Tuesday, July 1, 2008

And then he talked to me

Well just like the clash of the titans, Candy has received a second prophecy. Does this make her a prophet? To Candy, I think she thinks it does. I get prophecies all the time from strangers, but usually they are from either drunks, homeless, or just deranged people on the street. I seldom take them as the word of God. If I had I would be stocking up on canned goods, preparing for the end, or expecting Nicole Kidman to be the anti-Christ. Wait a minute, Candy is stocking up on canned goods, preparing for the end, and believe PBS is Satan, so it is close. I wonder what the prophecy could be? You know at the University of Houston they have the worlds most powerful electron microscope. This microscope can see the tiny inner workings of an atom. Guess what? You could take that microscope and still not see the concern that I have for learning this prophecy. As a matter of fact, the idea that a stranger delivered a message from God is enough for me to work with. I never knew God worked through hear say or gossip.


Anonymous said...

Great post!!

Amanda #1 said...

I DO believe that there are probably some people out there with the gift of prophesy. It just seems awfully convenient to me that they flock to HER.

sweepingthehome said...

Hmmm....did you catch her latest? Interesting stuff!

Amanda #1 said...

Okay, so check out this line:

The first several to dozen times through the Bible[...]

I do have to give her credit; she seems to know her Bible. But am I to really believe that she has been through it more than a dozen times?

(OT, but, the last part of my word verifiation is, appropriately enough, "KJV".)

angie said...

Oh my gosh, her latest post makes it obvious that she had lots of comments that made it through the Candy filter. Why else would there only be a handful of comments regarding her visit to a new church (complete with prophesying stranger)?... Her last church post before that got over 80 comments I think. She is trying to build her case, but at the same time, her scripture references are some of the strongest in favor of the Catholic Church.

The comments are cracking me up too- children speaking in tongues? Maybe I should give my hard-to-understand 3 y/o credit for her gift of speaking in tongues now? LOL

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

I am not a Catholic, nor am I a Christian per se. It has not come by a lack of trying. When I was twelve and my cousin was ten we went to a very charismatic church. They talked in tounges and basically forced us too. We sat in Sunday school with parental guidence and insistence that we could learn how to talk in tounges. The problem was they used peer pressure to do it. My cousin and I both talked in tounges, but not real tounges more like gibberish in order to appease the adults. It was one of the most uncomfortable experiences in my life. I mean my cousin and I both talk of it on a regular basis. You know, sort of a referrence point when we are confronted by awkward moments. That was a true turn off for me for religion.

Bethany L said...

I believe God can use a stranger to prophesy over your life, particularly when they have a word of knowledge that they could'nt possibly know otherwise.

CIACAIG, I also believe in the gift of tounges but I find it very sad to hear about your childhood experience. I feel there is a lot of 'tounges manufacturing' in the church which, as you experienced, can be very damaging. It's not as if God needs help.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

I am with you. I don't judge anyone's religious philosophy, ever. If you believe in prophecies great. If you believe in tounges great. It is all great for you. I think religion is personal and a decision that you make with your maker (whoever he or she is). I don't judge you if you are Christian, Muslim, Mormon, or atheist. I think that is what infuriates me the most about Candy. You can have a discussion about religion, but when you take that step (and it is quick, fast, and you always do it knowingly) to judge, condemn, or tell someone that their religion is wrong, that is bigotry, insincerity, and a horrible ambassador for your religion in my book. My religious beliefs are grounded in an inherent feeling, an exhaustive search, and my past experiences. I went to several other Christian churches from Baptist, Church of Christ, Catholicism, Lutheran, Presbetarian, Pentecostal, and many other non denominational churches. The tounges story was a turn off, and was handled horribly in the name of God. I don't blame God for that, but I do blame that church for that. All it did to me in my mind was to see tounges as a farce, and that, I don't think, will ever change, but that is just me, and my ideas. I don't have the answers at all when it comes to religion. I am still searching and trying to figure it out. I think that is one of the challenges in life, and the most personal. You don't call a person's baby ugly, and you don't tell someone their religion is wrong.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

I have also been to the cool Christian churches, that rock!

nightowl said...

We could all learn from the Buddhists: they have their beliefs, and just leave other people alone. No Buddhists going door to door trying to convert you, no Buddhists telling people they're condemned if they don't become Buddhist.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

Buddhists: I think that is where I will rest, eventually. I am just a little too lazy.

Unknown said...


Candy wrote,
"Hubby told me about this after service. The man was compelled by God to visit that specific church today, and he was moved of the Spirit to speak to my husband, and speak the words of prophecy over him. Part of the prophecy extended to the children and myself as well."

Puhleese...I think she is trying to regain some credibility in the eyes of her readers who may have come to this site and are doubting her validity as the superior christian she tries to portray herself to be. But if she received a prophesy years ago, and now super special hubby JUST HAPPENED TO RECEIVE ONE TOO on the first day visiting a new church, then they must be extra special, super great christians...right?

Who would actually believe this B.S.? I think she is losing sleep over the fact that I am now on this blog, and she knows from my postings that I can expose her and Erik's lies. She is probably going crazy trying to figure out my real identity:)

And then we get,
"I'm not going to say what the prophecy is, or what the gift was, as it's similar to the prophecy over me 12 years ago - it's personal, in a public way. Some of you will see the prophecy come true, and you'll know what it was. Others will never know, which is fine as well. It only concerns certain people. :-)"

Of course she can't say what it is, because it never happened. And if she makes up a detailed lie about what the prophesy was, she won't be able to come up with a way to prove it. So she decided to do her "I can't revel it" bit and hope her lemmings will swallow the s**t she is serving.

sweepingthehome said...

She is probably going crazy trying to figure out my real identity:)

If she ever thinks she has it figured out, I'm sure you'll get a very "speshal" blog post in your honor. I bet you're on the edge of your seat for that one....roflmao.....

Unknown said...


I think you are right about that! BTW, I really enjoy the humor in your posts. Also, your "blog" is hilarious!!

Working up to Zero said...

Don't you want to be one of Candy's super special in people who get to know that the private public prophecy was?

barbie said...

I know how to get hold of the prophecy...you just have to get your friends Ron and Hermione and several other Fifth Years to join you breaking into the Hall of Prophecies...oh wait, that's from a different piece of fiction...I got confused.

julie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
aine said...

nightowl, there are many different Buddhist sects, much like Christianity. One in particular is known for its aggressive proselytizing. The animosity between the different sects can also lead to violence, and charges of intolerance, false teachings, mind control, financial abuse, political control,etc gets thrown back and forth. Some Westerners, I have found, have a romanticized view of Buddhism and are unaware of the differences between the sects and the concerns about some of the sects in their countries of origin.
As this is not a blog about Buddhism, I'll keep it short, but I remember relatives and friends being absolutely fascinated by the conversions of some celebrities to a particular sect as it was widely believed by them that this sect was a dangerous cult. So yes, I would say that the idea of Buddhists being accepting of all faiths or religions is stretch.
Maybe your experience has been different, just relaying mine.

Anonymous said...

I think the guy who felt he had to be at that church on that day was actually a regular and saw some newbies walk in and figured "fresh meat".

I don't have much of an opinion on prophesy; I am skeptical and it would take a lot of evidence to convince me of its validity. But, I don't rule out its possibility entirely. I do, however, have serious doubts that if it occurs, it would occur in the fashion in which Candy has described it.

She wants to be special. She wants to be a better Christian than all the others. She has nothing but her faith and while it is admirable to hold tightly to ones beliefs, it is not admirable to get so caught up in them you fail to see reality.

Candy thinks she alone interprets the bible correctly. She thinks she alone knows how to be a good Christian wife and mother. A good Christian, period.

Because of that, I have no problem saying that I do not believe for one second that God would choose her, or her husband, for special communications. There are many, many more worthy, loving, giving, caring, open, honest Christians in the world that would take such a gift and do good with it, not something entirely self serving that Candy and her husband would do.

julie said...

Too many grammar errors--lets try this post again


It is our understanding that Erik's brother is educated, a published journalist and doing very well in all aspects of his life. What happened to Erik? I know a lot more information but trying to be vague regarding the immedidate family's privacy. From Candy's blog, we know that she is estranged from SIL and brothers.

No Candy sights this weekend but we are familiar with the two FourSquare Gospel churches. We think it is strange that after praising the current church (the little country church) blah blah blah---in a month's time is now against it.

If she was Catholic, she could go to any church and "be at home" because it is so universal.

Candy, we know you are reading this.... It is about time for a anti-Catholic blog.

BTW, my proxy is hidden so you do not know who I am BUT you do.

julie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around "personal, in a public way"

sweepingthehome said...

haha....me too. :)

julie said...

OK, my statement was an oxymoran!

Let me re-phrase my question---why didn't Erik do more with his life? It seems in his 20's, he was productive career wise. When did he start becoming a loser? Was it when Candy came into the picture?

Candy stated in one of her rants:

"You were always so snobby to me when my husband and I were first married, or when you BOYCOTTED our wedding, and when we were newlyweds, etc. I didn't and don't know why.

Until this VERY DAY, I have NO IDEA what it is you have against me. I honestly don't.

Why would a 35 year old date a 17 year old. Maybe I just answered my own questions.

julie said...

OK, my statement was an oxymoran!

Let me re-phrase my question---why didn't Erik do more with his life? It seems in his 20's, he was productive career wise. When did he start becoming a loser? Was it when Candy came into the picture?

Candy stated in one of her rants:

"You were always so snobby to me when my husband and I were first married, or when you BOYCOTTED our wedding, and when we were newlyweds, etc. I didn't and don't know why.

Until this VERY DAY, I have NO IDEA what it is you have against me. I honestly don't.

Why would a 35 year old date a 17 year old. Maybe I just answered my own questions.

concernedcitizen said...

I remember that post! I hope Mr. will answer that for us.

Anonymous said...

Candy is a TEAPOT theologian. (Now watch me stuff up my HTML, before your very eyes).

“Thank you Lord, that I am not like Those Evil Awful People Over There.”

I wonder if she has to keep writing these “everyone else is wrong (especially those nasty Catholics) and I’m right, I’m right, I know I’m right,” screeds because she is actually desperately insecure in her faith and needs to convince herself as much as anyone else that she’s right and saved and all the rest of it.

I’m quite prepared to accept I make mistakes in my walk with God, that I do my best most of the time but occasionally I don’t and I stuff up. But I believe in a God of infinite mercy and love, rather than an angry, vengeful God Who sends you to Hell because you weren’t worshipping in the precisely correct manner.

Unknown said...

Hi Julie,

You are correct, Erik's youngest brother is a college graduate and a very successful busineessman out on the west coast. His oldest brother, although not a college grad., is also a moderately successful man living in Denver and raising a family. Erik's sister, also a college grad., has her own business and her husband is very successful in the education field. Erik went to college but quit after 3 years. Even though his father was paying, he decided he didn't want to finish his last year. But he doesn't finish much of what he starts. For example he was in the Navy, supposedly for a 6 year stint, but finagled his way out after only 4 years because he didn't really like it. Too much structure for him!

His dad often says, " What happened to Erik? All the kids were raised the same way, but he turned out so different." He has learned to accept that he'll never know why Erik is the way he is. He loves his granchildren, so he has learned to tolerate Erik and Candy for their sakes.

Erik did have somewhat of a work ethic in his 20's and early 30's. But then after he got "saved" it seemed to disapear. All of the sudden the phrase, "The lord will provide" became his mantra, and the perfect excuse not to have to clock into a regular job or be a responsible adult. Candy fed into this attitude by promoting the "wife must support the husband's wishes, and let his decisions be the final say" crap. She has totally twisted the part of the Bible that says the husband must lead the household to fit his lazy demeanor. He justifies all of his arrogance, lack of responsibility and norrow-mindedness with religion. It is sickening!

P.S. I think it is a riot that you live in the same town as they do, and found this blog. You know between the two of us they are going out of their minds!!

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

For sure they are. I think it is only a matter of time (days maybe hours) before she posts about this site. She of course will phrase it as one of her scouts went out and brought this to her attention. Regardless, I think we are ramping up to a great post by her.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Well, today's post is how to get it all done.

I noticed she doesn't cook, eat, or clean up after meals.

There's 5-6 hours out of my day, right there!

I'm multitasking, though. I'm typing this while I'm thinking about starting some food and procrastinating the breakfast dishes.

concernedcitizen said...

This is my favorite part.

"- Cleaning - I can do some of my cleaning chores while my children are doing their chores. The chores for their current ages are such things as vacuuming, wiping things down, sweeping, and dusting."

Sal said...

One of the reasons I admire this Christian homemaker:

Scroll down to her post on honesty

Amanda #1 said...

I find it rich that just a day or two after we had an extensive conversation (in the comments of this blog that she doesn't read) about whether or not she can do all she claims, that she posts on how to "do it all".

I don't blame her for reading this blog and others like it, I just wish she'd get off the santimonious, "I don't have time for such drivel".

Amanda #1 said...

Also, she address far too many of the issues we mentioned in the comments for her to NOT be reading them:

Since we homeschool year round, it only takes 2 to 3 hours.
In response to the comment here that you would need 5+ hours a day.

Exercise - have the children join you, or they can have some free time.
In response to us (me, I think!) wondering how she could work out for 90 mins/day.

Thank you technology! Thanks to our modern mechanical servants - the washing machine, regulated ovens, etc., it is easier for us to multitask and we can get so much more done! :-D
And I believe it was MMM who brought this point up initially.

Also, a contradiction:
If I need more time, I can have them watch some PBS. (We love Reading Between the Lions and Bob the Builder).
Two weeks okay, you had to be careful about what you watched on PBS. Today it's A-OK.

I still stand by what I've said previously: yes, I believe that many women DO do this much in a day. I just don't believe SHE does.

nightowl said...

I agree Amanda, she definitely reads this blog.

Concernedcitizen, I don't see anything wrong with kids doing some chores, though - I see far too many kids in this world who have no responsibilities at home and just expect everything to be handed to them. I do think kids need a chance just to be free, to play and do nothing, not having their entire day structured. Kids need to be allowed to be kids. They will be adults soon enough. I wonder if Candy's kids ever get that opportunity.

Barb said...

Well...either she's turned off the comment section to her posts or I've been banned. Very interesting.

concernedcitizen said...

NightOwl - I don't recall saying anything against children doing chores. All of my children do chores too. I was just stating that was my favorite part. I think with the list of chores her children do and that she has also stated in the past that they clean their rooms (as they should) that there isn't much left to do in the way of cleaning in a small home such as hers. She always makes it out to be like she is so busy at home cleaning when it looks like she only organizes, does bathroom and loads the dishwasher. All her "modern technology" does everything else.

nightowl said...

I see what you're saying now. Sorry for the misunderstanding. You're right, what is left to do after the kids vacuum, sweep, and dust?

Anonymous said...

Barb, it looks like she's turned off comments.

Mind you, she never published any of my comments since I tried to point out that the KJV was originally published with the Deuterocanonicals/Apocrypha so either it was in error when it was first published, or her infallible KJV without Apocrypha was, in fact, not infallible since it was missing whole books.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I think I addressed this in Candy's voice at Sweeping the Home/To Tia post.

I'll copy and paste here (love those mechanical servants! I don't even have to retype anything! {:0p

You say your not Cathlic. I can say I am not Abraham Lincon but that doesn't mean anything, does it???
:-O } ))

Forget anything anybody ever told you and get a KJV bible. One from 1611 but ignore that apocrypha stuff in there - the Cathlics put it in them to fool us. They used theri wealth and power to buy every KJV 1611 there was and put it in. >:o[

In fact, don't even trust your eyes. Just put your hand on the bible and let the spirit reveal what he wants you to know. Or click on my sidebar, Lets study the Bible togethur. Or maybe you can find a random guy to reveal the Lord's word to you.

If it tickles your ears and sounds good, it's a true prophecy even if it comes from a complete stranger who may or may not be a Christian.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I wonder if Candy made sure the prophecy guy was alive and not just a spirit.

'Cuz, if he wasn't alive, that would put that revelation on par with, say, Our Lady of Fatima or Our Lady of Lourdes.

Except that was the Mother of God and this is just some guy.

Did she check to make sure he was really, truly flesh and blood, and not some bad spirit "appearing as an angel (or prophet) of light"?

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Wow, it does look like she took down all the comments!

Wonder why?

concernedcitizen said...

NightOwl - I should have been more clear in my first post. I just have a mental picture of her sitting on the computer blogging, updating comments and now Meezing with her children working like Cinderella.

Jessica said...

Carrie at How I Love Thee says this:

A Special Note to Readers:

I know and do all the "right" things.

My blog is all about conducting your life as a wife, mother, homeschooler and keeper of the home.

I practice all that I preach on my blog regarding parenting Biblically, being a submissive wife, and keeping my home in an organized fashion.

I even schedule my days to ensure that my children and I can enjoy "together time" and that I'll be able to experience refreshing "down" time.

But anyone -- I repeat ANYone -- who professes to always be constantly "in control", is either lying, or afraid to be transparent.

It is my aim to show via my sharings on this topic, that even we women who know what is right and best, and strive to do it, sometimes struggle!

The women you admire who seem to have it all together DO have days where they feel like pulling their hair out. They are NOT perfect.

Amazingly, they DO have children who sneak off and get into mischief sometimes, and a house that seems to have the ability to "reproduce messes" faster than the speed of light.

That is the beginning of failure.

The aim of my blog is to show others they aren't alone.
I want to minister to other women so they can learn to better lean on the Lord.

And to do that, I must be real.

I think this is what Sal was referring to.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

But do they sing while they work?

concernedcitizen said...

Only if it has the word "Joy" in the lyrics

KitKat said...

hmmmm...... I wonder what happened to her comment section. Am I the only one who can't read them anymore?

Amanda #1 said...

Kitkat, it would seem that she got rid of them all together.

concernedcitizen said...

I am sure she is editing them to make sure she looks wonderful and that everyone loves and worships her.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I don't think she took down her comments. My comments are gone on my page too, and I use Haloscan like she does.

AAAIIIGHH! Where did my comments go? I need my comment love!

Amanda #1 said...

Milehi, that makes sense--I, too, use Haloscan and just noticed my comments were AWOL. Wonder what's up?

sweepingthehome said...

I bet the Catholics did it.

concernedcitizen said...

Of course, it was the Catholics. They are responsible for all that is evil. I cut my finger while cutting fruit this morning and I know it happened because my Catholic neighbor was over and that was God's way of punishing me for hosting a Catholic in my house.

Amanda #1 said...

And my comments must be gone because God is smiting me for being Catholic.

It all makes sense now!

Anonymous said...

I can comment and see the comments...

Maybe she came in andblocked everyone she saw posting here...

sweepingthehome said...

I think HaloScan must have been down earlier, the comments are back now.

CIC, thanks for adding my blog to your sidebar.

Kaira said...

Well, I post here and there and I just left her a comment. I post using my actual name and my actual blog/s in both places because I feel it is only fair. I have no need to hide my identity because though I am not 100% in agreement with her I don't come here to bash her either. I blog on topics that come up from time to time that I have an opinion on but if Candy doesn't feel the need to defend herself here, why should I. I'm sure she reads this - who wouldn't read a blog about themselves? I surely would read it if someone was blogging about me! Anyhow, I started commenting to say that I don't think she bans everyone who comments here because I can still comment over there. I can't imagine changing my name either because that would just be lying - we're all adults here... I'm all for full disclosure and no need to be sneaky.

Unknown said...

Yes but look what she did to Elena. Candy scares the hell out of me.

nightowl said...

But MMM there have been people who respectfully disagreed with Candy and ended up getting banned.

Anonymous said...

Check out "pictures of My Home" on her blog. Go to the pic of her bedroom and look under her bed. Somebody should tell her when you clean, you should get under there too...lol.

Kaira said...

Ahhhh, she doesn't scare me but I get your point :)


Anonymous said...


Maggii said...

I'm sure she reads this - who wouldn't read a blog about themselves?
Except she claims she doesn't read these blogs....I think that's the only reason it's being brought up...she claims not to read this drivel..not to waste her time...yet it's pretty apparent that she probably does, as her posts seem to mirror what's being discussed here and at VTC..

Amanda #1 said...

Except she claims she doesn't read these blogs....I think that's the only reason it's being brought up...she claims not to read this drivel..not to waste her time...yet it's pretty apparent that she probably does, as her posts seem to mirror what's being discussed here and at VTC..

Exactly. I don't blame her at all for reading the anti-Candy blogs. I'd do the same. But I do tire of her consistently acting like she's somehow above reading. It's obvious she does; if she'd just be honest, I wouldn't care in the least. (But then, why would I expect her to be honest about anything at this point?)

nightowl said...

I find it very interesting about Erik's family; what a sad situation. I have heard that much of his family is Catholic, and since Candy has such an abhorrence for Catholics, I wonder if the estrangement has something to do with it. I also have to wonder which came first - her disgust for Catholics or for his siblings (a disgust that actually sounds it may be fueled by jealousy).

Anonymous said...

Dear Mandy:
You are hiliarious!!! I love your site sweepingthehome...lol!

Anyways, may I make a suggestion? You might want to redraw your profile pic. She looks like she needs to sit up a bit straighter like she has something up her butt and her chest needs to "pop out" at ya lol:?

I believe she did a pic in same exact dress for her "Who I Am" post and it was very loose fitting compared to the way she is wearing it in her current profile pic. However, because she likes to be modest and show off that she has a womanly figure, that pic had to be taken down:)

Anne-Marie said...

Does any one know what her fans, I mean commenters, are going on about in her latest post, the one titled "Get Ready"? The comments don't seem to have any relevance to the post ... or am I just missing some thing?

Bethany L said...

She previously had a post up with the lyrics from her favourite worship song. It seems she's taken it down now but the comments remain.

concernedcitizen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KitKat said...

I missed the "Get Ready" post. It has always interested me as to why she posts something and then removes it.

Amanda #1 said...

Sad, I missed "get ready" as well. Any one care to fill us in?

'Spose she'll have another party this weekend? I was going to go out with my flesh-and-blood friends, but heaven's to Betsy, I'll stay in to have the chance to talk to She Who Knows it All!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure about this, but can't the government check the BMV and find people that way who have not paid taxes? Or do these people not carry a drivers license at all?

Anne-Marie said...

It's the top post on her blog, titled "Get ready and a good read". It's only a little paragraph but it has about 20 comments that seem to have no relevance to the post at all.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Here's the Get Ready post. It's not showing up in my feeds, though.


Get ready for the weekend... Meanwhile, I wanted to let you all know that hubby updated his book - it is a quick read, and explains the Declaration of Independence. You can read it for free here:


Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Oh, it is in a saved feed. It appears she edited the lyrics post and retyped this over it, hence the weird comments. The title of it is (.), just a period on Atom.

Anne-Marie said...

Some thing is up with Candy. Her blogging behaviour has been - even by her standards - weird recently. I check her blog about twice a day and every time I do, her Meez [what a ridiculous thing!] has changed. She's changing posts all over the place and writing extensively about stuff that has come up on this blog. I'm certain she reads this blog - hi Candy! - and is very rattled by it. She seems to be getting fewer comments too.

Any one else noticed these things?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I deleted the post up above me here; it basically repeated milehimama and I didn't want to be redundant.

Her husband is the last person I would turn to for an explanation of the Declaration of Independence. The. Very. Last. His arrogance is astounding, and his ideas are so off kilter it's creepy.

He gives me the heebie jeebies. Candy irritates the crap outta' me, but her husband is just - I don't know, so off, so screwed up in his thinking, so...I don't even know what word would describe him. He won't pay taxes, and won't follow the laws of the land, yet he thinks he is an authority on the government and the nation? I wouldn't follow the link she provided if someone paid me. He alters reality to suit his own twisted agenda and I won't give that the time of day.

Her sporadic posting has been unusual, even for her. But, really, it's not surprising. Nothing she does could surprise me, unless she decided that Catholics weren't a cult or admitted that she doesn't know everything. Beyond that, it's all pretty status quo with her, no matter what it is.

Anonymous said...

For people who want true, honest, historically accurate explanations of the Declaration of Independence, here are just a few valid options to choose instead of Mr. Candy's diatribes.

The Library of Congress

US History.org

Government Archives

Although I am sure most people do understand the Constitution as written and only need sites of reference to contradict whatever the off kilter Mr. Candy says in his version of things.

Amanda #1 said...

I thought, too, her posting has been very odd lately. The last post, the all in caps lyrics, seems esp. odd. And that so many people commented on it! Bizarre.

Working up to Zero said...

Am I the only one who would be pissed if I commented on a nice, Christian, non-controversal song and then the post changed to me saying "Amen" to some craziness her nutty husband wrote?

luckie50 said...

I think Candy is totally freaking out over these sites calling her out on everything that is a lie. Her blogs are totally changing from her "norm" and becoming less frequent. She was ok when there weren't too many people looking at this blog, but ever since Candyland put a link to this page it exploded and Candy has taken notice. All is not right in Brauer blogging world.

Anonymous said...

No, working up to zero, you are not the only one who would be pissed.

But, considering she changes links submitted by others, alters comments and everything else, is it any surprise she attempts to get away with pulling a switch?

Signy Ragnvaldsdottir said...


Does this sound frighteningly familiar? We all know how this ended up although fortunately, Candy might be strange but I don't think she's psychotic.

It scares me nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

I know each person can do with their blog what they want. I do with mine what I desire. But I am very confused right now, if someone could help me. The posts keep changing (one changed from what it said yesterday to family fun something today with a comment that doesn't fit what it says at all), no comments are being answered, many don't fit what's being said because of the changes and so on. Is something amiss? Has something happened? I have a headache just reading the last few days worth of posts on her blog. Normally, agree or disagree with her blog ideas, she answers comments, posts in great detail, has at least one useful post each day, and if she has new ideas just makes a new post. This is odd.

nightowl said...

Stephanie: I agree that Candy has some odd ways, and a problem with lying, but I think it is unfair to compare her to Andrea Yates. Yates is mentally ill. I have read a lot about that case and the reason that tragedy happened is because nobody was taking her illness seriously enough, plus she had stopped taking her medication. In Candy's case, I truly do not believe she is mentally ill - although all I know about her is from what I read on her blog and what people who allegedly know her personally have said here. Odd beliefs yes, lying problem yes - but mentally ill? I highly doubt it.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

She is probably trying to get caught up after her binge on Meez partying and non alcoholic beer. I have lost friends to Odouls before. It is no joke, and nothing to play around with. You first start out by fake partying and it leads to drinking fake beer. You then must go to Meez intervention, and then immediately off to fake rehab. It is a bad fake situation, and it usually requires closing an account and reopening another for a fresh start. Very, very sad indeed.

Anonymous said...

our family is his, I agree. It is exhausing trying to figure out what she is doing.

So far, one post has been a praise for how great God is. Then it went to the song lyrics. Then it went to her husband's diatribes. Now it is family day. There is, I am sure, something in the midst of all that that I didn't see.

What her reasons are are beyond me. But, the comments have people saying Amen! and to someone who doesn't know, they'd think that Amen! was for her husband's crap when in reality it was in response to her original post there, which was about how great God is.

She's messing with something. I don't try to figure it out; I just wait to see what game she plays next. It's always interesting.

It's really not worth trying to keep up with; she has an ultimate agenda and until she reveals it, you'll just spin - and I do believe that is her intention. Don't give her the satisfaction.

concernedcitizen said...

CICAIG - that is hilarious!

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to http://www.candyisaliar.blogspot.com/ said...

I think they are gearing up for a handout that he is preaching so hard against. 10% to the blogosphere. Render unto Cesear you dults. Help is not free. Buy my cookbook, apron, or just give to the First Assembly of Candy?

Signy Ragnvaldsdottir said...

Nightowl: I know that Andrea Yates is mentally hill to a terrifying extent. I commented that I don't think Candy is, she's just strange. BUT, and this is a big but, they are living almost step by step the life the Yates did, with the exception that Russ has an actual job. Russ refused to acknowledge Andrea's illness even though doctors had warned him. Even if the subject of tragedy wouldn't be Candy in this household, it may unfortunately end up being someone else. The whole condemnation of the idea of going to the county emergency room is my bet.

Anonymous said...

I think she's changing the posts because then the replacements don't show up in bloglines.

Kaira said...

interesting... I've wondered why they are changing like they have lately as well. You might have a good point, prayzgod2 (I just caught that btw). I thought the post about how great God is and the song lyrics were nothing to delete away. Also, someone made a point about the illusion that people are commenting words of praise towards a topic they very well might not agree on. That would bother me because Haloscan is different from blogger in that the person leaving the comment can not go back and remove their own comment if the post changes to something as controversial as Erik's new booklet. Now, I'll have to go see if I have a comment posted there myself.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I wonder if she realizes all one has to do is take a screenshot and have a record - that merely reposting the post doesn't erase it from history?

Or maybe she's just trying to get her comments up, by posting three different things. I've noticed they've fallen off.

Anne-Marie said...

Ooh, Prayzgod2! I remember you posting at VTC a while back. Didn't Candy shut you down, or try to? What did happen there?

Amanda #1 said...

Anyone else find it weird that she spends so much time updating her Meez avatar...like, daily?

Anonymous said...

Daily? Seems like hourly.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
concernedcitizen said...

She has already updated it this morning and she is grilling. I hope it isn't canned salmon.