Monday, July 14, 2008

What an exciting week...sort of

We had a great week last week, and I just don't think it would be fair not to acknowledge it. Not only did we get some great press, but our comments and visitors consistently went through the roof. We were acknowledged by both the VTC and Coffee with Candy, and (drum roll please) a visit from Candy. Not only did we get a post dedicated to us (kind of), but we actually got a visit from the woman herself. We retorted in kind to her comments and answers to our claims. I have yet to see a response back. We got some promises from Candy that were broken quicker than treaties to the American Indians. She stated that she was done posting about catholics for a while, but I am assuming that a while to you and me is a different amount of time, than a while is to Candy. Because, she quickly resumed (the next day) at bashing the Catholics again.

On the other hand, Candy had a rough week. We saw it in her posts. We put enough pressure on her to finally give us some half baked responses back. She did preface by saying she never knew she had justify herself, but I guess we proved that point to her. If you read the comments from the Candyheads, you see it was a rough time for them as well. There were a lot of prayers, and a lot of name calling towards us, but not more than what we all expected.

Candy is really in need of getting it through her head that, although she is slow on criticizing and offending people, we will not leave, and we will remain vigilant. It is only a matter of time (like tomorrow or Wednesday) before she starts her finger pointing and bible throwing. Instead we have all been treated with stories of the great Meez salvation. It must have been wonderful. I just don't know if the salvation counts outside of the Meez god. We have heard about their vacation, boring. We have all been requested to send in our photos of us cleaning house in our dresses.

We were also enlightened by Erik and his post about being a Christians, and the trials and tribulations of his neglectful family. Oh, poor Erik. I can't imagine why they don't like you , or you all don't see eye to eye. It could be that they are sane. It could be that they have tact. It could be that they are capable of having an intelligent conversations that continues to fly directly over your head.

Well aside from that it has been a pretty boring day at keeping the home. We can only sit back, drink some mushroom tea, eat some home made (bacteria laden) yogurt, and wait for the next offensive post by Candy. Is this it? Has she lightened up? Is she turning a new leaf? Has she learned the Golden Rule? Has she learned to turn the other cheek? I am pretty positive that she has not, but you never know, maybe I am wrong.


Joy said...

Here's a comment I sent to Candy, she hasn't posted it yet, so it doesn't look like she's going to. I was (and still am) very interested in what her answer would be. I just don't understand her (and others) animosity towards Catholics.

Dear Candy,
I'm confused. I looked at the link at the top of your page called "Important, Please Read" which gives the formula for salvation. I have a question. Catholics believe/do every one of the Spiritual truths you listed so I'm having a hard time figuring out why they aren't saved.

I'm going to put below all of the Spiritual truths in the formula. Could you explain to me where you see Catholics falling short?

"Spiritual truth #1 - No one is good. All are sinners."

Catholics believe this.

"Spiritual Truth #2 - The payment for sin is death. If you sin, you have been sentenced to the death penalty, and an eternity away from God."

Catholics believe this.

"Spiritual truth #3 - Jesus paid the death penalty for us."

Catholics believe this.

"Spiritual truth number four
God wants your heart. He is not going to save you, unless you choose to let Him. He wants your love. He loves you; more than you can know.
Therefore, you need to accept God's free gift of Jesus Christ dying in your place. Here's how to do it:
The above scripture says you need to do three things:
1. Confess the Lord Jesus with your mouth
2. Believe in your heart
3. Don't be ashamed"

Catholics do all three of these things.

"If you are ready to be born again/saved, and you are ready to become a new creature in Christ, then pray the below prayer, or one similar...
Just sit where you are, and say the below to God; He will hear you:
Dear Lord, Thank You so much for sending Your Son to pay for my sins, by dying in my place. I accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, and I believe that Jesus died and rose from the dead. Thank You for Your free gift of salvation, I gladly accept it. Amen"

Catholics say prayers similar to this.

"Spiritual truth #4 - To accept the free gift of salvation, you must accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.
If you prayed the above prayer, then welcome to the family of Christ.
You are now a born again Christian. You are now a new creature:"

Why does this formula not work for Catholics? Are there more
requirements that you are not listing?

Esther said...

This is an excellent post, sunshinyliving.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I would post pics of me in feminine dress... but what husband dear considers "feminine dress" and what I consider decent for the internet are two very different things!

And, really, after seven children no one else wants to see it.

luckie50 said...

Just looked at Candy's pics. Seriously, we need to take up a collection and get the girl some shoes. Those granny slippers are played out. She is always wearing those things. I guess she thinks she should always look good for the "hubby" from the ankles up.

sweepingthehome said...

But she has some really cool Star Trek style zipper boots when she goes out.

sweepingthehome said...

I would post pics of me in feminine dress... but what husband dear considers "feminine dress" and what I consider decent for the internet are two very different things!

If I started dressing like Candy my husband would leave me.

Anonymous said...

If I started dressing like Candy my husband would leave me.

Same here.

luckie50 said...

Hi Candy, I am gonna try an d see if we can buy another camera , ours messed up , do you recommend a certain brand? also why don't you post a close up pic of yours, i think that would be nice!
gabby | Homepage | 07.14.08 - 1:27 pm | #

Are Candy's readers incapable of doing anything for themselves? They actually need her help in picking out a camera??

Anonymous said...

Not that I think Candy is fat or anything, but there's no WAY she is the size 2 that she claims to be. I think that every time she posts a picture of herself.

Anonymous said...

HAHA! candy claims to be a size 2? i'm sorry, but i'm a size 2, i know what it looks like...besides, a size 2 after 4 kids? please. not before a tummy tuck.

sunshinyliving, i'm glad you posted that i guess she still picks and chooses which disagreeing comments should be seen on her site. [possibly, the ones that are the easiest to answer.]

Amanda #1 said...

I missed that she claimed to be a size 2. I did guffaw audibly, though, when I read in her archives how much she claimed to weigh...I forget what it was, but it was about as accurate as my weight is on my driver's license.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm not good at pulling up old comments, but Candy did write that even after four children, she was still a size 2 without any dieting on her part. She said it was just the size her body liked.

She also had someone ask her about hygiene a few months ago, and Candy said that when she woke up, her breath was fresh and clean, and she didn't need to wear deodorant. She said that such bodily odors were indicative of a bad diet and poor health.

I wanted to ask her if something else of hers didn't smell, but thought better of it.

Anonymous said...

I remember that post, luz, about her not sweating and not having bad breath. All I could muster to say, even to myself, was "yeah, right". It's pretty much a write off; there is no arguing with someone who is apparently the next best thing to Jesus, although I am sure even Jesus had bodily odors and bad breath in the morning.

I wonder, though, if she had bad breath when she was fighting her gingivitis, which was progressing to periodontal disease, and was searching for home dental drills?

Or if there were any bodily odors after the births of her children?

Pardon me if I don't believe a word of it.

Unknown said...

I've seen Candy. I also know one of her SIL's who is a size 8, and another one who is a size 4. So, based on my visual comparisons, I'd say she is a 12 or higher.

Amanda #1 said...

As someone who does quite a bit of sewing, I'm guessing she's a 12 or a 14. I could possibly go down to a 10, depending how how short she is (b/c if two people are the same size, but one is tall, the tall one will look smaller).

Unknown said...

This is me being very sarcastic,

"Well, I know it's surprising that she must of accidentaly exaggerated just this once about her size, but this is probably the only subject on which it has happened."

Anonymous said...

Okay, I found this from Sept 6, 2006:

Speaking of nursing, it's a GREAT weight loss plan! I'm still eating as if I'm pregnant, yet the pounds are falling off. I gained a total of 20 pounds in this pregnancy, which is how much I always gain in my pregancies, I've noticed. Then, I lost 18 pounds just from delivering the baby, afterbirth, waters, and such. That left me with only 2 more pounds to lose, and I would be back at my pre-pregnancy weight.

Well, I just weighed myself this morning, and I am now 4 pounds less than I was before I was pregnant! Woo hoo! Meanwhile, nursing is also helping my tummy go back in. I'm currently wearing a size 3 dress dress again. (NOTE: I always lose my pregnancy weight fast; usually within two weeks. This is the norm for me.)

Yes, I'm a bit on the top heavy side because of nursing, especially with it contrasting with my shrinking waist, but I've noticed it's not so bad in a dress. When I used to wear pants, it really looked odd. It would look like I would topple over on my face at any time. :-s

Isn't it just amazing, all of the changes a woman's body goes through?

Anonymous said...

Somehow, every single thing she posts manages to be full of self praise and a "look at how great I am, don't you wish you were this perfect" kind of mentality.

I can be pretty arrogant about some things. Don't get into discussions with me about some things I've studied unless you are in it for the long haul. Don't tell me I can't do something, because I will move mountains to prove you wrong.

But, I know that I am as far from perfect as anyone can get. I eat too much sometimes, and too little at other times. I swear when I'm angry and befuddled. I retaliate when I am hurt. Just about any character flaw you can name, I've probably exhibited it at one time or another in my life.

I admit that. I am actually proud of much of it because I have learned from it.

I do not know how any person can walk this earth with that self placed halo over their heads. I just don't get it. I never have and never will.

And to think that there are some poor, misguided women out there who seem to take everything Candy says to heart, and compare themselves to her. Rather than live their lives and make mistakes and learn from them, they compare themselves to her. That is a recipe for depression if I've ever seen one.

Barb said...

I have a friend who wears a size 1 and/or 2. She's also 5' 5". She is skinny! Candy is not a size 2. I do think she is a 12.

Stacy said...

Benjamin said...
Are Candy's readers incapable of doing anything for themselves? They actually need her help in picking out a camera??

I have noticed this, too. I saw at least one question about technical problems with people's Meez! What can Candy do to help with that?

It also seems that some of Candy's readers are incapable of doing an internet search. If they have never heard of something she wrote, they just ask rather than doing a quick internet search to do some basic research.

Anonymous said...

I think from the pictures Candy is around a 10-12 also. Yes Tia, your right, this is a recipe for serious depression.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I have a confession to make.

I made yogurt last night. And played with the kids.

It didn't take much time, really. I nuked the milk to make it hot, and let it cool off so it was less hot (and in the meantime, watched The Next Food Network Star).

Stirred in some yogurt I had. Put it in the oven overnight.

In my defense, I was desperate. The grocery store was all out and I was too lazy to go to a different one.

Please don't ban me.

Bethany L said...

Hi Candy, I am gonna try an d see if we can buy another camera , ours messed up , do you recommend a certain brand? also why don't you post a close up pic of yours, i think that would be nice!
gabby | Homepage | 07.14.08 - 1:27 pm | #

How is she supposed to take a close-up photo of her camera with her camera??

Anne-Marie said...

Milehimama, get thee to Candyland! You are a disgrace to this fine website. Heh heh.

Can I just say, and I know it's totally irrelevant, but I HATE how Candy is always saying "free gift" of salvation. It's like a sales pitch. "Buy two lifetime guarantees of salvation, and get your free gift! But wait, there's more!"


sweepingthehome said...

I saw at least one question about technical problems with people's Meez! What can Candy do to help with that?

Well, you know Candy's ITU certified and an IQ that is in the top 2% of the world....

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

sweeping the home, did you see esther's comments on Candy's post about your blog?

sweepingthehome said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sweepingthehome said...

Yes I did, and I thought it was pretty funny. (Amanda told me about it.) Anyone who reads my blog knows who I'm mocking, and she's not the Lord.

Esther said...

Yes, I did say that - in conjunction with some other things. I admit it was a poor attempt on my part to get her to realize that she is being a stumbling block with some of her strident beliefs (which have been devised by a person).

I know that if I was doing something to cause people to compare me to Jesus in a mocking fashion, I would rethink my approach and ask myself if I had been demonstrating the love and characteristics of Jesus.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

"Good testimony.

Swung over by 'Mandy's' site. That is offensive! I know she thinks she is just goading you - but she is also using mocking language toward our Lord and God.

Hope she rethinks were website"

I guess I am confused as to where the strident beliefs is coming from. I am having a difficult time understanding your response compared to your statement.

“Yes, I did say that - in conjunction with some other things. I admit it was a poor attempt on my part to get her to realize that she is being a stumbling block with some of her strident beliefs (which have been devised by a person).

I know that if I was doing something to cause people to compare me to Jesus in a mocking fashion, I would rethink my approach and ask myself if I had been demonstrating the love and characteristics of Jesus.”

Help me to understand. I can’t tell when you say “she” are you referring to Candy or STH? If it is to Candy, then I am really confused as to how you attempting to do that. If it were to STH, then I am confused again. I don’t see her strident beliefs in her blog

Nicole said...

I have a confession too MHM. I did the week in feminine dress too just so people out there no that there are some of us that are normal and dresses only.

Esther said...

That is only part of my post. She = Candy.

For heaven's sake.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I know lots of women who are dresses only. Growing up, it was just "normal" (actually, at our church, WE were the weird one for NOT being dresses only!) so it actually kind of cracks me up that women have to post pics of themselves doing things in dresses!

I mean, women plowed the back 40, did housework with no electricity and indoor plumbing, and rode horses in dresses for most of human history...

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

I could care less about the dresses, and someone making her super amazing ultra go to heaven bread. It is really all of it combined, and the need to pass judgment on people that do not conform to their way of life. For example, making your own yogurt; okay not really a big deal.

But, to make your own detergent, yogurt, buttermilk, toothpaste, deodorant, dresses, head coverings, etc, then it just becomes jaw dropping.

The other issue with the above as well, is the interjection of Candy's "if you are not like me then you are damned" twist to the whole thing. This makes it even worse, and in need of mocking.

Then along with that you have the lies in order to prop Candy up on even a higher pedestal.

I am brilliant aka "I know you think only dumb poor people act like this so here is how I combat it."

My husband is a great inventor: "see we are not whack jobs with some weird agenda, we are on the verge of being rich." See poor up above.

I don't have time to check spelling due to my rapid typing ability: "I know this is weird considering my Mensa status."

Then you include the judgmental side, and there you go. Now you have the recepie for websites dedicated to retorting your arrogant, lying, weird type of living to the majority of people, judgmental, hypocritical back side.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

I don't guess she published it in its entirety. That is all that I saw, to be honest with you. So if you received the proverbial pen swipe by Candy then I guess I was in the wrong. It was just the only thing I read.

Mama 22 said...

Anyone else notice that Erik's MEEZ looks like a cross between a Chucky doll and Howdy Doody? But then I looked at his "Engineering" site and realized it was an incredible likeness at that. Candy's not the only one with crazy eyes. It's a shame they don't have a better lifestyle, what with him being a genius and all. But if it's God given talent, I suppose that's all God wants to give them.

Esther said...

I understand, Matthew; but, I would think that you could at least give the benefit of the doubt. I think you can tell that I am not a 'Candy-ite' or a 'Candyhead'. exasperation.

Anonymous said...

Can someone PLEASE explaing to me what a "praise party" is?
I'm extremely confused over that one.
And I'm too scared to attend one of these, becuase they might target me for salvation.

Amanda #1 said...

But, to make your own detergent, yogurt, buttermilk, toothpaste, deodorant, dresses, head coverings, etc, then it just becomes jaw dropping.

The other issue with the above as well, is the interjection of Candy's "if you are not like me then you are damned" twist to the whole thing. This makes it even worse, and in need of mocking.

I don't even think her doing all the above is so jaw-dropping. Were I a SAHM, I'd probably be doing most of those things (well, maybe not headcovering--which, btw, Candy does not believe in, b/c that is CLEARLY NOT what the verse means....and since she has a "gift" for interpretation, I guess she knows).

But, as we've all said, it's not that she DOES these things, it's the condescention with which she does them. "I'm better than you b/c I do all these things. If you don't do all these things it's because you're fat, lazy, and don't read the KJV for 5 hours a day."

Amanda #1 said...

Strings, I think the "PrayzParty" is where they get together and talk about how great God is.

Don't get me wrong: I love God as much as the next girl, but the whole thing sounds bizarre to me.

Unknown said...

I have to agree with Matthew. Doing all of those things is jaw dropping to me. What is the purpose of dresses only? I am asking out of complete ignorance. I just don't get that.

sweepingthehome said...

The purpose of dresses only is to be ultrafeminine and sweet and modestly hide all those toned muscles that you get from working out 6 hours a day, lest you cause too many men to lust after you. You get more respect from everyone by wearing dresses only (skirts and blouses are not modest enough; your tight ass might show through) and the other benefit is that it also causes men to randomly open doors for you in public places.

Unknown said...

Hmmm, I wear jeans and shorts and men open doors for me all the time. I always thought men were taught to open doors for women and not open doors for only women wearing dresses.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

The reasons for dresses only are many and varied. They range from "It makes me feel feminine" to "My husband likes it" to "The Bible says..." to "Pants on women are a Nazi conspiracy".

I actually know people who believe that last one, I'm not saying that's what Candy believes.

I agree, it's not the yogurt making or bread baking, it the "See? Simple! :) " that she always posts after like if you are not doing that, you are clearly the worst homemaker in the world and an idiot.

sweepingthehome said...

Hmmm, I wear jeans and shorts and men open doors for me all the time.

Well Brushetta, that's because you probably dress like a Woman of the Night. Men are lusting after you, not respecting you.

Amanda #1 said...

The purpose of dresses only is to be ultrafeminine and sweet and modestly hide all those toned muscles that you get from working out 6 hours a day, lest you cause too many men to lust after you. You get more respect from everyone by wearing dresses only (skirts and blouses are not modest enough; your tight ass might show through) and the other benefit is that it also causes men to randomly open doors for you in public places.

But, of course, it's okay for your Meez to dress like a harlot in a skirt and a skin tight shirt (I suppose the fact that the skirt is ankle length makes it okay).

Again, I'm not against the wearing of tight shirts in general, and certainly not on a cartoon depiction of yourself, BUT, someone who is as "holy" and "modest" as she claims to be, should be a little more careful about such things. Wouldn't want to cause a man to stumble in his walk, now would we?

As for dresses, I'd be okay with wearing dresses every day. not b/c I feel you need to to be femmine or Christian or modest or some such nonsense, but just because I like dresses. Especially dress with petticoats. They flounce. They twirl. (I should have been born in the 50s.) And, I do have to say that I believe people DO treat me differently when I wear a dress. But perhaps I behave differently in a dress, who knows?

Amanda #1 said...

Okay, just saw her newest post.

Is she really so short that she needs a step-stool to reach the counter?

Not really trying to knit-pick, I just didn't realize she was that short. (But she's still not a size 2.)

Barb said...

"A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this." Deut. 22:5

This is the main passage for being dresses only in some Christian circles, thus why the women/girls wear only skirt/dresses. Some feel that pants period are man's apparrel. They also go on about when a woman is in pants how a man's eyes are drawn the the "Y" area of the front of her pants, etc.

I as a Christian and pretty conservative am not dresses only. Now, I do think it would be wrong if I was to wear my husband's pants, etc. However, women's pants are cut differently than men's.

I also don't buy the whole men will stare at the "Y" area of your pants. Women can lust after men just as easy as men can lust after women.

I see nothing wrong with pants as long as they are not too tight or immodest.

Anyway, that's the reason for some Christians being dresses only.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

It's not a stool, it's workout equipment- the Transfirmer.

sweepingthehome said...

Hey look, she answered Benjamin's question about why she wears granny slippers....but she doesn't read here. ROFLOL!!!

I have a thing about textures, and what type of texture I'm touching, or my feet are touching... That is why I wear slippers, instead of going barefoot, or shoes in the house. - Long story...

Anonymous said...

Oh, now lest anyone think Candy is larger than a size 2 she addresses that in the comments of her latest post. She says that a drawback of shopping thrift stores is that the fit isn't as good. The dresses yesterday and today are big on her and make her look bigger. Aha! I just knew there had to be an explanation!

Candy, you are telling on yourself -- you DO read here, every day. Probably multiple times a day! LOL!!! Such a farce!

sweepingthehome said...

Too funny anonymous. Here's a c&p:

There is a downfall to shopping at thrift stores, and that is in getting a good fit. Yesterday's and today's outfits are big on me. Yesterday's hangs, and makes me look a little bigger than I am, but I still love it, and it's VERY comfortable. :-P

So see there? She really is a size 2, the dress is just too big.

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

Okay well I would say unless the transfirmer is a belt that you tie around your waste, she is not a size 2, and I have officially turned into a woman

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I don't care what size she ACTUALLY is, I myself am a size 10/12.

Why can't she just be honest about it? Is she really so vain that she must lie publicly about the size of her body? Honestly, what a stupid thing to lie about.

sweepingthehome said...

I don't care what size she ACTUALLY is, I myself am a size 10/12.

Why can't she just be honest about it? Is she really so vain that she must lie publicly about the size of her body? Honestly, what a stupid thing to lie about.

Exactly. That's what we all have a problem with. Why can't she just be honest and real?

Oh now I remember. Because she is a moron.

Amanda #1 said...

So, since it's a Transfirmer, does that mean that she combines bread baking and working out? Wow, I really AM not worthy!

Anonymous said...

I agree that I don't care what size she is, and as I said, it isn't as if she's truly overweight.

But if you're going to lie, it should be a little more believable. If she said she was an 8, I'd think the pictures weren't flattering. But a 2/3??? That's just not possible, unless she's pregnant and hasn't told us yet.

Working up to Zero said...

"prayzgod said...
I have four children, and I'm a size 4. For me, I can't say it's my genes, as my mom's overweight, all of her sister are overweight, mom's mom was overweight, etc... I can see how I could easily blow up like a blimp. I know I could be HUGE! :-P

I exercise at least three times per week, and have since my early teens. I LOVE being in shape, and have been hooked on it for years now.

I'm a firm believer in the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn. I build up my muscles, and I don't count my caleries, fat grams, carbs, or any of that.

Women CAN stay "thin" and have children. I was scared to death of having kids, because my mom never lost her "baby weight."

However, I lost all my baby weight with each of my children within 2 weeks of each childbirth.

12:36 AM"

From here.

but wait she is she really a size 6??

WOW... did I get the funniest message sent to me...

Apparently, someone thinks that I said I am a size 2!!! I'm laughing hard...

I've NEVER been a size 2, and never had I said such. Sheesh! :-P

I drop to size 3 when I'm nursing, then after baby is weaned, I tend to go up to a 6, and stay there.
Candy | Homepage | 07.15.08 - 1:51 pm | #


Anonymous said...

Oh sure, a 3 when she's nursing, but a size 2, now that's just ridiculous!


Having been extremely small before I had kids, I never found a size 3 in stores. It was all either even numbers, or labeled 0/1, 2/3, 4/5. So a 3 would basically be the same size as a 2.

Furthermore, being a frequent thrift store shopper, it is extremely difficult to find sizes smaller than an 8, or possibly a 6, because you are limited to the most common sizes.

Anonymous said...

Plus, I love that she threw "I'm a 3 when nursing" thing in there, since she's reading here, and has to explain the quote that I found from her.

sweepingthehome said...

OK let's clear something up here.

Even sizes are "misses" sizes and tend to be a bit larger in the waist and hips, usually worn by women in their 30's or more, especially after having babies. Odd sizes are "juniors" are usually worn by thin high school or college women who have never had a baby. You will find two different departments in a clothing store: one is misses sizes (evens) and another is juniors sizes (odds).

A size 2 may actually be a bit larger than a size 3. You are comparing two completely different things. So, if it's true she could wear a size 3 while nursing, then it's not so unusual to be able to also wear a size 2.

Oh, and isn't it funny how "someone" always alerts her to the conversations we have here?

Unknown said...

Candy today,

"I've NEVER been a size 2, and never had I said such. Sheesh! :-P

I drop to size 3 when I'm nursing, then after baby is weaned, I tend to go up to a 6, and stay there."
Candy | Homepage | 07.15.08 - 1:51 pm |

Apparently trying to justify another lie from9/6/06:
"Well, I just weighed myself this morning, and I am now 4 pounds less than I was before I was pregnant! Woo hoo! Meanwhile, nursing is also helping my tummy go back in. I'm currently wearing a size 3 dress dress again. (NOTE: I always lose my pregnancy weight fast; usually within two weeks. This is the norm for me.)"

Um Candy...we are all onto you here. Your B.S. doesn't fly. I'm sure your loyal readers will swallow it though.

Unknown said...

To clarify:

When you post, "I'm currently wearing a size 3 dress dress again. (NOTE: I always lose my pregnancy weight fast; usually within two weeks. This is the norm for me.)"

You are intentionally giving the impression size 3 is your usual size! In your dreams you may be a size 6. It is no big deal to be a size 12!! Can't you admit even the simplest truth about yourself?!

Amanda #1 said...

If she's a size 6, then I'm a size 2. (And I assure you, I haven't worn a size 2 since I was 12.)

NOTE: I always lose my pregnancy weight fast; usually within two weeks. This is the norm for me

I'm sure she'll argue that she's just stating facts, but all her bragging just makes me want to punch her in her "size 6" face. I can hear the implication: "I always lose the weight fast because I'm don't gorge myself like the rest of your fat slobs." Of course, maybe that's the pregnancy weight (that I'm still hanging on to 4 months later) talking.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Ha! My youngest is 15 months and I'm still hanging onto the baby weight.

Anonymous said...

My sister was wearing her size 4 clothes within two weeks of giving birth both times.

She did it by not eating and by over exercising every chance she got.

Her self esteem isn't healthy, so nothing else really is either. She was so obsessed with looking like she did before - which is too small to begin with; she's all drawn out and has never had a healthy self image, or healthy habits regarding her body.

But, anyway, I believe it is entirely possible that Candy, too, was wearing a size 3 after her children were born - I won't even touch the idea that she recently claimed about normally being a size 6 and just getting so much smaller after a birth. But, I don't think for a second there was anything healthy about that happening, and I don't think it just happened on its own.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Interesting in light of this comment from last October:

At October 02, 2007 8:32 PM, Blogger prayzgod said…

You must be petite. :-D If I weighed 130 I'd be see-through.:-?

from here:

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

no she doesn't read this blog at all.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I worked in retail women's and the junior's department and it is true. The odd sizes (3/5/7 etc.) are cut for teenage bodies/women without hips.

Anonymous said...

I sense the same about her losing the baby weight unhealthy. I get the feeling she doesn't want to be imperfect like the rest of the women in her family when it comes to her body.

Anonymous said...

Interesting in light of this comment from last October:

At October 02, 2007 8:32 PM, Blogger prayzgod said…

You must be petite. :-D If I weighed 130 I'd be see-through.:-?

from here:

If that is the case, she must be quite tall. Here I go - I'm gonna' say what I swore I wouldn't get into. My size!! I am 5'6" and I weigh anywhere between 130 & 135 pounds. That 5 pounds comes and goes with the sun, I swear. I wear a size 8 in women's/misses and a size 9 in juniors (I have no hips to speak of, so junior pants fit me much better, when they're not made to expose too much). I wear a small top in women's and an extra large in juniors. I don't have a huge bust (anymore; reduction surgery is an awesome thing) but I have a wide back.

I am also, according to my doctor, as healthy as I could possibly be.

At 41, I can honestly say I haven't seen a size 3 in 29 years; not since puberty hit.

So, my question is this. If 130 would make Candy see through, how tall is she? And, is she not being quite honest about what size she actually wears? And, if she's not being honest, why not? Who the heck cares what size people wear? Does she think she is less then perfect if she is the size of a normal, healthy woman - therefore, projecting that disdain onto other women so she isn't alone?

I'll shut up. But, really, who gives a flying leap what size a person is? Why, oh why, do people have to use their weight/size as an identifying factor? What makes it relevant to...well, to anything?

Dana said...

ok this is why the Candyites wear dresses only:

'Because that's what the signs on the ladies bathroom shows. And we want to be sure and look like ladies.'

I found this in answer to someone else's question in the same regards and it made me roflol!! I hope that it does the same for you all.

Anonymous said...

I just realized...I don't exercise 4 hours a day. In fact, I don't intentionally exercise at all; life gives me quite a work out - all I need, or want, anyway. Two hours cutting the grass gets my heart rate up, but it also makes me sweat like a pig and smell. Must be indicators of my unhealthiness. So, maybe since Candy works out however many hours a day, she is more firm and fit and, muscle weighs more than fat. And, since she's so healthy and perfect and doesn't sweat or smell from the exercise, she probably doesn't get driven to the A/C and gallons of water to cool off, thus cutting exercise short?

Look, I'm just trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. Honest.

Anonymous said...

Candy always loses her milk when the baby is 4-5 months old, because she follows the Babywise method.

So, do you think she has a whole wardrobe of size 3s just for that 4 or 5 months, or do you think she just gets by with the too big 6's to be frugal?

Amanda #1 said...

If 130 would make Candy see through, how tall is she?

Well since we established that she finds it necessary to stand on the Transfirmer whilst making bread, I'm guessing she's not over 5'6". I'm 5'6"; pre-babies, I weighed 140, and could have lost another 10, and definately would not have been see-through.

Here's a tip, Candy: if you want to lie about your weight, don't post your picture.

luckie50 said...

Amanda, that would require Candy to think ahead of time to cover her lies. She isn't that bright!

Anonymous said...

I've been poking around on the wayback machine, and found some old weight info:


I have noticed on many blogs that there are a lot of people working on shedding a few pounds. I too would like to shed a few.

As for me, I'm still wearing my size 4 dresses, but they aren't as loose as they were before we moved. And, I do weight a bit more than I did several months ago. Hence, my goal is to lose about 10 pounds, give or take a few.


My Progress

Last week when I weighed myself before a shower, I knew I needed to drop a few pounds. I didn't do any major changes this week, but I guess the changes were enough, because in the past week I lost 4.5 pounds! This leaves me with only 5.5 more pounds to lose, to reach my goal. Hubby would like me to drop a bit more after that, so I'll see how it goes. I think once I tone up a bit more, he won't want me to lose much more weight.


Q What are the reasons your husband would want you to lose more than the amount you had already determined? Just curious from the standpoint on how husbands view their wives weight control issues? -Donna

A Hubby just doesn�t think a measly 10 pounds will "do it". However, I know from the past, that 10 pounds, plus toning up does it quite nicely. Part of the problem here, is that hubby saw how much I weighed on the scale, and I didn't know he was looking. You see, I'm 5 foot 5, wear a size 4 dress, and weigh 144 pounds (now I weigh 139.5 as of my last weigh in). Hubby thinks that at my height and waist size I should weigh about 125-130. However, I carry a lot of muscle. Hence, I usually don't tell him how much I weigh. I just tell him to go off of how I look, instead, and he agrees. It was just that that one time, he couldn't resist looking at the scale. I told him I've already lost about 4.5 pounds, and he says I look great. I think it's just a psychological thing. I have a most wonderful husband, but he too, is only human.

That was in Oct 2005, so it's pretty old, but at least we know her height now.

tsjedi1 said...

Wow. I'm 5'6" and weigh 150-155 lbs. I'm a size 10 - 12.

Of course, I don't have as much muscle as she does. So maybe that would account for the 4 sizes bigger I am, even though I only weigh 10 lbs. more?

Wait, doesn't muscle weigh MORE than fat?

I can't imagine my husband telling me that losing 10 lbs. wasn't enough. Then again, my marriage isn't as fantastical as Candy's, I guess.

Anonymous said...

She probably didn't take it personally. After all, her husband IS a genious.

Barb said...

I'm sorry, but there is no way she can weigh in at 144 lbs. and wear a size 4 dress. My sister is 5'4" and if she hits 140 pounds she's wearing size 10 easily and she's never had a baby!

sweepingthehome said...

Here's a tip, Candy: if you want to lie about your weight, don't post your picture.

That could be the best advice she ever received! Let's pray she looks at these comments tonight!

sweepingthehome said...

OooOOOhhhHHH.....I've been wondering what her special secret was!


Damnit, I KNEW she had a secret!!! Of course! Muscle weighs more than fat, and most women are just fat asses! SHE is a tight ass! Doh! What a breakthrough! That's how she can weigh 15 lbs. more than me and LOOK SO HOT!

I feel so much better that I learned that now. She was really intimidating me.

Do you think I should call TBN and ask them if they could do a special show featuring her? I'm sure it all has something to do with her being a true KJV only Christian woman and all.

Maggii said...

I think it really all depends on body type and muscularity daughter is at least 135, sometimes more...but she's all muscle and she's awlways been size 4 or 5 ...also ,everyone carries weight what might fit on one person may not fit another person with the same height and weight..

Anonymous said...

I've lost all interest in discussing weight/height/size. Now, I'm stuck on her husband saying 10 pounds won't do it. What the he**?

Yet again proving that he is a pompous, arrogant, self centered prick.

I am grateful every day that my husband loves me. No. Matter. What. He thinks I'm hot. No. Matter. What. He tells me every day, and often more than once a day, how he loves the way I look and the way I move.

He says it to me now, and he said it to me 8 years ago when I got up to a size 14 and weighed 155 pounds. He said it to me 3 years ago when I wore a size 6 (for all of about 6 months, when I was strung out on graduation and finals, etc.) and weighed about 125 pound. Meaning, he doesn't give a flying you know how much I weigh or what size my clothes are. As long as I am happy, healthy and comfortable, etc. he is too. If I'm not, like 8 years ago when I spent about a year building up to the largest I'd ever been, he supported me in my efforts to lose the weight. He went to Weight Watchers with me and we did it together. Why? Because he could "afford" to loose a few pounds too. But even in doing that together, he never once said anything about how much I weighed and it never affected any part of our relationship.

I actually find it quite sad, truth be known. How very sad for a woman to be in that position. She gave birth to four children; his four children. She exercises obsessively. Yet, he says 10 pounds won't do it?

No wonder she works out so much. Comments from loved ones sting to the depths of our soul.

Just like my sister, who was weight obsessed because her husband likes smaller women.

Does the bible tell women to become puppets for their husband's? Where the heck does she get this mindset?

I feel horribly for the lessons she is teaching her daughter, by example if not by words.

Rachel said...

Yall can all chit-chat about the height and weight.. but if I read the word HENCE one more time....

Amanda #1 said...

I finally got a chance to read her comments. It's SO obvious to anyone who follows the comments in both places that she must read here regularly (despite her vehement denials). No one in the comments mentioned her size, or her slippers, and I'll bet money that no one sent her a message about being a size 2.

Come off it, woman. No one cares if you read here. We've all said we'd do the same. Just quit acting like you're somehow above all of our "childish nonsense" and admit that you read here.

And as for the size 2/weight thing: I don't care if she claims to weight 110, 130, or 200 lbs, or if she's solid muscle or solid fat. She does NOT wear a size 2. If she's 5'5", I KNOW she's wearing at least a 10. And believe me, I'd kill to be in a 10 again, so I certainly don't think that's overweight. I just think it's ridiculous that she'd lie about it.

Amanda #1 said...

Rachel, if you read the KJV for 8 hours every day, then you, too, would speak in old-English. :-? (Like my use of her stupid smilies.)

As for her husband being an ass (in telling her to lose weight), I'm sure he is, but I don't feel sorry for her one ounce. She's a sanctimonious moron, he's a pompous far as I'm concerned, they were made and meant for each other. I think the only reason they both agreed to their "no escape clause" wedding vows was because they both knew that no one else was dumb enough to put up with their crap.

sweepingthehome said...

Come off it, woman. No one cares if you read here. We've all said we'd do the same. Just quit acting like you're somehow above all of our "childish nonsense" and admit that you read here.

Actually NOBODY CARES whether you're a size 2 or a size 12, whether you read this blog or not, whether you drink sugary soda or water, whether your bread is really as amazing as you claim it is. All we care about is that we know YOU ARE A LIAR. Stop lying and just be honest. How can you call yourself a "Christian" and then purposlely lie about everything under the sun? It makes it hard for us to give any credence to your so-called faith.

Anonymous said...

Yall can all chit-chat about the height and weight.. but if I read the word HENCE one more time....

I am so with you on that one.

And, on her use of the word "via", as well.

Both words have alternatives. Try them once in a while, please.

Therefore, thus, for this reason, or get pompous and say ergo or consequently. Even good old fashioned "because" is a good alternatvies to the overuse of the adverb "hence".

Along, by way of, over, passage, per, road, through, way, with are great alternatives to the preposition "via".

When I was in college we learned a lot. Of course one would hope that would be the case. But, one of the main things all my instructors drilled into us, that was not necessarily part of the academic education, was this: never use more words than necessary and never use obscure, big or haughty words when an every day word will do just fine.

Barb said...

I noticed that she's taken down how many minutes she exercises on her "To Do" list.

concernedcitizen said...

I found this comment hilarious on Candy's page just now. Just in case none of you have seen it!

Hi Ladies,

I have a question. This is not for the squeamish. I only wear pants. When I wore a skirt last week, I could have sworn my husband walked a little taller. I felt more dainty and cared for. It was awesome. I'd love to carry this on every day, BUUUUUT...

Okay so I'm a little on the plump side and there is considerable chafing when I wear skirts. Does anyone here suffer from that? Any advice? My thighs laugh in the face of talcum powder. Maybe getting some long bloomers? On occasion I've cut some leggings or tights. But they're not very practical. Any ideas?

I love the week of feminine dress. Candy, you're so inspiring!

Danielle Ramirez | 07.15.08 - 1:01 pm | #

concernedcitizen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
concernedcitizen said...

FYI - The reason I find it funny is that someone would actually ask Candy for advice on chafing. Does Candy's blog suck her devotees brains right out when they claim their adoration for her???!!! I am hoping that lady was being funny for our sakes.

Amanda #1 said...

CIC, I kinda thought the same thing. I've been known to experience a bit of chafing, as well, but I'm intelligent enough to think of not one, but several possible solutions on my own.

Now if I had a question about how to make Magic Mushroom Tea or ASStounding Get-You-In-To-Heaven Bread, Candy's the person I'd go to!

The Knitting Lady said...

Note to Dani, on chafing

Go here

Or just wear shorts under your skirt.

Rachel said...

Can someone explain the wearing of shorts and pants UNDER the skirt/dress?? If wearing "men garmets" (pants) is so wrong, how can it be right to wear them under other clothes? You are still wearing them. It's like you are lying... having a secret. I had to ask my husband the other day how he felt about women wearing pants and it causing a man to fall (cheat). His response was if a man is gonna cheat he really don't care what a woman is wearing! And why should a woman be held responsible for a man cheating because she is wearing pants? He made some remark about maybe they wear those skirts so they can lift them easier for... LOL Men! LOL

Nicole said...

This is only my opinion so I am not sure how others would reply. I think having them under skirts is ok because they are not seen by men. The whole thing with not wearing pants is not necessarily cheating it. is because it shows more of the hips, bottom, things off so it can cause a man to look more lustfully.

Nicole said...

thighs not things lol

Rachel said...

Ahh. well..perhaps. I just find it odd to say do not do it.. except under a dress. It's like picking and choosing what you want, to me.

The Knitting Lady said...

Rachel -

You wear shorts under a skirt if you're heavy to keep your legs from chafing.

But then I wear skirts because they hide the way I look in shorts.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

That's why they call them bloomers.

Nicole said...

Well just like I wear lots of things under my dress that I do not want other people to see me in, I wear things in front of my husband that I do not want anyone else to see me in too. lol I think of it along the same lines.

Lynn said...

What is the deal with her weird smilies :?

Is it a smile or a smirk or what?

Rachel said...

I hear ya CajunChic, but i don't go around saying it's wrong to wear a thong while I'm sporting my zebra one around just cause nobody can see it. :)

I do wear shorts around the house, but when I go out I tend to put on capris or a skirt. Being in the HOT South, I dont think i could do the layers of clothes just for the sake of no chaffing because I wear skirts. I'd think it would draw more attention with all the scrunching up of the skirt on top of the shorts.

To each his/her own, I suppose!

Nicole said...

I did not know she thought it was "wrong" to wear shorts. I do not think it is wrong just more modest for me. So no zebra thongs outside of my bedroom or without anything over them when outside. How's that? lol

The Knitting Lady said...

I dunno Rachel, I don't have a bunching problem at the waistline myself. It gets up to 100 here, and 110 where I went to college, and I never had a problem with it. Nor did I when I visited New Orleans, but it was in the spring, not the high heat of summer.

Granted in the summer you want two layers of cotton, nothing else. Especially not nylon. Trust me on that one.

I just make a thin, usually Indian or tropical weight cotton skirt with an elastic waist and pop it over knit cotton shorts. White, preferably. Then throw on a tank top to match the skirt, and an equally thin white cotton shirt open over top, cardigan style. And I don't tuck *anything* in, so the air can move.

I'm quite heavy, I admit it and yet I'm comfortable going out dressed like that in the heat. I'm not overly warm, I'm as modest as I like to be, and all the flabby bits are hidden from public view. Then it's easy to take off the over short and skirt when I get home, and be in the tank top and shorts I wear around the house.

Amanda #1 said...

What is the deal with her weird smilies :?
Is it a smile or a smirk or what?

I KNOW!!!!!

Everytime I see :*? I want to punch her face in (not very Chrisitan, huh? LOL I think that may be the second time I've said that in this thread of comments *oops*) I have no idea what it's even supposed to mean! To me, I always picture it as a look of disapproval. Like, "Well, sure, you CAN buy your bread from the store, but it's not how I do it, and it clearly means you don't love your family or manage your time well."

Amanda #1 said...

Now I'm just being a's dress is kinda ugly.

Rachel said...


Pent up anger? LOL I know what you mean tho. Irks me too. I had never, nor have I ever since then, seen a smilie like that.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I like to think of it as a slack-face drool.
Like the clueless stoner with his mouth hanging open.

But that's just me.

I thought today's dress was supposed to be the one that fit, ordered off the internet?

another one said...


And the skin-tight "I-heart-Jesus" t-shirt is gone today, and we are back to the vest over shirt over long skirt ensemble again.

Now she can set a good e-maginary example for all the e-souls she is e-winning.

Lynn said...

Omigosh, the two top Tuesday photos show the curve of her butt! I thought she was down on skirts for this very reason!

sweepingthehome said...

I thought today's dress was supposed to be the one that fit, ordered off the internet?

Guess that's the one. :-?

Notice how all the pics are cropped on the sides (except the one of her sitting down).

Amanda #1 said...

Notice how all the pics are cropped on the sides (except the one of her sitting down).

I was going to comment on that too! She wants to make it harder for us to guess her size :^?

(The face doesn't bother me as much when I know it's mocking her.)