My name is Vera ---I've commented under another name, but you get the real me.
Some things you all will undoubtedly ask:
I'm Catholic, a convert, grew up Southern Baptist. (ouch I know.)
I'm not really, you know "Super-Catholic", but as far as religions go it's the one I've decided to fly.
I'm a SAHM, public schooling parent of four.
I have a few recent (and some not so recent) things to address over at Nutjob's palace.
"Amanda is trying to say that her verse is saying Christ had no mother, but it is really referring to Melchizedek.
I did write a comment pointing that out. However, Candy did NOT allow that comment although it too was respectful. Instead she lets Amanda have the last word on that. She also lets Amanda have the last word on my link to Catholic Answers which explains the Catholic perspective on the title Mother of God. - Elena
Yea...quotes from pesky men like the early church fathers. Whatever." -Elena
I use this quote to point out the fact
I'll leave arguing her every statement about the Catholics and all you other non KJV readers to the other blogs who do it so well.
If the number of times you
Seriously. You've posted your pictures and your still giving exercise advice.
Okay that was just mean, but my point is this...I own a lot of equipment, videos, used to teach aerobics, have a gym membership, AND a blog. But I don't give exercise advice - or medical advice, but that's a whole other tangent.
And just look at what we have to look forward to from Candy:
"- Praising the Lord: From a Biblical Viewpoint
- Godliness with contentment is great gain
- Why I Keep my Children with me During Church
- The Age of accountability, and those who've never heard...
- Laminin
- Hawiian Happy Face Spider
- Letters on butterfly wings - quote "in awe of thy word" etc.
- Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. How are you treating your temple?
- The law of Reaping and sowing, Deut. 28, faith vs. works, works create treasures and crowns, but cannot get you into heaven, etc.
- How I came to be "kjv only"
- Historical Revisionism
- Mars and the Igigi "
Oooh I get tingly just thinking of that... what was it...Hawiian Happy Face Spider?
Somebody pinch me.
I am ready for the "Why I keep my children with me in church" post. That post was what sent me off last time because she had to empathy for those of use who could not put bring our children into church with us due to special needs. That was when I was just told to pray for her to be "healed" ugh my blood boils just thinking about it.
Maybe it is just a personal thing but I do not understand her obsession with a concordance in her bible. I never even look at that since I have a seperate Strong's Concordance that I use. There is no concordance that is as exhaustive as that one.
From today's post:
s far as I know, a study Bible with 100% accurate notes does not exist.
Perhaps she should write one.
I totally understand...I keep my kids with me at Mass, but I do NOT take my oldest to church, unless my husband is with me. Now, my dh is a lapsed Southern Baptist, so that happens very occasionally.
Not since he totally flipped out because the AC vent was blowing on his legs.
Two adults are a must.
OH goodness yes. We do not have a children's service on Wednesday or Sunday nights just Sunday mornings. On those days my husband MUST be with me in case Monkette has a meltdown. If he is sick or working I do not attend. We take turns leaving with her since it happens so often. If we did not have the sunday morning childrens services I would never get anything out of church due to constantly dealing with her.
Cajun, I prefer to keep my kids with me during mass, but there's no way I'd ever judge you for not doing the same. Esp. with your circumstances. That Candy and Erik would tell you something as arrogant and hurtful as to "pray harder"....well, it's almost enough to make me hope their next kid is special needs. (Almost.)
I attend a southern baptist church. It wouldn't seem that way if you attended. It is a very lively service. This summer we had family services for 1st grade and up. So our 5 yr old and 3 yr old went to their class. They love it. Starting at age 8 we are going to the first service (hubby when he can be there, me and our soon to be 8yr old) and then we go to our Sunday school classes. Why is it so wrong for children to be in Sunday School? We don't have Sunday night services, just small groups. We also have Awana on Wed (which we LOVE)and during the summer we had sports camp for boys and girls. I surely hope there isn't anything wrong with those!
*slight sarcasm*
I got the same "pray for healing" when I spoke about how my children could not attend due to both being special needs. I would get no worship time. I would never be in the sanctuary (who needs a 6 month old screaming at the top of his lungs during a prayer when people are often having very serious conversations with God?) due to having to remove one of them. She has a narrow view of the world in this sense. I pray for God's will be done in my children's life. His will might not be healing. They might serve a huge purpose due to their special needs. Why would I squealch God by demanding a healing that would leave them incapable of being all they can be in Him? I hope they are healed, but I want God's will ultimately in their lives and her odd ideas on special needs children is sad, mean, cold, heartless, lacking in compassion, not Christ-centered and is what runs many people out of our churches today.
I believe Dake to be wrong about "planet heaven," his view of the trinity (3 Gods, instead of 3 in 1),
Um. OK. Candy, you are using a Bible that teaches flat out, unrepentant heresy. Step away from the creepy heretical KJV and go get yourself a nice NIV.
Perhaps that's why her spelling is so awful - she learned from a KJV with authentic 17th century spelling...
So "Stacie" (of course I have no idea who she is) asked the following:
Candy, I've tried many times to read the KJV, but try as I might to trudge through it, I just can't understand it. Can you suggest another, simpler translation for me to use (that is, until I work my way up to the KJV, of course!)?
Candy could not lower herself to respond, but rest assure, ANOA did:
Stacie- I couldn't understand one word of the KJV. I did a lot of research and came to the conclusion that it was the Bible I wanted to use. I prayed and asked God to please help me to understand it. From that minute on I was able to understand it! God can do amazing things if we just ask Him! (Well, He can do amazing things ALL the time LOL but you know what I meant)
Oooookay. So I just need to pray for understanding of olde English and it will be given to me. If only someone had told me that in college Shakespeare.
Don't get me wrong, I do believe God can do anything. But rather than some arbitrary adherence to ONE translation, I'm more inclined to believe that God provided us with many translations so ANYONE could understand his word.
Well the post I am waiting on is "Mars and the Igigi."
Wanna bet it will be along the lines of "Dagon the Fish God?"
Well, out of curiosity I googled it and they are soooo faaaarrr out there that Tom Cruise would probably be right at home.
So the post should be highly entertaining (two people with unorthodox beliefs), or really boring (they'll cancel each other out.)
I had looked it up too, a few times, to see what I could come up with. And I am mystified as to what is up with that topic. Since it has to do with alleged pagan accretions to belief, I'm just assuming that it will end up being another ill-informed screed about Cat-o-lik idol worship.
Why, it's the Vedic alternative to anti-Darwinism. Is your Google broken?
Check this out, written by Candy in 2004:
Stitchen's 12th Planet Debunked
Go down about half way on this page to the May 29th 2003 post titled "Why not use a good ole library card"....Candy has a reply typed here claiming she is a hermit. Now I always figured this but at least she admits it to herself. Really bothers me a lot now knowing her kids have to suffer because of her behavior.
On that 12th Planet Debunked, did ya'll read the replies? I skipped all her crap, but it would seem the people there thought/think as much of her as we do, LOL.
Best Comment on that forum:
I have just intercepted a message from the Mother Ship of those spacealiens which leads me to believe that PrayzGod has reported back tohis pod. It may be a good thing, really. I couldn't make heads or tails of the opening post, not sure what he believed or what he was arguing against. All very unclear to me.
As for the one-post wonder bit, I was struck dumb by the fact that
the statistics said he posted 28 times. Where, I must ask? I can
only guess it must have been on Community Side in the most obscure
threads imaginable. Oh well, let us hope he made it safely to his
OMG, you want some entertainment, check out ANOA's latest post. It's directed to Elena.
What I am about to say is not said sarcastically, it is not said to belittle you, it is an calm, honest, statement. I AM CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR MENTAL HEALTH.
Seriously, what do you say to that? I need to quit drinking pop while I'm reading this stuff.
Who is ANOA?
amanda not our amanda
Oh, sorry, you missed the renaming.
ANOA=Amanda (Not Our Amanda)
And, okay, I'm the one who renamed her. You don't really have to go along. I just like to think I'm witty.
LOL, that's good! I guess that was a conversation I missed.
I am sure to be 'banned' from ANOA's site, but she is kinda boring so I don't mind.
I read where whe wrote "When my husband angrily told me a while back that the only reason he put up with me was because of the children it almost knocked me off my feet!"
She is so clueless...
And have you read Candy's comment on that same post...that she and her perverted husband haven't fought in forever and blah blah blah - such b/s. Never fighting?
So ANOA's hubby is cheating on her and Candy's husband likes tranvestites, what is this world coming to? Because they are so blind and in such denial!!! Are you sure they don't live in Egypt?
Candy's comment makes me want to vomit. The reason they both think so much alike is because he's been brainwashing her since she was 17.
On a slightly different vein, can I again complain about the damn smiley faces? Both she and her clone, ANOA, abuse them. I understand their occasional use to convey meaning. Without tone to go by, it's sometimes difficult to make it clear that you're joking or sarcastic. I use them sometimes. Occasionally. They, however, seem to think that they can say any rude, "vial" thing they want, slap a :o) on it, and suddenly it's not rude any more. You can say, "You're a whore!" But if you slap :o) on it, you're saying out of love.
I just do not get these people.
Heron, you are cracking me up...where does this talk of Erik & transvestites come from?
The smiley faces drive me insane, too.
I would thank you for your prayers but they are empty and meaningless. :)
What a bitch!
Oh, Sweeping, you've missed out on some gems!
In the comments the other day, on one of the Mary posts I think, heron, Solidago, and Candy got into this ridiculous debate. I'm not sure how it came up, but I think heron called Erik a transvestite. It was pretty funny. Definitely go back through the comments. Candy tried to argue, but failed miserably.
Found it. It's in Marry Collins Exists. And actually, Candy said it first:
Heron, just stating something does not make it so. I could just as easily say:
Heron, you're a transvestite, and I'm praying for you. My saying that doesn't make it true, does it?
I haven't lied.
To which Heron replied:
wtf? a tranvestite? how did you ever guess that? did erik tell you
Then Candy accused him of having a potty mouth. Funny, since she said tranvestite first.
Are you calling me a whore? :o)
The other night Candy called me a tranvestite in her comments - she was trying to make a point (remember who we are talking about,a MENSA wannabe).
So I asked her how she figured it out (that I was a tranny) and then I asked her if Erik told her.
My secret revealed. Candy is so clever.
Gee, I wish I could be more like Candy. A hot hubby (who cares if he prefers trannies), a glorious castle with OTC bookcases, (she mail-ordered it!), and a hermit's life.
Oh, I LOVE this comment on the "12th Planet" post:
i haven't been a member for very long, but i've found this forum to be kind of like a group of people standing around in a circle and talking about things that interest them
every so often, someone will get a bullhorn and start YELLING at the group for several minutes
when they're done, it's like everyone else is standing around looking at each other, wondering how to respond
when i read this, i was dumbfounded - i had no idea how to respond
you threw your entire argument up on the wall and it sort of just slid down into a pile of crap on the floor - seemingly stinking up the room
all i want to know is what you are talking about
can you give me your argument/question in less than 10 words?
I say basically the same thing every time I read her blog!
Ok, where are you seeing this forum?
I gotta be there.
You guys are leaving me in stitches!!!!
Oh my!
Hey, I had a thought earlier... (every once in a blue moon I do that): Has anybody heard from MR. lately?? Maybe he's trying to lay low...
ANOA is totally off the wall and even kind looks like and the same DRESS SIZE as Candy. Actually, they do have one of the same dresses. They both look like size 12/14. Oh, where is Julie? I want to ask her about the dress size issue. Oh by the way, the husband is Curtis and I am Christine.
Comment #15 above has a link to some C-R-A-Z-Y rant Candy wrote on a forum a few years ago. It completely makes no sense, but the comments are PRICELESS!!
Somebody else who is a "CandyHead" and can be just plain mean and spiteful to Catholics---
Shannon from Far Above Rubies.
She does seem to love OUR wonderful Amanda. This surprises me because of the Catholic issue...but maybe she does not know?
Oh, ok. I never clicked the link because I thought it went to the 12th planet article she has in her sidebar.
LOVE this comment, from Prayzgod:
Anybody here actually interested in discussing what I originally posted, or is this just a (okay, not flame) mental masterbatory site
I thought Christians didn't have potty mouths? I hope she got saved again after she posted this so she could be a real Christian.
Doesn't she have that 12th Planet Debunked article on her blog? It was for a long time in the Deceptions Revealed category.
I never could figure out what it was about, either. It isn't one of the posts she recycles, either.
I have to say that I like Shannon. i have no idea about whether she likes amanda and have just started reading her blog so I have not seen anything directed towards Catholics.
Alllrighty then... the forum post and the post on her sidebar are very similar.
In the forum post, however, Prayzgod states:
Here's what really happened: In heaven, there was a beautiful angel named Lucifer. He was a musician, and also a covering Cherub of God's throne.
Where'd she get that info on ol' Scratch? Couldn't be TRADITION, could it? Although I've never, ever heard that Lucifer was a musician.
Since Satan is a musician, it does call into question why she has so much prayz moosic at her prayz parties. Isn't that simply furthering his work?
Then again, I could be mistaken, because I have not read the bible straight through over a dozen times.
In fact, I haven't gotten through Leviticus straight through a SINGLE time. It's like Kathy Griffin - it's best when taken in bits and pieces.
Is anyone even going to TOUCH the alien/fallen angel/half breed descendants of Noah theology?
Yeah, I've been to Shannon's blog a couple of times, and ???
Not even close to ANOA.
Now Mountain Mama is one to watch!
She does have a great salami recipe, but I had to unsub from her blog after her last Valentine's Day post, but that was before she moved her blog so you can't access it. It was along the lines of "Valentine's day colors are red because blood is red, St. Valentine was a bishop, he killed people (possibly, babies and ate them, but I don't really remember because I was throwing up in my mouth AND laughing at the same time.)
She out-Candy's Candy, but isn't as adept at SEO and has fewer readers, and thus less influence.
Surprise surprise, her blogroll and Candy's are very similar.
You know, a backup plan in case Candy does another month of salmon recipes, or something.
Shannon's blog
Do not hassle me for comments I leave on others' blogs!
I have received some comments (some I will not publish) reprimanding me for commenting favorably on Candy's Keeping The Home blog about her thoughts and studies on Catholisism (sp?).
Anyway, I'll just tell you now- I am not going to debate Christianity vs. Catholicism with ANYONE, so please save your commenting time for better pursuits. I did answer one commentor but it won't be a habit. I am far too busy with my family.
I do believe Catholicism to be a false religion. Period. Through my own studies and prayer and listening to what God imparts on my heart, I know it to be true. There are just so many things that are aspects of the Catholic faith that are outright contrary to God's written word...infant baptism, prayer to the Virgin Mary (Thou shalt have no other gods before Me...ring a bell? Prayer to ANYONE or ANYTHING but god is blasphemous!) confession to priests, salvation by works...the list goes on.
But like I said. Do. Not. Waste. My. Time. Trying. To. Get. Me. To . Argue!
Have a very peaceful weekend. I have a friend coming over to have me teach her how to sell on ebay so I must go.
Posted by Shannon at 9:11 AM 4 comments Links to this post
Labels: This and That
At first I was shocked by Mountain Mama, but she is so absolutely on the fringe that I discount her now. Seriously, lunar Sabbaths??? I can't imagine a religion that requires so much effort to figure out the day of rest. She's completely out there.
I seem to remember a few dualing blog posts between her and Candy over head coverings not too long ago...
Also, ANOA chimed in on the head covering thing then, too. That was when I realized what a flip-flopper she is. When I first saw her site, maybe a year or so ago, she was in a headcovering and something that looked like a Mennonite cape dress. Then one day she said her husband told her to stop wearing the head covering. Now she's wearing make-up and even posted a picture of herself hiking in (at least sized 16) pants!
I remember that Christmas thing, too. She was all about "Satan's Claws" then a few days later she was totally the opposite.
Talk about "any way the wind blows."
Yeah, I haven't seen Mountain Mama do anything Catholic related since she became Messianic. She's really fixated on that, and her back to the land movement.
I didn't realize that Shannon of Above Rubies even knew I existed. The blog does look familiar, though. Hmmm.
Not related but a random thought (that's probably been said before, but I wanted to reiterate): I don't care if you (general "you") think that Catholicism is a false religion I'm not trying to convert anyone. I have had many friends who were non-Catholic Christians, and we had many interesting, respectful debates.
But the key word there was "respectful". Where I have issues is when you post a rant filled with lies and half truths and then won't let me post b/c my thoughts are "IRRELEVANT!"
Well, I suppose I'm a total flip flopper on headcoverings, for the record.
I cover my head - but only during Mass.
And adventures in the blazing hot Texas sun, but that's not for religious reasons. (Unless "Dear G*d, I'm Crispy Fried now" counts as a religious reason.)
Amanda is irrelevant. She wants to be important and have the same readership as Candy. You can tell by her posts about commenting, etc. And Candy is right there, cheering her on.
I laughed at her diagnosing Elena as mentally ill. Uh, Amanda, hon, you may need to look in the mirror on that one!
OMG, you want some entertainment, check out ANOA's latest post. It's directed to Elena.
What I am about to say is not said sarcastically, it is not said to belittle you, it is an calm, honest, statement. I AM CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR MENTAL HEALTH.
so she makes a post specifically to paint Elena in a negative light...doesn't allow the whole context of Elena's comments to come thru(hmmmnn..kinda like Candy does) and Elena is the one with Mental Health Issues???yeah...
To which Heron replied:
wtf? a tranvestite? how did you ever guess that? did erik tell you
Then Candy accused him of having a potty mouth. Funny, since she said tranvestite first.
actually, I think she was probably referring to the 'f' in wtf
I just found this little gem. So, does she just have her website so that she can sell things? I have always thought that. This looks to me to be her trying to find out how her items will fly off her flimsy shelf.
Posted by Candy Brauer on December 04, 2004 at 21:49:57:
Whether your an affiliate, associate, or business owner, your own real domain name website is a fantastic tool.
For those of you with your own websites, I have a few questions:
1)Is your site content based? In other words, instead of your site being one big "sales letter", does it contain interesting content and articles, such that people would want to re-visit your site, to just plain read it, even if they don't buy a thing.
2) Is your site sales based? In other words, no distractions, just a "sales letter", and call to action?
3) What I'm really interested in here, are in those people who've tried both of the above type of sites, and which one drew in the more sales? Content based, or purely sales based?
Thank you. :-)
August 1, 2008 8:09 AM
Ah, it was about "wtf". That makes more sense. I guess I'm so used to seeing wtf, I don't really think about what it means. Duh.
Oh my gosh, you guys were busy last night. You are too funny.
Someone noticed that Amanda's blog is very similar to Candy's, even in wording about comments. I've noticed that about a lot of her readers who have blogs. It's like they follow Candy's template so they can be as holy as her. It's quite funny. I've even seen one (can't remember which one) that says something like, "I say it like it is, so if you're easily offended, this isn't the blog for you," or something like that. Add to that that most of them can't spell...
The inability to spell kills me. I'm far from perfect, but come on people. Most of you are using blogger, which has spell check.
Of course, spell check won't catch things like "God as given me a very important roll to fill." (But, like I said, maybe she DID mean a pastry....)
Now you're making hungry.
Wouldn't her blog be more interesting if she used the Sad Clown Smiley?
A sad clown smiley. ROTFLMAO. Some people have too much time on their hands.
My co-worker and his ex-girfriend created a pirate smiley, I'll have to ask him again what it was.
OK. I'm just an ingnorant Cat-o-lik here, but can someone please explain to me what a "pre-flood drink" is?
I get that it is referring to before the time of Noah and the flood (I'm not THAT ignorant!), but what makes food/drink before that time better than that after?
I would think that the distinction would be "garden (of Eden)" vs. "post-garden" in terms of perfection. But like I said....I'm ignorant. Puleeeeze can someone edumacate me?
Wow, pre-flood drink? I haven't a clue. Where in the world did you see that?
I have heard theology that Adam, Eve, etc. were vegetarians, and no one ate meat until after the flood.
I don't know much about it...but why would Abel be raising sheep and sacrificing them, if that's the case?
In my house, a pre-flood drink is a a two liter of coke. Drink while watching Stargate Atlantis, then have a Tom Hanks/A League of Their Own moment in the bathroom while the rest of the family waits in line.
Oh, I see it now:
I truly believe that Kombucha is a pre-flood drink.
Googling "Kombucha pre flood health" brings up Candy's Evolution post #3, in which WunderHubee claims that dinosaurs and men coexisted, while the earth had a sheet of ice in the atmosphere. During the Flood, the ice melted so it rained.
Yes, really.
Don't get me started on wunderhubee's posts about evolution.
Maybe it's just me, but I'm SO not interested in drinking milk that's been sitting in a "cupboard" overnight. Fungus-laden tea just doesn't appeal to me either - in fact, the very idea kind of makes me want to puke!
But that's just me. I think mold and fungus should be destroyed with bleach, not ingested. I'm crazy that way!
Googling "Kombucha pre flood health" brings up Candy's Evolution post #3, in which WunderHubee claims that dinosaurs and men coexisted, while the earth had a sheet of ice in the atmosphere. During the Flood, the ice melted so it rained.
Um. Wow. Just when I think they've said the craziest thing ever, something like this comes out. I wish you could see my expression right now. I'm just very puzzled. A sheet of ice hung in the atmosphere? Did gravity not exist in those days? I'm very perplexed. Off to find that post....
Drat, I forgot I'm at work. I'll have to look at that post when I get home.
He only did three 'evolution debunked' posts and then quit, even though he had said he would do more in the series.
synchroswimr, if you haven't already, try googling laminin, which is on Candy's list of possible future blog topics. I was wondering why she would post about laminin, thinking it must be some new Nourishing Traditions focus, like glucosamine or their gelatin-rich broths. But no, it's something quite different from an evangelist named Giglio.
If Candy does decide to post about it, I'll be interested to see whether she follows Giglio's view on it or whether she can take a reasonable skeptical look at his hype. (Candy, if you're reading here, I think you could do a skeptical approach on this one; I'm crossing my fingers. Maybe you could compare it to seeing some holy face in a tortilla?)
(I said I was crossing my fingers, but now I'm wondering if that is an evil superstition or perversion. So now I have uncrossed them and I'm just doing simple hoping. It was hard to hold the coffee cup with crossed fingers anyway.)
Well, they did find Jesus in a cheeto.
Aren't you regretting telling me how to linky in a post now?
Oh, the Laminin post should be fun.
I was like you, and assumed it was going to be some dietary thing, based on the association of laminin formation with MD (the sum total of my knowledge of laminin pre-Candy post).
So, now I'm all tubed up with the Snopes refutation of this guy.
And again, I have to acknowledge Candy's role in prompting me to learn something new today.
MHM, I was just thinking that you're really going to town with the links *<]}:0) (I may use that smiley for everything now.)
You know, if it makes people feel better to think that Mary is in their grilled cheese and thus watching over them, okay fine. But can't they keep that thought private? I guarantee, if I thought I saw the Virgin Mary in my scar (as I saw in one of those links), I think I'd keep that to myself. But that's just me.
That laminin post should be interesting. Sometimes I think people look way too hard for "proof". People, if we could prove God existed, we wouldn't need faith.
I just have to point out that Stephanie (mountain mama) has made several posts that state that she's not concerned with what other people do and overcoming what she calls a "critical spirit." I think she's pretty far away from Candy's goal of making sure everyone fits in her KJV Box. I actually enjoy the stuff on Stephanie's blog because it's more about her life (real life not exercise 4 hours a day Candy-life) not telling everyone how to live theirs. I just had to stick up for her since she doesn't really seem like a Candy-ite to me.
From what I've heard, she USED to be but no longer is... if that is true, than sorry for the link.
I wonder what her take will be on laminin. Hopefully she will state some of the other facts about laminin, like the fact that it is only one of many adhesion molecules and that it is floppy, so the drawings are just representations of a molecule so that a human can look at it. It certainly will be interesting.
Well, you know that now there is an email making the rounds claiming that snopes is "controlled by the media."
Paranoia knows no bounds!
Now that I'm on my lunch break, I'm privileged enough to be able to read the evolution post.
I do have to say, the answer to "chicken or the egg?" makes sense to me. I do hate agreeing with WunderHubbee on anything, though.
But this:
Genesis 1:3 "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."
God the Son revealed. God the Son is also referred to as the Word, which the Gospel of John chapter 1 informs us is Jesus Christ Himself - the Word made flesh.
I know the Bible is rife with symbolism. But is this really a symbol? I really think that all God meant was light. The sun. Not The Son. I'm curious what the other, normal, non-Candyite Christians here think.
Were you all aware that kombucha is a miracle cure for cellulite? Many doctors and manufacturers of anti-cellulite products have tried unsuccessfully to rid the world of cellulite, but I suppose they just weren't as brilliant as Candy.
In one of Candy's many self-"masterbatory" posts about exercising, I distinctly remember her writing that she had no visible cellulite as the result of all of her iron-pumping. Strange then that it wasn't until she began drinking moldy mushroom tea that her cellulite vanished.
US Conference of Catholic Bishops comments here.
Catholic Encyclopedia has some notes here
Might be helpful, but only if yur a filthee Cathlik.
I've always thought the chicken came first.
If you drop a chicken out of Heaven, it'd bounce, but an egg would break.
Candy states:
I still had that darn cellulite on the back of my thighs - and that's when I was bodybuilding, and thinking of competing.
Those women who body build look like transvestites....Maybe Heron is on to something. That explains why WunderHubee is so attracted to her LOL!!!
I swear...modeling, bodybuilding, anything this woman does is very self absorbed including her blog. It's all about ME, ME, Me, LOOK AT ME...well you have people's attention alright Candy...but it is more like looking at a ass and we can't stop laughing! This is why people flock to your blog! The entertainment is priceless.
Actually I'm being selfish myself...I shouldn't read her blog just so I can get my daily laugh.
From Candy's comment on Amanda's post about loving her husband:
My husband and I literally finish each other's sentences, and we think SO much alike. In fact, we even write alike. Even we can't tell our printed writing from each other's.
Am I the only one who finds this beyond disturbing and unhealthy?
MHM: Thanks to you, I'm now singing to myself, "It's raining eggs, Hallelujah, it's raining eggs!"
Linz, I thought it was odd, too.
Like so many other things, if it were JUST this, you wouldn't think much of it. But there is SO much weird/creepy/disturbing stuff coming from her and her husband that it only makes them creepier.
But under any circumstances, the identical handwriting is odd.
I'm going to leave my fermented drink suggestion here since I don't think Candy will post it on her site. It is called alcohol. Now I'm not sure if it will relieve pms, or cure cellulite, However, I am sure it will relieve stress for some of us who get frustrated at reading a week long worth of keepingthehome. I would have to drink this fermented drink to attend one of Candy's Meez parties that is for sure!
Now I'm not sure if it will relieve pms, or cure cellulite,
No, but it will make you forget all about it!
Has anyone had kefir? I see so many people raving about it, but Candy described it as tasting like "fizzy yogurt" which just sounds gross.
MileHi, I have had kefir. We drank it a lot when I did some fieldwork in Siberia. I thought it was gross, but some of my companions liked it. To me, it tastes like fizzy spoiled milk.
Oh man, I've been missing out this morning!
Wunderhubee and his thoughts on evolution crack my sh*t up. I find it interesting, in so many ways, that there are people walking the earth with such ridiculous beliefs. But, he's not any more original than his wife; they both plunder all their ideas from the extremists, far outside your stand IFB or other Protestant belief system. Unfortunately, there are more people in the world just like them. It's quite scary, actually. Somewhere, a genetic mutation must have occurred. (oh no, I'm talking about things that evolve...shame on me).
Shannon did a bunch post n' run comments on VTC about what terrible people they are. I have no respect for her, whether she verbally expresses disdain for Catholics or not. She posts comments mean to offend and nothing else, then is too much of a coward to come back and have a discussion. Typical of that whole crowd.
Her pre-flood drink? Ha! I wonder who drank it, the dinosaurs or their human cohabitants of the planet? Personally - and this is meant as no offense to anyone who may like the stuff - the kumbacha and kefir both sound, and look, absolutely disgusting to me. I'll stick with my milk (skim milk, oh the horrors) and water, thankyouverymuch.
linz, you are not the only one who finds Candy's comment about writing like her husband disturbing. I find it downright creepy and it honestly makes me think there is so much more wrong with them than even we've been able to imagine. I'm not into diagnosing things, but that is just plain wrong. Besides, considering they're so adaments about men versus women and their roles, etc. don't you think it's a bit effeminate that they both write the same? My husband's handwriting is decidedly masculine while mine is decidedly - messy and sloppy, but feminine in its form. I like that we're different.
And the rest of the comment about her perfect husband and their perfect marriage - you'd think no one was every happily married before she and wunderhubee. Holding hands? The not fighting thing is creepy too. It probably means she is so far under his thumb that she wouldn't dare. Personally, I think fighting, to a degree, is important in a relationship. It helps you learn to compromise, to accept, and to get over it and move on.
OK I better shut up, I'm commenting on everyone's comments in one post and it is going to be longer than Candy's opinion on Mary.
But this:
Genesis 1:3 "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."
God the Son revealed. God the Son is also referred to as the Word, which the Gospel of John chapter 1 informs us is Jesus Christ Himself - the Word made flesh.
I know the Bible is rife with symbolism. But is this really a symbol? I really think that all God meant was light. The sun. Not The Son. I'm curious what the other, normal, non-Candyite Christians here think.
I hope I got my html right, if not, you will see a mess. Anyway, my comment to this is, it's literal. It means God created the stuff that makes it so we can see. It means He made something different than the dark. It means He made something that allows our eyes to easily see. It's the opposite of dark, not the opposite of daughter.
I'm wondering how the sun/Son homonym works out in Hebrew.
And we ALL know that homonyms are not Candy's strong suit.
Ohgal... alcohol is my favorite fermented cure-all, too! But that's because I'm a heathen.
I'm not sure that even being rip-roaringly drunk could get me through one of her Meez Praise Parties, though.
Wait, you all don't drink before you go?
:::slinks away:::
I think we should post to Candy about making and publishing her own Study Bible with 100% accurate notes.
It could be an ebook!
Actually I don't drink...but I do believe Candy could lead more people to drink than to heaven!
And here I sit.. reading... drinking my Kombucha! yes, I drink the stuff, and it is good :) I made the version on Mountain Mamma's site using red raspberry tea and green tea. MMMM
Kefir.. that's another story.
I have been interested in the Keifer but was going to be reading more into it from the NT book and research... Anyhow thanks for the tips on brewing though, have a wonderful day, got ya still in check about the prayer for a new humble abode)
Jeannie aka Delitefulpsalms | Homepage | 08.01.08 - 2:15 pm | #
Well I figure when Candy does find a new place she will claim it was the heathen Catholic stalkers who drove her from her Castle on Wheels. However I think us heathens need a pat on the back because hopefully she'll find some place bigger for the sake of the kids. You guys and I know she won't keep where she lives a secret either when she moves...They'll continue down this path of creating chaos for themselves and pack up and leave to a new place again. I really don't think Candy realizes how small the world is when you put your life on the internet.
To answer the above question regarding kefir, I've had it but only in smoothie form. I didn't really notice a taste, it was like I was drinking a smoothie.
I'm just so confused about this almost rabid desire to be HEALTHFUL in EVERYTHING. Don't her kids ever get a treat? Some ice cream, or a popsicle, at least?
I found it strange that she said, "Water, juice, and milk are fine, but I wanted something with more health benefits."
Okay, I understand that juice isn't an everyday thing (high in calories and sugar, compared to fresh fruit), but what could be more healthful than milk or water?
So I googled Facinating Womanhood (my S key is bocky, okay?) and found this site
I wonder if we could convince artybees to come on over here and become a regular commenter.
The footnote, "see History of Lesbian Hair" was particularly hilarious.
Arty Bees would like to issue a warning too. This book is icky, and you may have to take a shower after reading it.
I like Arty already.
But if we need a shower after reading this book, what do we need after reading KTH?
A shower with Miracle Tea, of course!
On the subject of Candy's buddies, I wonder if Fruity realizes Maria Montessori was a Catholic?
"So I googled Facinating Womanhood (my S key is bocky, okay?) and found this site"
Milehimama, Arty Bees is a faaaaabulous second-hand bookshop here in New Zealand [two branches in Wellington]. That book you linked to, Fascinating Womanhood, is NOT the one the Candyheads are all crazy about. The one you linked to was written by a New Zealand man in about 1990. I've read it - my mother had it - and it really IS icky.
The Candyheads' book has the same title but it's different. That was written by a woman, but I can't remember her name.
Oh, I was so hoping it was the same one. Thanks for the heads up.
BTW, I checked with MVO Wunderhubbee and he said if I stamped my foot and pouted, he'd think the kids finally drove me over the edge and I lost my marbles altogether.
So I guess that's not the way to his heart.
The other Fascinating Womanhood is by Helen Andelin. You can find it on Amazon. Funny thing was, in the section on "related books", it came up with a book called "FTM: Female To Male Transsexuals In Society."
Exercise Tapes
Seriously. You've posted your pictures and your still giving exercise advice.
How did I miss this before? LOL!
This is SO TRUE. There is no way Candy exercises as much as she claims and looks the way she does. OK, in all fairness I'll give her some credit and say maybe she watches an exercise tape daily while lying on the couch munching on Cheetos.
Kefir grains can also be put into purple grape juice. In 24hrs it will be all fizzy like a good soda, and really yummy. Another day or two and it will turn to nasty tasting booze.
The milk stuff is okay in a smoothie. Mixed with OJ, it tastes like one of those Orange "Creme" popsicles.
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