing is a farce, though. No matter who says it. Candy and all her minions know this site exists and they all read it. But, since they are not any more honest with themselves than they are with anyone else, they won't admit it and instead have ridiculous posts on their blogs where they try to be evasive, but fail miserably. They all think that by saying "someone sent me an email with this information" entirely removes them from responsibility for engaging in things they condemn...that way they can participate just as much as everyone else, simply by reading (and then responding) without responsibility. Or, so they think. I truthfully don't think anyone is sending anyone else emails about the goings on here. Well, except for the obvious nasty crap that is getting shot at Ginger (and, can I ask why Ginger was chosen as the target? She is not the most involved here; there are many, many more posters who keep this place going and are very vocal about their feelings for Candy and her minions. Whoever is trying to pull that one really doesn't have good aim, do they?)

On with the show. Sorry that was so long but seriously, these people and their childish behaviors get on my last damn nerve, to quote this very blog. There may be no dignity in what is done here, but I don't generally see people behaving as children with no conscience. Apparently, being the "right" kind of Christian requires arrogance, lack of conscience, lack of respect, hatred, underhanded nastiness, selfish motives and no lack of cowardliness.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Pagans used books and scrolls. They wrote things down! They also worshipped together in groups.

Therefore the Bible is pagan. And so is going to church.

Anyone want to review Candy's Christmas post, wherein she asserts Christmas trees are NOT pagan anymore (but somehow, wax candles, fish, etc. ARE?)

And how come NO ONE did their homework last night? You all are Milehi-GROUNDED.

kentuckybluegirl said...

Now see...

When Clare says 'forwardness' it sounds absolutely perfect and so classy. I love your accent Clare.

kentuckybluegirl said...

Oh...and I have decided to rename our troll. I don't like the name busted. I've decided to name him/her Buddy.

That's a much happier name. If they have a happier name then they will have happier thoughts. Like Buddy the Elf...

Hello this Buddy....what's your favorite color???

I need more coffee...

busymomof3 said...

I've hit "refresh" like 10 times already. This is getting good.

But...I have decided to ignore Busted for the moment. I will not be distracted from my orginal mission (exposing Candy). to breakfast...I hear kiddos getting up. See ya in a little bit.

PS...I'm not going to start quoting scripture...That is not what this site is about...leave that for VTC.

kritterc said...

Milehi - I must have missed something. What was the homework assignmnt?

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Oh thanks Ken' you should hear me when I say 'hence' 'betimes' and 'partaken'.
I can do it in any number of regional accents too.
It's a gift really ;)

kentuckybluegirl said...

Hey Tia, I'm with you. But what I don't understand is why the moderators are the ones who have brought up the mystery/clue/search out the one who is stirring you up game.

What's up with that - in your opinion?

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I will continue to post Scripture. I comment on VTC, but I don't think my clowns would be welcome there.

kentuckybluegirl said...

I can believe it Clare. I have some good friends in Brighton and I am so thankful for Skype. I missed them so much when they left Kentucky! Now I can hear their lovely voices anytime I want!

I swear they can say ANYTHING and make is sound classy! Plus they are just lovely lovely people....

sighs..I miss them.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, who asked what was so bad about the black dress in Mansfield Park?

I got a kick out of that as well as Candy's statement that "ladies don't smoke".

By whose standards do ladies not smoke? By whose values?

Oh, yeah, right. Candy's values and judgments.

It's a damn good thing she really isn't as important as she thinks she is and her opinions give nothing more than insight into the narrow mind of a bigoted, hated filled, fundamental crazy lady.

She seems to have made Jane Austen divine or something. I wonder what she'd say if she truly knew Jane Austen and her motivations, rather than just reading her books and jumping on the "good Christian" bandwagon. Same with the Little House on the Prairie series. The way Candy, and people like her, turn these cultural icons into something they are not and latch onto them for dear life is...well, nothing short of freaking hysterical.

My rant is now over. I just so happen to be an Austen fan myself, but I've read way more than simply her books. I did a final thesis on her for my Women's Studies series in school. I again claim no expertise, but know a lot more about the woman and her motivations than Candy and can run circles around her when it comes to discussing the themes of Austen's books and their portrayal on film.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Ahem. Last night in Meezeville, the assigned topic for today was Candy's post, "The Marriage Bed Undefiled".

You may have to Google prayzgod marriage bed to find it.

Or, alternately, write a dissertation of "The Story of Three Women", found on Candy's sidebar.

But we can keep that topic back for a time when nothing else is going on.

Anyone wanna chat about her post yesterday? I tried in here but got no response.

PS - I did the "what's your blog rated" thing, and I'm rated "R" for mulitple mentions of abortion. I wonder what Candy's is rated, with her flinging around words such as "*nal" and "lesbi*n".

The stars are a futile attempt to foil spammers.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

oh where are the clowns? There ought to be clowns.

kritterc said...

Kentucky - I am with you. I was wondering what was up with the moderator dropping bread crumbs. Just does not seem right.

Oh and I have always thought all people with British accents sound sooo much more intelligent than the rest off us. Especially we Okies living in Candyland!!

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Everyone knows that Laura Ingalls Wilder was a radical feminist. I thought we covered this already.

She's not fit for Christian reading.

*<] 0D ..

Anonymous said...

Hey Tia, I'm with you. But what I don't understand is why the moderators are the ones who have brought up the mystery/clue/search out the one who is stirring you up game.

What's up with that - in your opinion?

Honesty, I don't know. Maybe to keep us all posting here while things are slow in Candy's world and busy in Matthew's? But, whoever this "moderator" is is using Matthews ID and not exactly living a life of full disclosure him/herself. So, I even take those comments with a grain of salt, ya' know?

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I did a final thesis on her for my Women's Studies series in school.

Heathen! Unless you were studying cooking and cleaning.

I think that in order to "get" Austen, one must be able to discern subtle, ironic humor.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Does Matthew have an evil roommate?

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kentuckybluegirl said...

I had that same thought, Tia. Especially that post entitled "On My Last Damn Nerve" where it felt like we were be reprimanded for our posts not being 'serious' enough. Especially with all this 'ask Vera' stuff. (Who's Vera? and why would I ask her anything?)

Everybody kinda responded all meek and pulled the posts back into 'alignment' until the trolls started showing up. Very freaky deaky!

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Quite so. Jane Austen was an avid reader of Mary Woolstonecraft and quite the proto feminist, unlike the bland myth that has been perpetuated about her.
I used to live in Winchester I used to pass her house all the time. It has a little blue plaque on the wall. I became fascinated by her in my teens. She never married. She referred to herself as 'a wild beast'. I don't think her and Candy would have hit it off at all.
Its too bad Candys 'reading' of Jane Austen doesn't improve her written English. I wonder if she just skims the Brodies notes or better, sticks to the DVDs.

Kentucky. I agree, thank goodness for skype. Having good friends move away is a bit like a little death.
Brightons not far from here. Its the Londoners getaway. Next time I'm down there I'll shout out Hi to the friends of Kentuckybluegirl and see if anyone rushes up to greet me!

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that Laura Ingalls Wilder was a radical feminist. I thought we covered this already.

I know, and that was kind of my point. If these people had any real knowledge of these women and their lives, they wouldn't be so quick to do the bandwagon jumping and mentor making.

And, it comes as no surprise whatsoever. Actually studying something other than the KJV and writings by crazy people just like them (Chick, etc., is, apparently a concept sent by satan and one none of them would touch with a ten foot pole. Reading or learning something that contradicts your ingrained beliefs is really hard to deal with. Some people deal much better than others. Those that can't deal at all tend become arrogant fundamentalists who can see nothing beyond their blinder bordered view.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

Ok, so now you all are going to turn on myself and the other commentator that goes by Vera. She was being sarcastic people. I see now why she no longer comes to the blog. Feel free to bash and come up with theories about us. I have no problem with that. Anyway, I will no longer be posting either. I just hope that more than one of you see the truth and watch who you trust. And please, take that with a grain of salt because obviously, you all feel that the two of us can not be trusted. Hopefully, Matthew will be back soon.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

Oh and Tia, the reason we have used his ID is because that is the only way we can post a new blog with his login and password. If I used my login which is benjiplum, I wouldn't be able to post now would I?

kritterc said...

Well, I did not mean to offend you moderator. I just don't get dropping hints. Why not just tell who it is?

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...


Anonymous said...

I wasn't turning on anyone! I just said a few comments above that I refuse to do that.

I was doing the "what if" thing, just like everyone else, trying to figure things out. I made an observation and that's all; I am certainly not making judgment.

But, Benjamin, don't you have your own blogger ID? I can see you needing Matthew's in order to post on the blog, but within comments, I know you've posted as Benjamin before.

I think, given the current state of things, it would kind of be a good idea to be ourselves and no add to the mysteries and discord planting. Even if you continue to use Matthew's ID to post comments, you could probably at least sign them with your name so we know it is you and not him. That's actually common courtesy.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Matthew should totally get some ad revenue on here. He could at least make money off all the drama!

And NOT adsense, whata joke.

I'm totally confused now about the owner/posters of this site?
Vera, Matthew, Benjamin, Bru?

I thought Ready said there were three friends?

Well, I'm just gonna ignore all that drama for now and concentrate on Mission #1 - refutation of lies, misrepresentations, and falsities.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

My hope was that you would see if for yourself, as others were able to. I know that I tend to not believe people I do not know unless I can see it for myself. I was wrong. Also, I feel that if I post who it is, most of you are snowed by her and would have just gotten mad anyway. Again, why I had hoped everyone would figure it out on their own.

Also, the reason I have not posted any comments under benjiplum is because something is wrong with the account and when I post a comment it shows my password instead of benjiplum. So, there you have it. OPEN AND HONEST, not that it would make a difference.

Enjoyed most of the commentators and their humor. Peace!

kentuckybluegirl said...

Turn on you and Vera? I don't think anyone did that. We were asking questions though. Sorry that made you uncomfortable. I don't know you or Vera so I can't have anything against you; and sorry, but Vera's post didn't come across to me as sarcastic. I guess others understood that, perhaps?

You can do as you wish, of course. But it is odd that you would become offended by such stuff as co-moderators with Matthew.

Amanda #1 said...

Wow, I'm not going to get anything done at work today!

I got a kick out of that as well as Candy's statement that "ladies don't smoke".
By whose standards do ladies not smoke? By whose values?

I always thought that the old-fashioned, long cigarette holders that women used to use were very lady-like. If I could find one of those holders, ala-Audrey Hepeburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's, I'd so take up smoking.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

This is my LAST post. I must have been posting at the same time as Tia, so I answered most of her question. I was posting on Candyland one day and it would show the comment came from my password, instead of my login idea. It did that on two other sites. I no longer post with that until blogspot gets it repaired and emails back and forth take forever. Benjiplum is Bru and readyfortheparty. Matthew and Vera are the other two. I did not want my login to be associated with the blog, so I could freely go to other blogs without being banned for association with the blogger of this site. I am deleting my meez, as well. The name for my meez was strictly based on going to Candy's room. I was open with everyone in sweepings room as to who I was. I never tried to hide that. Anyone says differently, they are lying. As I told Rudybug in the NKOTB party, and I will tell you all now. I didn't come out with the "mole" because then I would be the b*tch and had hoped people would figure it out on their own and some did. With that, I am out! Nothing but Peace and Love and stay on top of Candy and her falsehoods for all.

Amanda #1 said...

Way off topic here....

Milehi, Happy Assumption! I told Ryan I was going to be home for lunch today b/c I was going to mass, and we ended up having a lengthy discussion about what the Assumption was (Ryan didn't have a clue) and whether or not I was crazy. (The scary part? His dad teaches CCD.) I may well be crazy, but I know what and when the Assumption is, darn it!

Anonymous said...

Amanda, at least you are at work and have reason to walk away. I am off today because I have too much time in for the client I actually work on-site for and they don't wanna' pay me for any more hours in this period. Anyway, since I am home today somewhat unexpectedly, I could do some things that need to be done like work for other clients that I do from home, or clean the other half of the house that I didn't get to earlier in the week (by the time I get to it, I'm sure the whole house will need it again...the story of my life) or do some writing or watch the Olympic events that are piling up on my DVR...any number of things.

But, to show that I am not really one of those people who has her priorities straight, I will admit that except for getting up twice for coffee, my butt is planted at the computer, reading - and commenting - right here.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

I am not offended at all. I just am not the type to run in circles and that is what this feels like sometimes. You all can think of me as you wish, it doesn't matter to me. I know the truth and that is all that really matters. I think nothing ugly about anyone on this site, but one person. I find most of you humorous and entertaining with your wit and intelligence. Ok, really, this is my last post!

Bru, Ready and Benji

kentuckybluegirl said...

I think that is great Amanda. Good for you!

So....When is whoever going to share who the 'mole' is?

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Isn't "ladies don't smoke" a tradition of men?

Amanda #1 said...

Amanda, at least you are at work and have reason to walk away.

Oh, but I don't! My boss is in Kentucky all week. Let's just say I've been less than productive for the last several days. (Though I did clean the fridge and the bathroom here Monday. I should get triple bonus points for that. Someday I'll figure out why men who can accurately throw a 90 mph baseball 90 feet are unable to aim at a toilet two feet in front of them.)

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

"Isn't "ladies don't smoke" a tradition of men?"

Good question! One for Candy. I think I'lll ask her.

angie said...

I feel like everyone is speaking in code this morning. I'm so confused!!! I, too, need more coffee.

I am just not getting why anyone would think there is someone here emailing anyone about comments. As stated by someone else, anyone can read here, and you know that we're not the only ones that are, just like we're reading along at Candy's site even though we don't agree with what she says.

Also, why are the asst. moderators so secretive about their identity? Weren't they posting here before Matthew's work got crazy? How did he find them otherwise? Like I said, I'm just totally confused

sweepingthehome said...

Candy has candles in her meez room.

sweepingthehome said...

I'm confused too, Angie. Totally.

angie said...

Oh, and for the record, I am guessing that CAW is Fruit of the Spirit. Her blog is gone, so she needs something to keep her busy. She is a confrontational personality, her blog really mirrored what Candy was discussing, and I believe she is Baptist. The only things that throw me is that she hasn't said she used to be Catholic, and she said she doesn't think Catholicism is a cult.

But I can't get this out of my mind. Everytime these characters come out of the woodwork, there is no activity on Candy's blog- no new posts and no updated comments, but that oculd just mean she's watching while the battles rage.

Who the heck knows.

kentuckybluegirl said...

Colored me confused also

Heron said...

Candy & Erik are so pathetic to tell someone their Grandmother is burning in hell. That is all kinds of wrong. They have no respect - it all comes down to that.

I feel so sorry for their poor children - being exposed to that kind of b/s 24/7.

I mean, who does that?

Those children will be so damaged.

I hope one of them (or both) snap out of whatever it is that has a hold on them and realize, for their children's sakes, they must stop.

Have they ever heard of moderation?

I am sickened.

I don't care what anyone says - I believe those children are abused.

Anonymous said...

"Being in Candy's room tonight was really hard. She and Erik were trying to save Catholicmom. They told her that her grandmother was burning in hell and that she would be, too."


Okay, that officially makes me angry. Catholicmom, I'm SO sorry that you had to be on the receiving end of such evil, unheard of prejudice.

Trust me, and you know this, but that's not the words of our God, the God that you and I share.

I wish she and Erik would just go climb back under the rock where they came from.

Simone said...

Okay, my curiosity has been peaked

I clicked on the old link to CAW's profile, and it is a different link from this "busted" person.

SO, either busted is not Caw CAW, or he/she/it created another blogger account to try and fool us all.

Having said that, I don't think "Busted" is CAW CAW. The writing style is totally different, in fact I would describe it as "Candy-ish."

What CIACAIG said is true. We were in my room last night and he/she told me that they weren't going to give away the name because they didn't want to be "the b*tch."

I think I know who it is, but I don't want to say, for fear of being wrong. I'd really hate to accuse someone who's totally innocent.

I do believe that someone is e-mailing Candy, though. If she was away at a bible conference like she said she was, there's no way she would have been able to stay on top of everything that went on here.

It took me forever to read through everything, and I was only missing 24 hours!

Just my two cents.

kentuckybluegirl said...

Hey Natalie - Pea Pod Sista - so good to see you

Simone said...

Natalie, no, I'm not kidding, unfortunately.

Candy and Erik basically told Catholicmom that her grandmother was burning in hell and that she would be, too, if she didn't accept Jesus.

Oh, and what I really found odd about this whole situation, is that the whole time this conversation was going on, Candy was talking to another visitor trying to get them to become a Christian. It didn't work. I wonder why?

I tried to change the subject while I was in there, but my "Candy, do you ever eat donuts?" and "Candy, do you think dancing is evil?" techniques didn't work, LOL.

Amanda #1 said...

Having said that, I don't think "Busted" is CAW CAW. The writing style is totally different, in fact I would describe it as "Candy-ish."

The problem with Busted, though, is that we have no idea what his/her writing style really is---all s/he has done today is copy and pasted stuff.

Caw, OTOH, sounded like Candy's better-spelling twin.

Amanda #1 said...

Candy and Erik basically told Catholicmom that her grandmother was burning in hell and that she would be, too, if she didn't accept Jesus.

I just don't understand her line of thought. At what point has she ever heard a Catholic say they did NOT accept Jesus?

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

i agree regarding Angies speculation about Caws identity.
That has dawned on me too. The thing about picking on Ginger pointed the finger at Candy because of their earlier spat, but of course fruity has a devotion to Candy, so it is probable that she would want to enter the fray on her behalf in this way.
After all, Candy saved her from being a hell bound catholic. I read somewhere that before that she was a hell bound wiccan, so who knows where she's headed next.
Whatever, reading the vitriol in Gingers email and setting it alongside the other drippy 'compassion for one another' post, its pretty clear this is an individual with mental health issues. The shutting down blogs and opening up new ones, the creation of alternate personas.The rage and the sweetness, the inability to 'settle'. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has picked up on that.
I have oceans of sympathy for people who are suffering in that way. I believe it really is psychic torment. I say this without any false piety, but I will remember Caw in my prayers when I go to mass this evening.
With that in mind, I also register the kind of vulnerable people that are drawn, like a moth to a flame, to Candys perverted gospel.

Simone said...

Amanda, they got into this whole thing saying that Erik had been a Catholic for over 30 years.

He then went on to say that a lot of Catholic priests are warlocks(male witches.)

Then, Candy was sharing about how she used to be a witch.

I started to laugh, I was thinking, "used to?" LOL.

angie said...

Clare- the thing with Ginger also points me in the direction of Fruity because she could see Ginger's affiliation with the people here as a betrayal by one of her own.

highdesert said...

I was in there too, and they also basically said that Candy's husband's father was going to hell - unless he changed his religion before he died.
I do wonder if they tell their kids that about their grandfather.

Rudy is right; near the end the two of them just went on and on about Catholics, and you couldn't tell if Candy was addressing catholic_mom or all Catholics in the room because she would start off her sentence with "Catholic, do you... etc.", the way she has been using "Christian" in her blog. It could have been a shortening of catholic-mom's meez name, or generic. It was so repetitious that I was tuning it out, but at the end it might have been getting to catholic_mom - I hope she was just angered, not distressed.

They were so set in their thinking.

Anonymous said...

Fist bump to my girl, Lauren!

Yeah, I've been busy, but trying to check in and read when I can.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

So that whole warlock thing prompted me to re-read Erik's testimony (although, as Candy posts as Candy's Hubby, who know who actually wrote it)

Like most Roman Catholics, I was almost unsaveable

I think that speaks volumes about their attitude. They believe you get saved, and as long as you continually perform the work of Not Being Catholic for the rest of your life, you'll be saved.

If you're in the elite 5%.

sweepingthehome said...

I've been saying from the beginning that I think CAW was Fruity. She's a good speller, writes OK, can be quite confrontational, just looooooves Candy (at least for now) and has a fundamentalist mindset like Candy's (at least for now).

Shortly after Fruity shut her blog down, "HippieMama90210" left a comment here and on my blog that Fruity's blog had been a parody. We all know that's not true. I'm sure HippieMama is Fruity resurrected - although she hasn't started a new blog that I'm aware of. Anyway, it was the very next day that this CAW person came out of the woodwork.

Of course, none of this really fits with a member of the CIACAIG team being the culprit.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I downloaded the joyful happy homemaker ebook a while back, and after reading it, I am inspired.

I'm going to publish an ebook on how to properly emote via clowns.

Best seller, I'm tellin' ya! So easy anyone can do it.

fargogirl said...

I'm so confused.
Just in case anyone has any doubt about me being "from the other side", once again, i am minnesotamom.
I'm not even going to try to figure out what's going on because I was in meetings most of the week at work and missed a huge chunk of commenting, which is most likely why I am completely confused.

Amanda #1 said...

Like most Roman Catholics, I was almost unsaveable

I don't understand what makes a Catholic any more unsavable than anyone else.

Although, I don't know. I find the way that their minds work to be truly frightening, so maybe it's for the best that I don't understand.

Anonymous said...

Dear ......busted!.....,

And Jesus said, "...He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." John 8:7 (KJV)

Anonymous said...

I've been saying from the beginning that I think CAW was Fruity. She's a good speller, writes OK, can be quite confrontational, just looooooves Candy (at least for now) and has a fundamentalist mindset like Candy's (at least for now).

Shortly after Fruity shut her blog down, "HippieMama90210" left a comment here and on my blog that Fruity's blog had been a parody. We all know that's not true. I'm sure HippieMama is Fruity resurrected - although she hasn't started a new blog that I'm aware of. Anyway, it was the very next day that this CAW person came out of the woodwork.

Of course, none of this really fits with a member of the CIACAIG team being the culprit.
Let's clear up a few things:
I am NOT CAW or whoever else has come up with those Anti-Catholic i.d.s.

I was never a Wiccan. I was a Pagan.

Also, if you had a site meter on this site you would see that it is not me who posts as these people.

All Ginger has to do is look at the I.P. address of the crappy emails she is getting from that person to see that it is not me.

I have nothing to hide.

gary said...

Rudy is right; near the end the two of them just went on and on about Catholics, and you couldn't tell if Candy was addressing catholic_mom or all Catholics in the room because she would start off her sentence with "Catholic, do you... etc.", the way she has been using "Christian" in her blog. It could have been a shortening of catholic-mom's meez name, or generic. It was so repetitious that I was tuning it out, but at the end it might have been getting to catholic_mom - I hope she was just angered, not distressed..........

No, it was getting to me. I also had 3 Mike Hard Lemonades so I was quite mellow...I expected this when I arrived. I kept on saying "Rutrow" (I thought it was funny) but the "other" Meez questioned "Retrow" (Scooby Doo when he has anxiety) and stated that they do not watch cartoons. None of the banter surprised me. I was expecting to be "zapped" and they became a little irritated when I kept asking if they were going to zap me after each entry of my words. I took it all with a grain of salt. Like I said, I love my Catholic faith and this will never change. I look forward to meeting Candy in person--in heaven. And I will be wearing the bikini (hopefully my wardrobe will be expanded) and be very tan...just like my MEEZ character.



Why I am I saying good-bye? I will be back...tonite in the MEEZ room. I really do need to get a life.


Nicole said...

Religion has nothing to do with heaven or hell. There will be Baptists in heaven and hell just as there will be Catholics in heaven or hell. As long as they accept Jesus as their savior they will go to heaven.

gary said...


Anonymous said...

I am not Hippiemama90210.

Amanda #1 said...

OK, now I missed something--who's gwrbac?

Anonymous said...

I am the one who had the FOTS blog.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

anyone else thing gwrbac sounds like a bird call?

GWR-BAWK! Caw!Caw!

Anonymous said...

I'm telling ya get a site meter!

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Yes. Matthew should get a sitemeter to prove that you are who you say you are except when you don't want to say who you are, unless you have an IP hider in which case all bets are off.

No wonder Ready washed her hands of the whole ordeal!

Anonymous said...

I guess it really doesn't matter since you all have your minds made up that HippieMama90210, CAW or whatever i.d. that person is using is me. I'm telling you it's not.

Anonymous said...

Nope. No I.P. blocker here.

Anonymous said...
Site Meter

Works great.

Anonymous said...

Isn't "ladies don't smoke" a tradition of men?

Damn good point, milehi.

And, just to point out, I did walk away from here. I just watched last nights Women's All Around Gymnastics.

I love having a DVR and doing it on my own schedule! That broadcast lasted until almost 1am last night and I never would have made it!

Now, if only I could convince myself that this unexpected day off should be used productively instead of wasting it, I'll be in good shape.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Candy has disabled her feed. Has she ever done that before? I can't remember.

I think it's a good thing. Anything that makes her more difficult to find and read is a good thing.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

DVR is AWESOME! I got it for work, but I wonder if I can write it off since I use it so much for "personal" now!

sweepingthehome said...

Isn't it a coincidence that Fruity just happened to be reading here. Yeah, we'll take your word for it, you're not CAW! Or whoever.

gwr-BAC! Kinda sounds like a chicken to me.

Anonymous said...

I do not agree with everything Candy or the women who write comments on her blog. That has been made clear on some of her older posts. (In her comments section.)

I do wonder about some of the things I read there.

Amanda #1 said...

MileHi, I noticed too that her feed was shut off. I'm going to guess that ANOA tipped her off. She (ANOA) had a post not that long ago about why she did not have a feed.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading this blog for over a month.

It amazes me that the owner of this has no site meter. Go ahead & don't believe me about not being CAW or whoever. You will all believe what you want. Can't change that.

If you had the site meter your questions would be answered. The reason no one does this is because all the people here want to blame someone for being CAW or HM. Naturally you would pick me as that person. Doesn't surprise me. I understand why you make that assumption but CAW or HM is not me nor do I send crappy emails to people I do not know.

Anonymous said...

I did not get emails, I got pm's at meez that were deleted when cae deleted their profile there. Good thing I posted them here so I could have a record of them.

Anonymous said...

so no, I can not check the ip address of those.

Amanda #1 said...

The reason no one does this is because all the people here want to blame someone for being CAW or HM.

The reason no one does this is b/c only Matthew can do this and he's busy w/ work. I'm not sure why you're so upset with the rest of us about this issue. There's nothing anyone else can do about it.

nor do I send crappy emails to people I do not know.

This NOT intended as an attack, I'm truly laughing here: when I read this, the first thing I thought was, "So you DO send crappy emails to people you DO know?" *<}]:oD Sorry, just how my mind works....blame it on working around lawyers all day.

Anonymous said...

I thought they were emails. There still has to be a way that you can get the I.P. addy. Can you report it to Meez? If so, I would send them a copy of the i.m.s & see what they do about it.

Anonymous said...

jenn, I think a lot of the confusion comes not from not reading all comments, but because a lot of what happens takes place in the Ho Dome and other meez rooms and is then discussed here. I usually have to back track quite a bit when those subjects come up because I've never made it to a meez party. Often, some of our homeys will comment here while in the ho dome and other rooms and that usually gives at least a bit of lead in.

And, for the rest of you who do participate in meez stuff...why not during the day, dammit? Evenings and nights are so not good for me. And, am I not important enough for you to adjust your schedules? It is unfair of you to always have these things going on at night when I am not able to be on the computer.

(sarcasm reminder...lest all the mole talk and suspicions have sunk in...)

Anonymous said...

No, I don't send crappy comments, emails or i.m.s to people. Contrary to what you all think.

Amanda #1 said...

And, for the rest of you who do participate in meez stuff...why not during the day, dammit? Evenings and nights are so not good for me. And, am I not important enough for you to adjust your schedules? It is unfair of you to always have these things going on at night when I am not able to be on the computer.

I second this request. I work at a job that doesn't require much actual work...thus my constant commenting from 9-5.

Damnit, tia and I are important! The world (well, at least the meez world) should revolve around us.


Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I am unable to be in Meezleland in the day, because I am a woman of the night. Who smokes.

Amanda #1 said...

Milehi *gasp* You smoke?! You harlot. This just proves that all Catholics are whores. (Crap. I've just condemned myself. I need to think before I type.)

highdesert said...

Sara, I didn't realize it was you - I was thinking your meez name was different. That's a relief that you were mellow!

Anonymous said...

"I just don't understand her line of thought. At what point has she ever heard a Catholic say they did NOT accept Jesus?"

Here line of thought is pure prejudice and ignorance and that's been my opinion for a long time.

It's one thing to be prejudice and keep it to yourself, it becomes a whole different ball of wax when you start hurting other people. That crap is unexcusable, I don't care who you are.

It if flat out UNACCEPTABLE to tell someone that their loved one is in Hell when she doesn't have a clue. And, furthermore, she wants to talk about fruits of the spirit, well, let's get on that subject. Just by that statement alone, we can deduce then that she's not going to Heaven just by her own little stupid judgment.

I'm sorry, but this ticks me off to know end, not only on behalf of a person that I have respect for and call a friend (Catholicmom), but for anyone.

Like I always say, the world has enough hatred in it for her to be adding to it.

Anonymous said...

And forgive me, I was typing that fast... I didn't mean to type "know", I meant "no" but you all "know" that. :o)

Anonymous said...

Hee hee... please forgive my typos... I didn't read that before I posted it, but ya'll know what I mean.

Can't all be as good at spelling as ol' Self-righteous-candy-stick-up-her-butt.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Just curious. If Candy believes in OSAS, and she ALSO believes that catholics are damned to hell.
What would she say about someone who was saved who subsequently became a catholic?

Anonymous said...

Clare, according to Candy and wunderhubee, I am assuming that a saved person who becomes Catholic was never a truly saved Christian in the first place. Since, you know, only 5% of people who say they are saved really are.

It's an easy out; no questions asked or answered. It makes things smooth and it folds them up into their little boxes so they fit snugly.

gary said...

Clare, you have an incredible mind. Great point. BRAVO BRAVO!


Amanda #1 said...

ALSO believes that catholics are damned to hell.

Oh, but she doesn't believe that ALL Catholics are damned to hell. She said SOME COULD be "really" saved (but most of us are damned to hell).

Anonymous said...

A lot of what I have been reading from posters like Mr & the other person (can't remember their name)has made me wonder about some of Candy's life. That is one of the reasons I took my blog down.

Amanda #1 said...

A lot of what I have been reading from posters like Mr & the other person (can't remember their name)has made me wonder about some of Candy's life. That is one of the reasons I took my blog down.

I'm not sure I understand the correlation here. Why would Candy's life cause you to take your blog down?

Unknown said...

testing my new e-mail

Anonymous said...

"Clare, according to Candy and wunderhubee, I am assuming that a saved person who becomes Catholic was never a truly saved Christian in the first place. Since, you know, only 5% of people who say they are saved really are."

Yeah, that's part of that wild advanced math that Erik works on.

highdesert said...

minutemann said something like that the only Catholics who were saved were the ones who didn't believe what their church taught. And he knew. For sure. Because of his own experience. (Or that's what I think he was saying.)

Anonymous said...

That's because, in my opinion (oh and Candy, you can't sue someone for libel if things are clearly stated in their opinion, but since you like to throw out your little threats, I'll make sure that I'm stating that this is in my opinion... not that you'd have the gumption to sue anyone anyway -- shoot, you'd be too worried about the IRS finding out about your tax issue), it's because Erik is a quack job who reads ridiculous sites and books and comes up with his how quacked theory.

He's probably one of the ones who say we didn't go to the moon. Forget the fact that I know a lady who personally was one of the surgeons for that flight team, but what does she know?

Anonymous said...

Partially for 2 reasons: (but there are more)

1. It was wrong of me to post all the anti Catholic posts.

2. Maybe Candy isn't who she claims to be? Why be associated with someone who may not be who she says she is.

Another reason is because I just don't have the time or desire to post.

I have only been in one of Candy's Meez parties & that was in July. There were only 4 or 5 of us in the room. There wasn't much going on there. But, I did see & hear some things that were a bit odd. That is mostly trivial but still...I don't have time for the Meez.

Anonymous said...

There I go again, I meant "own".

Someone tell me that I need to proof my things before I post them. ;op

Anonymous said...

When I say 4 or 5 of us in the room I mean Candy & Erik, me, & 1 or 2 others.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Sorry fruity. I don't follow. Why does your doubts about Candy lead you to take your OWN blog down?
It wasn't the Official Candy Fansite.
Why can't you be transparent about your evolving beliefs?
You don't have to shut up shop in order to re emerge with a new persona. That really harms your credibility.
Most people would have a great deal of respect for people who can 'own' their beliefs and past errors of judgement.
You are a real person with a real history, not a shop window dummy for your belief system. You don't need to reinvent yourself.
When I start blogging again I'm looking forward to writing about my journey back to the catholic church.
My time in evangelicalism is precious to me. It is part of who I am now, not to mention the fine examples of personal holiness I came across there. I have no intention of airbrushing that out now that I am somewhere else.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

OK, I hit publish before I saw Fruitys response.
Fruity:I appreciate that you have acknowledged that your anti catholic posts were wrong.

angie said...

"1. It was wrong of me to post all the anti Catholic posts.

2. Maybe Candy isn't who she claims to be? Why be associated with someone who may not be who she says she is."

Thank you so much for saying this. I admire you for being able to say this in a public forum. That is very humble, and I appreciate that. You are officially off my radar for being CAW/CAE/CANJ.

So many Candy-supporters have asked, "Why does this blog exist?" FOTS is a perfect example of why it is necessary to challenge Candy's "ministry." She was reading here, was able to be objective and reflect on how she views the situation. Eyes can be opened, and that makes me hopeful.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

"I was never a Wiccan. I was a Pagan."
Yeah, I keep getting those two muddled up it annoys the hell out of wiccans.
I do the same with Aussies and Kiwis, they sound the same to me ( I know Kiwis think they're a bit more refined ;))

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elle said...

Sorry to barge in after only posting once or twice and then disappearing, but Candy's latest post is incredible. Does she seriously just feed her kids toast and celery for lunch sometimes? How is that nutritious? And more importantly, how can she post that after claiming that her kids get plenty to eat? She's already said that she doesn't allow snacks.

I feel bad for her kids.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Er, Just to clarify. Not comparing wiccans/pagans with Kiwis/Aussies.

highdesert said...

present/mother, I saw that too... but 'ants on a log' can mean celery smeared with peanut butter or cream cheese (and then stuck with raisins), so that would be a protein source.

Anonymous said...

Gross. I am glad I don't eat at Candyland. Spaghetti AND baked potatoes? And that salmon with rice AND baked potatoes? Split pea soup AND mashed potatoes? Chicken pot pie with potatoes? I love potatoes, especially mashed or baked, but with pasta, soup and rice? There must have been a whopper of a deal on giant bags of potatoes. Every day? I can't even get to the point of judging that because I am so amazed.

Is her cheeseburger casserole really Hamburger Helper? Hey, not that I have anything against Hamburger Helper; I actually like a few of them but only get to have it when my husband isn't around because he is repulsed by it.

To each his own, really. But damn, I have to say I am grateful every day that I grew up with my grandmother who knew how to cook, how to use variety and mix up tastes, all on a very, very tight budget. She taught me a lot.

All the starch in Candy's menu would kill me. I am a starch / carb addict; I love pasta, but that much in one week would have me rolling!

Then again, starches are really filling, so if one is trying to stretch food, starches are the way to go.

I'm being petty, I know. I assign myself ten lashes in repentance.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Perhaps she read my post, "Make your own hamburger helper"? It is one of my most popular hits.

And I know she LOVES me and my blog.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

6.50 pm here. Off to mass en famille. Laters!

Anonymous said...

I thought they were emails. There still has to be a way that you can get the I.P. addy. Can you report it to Meez? If so, I would send them a copy of the i.m.s & see what they do about it."

I am thinking that you can not read very well.... I wrote that when cae deleted their account, it also deleted the im's that were left. So no, I can not trace the ip address. Those pm's while gross in nature. I do not care much about them, why do you so much?

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I really have nothing to say about her menu. It contains fruit, vegetables, whole grains (assuming she uses her Superfiberlicious bread), and protein.

It's hard to feed a family on a budget, and it's hard to plan if you don't know how much $ is coming in.

kentuckybluegirl said...

I know that a lot of folks are into the Nourishing Traditions, and maybe it is just because I am from the South, but it just sounds nasty to me. Soaking stuff until it 'sprouts' and releases enzymes? (i.e. starts to rot). Putting milk products in a dark cabinet to ferment, scoby's farming, etc.

Poor kids


I know it is just my hang up - but I can't get over it.

kentuckybluegirl said...

What does GWSMC stand for?

What does GWRBAC stand for?

Are you the same person? If so, why did you change it?

The confusion rolls on.

Simone said...

Although the food sounds gross to me, I really don't care what Candy feeds her kids, as long as they eat enough and are healthy, I think a parent should be able to feed their kids whatever they choose, even if it is sprouted fermented grains, LOL.

What I would be concerned about is the things that she says in front of them. If what I experienced in the chatroom last night was any indication of their home life, it bugs me.

Unknown said...

What if a person murders 100 people and was "saved" So does he get to go to heaven?

My dear grandmother who went to daily Mass, recited the rosary and swam laps until she was 90 years old--goes to hell because she was Catholic and not saved.

I accept God in my life on a daily basis. (The Father, son, and the Holy Spirit)

Ummmm, what does my grandmother swimming laps have to do with this conversation. ROFL.

CatholicMom aka Sara

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maggii said...

Ok, so now you all are going to turn on myself and the other commentator that goes by Vera. She was being sarcastic people. I see now why she no longer comes to the blog. Feel free to bash and come up with theories about us. I have no problem with that. Anyway, I will no longer be posting either. I just hope that more than one of you see the truth and watch who you trust. And please, take that with a grain of salt because obviously, you all feel that the two of us can not be trusted. Hopefully, Matthew will be back soon.

ok I am totally lost....I'm not "turning" on anyone..I can't speak for anyone else though....I don't feel you can't be trusted..again can only speak for myself...

Elle said...

Milehimama, I agree with you that it's tough to feed a family on a budget. I was just struck by the idea of toast and celery (even celery with peanut butter) as a lunch. Her other lunches, while not necessarily to my taste, at least seem filling and like they have some nutritional value. But toast and celery?

Maggii said...

Turn on you and Vera? I don't think anyone did that. We were asking questions though. Sorry that made you uncomfortable. I don't know you or Vera so I can't have anything against you; and sorry, but Vera's post didn't come across to me as sarcastic. I guess others understood that, perhaps?

It did sound a little like a reprimand to me....i couldn't tell...I thought maybe it was just sarcastic...either way..i didn't really care was fine...i figured everyone's entitled to their opinion....

Rachel said...


Thanks for apologizing. That means a lot to me.

I hope this comes out like I want.. I'm not too good with putting my words down on paper.

If you had questions about Candy, why not blog about it? Not her specifically, but rather about what you are going thru - inner turmoil. I'd bet that you'd in turn reach out to others who also have those feeling but have no idea they are not alone. By deleting your blog.. it seems you ran scared and jumped ship. Stand up for what you believe in! You have a right to your own opinion. You don't have to have a parody site like Sweeping, a religious site like VTC, or a humerous one like here.. but saying your part.. how you feel.. maybe someone reading your blog and seeing your change of heart.. well.. maybe they will look a little deeper into their own soul and see that maybe.. just maybe they need to think for themselves and investigate things and do some reading from more than one source and stop taking someone on the internets word as the gospel!

So.. while I'm glad you had a change of heart.. I'm sad that you feel the need to shut down your own blog. :(

Maggii said...

I am not offended at all. I just am not the type to run in circles and that is what this feels like sometimes. You all can think of me as you wish, it doesn't matter to me. I know the truth and that is all that really matters. I think nothing ugly about anyone on this site, but one person. I find most of you humorous and entertaining with your wit and intelligence. Ok, really, this is my last post!

Bru, Ready and Benji


Well I'm sorry you are leaving...I personally have no problem with you...I don't think anyone else does either. I think there's just been a bit of misunderstanding today.

Maggii said...

I do believe that someone is e-mailing Candy, though. If she was away at a bible conference like she said she was, there's no way she would have been able to stay on top of everything that went on here.

I guess for just really doesn't matter..I hope soemone IS ..maybe she'll read something one day that will change her opinion of Catholicism..or maybe she'll at least see how she's affecting others with her 'opinions" dressed as fact.

Maggii said...

Amanda, they got into this whole thing saying that Erik had been a Catholic for over 30 years.


he may have considered Catholicism his 'demoiniation" for 30 years..but he was obviously not a practicing Catholic....I'm pretty sure he claimed his family hardly ever went to church.he claimed he NEVER heard the can't go to a Catholic Church every week ofr 30 years and never realize it is pretty much the Gospel..i doubt he continued to go on his own once he became an adult....all he knows of Catholicism is the little bit his family( who weren't active Catholics apparently) taught him, and what his wife has seemingly taught him thru Chick Tracts..

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I was just struck by the idea of toast and celery (even celery with peanut butter) as a lunch.

I guess I don't see what the difference between having celery + peanut butter and toast, and having a peanut butter sandwich with celery on the side.

Anonymous said...

I really have nothing to say about her menu.

The only thing I have to say is "fish on a Friday? How very Catholic of her."

Maggii said...

I guess it really doesn't matter since you all have your minds made up that HippieMama90210, CAW or whatever i.d. that person is using is me. I'm telling you it's not.

I personally don't care one way or the other...if you say it's not you..I take you at your don't need to prove anything.

Maggii said...

And, for the rest of you who do participate in meez stuff...why not during the day, dammit? Evenings and nights are so not good for me. And, am I not important enough for you to adjust your schedules? It is unfair of you to always have these things going on at night when I am not able to be on the computer.

I second this request. I work at a job that doesn't require much actual work...thus my constant commenting from 9-5.

Damnit, tia and I are important! The world (well, at least the meez world) should revolve around us.

I would be up for daytime partying...I check in occasionally during the day but nthe rooms are always empty

Maggii said...

It if flat out UNACCEPTABLE to tell someone that their loved one is in Hell when she doesn't have a clue. And, furthermore, she wants to talk about fruits of the spirit, well, let's get on that subject. Just by that statement alone, we can deduce then that she's not going to Heaven just by her own little stupid judgment.
yeah...the way I See it...ONLY GOD gets to decide...and he isn't restricted to OUR beliefs about WHO gets in...THANK GOD!

Maggii said...

A lot of what I have been reading from posters like Mr & the other person (can't remember their name)has made me wonder about some of Candy's life. That is one of the reasons I took my blog down.

I'm not sure I understand the correlation here. Why would Candy's life cause you to take your blog down?


I'm thinking..and I could be wrong...but that some things on her blog were based on things she felt she had learned from Candy's site and now she's starting to doubt some of what she learned....and doesn't want those old beliefs tied to her anylonger?

Maggii said...

have only been in one of Candy's Meez parties & that was in July. There were only 4 or 5 of us in the room. There wasn't much going on there. But, I did see & hear some things that were a bit odd. That is mostly trivial but still...I don't have time for the Meez.

Good point....that's one of the cool things about these 'meez' parties.....Candy and her husband seem to really let their true colors come thru in their room. and since it's in real time...they can't maniplate and cover up what's really said....their readers are finally seeing things more clearly.

Maggii said...

I was in there too, and they also basically said that Candy's husband's father was going to hell - unless he changed his religion before he died.
I do wonder if they tell their kids that about their grandfather.


That's really sad....of course it didn't stop them from enjoying the benefits of his Cabin for their 'vacation' though....

Anonymous said...

While I believe that what Candy feeds her kids is her own business, and I don't really see an issue with celery & toast for lunch - - as long as there is enough of it to fill growing belies - I still think her choices are gross.

I totally know that there is no basis for me saying that. It's an observation, that's all. I would be a very thin person if that was my dinner menu for a week because I just couldn't eat it.

But, my husband hates any kind of white sauce & pasta and I hate sauerkraut. I love Alfredo so much it will be my death and he feels the same about sauerkraut. Different tastes for different people and all that. I get it. (Fortunately, since I do the cooking, his sauerkraut is only served when he can cook it outside on the grill because I will not have that stuff in my house, or its lingering odor).

But, remember, I'm home trying to avoid any actual accomplishments (apparently, that is the route I've chosen for the day out of all my options...although I did vacuum the stairs and empty the dishwasher). So, I'm all over the place with my thinking and responding.

I admit entirely that it is petty and baseless to comment on her menu choices. But, she puts it out there, it's not like it's private or anything. So, bad with the good and all that.

I blame it all on the snakes. I killed one in my garden recently and that has kept me far, far away from the beds ever since. I won't even weed. Damn snakes are to blame for my total lack of productive, relevant activities. It's a good thing it is late in the blooming season and stuff dying off isn't unheard of.

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