Wednesday, August 13, 2008

On My Last Damn Nerve

Talk about beating some poor dead horse.

Did this blog actually go on for like 200 comments on that poor women's dress size. Seriously.

We all know she is pathological. Why were we debating something sooo freaking long that really held no freaking merit anyway. So who hasn't shaved a few pounds off on their drivers license? She's a four, no she's a 12. Who the hell cares?

I think it has been said here, like I don't know, 50 times??? We don't care about her domestic skills. Just her lies. Frankly, I think I put her to shame. I could make Martha Stewart look lazy. You want domestic tips ladies ask Vera. You want tips on how to keep your man ("MAN" not hubby, cause that's just freakin stupid.) Ask Vera. And I'll put it to you straight.

On to a real comment about Candy. We don't care if she worshiped pigs on her front lawn, but don't damn the rest of the us to hell in the process. Accept the fact that you might not know everything. Accept the fact that just because the book you chose to read TODAY isn't the one sure source of knowledge in the universe. For example our latest read on how we got the bible. Are you really that blind? I think we all know the answer to that. She custom made those blinders herself with a direct order from her God, (not our God, cause I bow to a loving, all accepting one.)

But hey sometimes life is easier with blinders on. And Vera doesn't blame her that. Vera actually found the whole Candy site humorous. Found it entertaining. Found her a wee bit full of herself, condescending and arrogant, but funny as hell to watch. It was my favorite internet show.

Then I had a friend start this one. And now the reruns her are starting to kill me.


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Unknown said...

Definite definite DEFINITE a size 12 is Candy's dress size.

Anonymous said...

When people read information that confirms or enhances their existing beliefs, they run with it.

Candy is an expert at that.

Her head would explode if she ever actually read, and understood, credible information with various others to back up that information.

She needs no one other than herself to interpret not only the bible, but history and life.

Remember, she is specially gifted with interpretation skills from God. You don't think he'd give her those skills only for interpreting the bible, do you?

Unfortunately, true study and research were left out of her skill set.

If everyone rewrote history as she does, there would be no historical record. We'd all get to decide what really happened for ourselves. When one is insecure, not facing reality is one of the biggest ways of dealing with it. If you cannot accept historical fact, make something else up in order to avoid self examination.

Candy is a pro at that.

I don't give a crap about what size she wears, or claims to wear.

I do, however, give a crap that she is promoting her ideas as fact and verifiable history. Unfortunately, there are vulnerable and gullible women who turn to her for information. That just perpetuates imagined history rather than teaching anyone anything.

angie said...

I could care less what size she was. I'm a freaking size 14- who cares? She can read her anti-Catholic propoganda all she wants. That's her right, but to pass if off as truth and mislead people, that is where my problem with her lies. I honestly think it's great that she strives for greatness in her vocation as a wife and mother. I am really trying to do the same thing, but I do slip, like being on this damn computer too much. If Candy ever stopped her anti-Catholic rants and developed a sense of humor about mothers being human beings with faults (and that not being an abomination to the Lord), I think I could actually like her. The words I would probably most love to hear from Candy: "Gee, I never thought of it that way." I just don't understand this need to be so sanctimonious and authoritative over people. It's so discouraging that there are people out there doing this to others, and the fact that other bloggers are trying to emulate that behavior just sickens me.

sweepingthehome said...


I don't give a crap whether she's a size 4 or a size 24. I do give a crap that she says she's a size 4 when she looks like a size 12.

I don't give a crap whether she spends 24/7 on the computer, or just 10 mintues a day. I do give a crap that she says she spends 10 minutes a day on the computer, when it's obvious she spends hours.

I don't give a crap if she has an IQ of 3 or an IQ of 153. I do give a crap that she claims to be MENSA material while at the same time not being able to spell simple words like vile, pity, and ridiculous. I find that ridiculously vile, and I pity her.

I don't give a crap whether she's Baptist, Lutheran, Amish, Muslim, or atheist. I do give a crap that she says her way is the only way and that anyone who believes differently is going to hell.

I give a crap that she's a LIAR.

busymomof3 said...

The danger here is that there really are women out there who need a little bit of guidance. They are just starting out as SAHM's or they are just thinking about walking with God or homeschooling and they come across her site. They see all the things she posts...take her word for it...and go on and try and be just like her...and when they see that they can't possibly live up to Candy's expectations...they become disheartened and discouraged. They aren't given the correct information to succeed.

Candy just posting about her homemade Kombacha or her housework or HMB or homemaking and homeschooling would be alright. But she's throwing in intolerance and calling it Christianity.

That is not acceptable.

Anonymous said...

CatholicsAreNutjobs said...
Busymom, I did not imply that Kentucky is a whore.

I said that jewelry, makeup and perfume is for whores.

Hannukah is for Jews.

When I read this I got a flashback of the "I believe in Abraham Lincoln" comment she made. Does anybody else get this too?
BTW...I just made my Meez and I guess since I put makeup on her I've turned her into a whore. I considered the snake but I'm afraid it will strangle her for that!

Anonymous said...

busymomof3 said...
The danger here is that there really are women out there who need a little bit of guidance. They are just starting out as SAHM's or they are just thinking about walking with God or homeschooling and they come across her site. They see all the things she posts...take her word for it...and go on and try and be just like her...and when they see that they can't possibly live up to Candy's expectations...they become disheartened and discouraged. They aren't given the correct information to succeed.

Candy just posting about her homemade Kombacha or her housework or HMB or homemaking and homeschooling would be alright. But she's throwing in intolerance and calling it Christianity.

That is not acceptable.

***Exactly, and this is the issue I have with her. What scares me the most is the women who just had babies and are trying to live up to her expectations. A lot of women develope PPD around these times and already feel they aren't good enough or can't get it all done. I don't for a second believe Candy IRL gets done half of what she says.

busymomof3 said...

I remebered that post also ohgal. It was made during one of her anti-Catholic rants and I believe Susan was the recpient of that particular remark.

If she didn't post at least once a day on her blog...she "may" could get everything done that she says she does. But I noticed that she is logged on alot publishing comments and posts and things like that. That is alot to do in one day and still get a good nights sleep.

I do alot...SAHM, homeschooling, full time college student, bill paying, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, all the meals and I'm seriously stretched for time.

I just don't see how she can do it all...and if she can...she is trying to get others to do the same thing...and that can cause major emotional and physical problems on women....especially new mothers.

angie said...

You know, the more I read some of these comments, I really am starting to believe this CAE, or whoever she is at this moment, is Candy. At this point, I'd be shocked if it isn't.

The comments that you guys are pointing out are pure Candy-isms, and that Abraham Lincoln thing, I remember it well, because she said it to ME. She can really come out of left field with nonsense and labels them "arguments."

Also, the timing of her appearances here: yesterday early, with no new post appearing on her blog until the commenting here ceased. Today- a new post up, then all of a sudden "she" appears.

AND, the "what were you wearing when you were thinking about me?" question- does that sound like the transvestite comment she made to heron a couple weeks ago? For being such great Christians, some of these people can have some interesting stuff pop out of their mouths.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

BTW...I just made my Meez and I guess since I put makeup on her
Y'all are just copying me, because your so jealous of my green eyeshadow.

I agree about women finding her looking for help digging out from housework, and damaging themselves and their families in the process. I remember her saying that depression or PPD was a myth - anyone else recall that?

That's not going to help anyone, and could hurt them. And the fact that she ties NOT being sad, depressed, etc. to being a good Christian is just that much more damaging.

I think the whole dress size harping is because it is so easy to prove that particular falsehood, and also speaks to character issues with Candy. It's proof positive she is presenting a false front, and fudges facts.

BTW - does anyone know where her KJV Translators post is copied from?

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I will try to be less vile and more balanced. Sorry Matthew, Vera, Ready, et al.

Anonymous said...

Alright now, Milehimama, you can't be using those latin phrases just yet. We haven't learned latin from Candy yet.

And, Busymom, I'm right with ya on Candy's "leadership". I agree 100%.

kentuckybluegirl said...

Okay....I'll put away the pole (for dancing) for now. Darn it.

She is incredibly damaging. Women aged 16-30 - sometimes older depending on emotional maturity - are the most likely candidates for a whole host of maladies from abuse to depression to low self esteem, etc. Many times it comes from their perception of not being able live up to 'the standards' that have been set either by themselves or others. Candy has set impossible standards that she cannot meet, but she enjoys the power she wields making others jump at the end of her puppet strings. That, my dear friends, is a sickness. She has her 'ladies' and she has her children. And, Erik has her.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Back to the topic at hand...

The Vaudois lived in the Piedmont Valleys in the Alps of the northwest corner of Italy. Some of them got saved in around 120AD...The Vaudois continued being missionaries, getting the Bible out to the common man, up through the dark ages.

What on earth would the common man throughout the world DO with a Bible?

How does she know the Vaudois "got saved"? Writings, evidence, research? I would be interested in reading it. (Besides the "Did the Catholic Church Give Us the Bible, from Chick Publications. I think we all know that's not unbiased, scholarly research taken seriously by anyone.)

I can't find anything on the Vaudois/ bible only sect in Piedmont that dates before the twelfth century. Anybody got a reference or link?

Anonymous said...

BTW - does anyone know where her KJV Translators post is copied from?

Do you mean this post? it's lifted straight from the King James Bible - the translators wrote a prologue-type thing and put it in the front of the Bible.

Stacy said...

yes to what others have said. I as one of those women who thought that if Candy could do it, why can't I?? And it really bothered me, until I realized that she was probably putting up a front. She never talks about the days when she doesn't quite get her to-do list done, but we all have them.

And yes, I remember her saying that depression was just something you can get out of by being more positive (or something of the sort), that people who are depressed just don't have joy like she does. I remember because it really bothered me, since I have suffered from depression in varying degrees since I was 14 (16 years). The depression contributed to thoughts that I was too heavy (as a high school athlete weighing 140 pounds), wasn't good enough in school (10th in my high school class of 450, gpa over 3.9), and didn't deserve to live. I haven't had suicidal thoughts in 8 years, but those days haunt my existence, and she dares to tell me I just need more joy in my life. If I was in a different place in my life when I read her say that about depression, those words could have been extremely damaging.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Hey guys, you can read a preview of the book. It's a pretty easy read (if you can keep your eyes from rolling out of your head) because it's comic book style (would we expect anything less from Mr. Chick?)

Did The Catholic Church Give Us the Bible?

kentuckybluegirl said...

Mr. Chick caters to his audience. Comic book style/format agrees to the Mensa group.

concernedcitizen said...

AMEN sweeping!

angie said...

In the comments for today's post at KTH, Candy is back to talking about the Catholic Church murdering born-again Christians. Is the term "born-again" that old? She hasn't used this slant in quite awhile- I think it was when she had her facts wrong on priests cutting women's breasts off and ripping babies from their wombs in Serbia around WWII time.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God - seriously? This is the "book" that has given Candy her "information"?

You know, I've always believed she was pretty off, in a lot of ways. But, this just proves the ignorance that guides her. I honestly feel sorry for her if this is what she uses as a source of information and considers credible.

Because, really, one cannot be right in the head to read that and think anything other than WTF?

Anonymous said...

Oh, on another note, it would seem she puts Chick up on a pedestal, since she takes all he says as her gospel.

And she calls the Pope the antichrist or a false god and says Catholics worship the Pope.

Hypocricy at it's finest, folks.

angie said...

"Oh, on another note, it would seem she puts Chick up on a pedestal, since she takes all he says as her gospel.

And she calls the Pope the antichrist or a false god and says Catholics worship the Pope.

Hypocricy at it's finest, folks."

Tia- I have thought the exact same thing!

I checked out that link MHM. I don't know if I would admit that I was getting my facts from a source like that. Maybe if the Catholic Church wrote the catechism in coloring book form, then Candy wouldn't get so confused. (Oh, that was just mean.)

Shaniqua said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kritterc said...

My family is grown and I am still learning how to parent and take care of my home. It is never ending.

If I were to raise another family today I would probably do some things differently. And by that I mean I would probably not have been as uptight and strict in some areas of my children's lives and maybe more strict in other areas. I made plenty of mistakes when raising my children I'm sure, but they all four grew up to be kind, intelligent, giving people and I am proud of each of them.

I am not belittling women younger than myself, but I find it hard to believe that someone whose children are still gradeschool age and younger is an expert at parenting. I think that is what bothers me the most about Candy. She has no idea if what she is doing with/for her children is the "right" way or not. None of us did. We just did our best and realized that what might work for one of our kids may not be such a good idea for the others. I am not saying all of Candy's ideas are wrong, either. BUT SHE IS NO EXPERT. I worry about young, impressionable moms and wives who are too insecure to realize that there may be a different way than Candy's. Sorry for the rambling. I just needed to get this off of my chest.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

You can sort of "browse" the book by going to Amazon and clicking "surprise me" to see inside the book.

I'm a' lovin' p. 39.

The devil didn't know it, but behind the curtain was a new world language: LATIN!

This is after talking about the Antiochian and Alexandrian streams, that is, NT times... I'm sure the Devil knew Latin was the lingua franca of the Western world in the 2nd century.

Sorry, can't help myself. Got Latin on the brain, now... see, it IS useful in real life!

Anonymous said...

In her comments today, she says this:

The Vaudois lived in the Piedmont Valleys in the Alps of the northwest corner of Italy. Some of them got saved in around 120AD, and then went to Antioch, Syria, to make a copy of the Bible into Latin. By 157AD they had a full translation of the whole Bible, and were copying and spreading it all over the known world.

The Vaudois continued being missionaries, getting the Bible out to the common man, up through the dark ages. It was during this time that they hid the Bibles in the lining of their cloaks. During this time, born again Christians were either killed by the RC church, or in hiding. Meahwhile, the Vaudois continued to secretly get Bibles out there, and spread the Gospel. They started in 120AD when some of the got saved, and continued on for YEARS, up to and through the Dark Ages.

I wonder if she has ever picked up a true, researched, history book? One written by scholars who spend their lives studying topics, eras, people and events. I am no bible expert and make no claims to knowledge about its history or origins. I do, however, know that the Vaudios originated in the 11th century, at the earliest. I also know there is a lot of controversy and there are a alot of differing opinions about their connection to another group of people who were followers of Waldo? Maybe? I am going on memory of something I read a long time ago about it and only bits and pieces are flickering back into my mind.

Oh, wait, I know, I'll use the Internet, a great tool right here at my fingertips. I wonder how many sources will agree with Candy (and Jack Chick) and how many will not?

Oh no, something new to look up. I'm going to be doing a lot of reading in the coming weeks.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Maybe if the Catholic Church wrote the catechism in coloring book form

They do. Check out the Preschool section of any Catholic homeschool catalogue.

kentuckybluegirl said...

CANJ: What are your thoughts on Candy's post du jour?

angie said...

milehi- thank you for clearing that up for me. ;)

Oh, CANJ, I'm not obsessed with you. If you hadn't noticed, there were other comments made about your resemblance to Candy. And just like Candy, you tend to zero in on me, and I can't figure out why. You have responded to just about every comment I have made to you or about you. Every time I comment on Candy's site, she not only publishes it, but I get a book-length response from her on how I'm so lost and misguided. The other day I left her a comment, completely unrelated to Catholics but about born-again Christians, and I was honored with a response from her husband where he ended his response with how Catholics are lost and not saved. (But when I asked her a question about yogurt, she never answered.) I have been curious why she does that. Maybe someday she'll tell me why.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

"I am Not Candy! I am not related to Candy! I do not even live in the same time zone as candy! What else do I need to tell you?"

Your real name.

The only other person who picks fights and can't resist coming back for more again and again, that I have seen is Amy (momofmany).
I still say the smart money says you are Candy.
The only discrepancy is the paucity of spelling errors. But since Candys spelling has been lampooned so comprehensively she may be more rigorous with the old spellcheck.

By the way CANJ (CANJy?) regarding your question about the amount of money catholics give to the church being related to the AMOUNT of salvation they get. Excuse me, but your deliberate and childish provocativeness is showing.
Let me give you the silly answer that you deserve ( you've already read the coherent ones from milehi and rosamundi and others, for all the good they did)
Yes, I believe that since I only give a little bit of money, I only get a little bit saved. I am however saving up and have my money in a high interest account. With a bit of luck I won't die until that account matures, so I can give it all to the catholic church and buy myself a lot more salvation.
I don't tithe either, but then 10% salvation just wouldn't get me very far.

another one said...

What you are failing to realize that even when you do all your research and present it in refutation of what KTH has posted, it just. won't. matter.

It will be dismissed as biased, changed for fear of the evill Cat-o-licks, lies to protect the status quo....etc. And it will certainly never see the light of day in the comments section over there.

That doesn't make the effort worthless, though. Presenting it to others may help one more person see through the wall of lies being presented.

Amanda #1 said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm one of those women who used to beat myself up b/c I didn't do as much as Candy does (or claims to). There was a period of time, far longer than I'd like to admit, that I truly thought I was a bad wife and mother b/c I didn't bake all my own bread, brew fermented mushroom tea, and exercise 90 minutes a day.

I'll tell you what bothers me about Candy. I'll even pretend that she doesn't lie. I will, for the sake of conversation, assume that everything she says is KJV Gospel truth. What bothers me is her attitude. Her sanctimony. Her pomposity. So what if she does all that in a day? Does that give her any right to look down her nose at me? Does that give her any right to call me lazy? To tell me that I'm just not trying hard enough? To tell me that if I'd just read the KJV that I'd have the JOY of the LORD in my heart? That if I were REALLY saved, I'd never be in a bad mood or snap at my husband or yell at my kids?

I'll even endure her lies about Catholicism if she'll quit be so damn sanctimonious about EVERYTHING.

THAT'S what bothers me about Candy.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Also interesting is the alternate history of Erasmus presented on p.66

Candy's books says:
Erasmus inherited a fortune. And his new "guardians" wanted all of it!
[Chick Monk #1] Little boy, you should be in a monastery.
[Chick Monk #2] Listen to him! The Church will take care of your fortune!
[Erasmus](sucker) uh, okay

In later years Erasmus confessed:
[Erasmus] I made a terrible mistake! And my fortune was stolen by the Roman Catholic "Church"!

Ohhh... those wwascawwy Cathlicks! (insert Bugs Bunny voice here)

(I think those guys were supposed to be monks.)

Wikipedia reports:
He was almost certainly illegitimate. His father later became a priest named Roger Gerard...
In 1492, poverty forced Erasmus into the monastery.

Haven't done greatly detailed investigation...but tonight's library night!

It is rather amusing that the footnotes to Candy's books so often reference Chick comics. I wonder *why* they wouldn't reference standard works?

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Angie, I make yogurt, I might be able to answer your question.

Stacy said...

It is rather amusing that the footnotes to Candy's books so often reference Chick comics. I wonder *why* they wouldn't reference standard works?
I have noticed that in Chick's comics. Many (most?) of the references (aside from Bible verses, of course) are to books that Chick wrote.

Anonymous said...

"I am Not Candy! I am not related to Candy! I do not even live in the same time zone as candy! What else do I need to tell you?"

Well if your not Candy herself maybe your the obsessed one with her. Considering you sound so much like her in your writing CAJ. Hmmm...Milehi is right! CAW! CAW! fits perfectly considering parrots like to mock their owners (in your case your leader Candy).

busymomof3 said...

I've been researching this whole Vaudois thing and the "scholarly" articles...that's Theological Historians and Historians with PhD's and "stuff" like that...say that the only people who still hold onto the view that the Vaudois were around in 120 AD are...get this...anti-Catholic Fundamentalists. There are NO written records of the Vaudois on the scene before the 12th Century.

So...Here's the question. Do I believe a college educated Historian who has spend years studying and researching this information or a SAHM who is getting this information from some guy named Chick. It's all second source info at that. Did she even research this guys sources or did Chick even research those sources before publishing this book?

I'm a Bible reading, God fearing, Jesus loving freak and I am capable of distiguishing fact from fiction. Why do these other women follow Candy like mindless idiots. It took me all of an hour to do the research myself...why can't her minions?

kentuckybluegirl said...

CANJ: You didn't answer my first question, so here is another. Why do you come here? What is your purpose here? Is it to defend Candy? Her way of life? Her freedom and the pursuit of happiness by growing bacteria laden grains and drinks?

Amanda #1 said...

Forgot to subscribe....

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Back to Latin...
According to the Candy's latest book, Latin is going to save and preserve God's Word from the Devil.

According to her previous post on Scriptural Truths for Catholics, the fact the services were in Latin in 600 AD is an invention (Same document says Mass was instituted in the 3rd century, not sure what language he thinks was used for Masses in ROME between 300-600 AD)


Was Latin used for Scriptures in the 2nd century, or not? Or did only the imaginary Vaudois people have Latin bibles?


Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Jack Chick, use sources?


Anonymous said...

So far, my searches for Vaudois bring up definitions, encyclopedia information, and Fundamental Christian sites. The first ones? Jack Chick's site, and the lovely book that Candy just read. Not to mention KJV only sites and IFB sites.

It explains an awful lot.

Isn't one of Candy's complaints about the Catholic church is that the church tells Catholics what to do when they should only listen to God? Or, something along those lines, at least.

Yet, isn't she rolling on an IFB agenda? Isn't she falling hook, line and sinker for everything and anything that comes from IFB and KJV-onlyist groups and people? Isn't she mimicking everything they say without question?

Who is being fooled more? Candy or Catholics?

I do believe busymomof3 hit a nail square on its head.

busymomof3 said...

Oh Angie...they pick on you because you seem to be less aggressive poster of the bunch.

BTW guys...I'm Amy. Don't know if I properly introduced myself in the prior postings.

I have a question for Caw Caw...why don't you introduce yourself to this bunch of lovely "heathens" (joke)? If we know your real name...Candy (joke)...then we would gladly take you more seriously. But at this are nothing more than a fun distraction (no joke). It almost worked too. For a whole minute...I was focused on you and not on the "real problem". That being an intolerant woman spreading false information as fact (absolutely not a joke).

I'm off for the back tomorrow. You all (and that means you to CAW CAW) have a great evening. Catch ya' tomorrow!!!

angie said...

ohgal- I have a different picture in my head when I read, "CAW, CAW!" I picture crows sitting on the power line watching me like they want to swoop down and peck my eyes out. I guess it's from watching too many Alfred Hitchcock movies.

Amanda- I agree with you. Candy needs to learn a very important word (and I have never seen her write an essay on this important human trait)... humility.

milehi- what I wanted to know is how long homemade yogurt will keep in the refrigerator. Thanks for helping me. :)

Anonymous said...

Usually when we believe someone here is posting possibly as Candy, don't Candy usually leave a comment or post up at KTH stating somebody nice emailed her to let her know about it? Then Candy says she took care of it and then threatens with the FBI and CIA and all those other groups we pay taxes for? Hmmm....leaves me to wonder when that will be up.

angie said...

busymom- you don't know me, but you know me. :) I am absolutely not aggressive. Maybe I'm in the wrong place? :) Oh well, it's fun to check in here- there's always something new. I go fold a load of laundry, get my kids a snack, get a new load started, and there's something fun to read when I check back. I will tell you though, my house is in so much better shape when Candy is focused on her dresses or her kombucha.

Anonymous said...

angie said...
ohgal- I have a different picture in my head when I read, "CAW, CAW!" I picture crows sitting on the power line watching me like they want to swoop down and peck my eyes out. I guess it's from watching too many Alfred Hitchcock movies.

I guess your right...I'm probably wrong how I say it. My 3 yr old calls parrots (macaws) CAW CAW birds so I have a different picture in my head LOL.

Shaniqua said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shaniqua said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I make mine with powdered milk based on Hillbilly Housewife's instructions. Refrigerated, the experts say 7-10 days. I totally admit to doing the "sniff" check though. If it has BUBBLES, smells like a liquor store, or has furry friends growing, it's bad.

It does get more "tangy" the longer it stays in the fridge.

*<]>80& Clown Finding Furry Friends in Dairy Products. Ewww!

Anonymous said...

Which "you" were "they" talking about? catholicsareevil? catholicsarenutjobs? What are your other names? I can't even remember them all.

Somewhat interesting coming from someone whose first posts referred to us as cowards without "pictures" who were hiding.

The pot gets blacker than the kettle every day.

Distractions are just that, distractions. So many people are trying to jump on the Candywagon, both good and bad that when they don't get the attention she does, they go screaming through the crowd to distract.

It's happened before. It will happen again.

Ho hum.

Shaniqua said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kentuckybluegirl said...

April, my name is Lauren. When did someone talk about you here? And what did they/we say?

Shaniqua said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shaniqua said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

I would like to address the "coward" comments. I do not see how it is cowardly to post on here or anywhere else and not have your real name and/or picture. I don't believe most, if not all, of the regulars on this site are telling people how to cure deadly spider bites or how certain religions will get you a one way ticket to hell. Candy chooses to put her and her families pictures on the internet.....that is a choice she made. Choosing not to does not make one cowardly.

By the way, catholicsarenutjobs (how original of you) or Candy or are so annoying. Isn't it nice to be able to post here and not be edited. You should try it on your site some day.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Caw!Caw! is referring to my posting her accusations of being accomplices to hunting baby seals and shooting people.

She came into Mandy's chat room and picked fights and told us she read here. I posted some excerpts from Meezleville.

So, she picks fights and throws out wild accusations; we talked about it.

I knew she'd be here, just like I knew she couldn't stay away!

angie said...

Although I am not Candy, I would be glad to answer any question you have about yogurt...or milk...or sour cream...or any other dairy product you wish."

You completely missed my point, but that's fine.

"Also, sometimes her posts are like a puddle of vomit. It's impossible to pick out what's in there."

I am a pretty educated person, but again, you have me completely confused. Why in the world would you say something like this about someone you have been defending for for the last couple of days? Are the long days of summer getting to you? Are you just bored or what?

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Here's what I said:

Blogger Milehimama said...

Candy's "superbuddy", CatholicsAreEvil, has likened every single comment here to a)hunting and clubbing baby seals
b)watching a car wreck
c)Being friends with people who are murderers.

Just thought you would want to know what kind of third degree goes on in Meezland!

We all stand accused.

August 11, 2008 9:35 PM

It's on the first page of the comments to "New Post for Easier Commenting."

Shaniqua said...
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angie said...

"However, on a site full of people agreeing with one another, I thought it would be healthy for you guys to see that not everyone thinks what you're doing is cool."

Ok, you answered my question before you even got a chance to read it.

You say you don't see Candy's lies being disproved. You need to read a lot closer. You are just reading the stuff that's controversial, and yes, there's a lot of that here, but I don't see you as a person who is repelled by controversy.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Don't you have enough faith in God to know that He will take care of it?

Ah, yes, the old "let God handle it" excuse. The theory we should all just stand back and watch someone damage other people's relationships and faith with her lies, and not bother to speak against it. It'll all wash out in the end, right?

Shaniqua said...

candyisaascrazyasitgets, I am so sorry that you are annoyed by me.

If you'd like, I won't post here anymore.

The last thing I would want to do is annoy you and make it more difficult for you to think up hateful statements about others.

Shaniqua said...
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candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

Oh sweetie, we don't block people here or edit them, even if they sound like fools. I know you probably aren't familiar with that concept.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

It may have been in Candy's room. I don't remember. Kaira, Cajun, Sara do you remember?

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

You keep telling yourself that April, aka Candy. This site has plenty to talk about and you have been the least of it. I do thank you for coming here and making a fool out of yourself though. It is entertaining.

angie said...

"Don't you have enough faith in God to know that He will take care of it?"

YES!! I absolutely do, but aren't I still allowed to be annoyed? Do you ever feel the need to vent? (I'm guessing, yes.) :) I am a human being with weaknesses. I'm not afraid to admit that to anyone.

OK, folks, I'm done for the afternoon. Gotta go start dinner.

Shaniqua said...
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Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Oh my, humility isn't someone else's strong suit, either!

Hmmm... 400+ comments, 500+ comments, and now trend towards putting up new posts when the comments reach past 200...

Yeah. We had nuthin' to talk about before the crows started Cawing.

Shaniqua said...
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candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

I love Chuck...thanks Candy!

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I think there are plenty of those EXACT testimonials all over the comments on this site.

It's okay, Caw!, that you can't actually address any points of substance. I'll stop teasing you with actual research, Scripture verses, and orthodox interpretations.

In fact, I'll just leave you alone entirely.

Just call me Pontius, I'm awashin' my hands.

Shaniqua said...
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Anonymous said...

Or, you know, Matthew could at any time install a stat counter and see who comes to this site when and from where.

I'm sure he doesn't care because this site wasn't created with that game playing in mind, but it would be interesting, wouldn't it?

I wonder what would happen to our friend catholicsare.....fill in the blank, when it's not so easy to hide and pretend and play games.

Whatever. He/she/it can address me all he/she/it wants. I won't engage. I may not have a billion things to do on any given day, but I certainly have better things to do than communicate with a twit.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

hey mile, go to where we spoke last night when i "confessed"

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

Tia - I am going to do that. Let me know where to get it. Thanks!

Shaniqua said...
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Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

"I love Chuck...thanks Candy!"

That just gave me a fit of the giggles.
Lovely :)
I wish I could do a ROFL clown smiley

Shaniqua said...
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kentuckybluegirl said...

Well, maybe it was a little boring before you likened me to a whore.

Then there was that whole vejayjay..or whatever thing that you said you had (double ewwww)

Shaniqua said...
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Anonymous said...

Matthew, check your email.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

Actually, you did exactly what I wanted you to do. Post the link, so I didn't have to google it. Thanks! I just love you being here with all of your intelligence.


Shaniqua said...
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candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

Wow, there is more of that intelligence jumping through. I see why it isn't wise for someone to homeschool themself.

Shaniqua said...
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Shaniqua said...
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candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

Oh sorry, I was bent over while you were laughing. Let me stand up so you can laugh in my face.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

"Intellect never was your strong suit"

Stop it you're killing me! I broke a rib falling out of a tent last week and all this ROFLing is painful!

Now Candy, we know what you think about Chuck ( being not intellectual) what about Chick? Are you a fan?
I'm toying with Dr Seuss lines in my head. Candy, have you read a chuck chick trick tract?
Giggle. I shouldn't drink wine at bedtime.

Shaniqua said...
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Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

"Oh sorry, I was bent over while you were laughing. Let me stand up so you can laugh in my face."
Stop!Stop! My ribs. Have mercy!
I have to lie down...

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

LOL Clare.

Yes, Candy, you sure razzle and dazzle with your intellect. Has the Kombucha killed a few brain cells or all the fungus in the kitchen.

Oh, and I am not Matthew. I am "Brutilda". That will be my guest commentator name. Of course, until Candy gives me my new name. I am on the edge of my seat.

Shaniqua said...
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Shaniqua said...
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Shaniqua said...
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Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Bruce Willis has a vajayjay?
Thanks for all the entertainment, and the 'advice'

You're some soul winner CAW!

And please, call me Blathnaid. The wine has me sentimental for an Irish name tonight.

Anonymous said...

"Also, sometimes her posts are like a puddle of vomit."

Ah, we agree on something then.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and welcome back, Candy. ;op

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Totally changing the subject back to Candy's strange view of the world:

From the Joyful Christian Homemaker (the description of Lorain, as the perfect Christian homemaker, illustrates PERFECTLY how damaging this stuff can be. Can you imagine, looking for help, and getting this as your template?)

Do you use
gutter words, such as “zit,” “shoot,”

I will confess. I say Zit. And Shoot. And Dang.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Is that a gutter word?
It means spot, or bubo.
At least it does here. But since this is the proud country that gave the world the KJV translation, I am claiming first dibs on ownership of the word.
Zit is fine.
Go right ahead milehi. Zit away.

kentuckybluegirl said...

Pea Pod Sista! While you were gone I became a transvestite whore!!! Candy gave me a new name: RuPaul!

and Clare/Bruce Willis is a drunk...are you gonna share that wine or what girlfriend?

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

In America, zit means pimple.

Shocking, I know.

Amanda #1 said...

I can't believe that I missed the renaming of everyone! I want my own transvestite-whore name! *<}]:*o(

(That clown should be crying. Tears of sorrow that I don't have my own Whore-Name.)

kentuckybluegirl said...

awww...don't cry'll always be a whore transvestite to us

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

wash your mouth out milehi. You are quite incorrigible in your persistent gutter talk.

No wine left.
Awl gone. Shorrry.

kentuckybluegirl said...

Well...I'm over at the Ho Dome...and we're about to break out a bottle

kentuckybluegirl said...

CAE CAD whatever has decided to join in at Ho Dome. YAY

Shaniqua said...
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Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Doh. Late to the party. Dang kids all wanting new books and to go to the park!

Room's all full, can't get in!

I shall try again later. Off to hose down the masses! (bath time)

Anonymous said...

Bye darlin, sweety and oh yea honey:)

Amanda #1 said...

Wow, you all in the 'ho dome need to fill me in on what I missed!

As for me, I have a new (to me) sewing machine I need to play with. I love ya all, but my Singer 503 is way cooler than any of ya *<}];o)

Anonymous said...

The rest of chapter 4 of Fascinating Womanhood is up.

Editing will be done tomorrow. It's late and I've spent far too much time in the office today and it's time to move on.

I'll also be doing a commentary post about chapter 4 tomorrow too. There is just way too much to say to try to intersperse it with the chapter itself. I tried to limit my commentary, but I think I failed miserably.

Shaniqua said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bethany L said...

So what's with all the deleted posts... What did I miss today?

busymomof3 said...

Good Morning guys!!

I see that I missed alot overnight. Who deleted all of those comments...CAW CAW?

Amanda #1 said...

I do believe that Caw!Caw! deleted all her comments.

More and more like Candy every day.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Yup caw caw deleted her comments. She's a soulwinner alright.
Perhaps she her comments might harm her testimony.
So, she deleted her comments...(chewing on pencil) another clue to tick off in my handy slething notebook.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Perhaps she THOUGHT her comments might harm her testimony.
Musn't type with baby on lap.

kentuckybluegirl said...

Deleted her comments? And after we had that nice visit in the Ho Dome last night?

Amanda #1 said...

You know, since I subscribe, all comments are emailed to me. I deleted them all, but most of them should be in my trash, yet. Perhaps I need to say them for posterity.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

I'm wondering how the meeze party went. Can someone fill me in?
I think it's very telling that caw caw went there. She's obviously getting a kick out of this too.

Amanda #1 said...

So tell me, WHAT HAPPENED in the Ho Dome last night!?

kentuckybluegirl said...

Amanda, would you be a dear and see if you have those hanging in the trash?

While I was in the Ho Dome (from 7:30-8:15 while I ate supper and answered emails) she was completely weird and completely boring.

Dressed as a hippie/prophet man kept moving around the room very quickly, turned on some kind of weird anti-masonic film by Chick, which Catholic Mom promptly turned off, then sat down beside me and talked about her fat ankles.

Very strange. I am really not sure that it is Candy.

And, btw, my Ho outfit was rockin.

Amanda #1 said...

Already done Kentucky (or RuPaul? What was your Ho Name, again LOL?). I've now got a separate CawCaw folder on my email. I think I got most of 'em.

kentuckybluegirl said...

Thanks Amanda. Yeah...she named me RuPaul and she is the one dressed like a man - go figure. I really wanted to be one of those high class ho's like Heidi Fleiss or something. Or maybe Blue AngelFire....

At least RuPaul is famous and probably has lots of money.

Oh well...Ho's can't be choosers I guess.

sweepingthehome said...

Caw Caw! is strange indeed. You forgot to tell she showed up as a naked hippie man. She kept pestering Ginger and was so annoying that I finally kicked her out. Ooooh, the power.

I cannot figure out what her purpose is.

Anonymous said...

Dang it, I missed you in there, Lauren.

When I was in there (can't remember when but I think it was before you), Ginger and CAE were bickering just back and forth while us hos levitated. I kept trying to encourage the "ho meditation" as not only does it take the stress out from a night at the poles, but it's also good for the skin.

The most hilarious part was that everytime CAE would make some dramatic comment, one of us hos would say something just off the wall in relation.

My favorite was when CAE called someone rude, and I think it was Mandy who goes, "She's rude and you're nude, what's the big deal?" I nearly fell out of my chair over that one. CAE was wearing her birthday suit for the occasion.

I had to go work out, and came back for just a bit around 9ish, but then left shortly after.

Chris kept thinking I was nuts for sitting there laughing out loud like a moron.

kentuckybluegirl said...! I missed all the fun. I had to go work on some stuff and then my husband wanted me to watch a show with him (who does he think he is?).



I wonder if the levitation would help the little ho butt sag that is starting to happen?

kentuckybluegirl said...

I guess I left before 8 last night now that I think about it cause it was getting too hard to concentrate on emails and the Ho Dome at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Not sure.. it hasn't helped decrease the size of my rather large derriere, but I still like doing it.

Now, Mandy had on her normal princess gown and when she levitated it was hilarious, because she looked like she had a sagging rump.

Anonymous said...

I'm still attempting to achieve Candy's size 2/4/8/10/12/14 rump.

Oooh... I wonder if I should choose those numbers for today's lottery.

Nah, then if I won, Candy would claim that she should get it since she sent me the numbers with her MENSA telepathic powers.

kentuckybluegirl said...

Shhhh...if you mention dress/rump sizes we will get in trouble....

^ ^
- -

kentuckybluegirl said...

Well that emoticon didn't turn the way I wanted! That is an indicator of the day! LOL (oh no I am turning into ANOA!)

Anonymous said...

LOL Oh yeah... teacher said LOL...we can't talk LOL...about that anymore. LOL

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

I still say caw caw is candy. Granted the spelling is an anomaly and she's a little quicker on her feet than candy. But the real Candy is probably itching to drop her 'witness' protection racket for 5 minutes and have a bitch fight.
CAW CAW may be Candys unredeemed alter ego.
The fact that she picked on Ginger is a BIG clue. Why would anyone else do that? (FWIW I like Ginger. At least she's real, and quite self effacing judging from her blog. And she has the all important attribute of a little humility.)
Caw Caw may have deleted the posts because she's got it out of her system now and repented. Or perhaps Erik told her to.
Or my names not Bruce willis, er I mean Miss Marple.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I was there for a while, and Caw!Caw! said nothing. Pretty much just sat on the couch, occasionally wandered about the room, and flashed us all once with his/her censored nakedness (it's an outfit you can buy).

She didn't say one word to me! I wonder why. She's been so successful at rebutting my statements posted on here...(is it possible for your eyes to roll out of their head?)

I went to ANOA's room, the Laminin video was playing, and had a nice conversation about Charlotte Mason timelines. Louis Giglio read a quote by St. Augustine, I mentioned I liked the writings of St. Augustine (in fact, I have one as my email signature), and no one kicked me out, jumped on me, or picked a fight. It was actually a lovely time. Candy (the real one) was there, too.

*<] 0D . .
Clown with eyes rolling out of head.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about going into ANOA's room as well, but just had too much going on last night.

I don't know... some days I think CAE is Candy and others I don't.

Regardless, its my opinion that she's just a person who has bitterness issues. But, that's me.

kentuckybluegirl said...

Good observations there Miss Marple (are you THE Miss Marple?? How exciting).

You think she's got it all out of her system now?? Awww gee....

I was all in cat fight stance and everything...

Was gonna get my meezle a cool wrestling oufit - maybe even a mask.

How do you do a disappointed clown?

Me said...

Hmm, maybe the reason CAW/CAE/CAD/CANJ deleted all those comments was because they linked to Gingers blog? Is CAW really Ginger?

kentuckybluegirl said...

So you think she picked on herself last night?

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

"Hmm, maybe the reason CAW/CAE/CAD/CANJ deleted all those comments was because they linked to Gingers blog? Is CAW really Ginger?"

Someone trying to discredit Ginger more like.
(If I was Hercule poirot I'd twiddle my moustache at this point.)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, CAE and Ginger were at each other so no, can't agree that they're the same.

But, the deleting comments thing has got me leaning in the Candy direction today.

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Lets examine the evidence.
Who would have a motivation for discrediting Ginger?
(Drums fingers on table and whistles.)

Unknown said...

I think CAW in that Fruity person especially if she was talking about her fat ankles. Fruity on fry short of a happy meal

busymomof3 said...

See...I miss out on so much at night!! Sad, sad moment here. I would love to join in on the festivaties in the evenings but...sigh...being a sports fan...I HAVE to watch The Olympics!!

Phelps is rockin'!!!

Have a good day everyone. I have to run some won't be around for a while. Ta Ta for now!!

busymomof3 said...

Well...I just couldn't leave without saying this. may have a point.

Did CAW!CAW! ever give out her "real" name?

kentuckybluegirl said...


Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

She said her name was April.

busymomof3 said...

There's a chick named April that left a comment on Candy's post about her keeping her kids in the service with her.

She's from Georgia I think. I looked at her blog yesterday. I may go back through there and see if her writing are similar to the comments left here from CAW!CAW!

Unknown said...

Do you think Fruity is jealous of Ginger's blog? Ginger does receive a lot of comments. Fruity can't seem to keep one going. Yes, I am now the blog pro-filer.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

Will someone please go and slap some sense into Julie from Texas over at Candy's site. Does she seriously believe Candy researches things for all of them and then shares. No, she makes half her crap up and spoon feeds them and they bite.

Anonymous said...

Busymom, I think you may have something there.

Unknown said...

I looked at April's site last nite--she seems to be too sweet. I don't think she would have a problem with Ginger. Now, if you ever saw a picture of Fruity...Yikes.

Unknown said...

Hey man, it is blog jealousy wars. It is a rough world in cyberspace.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

When Caw! first showed up, I said her name was April. I don't think April B., the commenter on Candy's blog, is the same April. April B. has commented here, as well.

Kaira knows who she is, and called her April in the chat room, which is how I knew her name before Caw! outed herself.

I must say, I am curious how the conversation went between Jennifer Valerie and her husband, who studied at Seminary for years and never learned any of Candy's peculiar brand of history. Oh, to be a fly on the wall!

*<]80) /*\
Clown catching fly with chopsticks.

What, you didn't watch Karate Kid?

Kaira said...

For what it is worth, CAE isn't Candy (or Erik). She was a very active participant in Candy's room last night - no possible way she was working two rooms at once as she was quite busy. It was so fun. April has a great sense of humor (contrary to popular belief) and I've never had so much "real life, laugh hysterically" kind of MEEZ fun before. Maggii was there too and I'm sure she can testify that CAE was pretty damn busy while hanging out with us.

I was trying to youtube JCB but I couldn't find it - could you leave me a blog comment with the link, please. My kids and I really enjoyed that selection. thanks!

kentuckybluegirl said...

That blogger seems quite normal. Do you think she could be the one?

Amanda #1 said...

April has a great sense of humor

You'll have to forgive me if I find that EXTREMELY difficult, nay, impossible to believe.

Unknown said...

NOT April. I need to get a Meez

kentuckybluegirl said...

So Kaira....What?

Maybe I need a cup of coffee, but I didn't understand exactly what you were just saying. I got the 'CAE isn't Candy/Erik', but is April CAE? And was April/CAE is the HoDome? as well as in the Titus 2 room? And if she was in the Titus 2 room, was she running around naked in there also?

Am I the only one that cannot follow?

Kaira said...


I find it extremely difficult to believe much of what is said here is said by godly women. It doesn't mean it is impossible - we must just have different ideals or something. Or different ideas of what is actually funny.

I really didn't come here to involve myself in all of this. I came to ask Clare a question and just so happened to see the latest posts about April. It really doesn't matter, does it? Who cares, you aren't looking to leave your children with her or anything like that. She's just an online personality.

gary said...

CAW was not funny. She comes into Mandy's room and played a anti-catholic video. So rude, she was! I changed the video and we then attended a very short Mass X2 and then listened to some Canon in D, Trumpet Voluntary, George Winston... Then, CAW and Ginger almost got into a fist fight and CatholicMom (me) had a anxiety attack. I almost had to call in the MEEZ mediator....


Kaira said...

I do believe CAE, April as I shall call her, was in the room you referenced. After leaving there she came to Candy's where Maggii and I had been just talking to each other until a bunch of vulgar teens showed up. She came in shortly after. We were there until about 2:30 EST

kentuckybluegirl said...

2:30 AM!

kentuckybluegirl said...

That should have been an ? not an !

Is it Monday again?

Kaira said...

yes, it was very late but none of us could tear ourselves away... seriously, it was that funny.

kritterc said...

Well, what do you know? I just read that Julia Child was a spy in her earlier days. Got me to thinking.....Suppose Candy and Erik are really spies disguised as anti-government people? Hmmmmm......

Unknown said...

What will Candy do if she reads her KJV bible and it states, "having thy Meez is a sin thus you will all ye rot in hell"

Amanda #1 said...

I'm sure the Holey Speerut will give her a special dispensation.

Amanda #1 said...

I find it extremely difficult to believe much of what is said here is said by godly women. It doesn't mean it is impossible - we must just have different ideals or something.

We do sort of agree on this point....For instance, I find it extrememly diffcult to believe that Candy is a godly woman, given much of what she says.

Kaira said...


My statement above had nothing to do with Candy. Nice deflection though.

kentuckybluegirl said...


I am a Christian. I meet all the criteria as set by the BIBLE. I am sarcastic and just a bit irreverent - but not toward anything serious.

Not sure I would categorize myself as a 'Godly' woman - especially on the level of Candy, April, Amanda, and others. I would explode. And I am sure my Meezle would explode also.

Amanda #1 said...

I know it had nothing to do with Candy. It did make me think of Candy, though.

And if you'd read all the comments, instead of just popping in periodically as the mood strikes you, you'd see that I posted my own "inner turmoil", if you will, about my participation in this blog.

No, two wrongs do not make a right. I will say though, that my ungodly comments are at least not an attempt to lead unsuspecting, vulnerable women to believe that my way is the only way and everyone else is damned to hell.

Maggii said...

Maggii was there too and I'm sure she can testify that CAE was pretty damn busy while hanging out with us.

yes she was...and she was actually pretty hilarious last night

Unknown said...

Kaira, You seem really sweet but just stay on the other side. When you come over here--you just don't say the right things or really fit in. You are kinda of killing the mood at CILFP.Thank you for your time and consideration to this matter. Good Day!

Working up to Zero said...

What a bizzare statement Kaira, given that several of the posters here don't claim to be godly women at all. The ones who do claim to be Christian don't seem to be the sacarine type but they also aren't holding themselves up as examples either.

Sort of like walking into a hen house and announcing that they don't look much like turkeys.

Anonymous said...

I find it extremely difficult to believe much of what is said here is said by godly women. It doesn't mean it is impossible - we must just have different ideals or something.

Well, considering this is not touted as a Christian blog, or a Godly blog or anything else, I'd have to say you're right. I know I do not consider myself a Godly woman. It's not in my character or belief system.

Yeah, there are different ideals. Different goals. Different...well, different everything.

There are Christians who comment here, but not everyone claims that belief system, nor is it the focus of this blog.

At any rate, it would seem you all had an interesting night. The Meez rooms are really taking off, hey? It will be interesting to see, in the future, what any number of Meez characters "let slip" when they get into that environment. And I can only hope that you all stay on top of keeping track of that stuff so you can share with everyone else:-) (No clown; I am deficient in clown making skills).

Kaira said...

Yes, I suspect I don't really fit in too well. I suspect I don't say the right thing. I'm good with all of that. I'll stop posting, as I have now been asked to. I guess this site isn't as welcoming of differing opinions as Matthew once told me it was.

carry on, as I'm sure you will.

Unknown said...

I am not the President of this blog, I just put in the "suggestion box."

Anonymous said...

I am not caw...... I do not know who she is, I do not think it is Candy though.

Anonymous said...

Kiara, I don't think you got the point. It's not that you need to leave and stop posting. It is that you need to watch your words. Saying that the women here are not Godly women is, well, not really relevant to anything. It is known that this is not a Christian blog. It is also known that there are a lot of different belief systems among the people who comment here. Somehow, I, an agnostic deist manage to get a long just fine with the Catholics and other Christians. Why? Because we don't judge the whole by small pieces, and we don't judge each other.

Sure, there is alot of banter here. And a lot of down right nastiness sometimes. But seldom is it directed at anyone who is a commenter, other than those who barge in like snipers and post ridiculous stuff.

You can't make a comment like "you're obviously not godly women", or whatever you said, and expect people to ignore it. The comment alone is passing judgment, but it also makes you look clueless, since the day this blog was started it was kind of made obvious that it is not a Christian blog.

Choosing your words carefully, even in a sarcastic setting, is always a wise move.

Doing so would prevent having to stomp off like a child, saying "well, you really don't want me obviously aren't as open as you said..."

Amanda #1 said...

Ginger, I've never for a moment believed that Caw was you. You have been generally respectful and kind from the start. Something I cannot say of Caw.

Unknown said...

Let us not beat around the bush. Ginger, who is CAW?

kentuckybluegirl said...

I've been reading on this blog for a few week and I've read all the back logs, and you have explained this to Kaira before - many times, in fact. Perhaps if you used pictures - like in the Chick tracts?

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

ROFL...comment on yesterdays KTH post:

Candy, check out & for TONS of solid Bible history, untainted by Roman Catholic heresy.
Clare | 08.14.08 - 12:45 am | #

Yes, because RC's have revised history. That's why we took out all the references to the evil Inquisition (oh... wait...), made sure Luther was painted like the evil heretic he was (oh...wait...) and made sure no one knew about Mary, Queen of Scots, (oh....wait....) and made sure no one knew about the faults of the Crusaders (oh...umm....)

For revisionists in control of all the history books, even those written by other Protestants, Jews, agnostics, etc., we Catholics sure stink at taking out the parts that make us look bad!

PS - this isn't OUR Clare, is it?

Amanda #1 said...

I'm guessing that it was our Clare, using a great deal of sarcasm (that of course went right over Candy's head).

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

And, may I add, I am simply stunned that OSAS constantly accuse Catholics of Heresy when heresy is:
1. opinion or doctrine at variance with the orthodox or accepted doctrine, esp. of a church or religious system.
2. the maintaining of such an opinion or doctrine.
3. Roman Catholic Church. the willful and persistent rejection of any article of faith by a baptized member of the church.
4. any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs, customs, etc.

Orthodox or accepted doctrine... established beliefs... customs (traditions! Gasp!)...most of the OSAS I know don't have those. They are not a cogent group of people who agree on a set of beliefs - rather, their system constantly springs forth new and different doctrinal statements and views.

You can't call someone a heretic if you don't have an agreed upon set of beliefs and centralized religious system for them to be at variance with.

Just sayin' - find different nomenclature.

gary said...

Clare is so cool! She writes in such an eloquent manner. Bravo Bravo!!!!

BTW, my swimming suit is on the clothes line.

I hope to stop at BestBuy and purchase a MEEZ Coinz credit card to expand my wardrobe.


kentuckybluegirl said...

Sara...excuse me...but is your meezle currently running around sans clothes??? Tsk tsk! church/denomination (NOT IFB - NOT fundamentalist anything) has always and forever taught OSAS doctrine. You know what we think of folks that don't believe that? Nothin' in particular. That's their belief. It's not going to keep them out of Heaven. It is not a make or break belief - like the Virgin Birth, or Jesus being God's Son. The belief that is volleying about the interwebs by Candy and her ilk is a very very small, insignificant, ugly, close minded little group.

Kaira said...

Well, let me just respond to the comments to me and I'll then mind my own business.


Actually I did not say that "you're obviously not godly women".
I made this statement:
April has a great sense of humor
Amanda said:
You'll have to forgive me if I find that EXTREMELY difficult, nay, impossible to believe.
My response to that was:
I find it extremely difficult to believe much of what is said here is said by godly women. It doesn't mean it is impossible - we must just have different ideals or something. Or different ideas of what is actually funny.

See, I wasn't saying that anyone is "obviously not a godly woman". I know that there are men who frequent here as well. However, none that I have noticed are professing Christians. I know from previous discussions that you are not a Christian. I wasn't speaking for your comments because as a non-believer, or a non-Christian, I don't expect you are convicted in the same way as myself or other Christians. I was reffering specifically to many statements that are made that are surprisingly enough made by self-professing Christian women.

I did read about your inner turmoil about commenting and reading on this blog. I understand because I had the same issues and quit participating and reading here. It is only in the rarest moments of absolute boredom that I do come by. I find myself no longer amused with what I might have once found funny. Though I can see the humor in it, it is no longer funny to me because I have come to find it very offensive. Candy may well have a wealth of issues outside of the blogging world. But, you know, so do I. And so do you and everyone else here. I'd like to think we all do the best we can - as we know it. I don't want to hurt anyone. My participating here could hurt someone and I don't want to have that on my spirit. So, for me, I just stopped coming because the thing is, I'm pretty weak. I can fall into all kinds of sin without intending to. I also want to be seen by my faith. Not in an "I'm better than you or Tia or anyone else kind of way" but in the way that I show kindness to my neighbor and just reflecting the light of Jesus to people. Participation in a site like this can damage your testimony. It can because there are women who blog here who if I bumped into them in the blogging world I would really respect them. However, when I "see" them here it contradicts their testimony in a way. I don't want to be that kind of Christian woman and I was there when I was actively involved here. This site brings all sorts of sin into our thoughts. I can respect the dispelling lies part - but that was taken care of ages ago. Not a one of us could stand up to the criticism that Candy gets. I surely am not your conscious but clearly you are struggling with this and I just wanted to explain that I did know that and I understand. I was too.

Curtis, you said:
Kaira, You seem really sweet but just stay on the other side. When you come over here--you just don't say the right things or really fit in. You are kinda of killing the mood at CILFP.Thank you for your time and consideration to this matter. Good Day!

This didn't say, "suggestion box". You asked me to not come here. I know that Matthew would say I am welcome to stay and "make a fool of myself" or something like that. I know I MAY stay and I won't be "edited or deleted or asked to leave"... oh wait, I just was. See, I don't go where I believe I am not wanted. I've never been to Mandy's room because I have enough good sense to know that no one really wants me there. I suppose I should take the hint and leave here all together.

By the way, I have no idea who or what these things mean: ANOA, Fruity, CILFP, etc... Just saying, for someone who doesn't "live" on this blog it is quite confusing.

working up to zero said:
What a bizzare statement Kaira, given that several of the posters here don't claim to be godly women at all. The ones who do claim to be Christian don't seem to be the sacarine type but they also aren't holding themselves up as examples either.

I say:
Yes, I addressed this above. A Christian woman and a godly woman should be one in the same. It has nothing to do with a sugary personality. Godliness is a desire of the heart that shows through many different personality types.

Tia, you said:
It is that you need to watch your words. Saying that the women here are not Godly women is, well, not really relevant to anything...
You can't make a comment like "you're obviously not godly women", or whatever you said, and expect people to ignore it. The comment alone is passing judgment, but it also makes you look clueless, since the day this blog was started it was kind of made obvious that it is not a Christian blog.

That wasn't my comment, as shown above, but it is relevant. Being a Christian, or Muslim, or Buddhist, isn't something that one turns on and off. It isn't something one should apply just to segments of their lives. It is an all the time thing - a part of one's character and soul. It should show. I wasn't judging anyone - just saying that it could be seen as "extremely difficult" to believe that some of the most frequent posts here are made by godly women. By godly women I mean Christian women - they are commonly used interchangably. Further, I wasn't "stomping off like a child". I acknowledged the request that I not participate here and agreed to not "kill the mood" any longer. I suspect the mood I was killing was the exact mood that caused me to stop coming here in the first place. I wasn't angry at all.

Kentucky, you said:
I've been reading on this blog for a few week and I've read all the back logs, and you have explained this to Kaira before - many times, in fact. Perhaps if you used pictures - like in the Chick tracts?

I've never been asked in the past to leave this blog before. Your statement about chick tracts is offensive - just the kind of thing I was referencing above.

Unknown said...

I feel bad, did I make her cry?

Simone said...

Hey everybody. Well I'm kinda upset to see that my friend CAE/CAW/CAN hasn't commented yet today.

Things have gotten crazy around here!

I'm just sorry I missed it all. I was out of town yesterday and couldn't join in on the fun.

Anonymous said...

Dear CatholicsAreEvil, CatholicsAreDelicious, CatholicsAreANutJob, CandyCandyCandyCandy, Candy, etc.,

I read the exchange of words from yesterday’s comments. How sad it made me and how sad it must make Jesus.

Would you let your children talk to each other like that? Would you let your children act like that towards each other? Would you let your children talk to you like that? Would you let your children act that way toward you.? Would you talk to Jesus like that? Would you act like that towards Jesus? What would Jesus do if you had talked to Him like that?

You know, at the end, when we stand before Jesus on the day of judgment, the only person we will be answering for is ourselves. If you say to Jesus, “But Jesus, they were picking on me, they were calling me names, they were talking about me behind my back, they weren’t treating me nicely, they were saying things about me that weren’t true, they were evil,…”, Jesus is going to look at us and say “That doesn’t matter. What matters is how you acted, what you said, what you thought. How did YOU act, what did YOU say, what did YOU think? ”What will you say? (That’s a question for you to answer only to yourself, not to me or anyone else. That applies also to the questions asked previously).

In the end, you will answer only for yourself and only to Jesus.

I pray that the Holy Spirit will convict your heart and the hearts of others. May we truly love one another as God would want us to.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

What was offensive to you about the chick tract comment?

Just curious.

kentuckybluegirl said...


Unknown said...

Is it lunch time yet? Who is Jodi and where did she come from?

kentuckybluegirl said...

I'm on lunch eating some nacho chips and dip

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